Mini Japanese Zen Rock Garden Sculpture Name:__________________ The Japanese rock garden (karesansui) or "dry landscape" garden, often called a zen garden , creates a miniature stylized landscape through carefully composed arrangements of rocks, water features, moss, pruned trees and bushes, and uses gravel or sand that is raked to represent ripples in water. A zen garden is usually relatively small, surrounded by a wall, and is usually meant to be seen while seated from a single viewpoint outside the garden, such as the porch of the hojo, the residence of the chief monk of the temple or monastery. Classical zen gardens were created at temples of Zen Buddhism in Kyoto, Japan during the Muromachi Period. They were intended to imitate the intimate essence of nature, not its actual appearance, and to serve an aid to meditation about the true meaning of life. STEP ONE: RESEARCH the History of Zen Gardens by visiting the school network: S://Mr.Arnett/AVI3M/4M/ Sculpture/Mini Japanese Rock Garden/intro.htm STEP TWO: ANSWER the questions on the History of Japanese Rock Garden handout. STEP THREE: DRAW 3 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNS of your own Mini Japanese Rock Garden. CONSIDER: Space, Ryōan-ji, (The Temple of the Dragon at Peace) is a Zen temple located in Kyoto, balance, and unity; shapes Japan. Late 15th century. It belongs to the Myōshin-ji school of the Rinzai branch and forms of rocks; line and of Zen Buddhism. The temple garden is considered to be one of the finest pattern in sand design. examples of a kare-sansui, a Japanese rock garden , or zen garden , in Japan. The temple and gardens are listed as one of the Historic Monuments of Ancient STEP FOUR: GET Kyoto, and as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. APPROVAL from the teacher on one of your designs and STEP FIVE: CONSTRUCT then create your Mini your Mini Japanese Zen Rock Japanese Rock Garden. Garden box frame out of cardboard and tape and also a construct a small rake. STEP SIX: ARRANGE your sand, rock, object(s) according to your conceptual design approved by the teacher. Use your small rake to create your pattern and lines in your sand design. STEP SEVEN: REFLECT by answering the following questions on the attached sheet. Muso Soseki - a Zen priest and poet known as the father of the A mountain, waterfall, and Zen rock garden. 1275. gravel "river" at Daisen-in, Japan. (1509–1513) K/U: History of Zen Gardens Questions Name:______________ S://Mr.Arnett/AVI3M/4M/Sculpture/Mini Japanese Rock Garden/intro.htm 1. What is a Japanese Zen rock garden? (1) 2. Who was considered to be the father of the Zen rock garden? (1) 3. What is the Japanese rock garden supposed to imitate? (1) 4. What is the Ryoan-ji? (1) 5. What is the function of the Ryoan-ji? (1) 6. According to Zen and Feng Shui beliefs, every corner of one’s environment is important and deserves what? (1) 7. The timeless quality of __________ can be contrasted with the fluid quality of _________? (1) 8. The formations of rock(s) can be composed to resemble what? (1) 9. What is the number three considered to represent? (3) 1. 2. 3. 10. What can a vertical rock symbolize? (1) 11. What can the sand symbolize? (1) 12. What can a swirl of sand symbolize? (1) K/U: History of Zen Gardens Questions Continued... Select one Japanese Zen Garden (on-line) and identify the formal, expressive and technical qualities of the work. Formal Qualities: (How are the elements and principles used: (Line, Shape, Form, Texture, Balance, Rhythm, Pattern, Contrast, Emphasis, Value, Space, Movement, Colour, Variety, Proportion, Unity) Expressive Qualities: (mood/feeling): Thumbnail sketch Technical Qualities: (how was it created): Identify sensory, formal, expressive, symbolic, and technical qualities in your own Mini Japanese Rock Garden and make specific connections to a historical Japanese Rock Garden studied. Formal Qualities: (How are the elements and principles used: (Line, Shape, Form, Texture, Balance, Rhythm, Pattern, Contrast, Emphasis, Value, Space, Movement, Colour, Variety, Proportion, Unity) Expressive Qualities: (mood/feeling): Technical Qualities: (how was it created): Connections to historical Japanese Rock Garden(s) studied: Describe the stages of the design process (research, conceptual sketches, experimentation, revision(s)) followed in the creation of your Mini Japanese Rock Garden. REFLECT by answering the following questions: 1. What do you think was the most successful part of your sculpture and why? 2. What do you think was the least successful part of your sculpture and why? 3. If you had to do this project again, what changes would you make to your sculpture and why? Mini Japanese Zen Rock Garden Sculpture Evaluation Name:_____________ Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Knowledge/ Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Understanding Work does not Student some understanding considerable Student meet demonstrates demonstrates Demonstrates of the elements & understanding of the assignments limited principles of design in elements & principles a high degree of understanding of the expectations for understanding of understanding of elements & principles the sculpture. of design in the this category. the elements & 0.50 sculpture. the elements & /1 of design in the Incomplete. principles of design principles of design sculpture (e.g. form, in the sculpture. 0.75 in the sculpture. balance, pattern, line) 0 0.25 1 Thinking/ Work does not Concept and Concept and context Concept and context Concept and Inquiry meet context is unclear is slightly unclear is clear and valid. context is clear Concept: assignments and/or weak. and/or weak. Meaning or ideas and strong. expectations for Meaning or ideas Meaning or ideas conveyed are on par Meaning or ideas Mini Japanese Zen this category. conveyed are not conveyed are below with student’s grade conveyed are /1 Rock Garden Incomplete. on par with student expectations for level. above grade level. student’s grade level. expectations for 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 grade level. 1 Communication Work does not Student answers Student answers Student answers Student answers Clarity: meet research questions research questions research questions research questions Research questions assignments with limited clarity. with some clarity. with considerable with a high degree /1 Mini Japanese Zen expectations for 0.25 0.50 clarity. of clarity. this category. 0.75 1 Rock Garden Incomplete. handout 0 Student explains Student explains use Student explains use of sculpture of sculpture Student explains use use of sculpture techniques in the techniques in the Mini of sculpture techniques in the Incomplete. Mini Japanese Zen Japanese Zen Rock techniques in the Mini Mini Japanese Zen /1 Explains use of 0 Rock Garden Garden handout with Japanese Zen Rock Rock Garden sculpture techniques handout with some clarity. Garden handout with handout with a in the Mini Japanese limited clarity. 0.50 considerable clarity. high degree of Zen Rock Garden 0.25 0.75 clarity. 1 handout Somewhat coherent Poor, yes/no Clear and substantial Superior and and somewhat answers/limited answers. insightful answers. complete. 0.50 /1 incomplete. 0.75 1 Reflective Questions Incomplete. 0.25 0 Application Work does not Preliminary Preliminary sketches Preliminary sketches Preliminary Creative Process: meet sketches are are somewhat clear are mostly complete. sketches are Ability to solve a assignments poor/incomplete. and complete. Concepts are thorough and series of artistic expectations for Concepts are Concepts are complete. Planning is complete. this category. poor/incomplete. somewhat complete. evident & shows Concepts are fully /2 problems, showing Incomplete. Planning is Planning is somewhat some divergent developed. an awareness of tentative or non- substantial & shows thinking is evident. (1- Planning is formal qualities, 0 existent. (0.5) some alternative 1.5) exceptional & visual conventions, 0.5 ideas. (0.5-1) 1-1.75 shows and relevant ideas 1 considerable and concepts. flexibility in Preliminary thinking. (2) 2 Sketches (3) Student Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student Creative Process: Incomplete. demonstrates some effectiveness in considerable demonstrates Demonstration of 0 limited demonstrating the effectiveness in superior Skill Development & effectiveness in creative process and demonstrating the effectiveness in /10 following procedures demonstrating the following procedures. creative process and demonstrating the including Clean Up creative process 5-6 following procedures. creative process and following 7-8 and following procedures. procedures. 5 8- 10 Uses elements & Incomplete. Student Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student principles of design 0 demonstrates some use of the e & considerable use of demonstrates a sculpture techniques limited use of the e ps of design and the e & ps of high degree of to produce an & ps of design and sculpture techniques sculpture and painting using the e & ps of sculpture to produce an art techniques to produce design and effective artwork – techniques to work of some an art work of sculpture Mini Japanese Zen produce an art effectiveness. considerable techniques to /5 Rock Garden work of limited 2-3 effectiveness. produce a highly effectiveness. 3-4 effective art work. 1 5 Use of Shapes: Incomplete. The work displays The work displays The work displays The work displays Unity, Balance 0 limited unity/ some use of unity/ considerable use of superior use of balance/line/patter balance/line/pattern(s unity/ /5 Pattern, Line unity/ n(s) through the ) through the use
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