February 3, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E91 This new equipment is more than simply TAIWANESE REFERENDUM Neptune Township Housing Authority. From state-of-the-art. It is state-of-the-future. The humble beginnings as a rent collector, Robert new melt shop will be tightly closed, and en- HON. SCOTT GARRETT West rose through the ranks of the Authority able the plant to capture 100 percent of all air OF NEW JERSEY to the prestigious position of Executive Direc- emissions. Advanced technologies will mini- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tor. mize the release of carbon monoxide and Mr. West’s distinguished period of public Tuesday, February 3, 2004 eliminate dust. All water-cooled furnace parts service included affiliations to the Neptune will have temperature sensors and flow meters Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker Lions Club, Jersey Shore Medical Center and to detect leaks. Taiwan and the United States have a long and stints as the President of the Neptune Board fruitful relationship. Taiwan’s democracy is of Education, who’s most notable contribution In other words, Mr. Speaker, this is not an modeled after ours and its economic pros- was to save the school marching band expansion for its own sake. It is an expansion perity depends much on the mutual trade be- through personal endeavors and vigorous for the sake of safety, the environment and tween Taiwan and the United States. Taiwan’s fundraising efforts. the team of dedicated employees who work at leaders were mostly educated in the United Under Mr. West’s tenure as Executive Di- Nucor-Jewett. I also want to point out that a States and Taiwan has nearly 30,000 students rector, the Neptune Housing Authority has ex- centerpiece of this modernization is a new 90- studying in America colleges and their tourists’ perienced growth unlike anything that it has ton electric are furnace, or EAF. This too, number one overseas destination is the United ever seen. Director West implemented pro- stands as testimony of Nucor’s commitment to States. grams to improve the quality of life for tenants, performing in the most responsible possible So despite the lack of formal diplomatic re- improve the quality of the residences in which manner. lations, Taiwan is a close ally of our govern- they resided, and helped to make the adminis- The EAF process is one of the most effi- ment. It has supported our global war against trative offices of the NTHA handicap acces- cient, effective technologies in manufacturing terrorism and has pledged humanitarian-as- sible. For his work, the United States Housing today. It is less expensive and capital inten- sistance to postwar Iraq. and Urban Development Association awarded On the other hand, we have the Taiwan Re- Mr. West several outstanding achievement sive than traditional steel making, which has lations Act, a law of the land which is de- awards. helped Nucor become one of the lowest-cost signed to provide Taiwan with adequate weap- In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, I would like to producers in the world. But just as important, ons to protect itself against invasion from extend my dearest gratitude to Mr. West for it requires fewer raw materials and less en- China. The U.S. policy on Taiwan-China rela- his indelible service to the community in which ergy. tions is to maintain the status quo in the Tai- he lived. A career such as his truly merits The facts are staggering. For every ton of wan Strait. praise, and I too ask, that my colleagues join steel produced, the EAF process saves 2,500 Taiwan’s planned March 20 referendum, me in honoring Mr. Robert E. West for a sto- pounds of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coal, and contrary to what Chinese leaders have said ried career that has touched the lives of all 120 pounds of limestone. Annually, it saves about it, is designed to maintain the status those whom he had served. enough energy to electrically power the city of quo in the Taiwan Strait. It is not to provoke f Los Angeles for eight years. On top of that, it Chinese leaders. It merely asks Taiwan voters HONORING MURIEL JOHNSON also reduces air and water emissions, and whether their government should buy more greenhouse gases that are associated with anti-missile weapons if China refuses to with- conventional steelmaking. draw its 496 missiles targeted at Taiwan and HON. ROBERT T. MATSUI whether their government should open up OF CALIFORNIA This kind of environmental responsibility is talks with China about other issues. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nothing new to Nucor. The company, which I feel the 23 million people of Taiwan have Tuesday, February 3, 2004 operates 30 facilities in 14 states—including a right to hold such a referendum. We mustn’t four in Texas—is the largest producer of recy- allow China to intimidate Taiwan with talks of Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to cled steel in the world. It takes scrap metal overtaking Taiwan by force and other verbal honor a woman with a long and impressive list that would otherwise be clogging landfills or threats. of contributions to the County of Sacramento. To say that Muriel Johnson is an important tossed in fields or along roadsides and turns f it into something of value that can be used in and treasured member of our community automobiles, farm machinery, metal buildings, RECOGNIZING MR. ROBERT E. would only begin to skim the surface of the furniture and recreational equipment. WEST UPON RETIREMENT FROM extraordinary service that she has given our YEARS OF DISTINGUISHED SERV- communities over her 41 years as a Sac- But this modernization takes that commit- ICE TO THE NEPTUNE TOWNSHIP ramento resident. Muriel, who is currently in ment to a whole new level. As I said at the HOUSING AUTHORITY the last year of a successful 12-year stint as outset of my remarks, it demonstrates that a Sacramento County Supervisor, has deserv- economic growth and environmental protection HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. edly been acknowledged by the Sacramento are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce as the re- profit and prosperity can and should co-exist OF NEW JERSEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cipient of the 2003 Sacramentan of the Year with efforts to preserve our natural resources. Award. As her friends, family, and colleagues Tuesday, February 3, 2004 In Texas, we have the good sense to under- gather to celebrate Muriel’s illustrious career, I stand this. Nucor’s ability to undertake such a Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask all my colleagues to join me in saluting significant modernization program was in part take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Rob- one of the Capital Region’s most accom- due to voter approval of a constitutional ert E. West, who has recently retired from the plished and widely respected leaders. amendment in 1993 that provides tax exemp- position of Executive Director to the Neptune Muriel Johnson grew up in Nebraska and tions on property used for pollution control. Township Authority. earned a bachelor of music degree from the The amendment enabled companies to invest Robert E. West was born in New York, and University of Nebraska. Before beginning her in environmental technologies without fear of moved to Neptune, NJ at an early age. After formal career in public service, Muriel contrib- seeing their property taxes increase. So we graduating as valedictorian of his high school uted to the betterment of her community by were able to protect the environment, class, and finishing his education at Mon- serving as a high school English and music mouth Junior College, he began work as an teacher. In addition, Muriel also taught ‘‘Man- strengthen our business climate and hold the insurance agent in New York, eventually mov- agement by Objectives’’ during her teaching line on taxes. ing to the prestigious North Carolina Mutual career. The success of Nucor-Jewett shows quite Insurance Company. In addition to selling in- Even before she was elected to the Sac- clearly that the wisdom Texans exhibited in surance, Mr. West worked with Haso Mainte- ramento Board of Supervisors, Muriel was an 1993 continues to pay off today. I would like nance Inc., working to dispatch taxis to the active and instrumental member of the local to take this opportunity to commend the Nucor city’s Bronx borough. volunteer community. Muriel played a vital role Steel Bar Mill Group, its employees and man- After 15 years working in the private sector, in raising more than $10 million dollars for a agement for helping to make Texas a land of Mr. West’s heart wished to stay in the place number of community service projects, the greater environmental and economic oppor- that he had resided since childhood, and arts, and local charity. Muriel served as Presi- tunity. began what would be a storied career in the dent of the Crocker Art Museum Board, the VerDate jul 14 2003 05:23 Feb 04, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03FE8.008 E03PT1 E92 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 3, 2004 Sacramento Junior League, the Sacramento/El TRIBUTE TO JOY DEFENBAUGH, During School Board Recognition Month we Dorado Medical Association Alliance, the His- RIVERSIDE CITY COUNCIL honor the administrators, staff, and volunteers tory Museum, and the Sacramento Symphony who work to promote academic excellence League. She also chaired the Advisory Board HON. KEN CALVERT and provide a safe learning environment for for California State Historic Park, and was a OF CALIFORNIA our students.
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