University of Central Florida STARS St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 4-24-1924 St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 16, No. 36, April 24, 1924 St. Cloud Tribune Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stcloudtribune University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in St. Cloud Tribune by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 16, No. 36, April 24, 1924" (1924). St. Cloud Tribune. 85. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stcloudtribune/85 I 1924 APRIL 1924 I MR. TOURIST—ORDER THE TRIBUNE TO FOLLOW YOU HOME THIS SUMMER. feuNllMOl^rJFllWEDtTHUi FRI ||SATJ ST t i.oi ii TIBIPSB_IT)-S II "*, ii .-» i «•» i _ i _• l Thursday. April 17 ivn 70 • a 1 . r » •% . *.* * * . Friday. April IK .. M *'••' Saturday April 1!) „ ...77 no \6\ 7 819 10111112 Sunday, April L'II HA [13|ll4ll5|16il7ll8il9 Monday, April .1. _. -111 •a Tuesday, April •-! H (17 20l[211i22||23i24 2526 Wednesday, April _i 27128129[30{ | XII*. XVI. NO. -KlOirr PACKS TIIIH WERK ST. CLOUD. OSCKOLA COUNTY, H (IKIlil. I III Hsu Vl. M-KII. **', 1914. KIVE CENTS THE COPY -»200 A ATAR. GOOD ROADS "ORDER OF BUSINESS" AT THE REPORT OF THE AMERICAN RED CROSS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEET YESTERDAY CONFERENCE AT WEST PALM BEACH Hood Boad*" was the BPSClll order Wednesday noon at n picnic lunch to BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LIFE ENDED oi business for Ihe HI. I'loud Chani- be Mr-Tad "ii th,. pier In K.ast laikc Tlic session opened ni i". o'clock 11. m. ...r of Oommerce ye*tentay Bl tbelr TohopokaUgfl oo th* Runnyiiiedi- Lod-9* April Utth, with John L. Turner, the regular weekly business session and lake front, nnd Ihis iiivlliilinn was ac­ ehairman of the stnte adviaarji etmy lunch, and much Inforiuullon of itencr- cepted Willi loud applause. Therefore BIG FORECLOSURE SUIT niiltee. in the chulr. ll Interes' ivns brunt-lit out ut Ille scs 111 \t business lnls*tlnu of the Chnlll -ion, lo which mor. Ihnn forly busi­ FILED TO CLEAR TITLE Hull cull found 71 deli'irnte. pre-car ber of commerce will i»- held ut Bun and 41 out of 1st chnplers represent­ ness men und women were in uttelid- IIIIIII do _odg« plor on th." hike nt TO LARGE HOLDING ed. In this procedure lhe chnlriuan .illie. BOOB on Wednesdny. April llll. Mr. of each chapter outlined the work In AftM the routine mailers of roii.l- Kruitse ainioiiiued Ihat lu* would soon his community during th* paat yenr. IIIK the minute* of the lusi meeting return lo his business ntfiiirs at In- Suit to foreclose a mortgage, wllh a Important In the datlboration* were bad bism disposed of. Ibe road ci.nl- .llauiipidls. Imi.. unit wauled all the view to clCCring the title to much val­ 1 the eleelion of the slate udil-ory com- iidllee was called on for a report. Mr. I sleis, members of 111* ClinIIIIKT of uable land In and around St. cloml. mltt** JI ml lhe adoption of a resolu­ A, l. Barlow atatad thai lha ltei Commerce, lo eoine mil to see whnl hns been lllisl by attorney* for Hon. mlghl I.* d by HI. cloml if they W. Hopkins of Kail Oullle. The niort- tion lo support lhe Florlilu Children's laiurnc fhuuiltcr of .Vimnerca hnd would |iul Ihelr. shoulder lo lhe wheel fSOS was originally glvau by Uu* si. Code Commission. Four members of rated io hnve iheir secretary write us ll city nnd ileielop OUr lake front ICloud I.evclopnu nt Co.. t. the Seuiln- the ndvlsory committee were re-elect­ the siai,* lioud Departmenl concern' ii II broader manner (which In* said uie l.nlul Co., for Iheir reninliuler of ed: John I,. Turner of Tiiiii|>u, chair­ iiiK the delay oil lhe Completion of lhe the old Scnilnole holding. In and about man: it. Sis'iy of Tui inhagaaa, W. .toss sinte highway, (that part In Os- was n neglected opporiiinIty awaiting Ht. i'loud i it* thev would elaborate on this cily. and was sold by 'he Seiniinile It. Hyers of l'etisneoln. uud Harvey ei.da county bavin*,* liol nipleled Co.. to Mr. Ilopkin- alter llu* failure Pats* "I* Jacksonville. John Clnwson. for several weeks I anil reports la* wbal he ns un Individual was doing. of the lata Firsi National Bank here of Mlnlul wus elis-ted lo succeed Je­ iuu ou band iiiiii ihe fin tents the Capl. Karris wniileil to know 11' sunn* on December.81, llili-. rome Wldenian of Wesl l-alui llench, HI. .lobns lilver marsh lu llreiar.l 1111111.' could mil be done l.i (tea HI. The original mortgage contained tba since Minmi has not had representa­ canty wns bring delayed tor a it'loud Bunday train* nn.l mail M-rivce r tion, and three new* members were nd. but no action was taken on tills siii - proviso for releaae on nny lots fur a reaaon nullonwn to the local commit­ ded Unit inure territory might be in­ tee or lln* Molls.i(i*no I'lnonber of Stipulated sum us tln-y mlj*ht bo sold gastlon, by ihe St. cloud Developa—mt Co., cluded. < •iiiuuiei-ce. Melbourne had also ii|e Anninuleenienl wus nuule Ihat KIs- |«*illltisl n i-onililalth, to lluvesllKilte nmi many of the lots were thus releas­ Acting on the rcciuninenilatlon of siini would hold tl Muy*l>iiy Kostl- ed that were contained in the orij-lunl ihe reason Cor ihis delay. Tha Btate \al ou Muy 1. and a iceneral invita­ Inst leglalature, Oov, Hardee appoint­ Rond Departmenl la to ba reminded tion wns extended io si. Cloud to m- mortgage, ed a Children's Code Commission to Of Ihelr promises nuule lo n large dele­ lend. President Parker, of tbe st. Some time ttjt the St. Cloud De­ siiuiy sinie law. pertaining to*Invalid gation whi.h appeared before ihem In . imni Chamber of C merce, araa a*h velopment Co.. gave Mr. Hopkins children Tin- purposa of ihe com­ Orlando at a recent meeting, at which ed to muke a -peech mi that issus iluuil lo most of their Dotdlngfl covered mission is lo learn how many tuber­ tinu* their co-operation was agala ph*,i ion. bul as he was to he out of die 111 the tnorluaae to satisfy the sums cular children, how ninny crippled k •J.- I dull Harrwl ( hildcrs gad 1.. speed up Hm ••'"•' "U Ihis rond. slate Hev. Win. I.iilnllss. vice presi- due, imi this *—reloaore is against whal children ami etc., there nn* in the slate. It was shown thai Ihi county hns denf was nanieil to fill tills plm-c on 'rin* ii-i photograph taken nf Usm Bdltta Harrod-CWL. remains lof Mr. cloud I-cvcloimient • lone IIII.I is still trying to do nil thai ihe pragrat—. 'lei-, .in Hie iN-c,isiiiri if bet wiHlclinc- Mrs. riiililers paaa- holding* (urijrinally Scmlnoi,, i,and The conference set for its memlior- i- poealbl* tO enuiplote the road to tile A proposition to beautify tin* city di away mi Minn!;y afternoon -iiftcr nn IIIUCSH nf leveral Co.. holdinifs-. and Invnlves ninny •hip Koal f.u* next year «0,000 metn- oast, Other BUtter* were taken up. was discussed by one of the lady gneat* weeks, ,--'li<* *niiv II graduate of tlin St. Cloud Hijrh irtiool, prolnlucnt people who had bOUglll bers. nil Increase of IMKV) over the Under the head of good roads. .'. T, present, bill whose inline wn- not oh iini) hml •**• I-. fil tlic Vi'tcnii- uaociatlon UH pinniHt fur some of these proper! Ies. II Is said goal of last year. .lolinson. eiiiior of lhe Tribune, rep..it llll I for publication, She offered *. .*-. I*I • il x t ;t; s. In in Iill t Inn in hciiin u UCe4ong i'liristliui that a number of persons Includt.l in Fifieeii Invitation, for the confer- e-d thai an eleelion bud hisll called to many good BUggeetlnn., but as the *. iid MI INIIIT of thr Chrlatiao rhuitli nf St. (Hou<l, aha lhe suit have clear titles as llie re­ enco next year were llilruilucisl. but day for tin* inidiii i rond to conned j llolll' wns getting Inle unit 0—IB* niei.i h.u\ been Identified with \ho tmlom yonna, \reup\v'n aaem* cords show, bul 'the .-nit llled scls up II was decided lo follon tin* precedent Nnrcnossoe wllh Oranga conitty. the( bat* wore anxious to net back to l.u-i (Irs nf Si. ('luuil fnr vi'Viiiil vi-ii*-.. Her di.itli comea ns n thai some releasea have been placed on and go where llie social workers may eleelion to be held on May *-l. Bonda j ness. no ail Ion was taken on her BU*> nevere H1KH-1I tn tlir enttra ronimunUy. record without authority nnd were hold their -e—Ion year. Ilalnsevllle •will be Issued, if tb* olcvlloll cuttles. gestlona never pnid foi*. being 'he elty selected. to make a 18 f..,.t road to Orange coun- Oeorge w. raivlngston and Prank In view of the lurjre number of Iteailin*.' the list of notable spenk- Iiniii li*. ol' Newberry, Flu., who are in i> line, which connly is expected to person* Involved Ihis soil point*-.— t<> ers present uas Dr.
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