September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9139 intercity or commuter rail passenger transpor- An Army Ranger, Captain Bednarzyk crucial role in keeping American peo- tation, the Federal Railroad Administration was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 75th ple healthy. shall notify in electronic format the Committee Ranger Regiment, at Fort Benning. In Across our country, there are around on Transportation and Infrastructure of the his time in the Army, he was awarded 67,000 pharmacies that fill an average House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the the Ranger Tab, the Air Assault Badge, of 12.2 million prescriptions every day. Senate, and each member of Congress rep- the Army Parachutist Badge, and the Further, pharmacists are consist- resenting a State in which the service that is the Expert Infantryman’s Badge. ently ranked among the most trusted subject of the assessment being conducted is lo- He previously deployed to Kosovo, healthcare providers, an important sta- cated, of the initiation of that assessment. where he conducted training exercises tistic because of the responsibility the (b) FINDINGS.—Not later than 90 days after and led U.S. troops on a peacekeeping profession carries. completion of a comprehensive safety assessment mission with NATO forces and local With the current opioid epidemic, described in subsection (a), the Federal Railroad military. pharmacists are possibly more impor- Administration shall transmit in electronic for- tant than ever before because of their mat to the Committee on Transportation and In- Captain Bednarzyk is an American frastructure of the House of Representatives and hero. While his life was tragically cut position on the frontlines of patients’ the Committee on Commerce, Science, and short, his service to our community access to prescription drugs. Transportation of the Senate, and to each mem- and to our Nation will forever live on. As the only pharmacist currently ber of Congress representing a State in which His courage and his determination to serving in Congress, I am glad to see the service that is the subject of the assessment succeed are truly inspirational. the growing number of young people being conducted is located, its findings of that We send our deepest condolences to entering the pharmacy profession, assessment, including identified defects and any Captain Bednarzyk’s parents, Casey working to make people healthier recommendations. and Ruth, along with his brother Kevin every day. (c) DEFINITION.—For purpose of this section, Thank you to all our pharmacists the term ‘‘comprehensive safety assessment’’ and grandfather Francis. means a focused review of the safety-related Thank you for sharing his life with across the country. processes and procedures, compliance with safe- us. f ty regulations and requirements, and overall Rangers lead the way. Connor b 1630 safety culture of an entity providing regularly Bednarzyk led the way. scheduled intercity or commuter rail passenger I now ask my colleagues to join me NATIONAL CYBERSECURITY transportation. in a moment of silence for an American AWARENESS MONTH Mr. DENHAM (during the reading). hero, Connor Bednarzyk. (Mr. LANGEVIN asked and was given Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent f permission to address the House for 1 to dispense with the reading. minute and to revise and extend his re- HONORING MS. LAURA WOOTEN The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there marks.) objection to the request of the gen- (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise tleman from California? permission to address the House for 1 to commemorate National Cybersecu- There was no objection. minute and to revise and extend his re- rity Awareness Month, which begins The committee amendment was marks.) October 1. As the cofounder and co- agreed to. Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise chair of the Congressional Cybersecu- The bill was ordered to be engrossed today to honor Ms. Laura Wooten for rity Caucus with my good friend Chair- and read a third time, was read the her dedication and service to America’s man MIKE MCCAUL, I firmly believe third time, and passed. voters. that cybersecurity is the national and The title of the bill was amended so Ms. Wooten has been a poll worker in economic security challenge of the 21st as to read: ‘‘A bill to require the Fed- New Jersey for 79 consecutive years. century. I also believe that each of us eral Railroad Administration to pro- She has dedicated her life to helping has a role to play in staying safe on- vide appropriate congressional notice people vote, regardless of their party or line. of comprehensive safety assessments position. During each of the 4 themed weeks of conducted with respect to intercity or Ms. Wooten is the longest serving Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the commuter rail passenger transpor- poll worker in New Jersey. She is like- Department of Homeland Security and tation.’’. ly the longest serving poll worker in its partners across the government and A motion to reconsider was laid on our Nation. In fact, she has helped ad- the private sector will highlight dif- the table. minister elections through the admin- ferent aspects of cybersecurity, from f istration of 14 Presidents, from Frank- the challenges faced by our critical in- lin Delano Roosevelt to Donald J. MOMENT OF SILENCE IN REMEM- frastructure to the steps individuals Trump. BRANCE OF CAPTAIN CONNOR can take to make their homes a safe Ms. Wooten is 97 years old, and she BEDNARZYK haven for online safety. will once again perform her duties as a I encourage all my colleagues to take (Mr. FITZPATRICK asked and was poll worker in New Jersey in November the opportunity to bring these mes- given permission to address the House with her characteristic pride, grace, sages back to their home districts. for 1 minute.) and smile. From senior centers to local chambers Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, it Ms. Wooten is a role model for all of commerce, the cybersecurity aware- is with profound sadness that I rise people and a reminder that every vote ness events that I hold with our State today with my colleagues to honor the counts. And, as she likes to say, voting cybersecurity officer, Mike Steinmetz, life and the memory of Connor is important. and the great team at the Rhode Island Bednarzyk, who tragically passed away Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to Joint Cyber Task Force have helped on September 7 in an armored vehicle join me in honoring Ms. Laura Wooten people across the Ocean State better accident near Fort Benning, Georgia. by reminding all Americans, regardless protect themselves online. Connor was 25 years old. of party or position, to just vote. I look forward to another successful Captain Bednarzyk grew up in f Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Doylestown, Pennsylvania, where, even f at a young age, he demonstrated su- WORLD PHARMACISTS DAY perb leadership. A 2011 graduate of Cen- (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and TAX REFORM PACKAGE tral Bucks East High School, where he was given permission to address the (Mr. WILLIAMS asked and was given lettered in football, baseball, and wres- House for 1 minute and to revise and permission to address the House for 1 tling, he went on to attend Penn State extend his remarks.) minute.) University on an ROTC scholarship. He Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I take graduated with a degree in security er, I rise today to celebrate September this time to speak about a piece of leg- risk analysis, graduating in the top 10 25 as World Pharmacists Day 2018. islation on the floor tomorrow, H.R. percent of ROTC graduates in the en- I am glad we have a day to recognize 6760, the Protecting Family and Small tire United States. the pharmacy profession, which plays a Business Tax Cuts Act of 2018. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.024 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 This is the third and final bill of the Rest in peace, Airman Naglak. lives and strong futures for everybody. tax reform 2.0 package that Repub- f Congratulations and happy birthday, licans have been working so hard on. FRCC. NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION As the constituents of Texas’ 25th Dis- MONTH f trict know, I have been fighting for a RECOGNIZING CREWMEMBERS OF commonsense business owners’ perspec- (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given NAVY FLETCHER CLASS DE- tive on tax reform since day one. permission to address the House for 1 Less than a year ago, we passed the minute and to revise and extend his re- STROYER COMMISSIONED 1942– Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Since then, marks.) 1969 there are more jobs; Americans are see- Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, Sep- (Mr. YOHO asked and was given per- ing higher wages; and Main Street can tember is National Suicide Prevention mission to address the House for 1 finally breathe again. Month, reminding us that we lose too minute and to revise and extend his re- While all this is great, there has al- many to suicide each and every day. marks.) ways been the uncertainty of knowing Unfortunately, suicide is all too com- Mr. YOHO. Mr. Speaker, it is my that these cuts would expire in 2025, mon among the men and women who honor and privilege to recognize the something I have been fighting to have served our Nation in uniform, a crewmembers of the USS Cony, a Navy change. population that is particularly at risk Fletcher Class destroyer that was com- I am happy to report that with tax of suicide.
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