420 MONTHLP WEATHER R.EVIEW. JUNE, 1919 Bi BL I OG RAPHY. RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE WEATHER BUREAU LIBRARY. Marocaibo. Estaci6n [meteorol6gica]. Rlminen de las ~~~l~~cr~~:iri~,iic~,lode nimzn, 191:&31 dc diciembre. C. FITZHUGHTALMAN, Profervor in chargc of Library. l!IlP. AIararaibli [ 1916-1919]. 4 shccts. various sizes. At hwd rlf tit,le: Rcd iiiete~ml6gx!de Venezuela. The following have been selected from anioiig thc. titles Merida. Estaci6n [ meteorol6gica]. 1 of books recently received as representing thnsc. most Rcwiiiien' 'be 1:s oh~crv:i.cii.rnesmcticadas, 1' de mayo, 191.5-31 likely to be useful to Weather Bureau offici:ds in their de dic.Iembrc (1~1918. Mwidl. [ 1918-19191 4 sheet.s. various , meteorological work aiitl studies: sizes. At hcad (.if title: Red mcteorol6gica de Venezuela. Angstriim, Anders. Michl, Anton. hini-ilikhet alch praktisk v~~tleerleksprirgii').q.Stii~kliiiln~. l!JL!l.l lidicrsidi t der an dcr mct.ctmlngi~chenBcl~h:~chtuii~~tat,i~in ill cover-title. 11 11. [.*harts. cm. At, \ic:ld ilf Mi: I+Xi!t Eger iiii Jlhrc 1912 nnqestellten 13eilbachtuiigee.n. tables. 234 Sta teis iiiete~rroliigisk-hydrii~afialil~anstalt. 1m. (Exccrptcd fronl' Jihresbericht uber dis K. K. 8t;l;tts- pymnxhrn in Egcr (Bnhmen) fur das Schuljnhr 1912-1913, p. Australia. Bureau of meteorology. 2+2S.) ' Ori~paphirnl map of Australia. Mell?iiiiriic. 191K cd. iii:ip Oiia. Colegio mHximo de la CompafIia de Jesds. 763.: x 1012 cni. Observnciilnes Ixeteorologims, 1918. Ona 1919. 11. p. tables. Becker, Wilhelm. 24 CUI. TTcber den Luft,widcrst,md. [ Derliii. 19J.3.1 49 ]I., l., clxirtti- Stewart, Charles. 5 tablcu. dings. 35 cm. Innug.-Uiss. Berlin. Met.elirclll:lgical d:ita of Splk:inc, 1V:ishinqtnn. for 37 ycms, 1882- Bjerknes, J. 191s. tubles. 1'3 em. (Excevpt,cd fruin 36t,h-37th Annual On t,he struct,ure of moving cyclones. Kiistionia. 1919. iww- report of the Dept,. I-Jf health. (3t.y of Spokane, Washington, tit.le. 8 p. dia s. 31 cm. (Geofysiske publikatinner ut& 1917-1918, p. 91-97.) av den (;eofs"sisE liommiasicin. Vol. 1. nn. 3.) [Reprinted in Mo. Weat.her Hw., Feb., 1919, p. 9r~99.1 Udden, J[ ohan] A [ ugust] . Fna$l ice,FrystnIs, an instance of the practical value of Blue Hill meteorological observatory. science. Eureau of ecnnnmic geology and technolog ,'2uye IVI- Observations and invest.igtiiiiis made in t.he year 191s. Cnm- sinn nf eriinoniic w~h~y.Austin, Tex. 1918. S, [301 p. 10 bridge, Mass. 1919. tables. 30 mi. (Annals (.if t.he A~trn- plates. 23 cni. e(Un&rrsit,y of Texas bulletin. no. 1521. nomica1 nbservahry of Hnrvard C~Jkgc. vel. S3, pnrt 3, p. April 10, 191s.) [97]-1%. \ [ Repnrt of t.he director] 1917-191s. (Excerpted from Officinl Ugueto, Luis. regist,er of Harvard un1versit.y. Repi-lrt,sof the prcsidcnt and Climatn1i:lgia de (7:iracas en 111s ult.inios 37 iifi~~.C'nracrs. 1918. the t.re:isurer nf Harvard ciillge, 1917-1s. Volume 16. Cnm- cover-tit,le. 825450 p. chnrt,s. tables. 31 cm. Runnmg bridge, Mass. 1919. p. 356-337. 2342 cni.) title: I)ocument.osde la menxiria de instrucciiin publica. Caracas. Observatorio Cajigal. Resumen de Ins i~hserveric~nesniet.enrtnl++xs pct,ii:wlm en e3t.e RECENT PAPERS BEARING ON METEOROLOGY AND observatorin durante el sfiri 1908-191s. t'ar:icis. [ 1909-1910.] SEISMOLOGY. 11 sheet.8. various sizey. Colmbra. Observatorio meteorol6gico. C. FITZHUGFITALMAN, Professor in Charge of Library. OIiservay6es metenrillfigicis, ni3gncticas e siRiii;(*iisf1.it.m nii nnii Jc 1918. Volume 57. Ciiinihr:i. 1919. viil, I(j5 1). t:tblcs. The follnwing titles ham been selected from the Qlj!.,i cm. cwitcn ts of the periodicals mcl serials recently received in the Library of the Westher Bureau. The titles Descombes, Paul. sclec tell are of mpcrs aiicl other communications bear- L'iiiflueiice du rcboisc.nicnt. sur 1'nl~imrIa1i1~~di*s cy.\ux. p:] 11.26, in- on nicteoro ogy and cognat,c branches of science. an. (Extrsit. de la "ltcvue st-ienl.iliquc" du 2-1 :iiliit. IVlS.) ,.e. \ At hczd tif title: As~~ei:it.innceiitr:ilc* pour l'ambiinpenie~ittlca lhis is not a complete index of all the 'ournds from mnnt:!gnce. Office de dCfeisc. ftlrcsl.i&reet. piisti~mle. which it has been compiled. It shows onI y the articles Eredia, Filippo. t.1ia.t appear to the compiler likely to be of particular Sulla direzioiie delle correnti neree in Sicili?. R8im:i. 1918. interest in connection with the work of the Weat,her rnver-tit.le. t,tibli.s. 38 em. At. liead of t,itl(.: Rcnrliviinli Bureau. delln R. dccadeniia dei Lincei. Clnssc tli scirwz~fisir*lie. niatematiche e nat,urali. Estratto dal vol. 2TV writ? 5:). 2" Engineering neuis-rfcord. Nfui I'ork. 8. 83. 1919. aem., fasc. G.', p. [171]-175.) Lightnmg pushes aidewalk off concrete bridge. p. 68-69. (July 10.) Emer, Felix 116. Wiley, C. C. Comparison of road aubgrade and sir temperatures. Dynamische Meteorologie. 1,eipzig. 1917. ir, ::OS 11. charts. p. 138-189. (July 17.) diagrs. 23 cm. G'eographzeal reiyiew. Neia I'brk. v. Y. June, 1919. Ross, Emory. The climate of Liberia and its effect on man. Fischer, Karl. p. 357402. Niederschlag und Abfliiss in1 Otlergcliiet,. 13edin. 1!)15. iv. Impcriab carthquaks iii i~esfiqationconiniiftte. Bulletin. Tokyo. v. 7. 50 p. chnrts (psrt. h~lcl.) t,:iblcs. 3k;: mi. Ai hr.:itl id tit.lan' tin. 5. Nm-~.li,1919. Jshrbuch fur die Gewiisserkm;dr Ita ~rrldeutsclilaiiil~.13c.aiiid~~rc Omori, F[usakichi The eruptions and earthquakes of the Mitteilungen Bd. 3. Nr. 2. .4mnia-Yama. Vi (Notes 011 the eruptive and seismic dis- Great Britain. Meteorological office. turlx~nces,1911-igi7.j p. 327-156. The climate of the Balka.ns, Greece. am1 the Ai.ge;i:i SKIclurix:g Japan. C'en Ira1 nietrorological obsrr cat0 y of Japan. Bulletin. Tokyo. '3. 3. 310. 1. 1819. the winter months. London. 1915. 34 p. tables. 24;: mi Nakamura, Saemontaro. On the propagation of seismic waves M. 0. 326. in the region near epicentre. Koestler, W. Okada, T. On the possibilitv fk::kg the summer tempera- Blitzgefahr uud B1itzschut.z; insbesondere die B~l~ultuiig,Fulik- ture and the appr0ximat.e yield of rice crop for northern Japan. tinn und Konstruktion voni Geb~iide-Blit.zableit~cr. p. 19-33. Burgdnrf. 1914. vii, 111 p. illus. dhgs. 19 .cm. Fujiwhara, S., L! Oti, S. On the arc of Lowitz and allied phe- nomena. p. 33-56. Krauss, Joseph. Naiwe. London. '19. 109. kine 19, 1919. Grundzuge der marithen Meteorologie und Ozeanngraphie. Slit Father Walter Sidgreaves, S. J. p. 307-308. [Obituary.] beaonderer Berilckaichtigung der Praxis und der Anforderun e11 Physical reilieio. Laneaster. (2). 11. 14. July, 1919. in Navigationsschulen. Berlin. 1917. xii, 281 p. &us. Hebb, T. C. The velocity of sound and the ratio of the apecific charta. tables. 21 cm. hem for air. p. 74-84. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 12:16 PM UTC.
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