~ Serving the Better Interests of Commercial VOL. 1, NO. 47 NEW YORK, N. Y., THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1937 FIVE CENTS Tax Bill Ready In• Week IDotting On 40 RADIO ACTS SET I Conferring With Treasury Department I.: ~ ... AND LISTENING IN fOR CLEVELAND EXPO Experts Before Filing Wattage With the Cleveland Great Lakes Levy Measure in House SUMMER BIZ Considerable d a t a Exposition scheduled to reopen for ' ~----__.......... ...................................~ has been compiled by another season May 29, radio talent By PRESCOTT DENNETT networks. s tat ion s and advertising is rapidly being booked for its en­ Capitulate RADIO DAI LY Staff Correspolldc1It agencies to show thar summer is iust as tire run. As was the case last year, St. Louis - Three leading St. Washington - Conferences h a v e good as winter in point of radio audience whole radio shows will be imported Louis departmenr stores. which up been scheduled with Treasury De­ size and aggregate public spending. to guest at the exposition for short to now have kept entirely away partment experts to discuss the Distribution of the population may un· bookings. To date, a pproximately from radio advertising. are tied broadcasting station tax proposal drafted by F CC Commissioner George dergo a little temporary shift. but where 40 acts a re set, th ough not all sch ed­ in with a new weekly series of the folks go. the radio goes too. in the car. Henry Payne for Congressman John uled for sp ecific da tes. The Fireside programs starting April 20 over on the highway and in the cottage by J. Boylan (D., N. YJ , it was stated Recital w ill appear June 18-19. Car­ KMOX. Series is "Jean Abbey. the beach. borundum Band appears July 24, and to RADIO DAILY yesterday by the Woman's Home Companion Of importance to advertisers is the fact (Colltil/llra on Page 3) Boylan. The Congressman added that that audience receptivity is more favor­ Shopper". he is in "general agreement" with able during the relaxed hours of vacation the Payne plan and expects to have time than during the hustle·bustle of the Rubinoff Coast Shows his bill "whipped into shape" for in­ SO or 49 working weeks of the year. Get Emcee and Guests troduction in the House within a Millions of people have much more time URCES SPONSOR ADS week or ten days. and inclination for listening during their Rubinoff Chevrolet program, which A t the FCC, it was stated that after vacation. originates the next five shows from Capitol Hill is through with the bill, Old theories about seasonal letdowns Coast CBS studios starting this Sun­ IN RADIO L1STINCS it will be submitted to the full broad­ are continually being upset. and although day, will have a new type of show cast division for consideration. audience sizes may be largely a malter Meanwhile Congressman Emanuel with permanent emcee and guest As a solution of the frequently un­ of esUmate. sales results aren't. stars. F red K eating (former magi­ Celler (D., Brooklyn) a d vis e d The smart advertiser is .the one who satisfactory identification of radio RADIO DAILY that Chairman Win­ cian) as master of ceremonies and programs in n ewspaper listings, the recognizes basic facts and results in Walter Cassell, baritone, will be on (Colltillucd 01£ Pagc 3) preference to theories. opening of the time-table columns to permanently. Eddie Cantor will be sponsors for the insertion of paid ads (Collti1lued on Page 3) giving more complete data on shows Sterling Fisher Gets • is recommended on a nationwide Judged by the adage SILENT MEN {COIdi/!!(ed Ott Page 3) CBS Public Talks Post that "he who talks Radio Service Ass'n little, thinks much," the top executives of Meets May 23 in Dallas CBS late yesterday announced the the radio industry are about the think­ Canadian Chain Names appointment of Sterling Fisher, au­ ingest class of men to be found. Dallas-Fifth annual convention of thor, newspaperman and lecturer , as Press statements are seldom given out the National Radio Service Ass'n U. S. Campaign Counsel director of Public Talks and Educa­ by officials of rhe broadcasting field. will be held here May 23-25. A radio tion. Fisher succeeds Edward R. personal publicity is shunned, and when and electric show will be held con ­ Winnipeg - Rintoul-Stiepock Inc., Murrow, who was recently appointed newshounds seek interviews they are currently. Distributors and dealers New York, has been appointed by Etiropean director of CBS . Fisher, almost baffled by the reluctance and in radios, electrical appliances and T aylor, P earson & Carson as adver­ coming direct to the web from the modesry they encounter. refrigerators will participate in the tising and sales promotion counsel to In no branch of the amusement world staff of the New York Times, will show, which is planned for fifty ex­ direct their 1937 campaign in the supervise all educational and r eligi­ is there such genteel reticence on the part hibits. (Continlled 011 Page 3) of the men at the wheels. ous programs, and in addition will -~-----~ - ----~.~-~---~- ----.- -~- Perhaps it's because radio leaders are edit the magazine "Talks," a digest a combination of the business man and of all discussions heard over CBS. the showman. 2 Million Rise in Home Sets Murrow sails for Europe April 21 With a little accent on business. to assume his new duties. Seen by CBS This Sun1mer \VFAA Talent nllnt Silelllt on lllc.·('otin ~ Dallas- Nine Texas stations have Showboat's Coast Shift NBC and CBS are both levelling Results of the meeting held yes­ been invited to send their best Is Taking Place Sooner the promotion guns on the summer­ terda y morning between the com­ program and announcer for a guest time horizon with a stream of promo­ mittees representing the CBS man­ appearance on WF AA here Satur­ Instead of waiting until July to tion pieces aimed at prospects. In agement and the "American Guild day, in a move by the local station I shift the Showboat program to Holly­ the mails last night CBS placed its of Radio Announcers and Pro­ to uncover new radio talent worthy wood, the change in origination point 16-page spiral bound booklet e n ­ ducers" will not be disclosed until of exploiting to a wider audience. will take place within the next few titled "A Summary of Summer Radio later in the week. it was announced. KRBC of Abilene is sending a week s, it is announced . Charles Win­ F acts (revised) ," based on data col­ Next move will be taken by the girl trio with Gene Heard as masrer n inge r has already been sign ed to lected by Daniel S tarch a nd stating Guild in a meeting tentatively of ceremoniel. head the new show. that 70 per cent of all home radios scheduled for later this week. Lanny Ross, the annou ncement said, were in use sometime du ring the (COlltilllfCd on Page 3) (Colltilll/cd 011 Page 8) 2================R A D I 0 D A I L y=========Th=Uf=sd=a=y=,A=p=ri1=15=, =19=37 cominG and GOinG Third of a series of expressions by the leading radio Vol. 1, No. 47 Thurs., Apr. 15, 1937 Price 5 Cts. editors of the country on the general subject RALPH WONDERS returns today from a JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher of broadcasting. business trip to Chicago, stopping off in Cleve- DON CARLE GILLETTE : : : Editor -;;========;;JII land to discuss Exposition bookings. MARVIN KIRSCH : : Business Manager By INA WICKHAM - - MRS. M. MAYO returned to Boston yester- day after visiting her son, John. here for the Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays The Davenport (Iowa) Democrat week. and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, N cw Y"rk, N. Y., by l{adio Daily Corp. J. "V. Alicoate, HE greatest complaint I have to cumstances? Turn to some other pro­ JIM and MARIAN JORDAN, bette~ known as Fresident and Publisher; Donald M. Merser­ Tmake against radio programs is the grams I suppose. FIBBER McGEE and MOLLY, arrive in New eau, Treasurer and (;eneral Manager; Chester class of music that most of them force Another thing which peeves me as York today to appear on Ra y Sinatra's program B. Bahn, Vicc-President; Charles A. Alicoate, tonight. Secretary; M. H. Shapiro, Associate Editor. on listeners. Some of these so called radio editor and which, too, has some Terms (Post free) United States outside ot popular songs are played and sung relation to the listeners, is the habit EDWARD J. SAMUEL of WMAS, Springfield, Greater New York, one year, $5; foreign. over and over again, night after n ight. of sending out a program and th en Mass., is in town for a few days contacting year, $10 . .::lub5criber should remit with order. Once is enough to hear most of them changing it without even a word of agencies. He is making his headquarters at Address all communications to RADIO CBS. DAILY, 1501 Broadway. New York, N. Y. and too often for some of them. warning. I've listed programs on our Phone WIscolJsilJ 7-6336, 7-6337, 7·6338. Music does not need to be classical, Sunday page only to find them CHARLES J. CUMMINGS, radio singer of Cable address: Filmday. New York. Holly· but there is much good music and i changed when the program comes on Springfield, Mass., has left for Hollywood to wood, Calif.-Ralph Wilk and Verne Bailey, appear in pictures for Warners. 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 660i. well loved music without resorting to I the air.
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