![WESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 3'30 P.M.]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
[1479] OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 3'30 p.m.] [REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL POST OFFICE, PERTH, FOR TRANSMISSION Y POST AS A NEWSPAPER.] No. 34.] PERTH :FRIDAY, JULY 23. [1926. WARRANT Council to authorise the Minister for Works to under- WESTERN AUSTRALIA, t 13y his Excellency Colonel Sir William take, construct, or provide any public work, subject as TO WIT. j Robert Campion, Knight Commander to Railways to Section 90, and such authorisation shall ofthe Most DistinguishedOrder of be deemed an authority to such Minister by and under W. R. CAMPION, St.Michael andSt.George,D.8.0., Governor. Governorin and overtheStateof that Act: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, Western Australia anditsDepend- by and with the advice and consent of the Executive [L.S.] elides in the Commonwealth of Aus- Council, and in exercise of the power conferred by the tralia. recited section of "The Public Works Act, 1902," doth Tu all to whom these presents shall come, I, Sir William hereby authorise the Honourable Minister for Works to RobertCampion,K.C.M.G.,D.S.O.,Governoras provide a School at Corondeen, on the land shown col- aforesaid, send Greeting : oured green on Plan P.W.D., W.A., 24653 (L.T.O. Dia- KNOW ye that, by virtue and in exercise of the power gram 7212), which may be inspected at the office of the and authority in me vested by an Ordinance intituled Minister for Works, Perth. "An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the laws re- lating to the Registration of Deeds, Wills, Judgments, L. E. SHAPCOTT, and Conveyances affecting RealProperty,"Ihave Clerk of the Council. nominated and appointed, and bythesepresentsdo nominate and appoint, Francis Leslie Stow as Registrar of the Office for the Registration of Deeds, Conveyances, and other instruments, Wills, and Judgments, under the The Land Act, 1898. said Ordinance. ORDER IN COUNCIL. Given at Perth, under my hand and the Public Corr. No. 3109/26. Seal of the said State, this 20th day of July, WHEREAS by Section 42 of " The Land Act, 1898," 1926. it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that any By His Excellency's Command, Reserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality, Road Board, or other person or persons to be named J. WILLCOCK, in the order, in trust for any of the purposes set forth Minister for Justice. in Section 39 of the said Act, or for the like or other GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! ! public purposes to be specifiedin such order :And whereas it is deemed expedient that Reserve No. 19288 (South Kalamunda Lot 43) should vest in and be held AT a meeting of the Executive Council held in the by the Darling Range Road Board in trust for, the pur- Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, this 21st day of pose of Quarry (gravel) :Now, therefore, His Excel- July, 1926, the following Orders in Council were author- lency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent ised to be issued: of the Executive Council, doth hereby direct that the The Public Works Act, 1902. before-mentioned Reserve shall vest in and be held by Corondeen Sehool, the Darling Range Road Board in trust for the purpose aforesaid; subject, nevertheless, to the powers reserved ORDER IN COUNCIL. to him by Section 41 of the said Act. P.W. 2345/25; Ex.- Co. No. 2129. WHEREAS by Section 11 of "The Public Works Act, (Sgd.)L. E. SHAPCOTT, 1902," it is made lawful for the Governor by Order in Clerk of the Council. 1480 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [JULY 23, 1926. The Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Public Service Act, 1904. Drainage Act, 1909. ORDER IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by Subsection (7) of Section 36 of "The ORDER IN COUNCIL. Public Service Act, 1904 (Act No. 40 of 1904) the M.W.S. 39/22. Governor may by Order in Council temporarily suspend WHEREAS by " The Metropolitan Water Supply, Sew- the operation of subsections two, three, and four of the erage, and Drainage Act, 1909," itis provided that, saidsectioniu respect of any officespecified:And subject to the provisions of the Act, the Minister of whereas it is desirable to temporarily suspend. the opera- Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage shall, with the tion of such subsections in respect of the following:- approval of the Governor, have power to construct and extend water works, sewerage works, and stormwater Name, Department, Period of Suspension. drainage works: And whereas the preliminary require- White,G.R.,MetropolitanWaterSupply,from ments of the said Act have been complied with, and 26-4-26 to 25-7-26. plans, sections, and estimates in respect of the works Blair, L.,MetropolitanWaterSupply,from hereinafter mentioned havebeensubmittedtoand 10-6-20 to 9-12-26. approved by the Governor in Council: Now, therefore, Glen, R. M., Metropolitan Water Supply, from 1-7-26 His Excellency the Governor, with the advice and con- to 31-12-26. sent of the Executive Council, does hereby empower the Run:bold, E. G. (Miss), Metropolitan Water Supply, Minister of Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage to from 3-5726 to 2-11-26. undertake the construction of the following works under Hardwick, M. A. (Miss), Metropolitan Water Supply, the said Act, namely:- from 1-7-26 to 31-12-26. Cullen, H., Metropolitan Water Supply, from 17-7-26 Metropolitan Water Supply Improvements---Fremantle to 16-1-27. Municipality. Williams, J. R. V., Metropolitan Water Supply, from Proposed 18-inch and 12-inch diameter reinforced con- 19-7-26 to 18-1-27. crete water mains along West side of Carrington Street Turner, J. M., Crown Law, from 5 -5 -26 to 4-11-26. from Stephen Street Southerly to South Street; thence Hickey, G., Forests, from 18-6-26 to 17712-26. Westerly along South side of South Street to Robinson Lynch, J. S. (Miss), Forests, from 2-6-26 to 1-12-26. Street (length about 47 chains), together with valves, McInnes, M., .Forests, from 22-6-26 to 21-12-26. hydrants, and all necessary apparatus as indicated in Wilson, T. J. R., Forests, from 2-7-26 to 1-1-27. red on Plan M.W.S., S., 86 D.D., W.A., No. 4533. Smalpage, E. F. (Miss), Forests, from 1-7-26 to 31 -1.2- This Order in Council shall take effect from the 23rd 26. day of July, 1926. Lamb, A. H., Forests, from 1-7-26 to 31-12-26. Donaldson, H. S. B., Forests, from 15-7-26 to 14-1-27. (Sgd.)L. E. SHAPCOTT, Boucher, H., Agriculture, from 6-3-25 to 5-3-27. Clerk of Executive Council. Carson, W. H., Agriculture, from 18-5-26 to 17-11-26. Walker, A. L., Agriculture, from 28-G-26 to 27-12-26. Sinclair, 0. E. (Miss), Audit, from 15-5-26 to 14-11-26. The Traffic Act, 1919. Richardson, E. D., Workers' Homes Board, Treasury, -Wyndham Road Board. from 8-11-24 to 31-12-26. And in respect of the following persons employed in ORDER IN COUNCIL. the Workers' Homes Board, Treasury Department, as P.W. 1259/26. from1stJanuary,1926,to31stDecember,1926: WHEREAS under the provisions of 'The Traffic Act, Conoehie, W. G.; Brown, A. M.; Everett, J. S.; Jordan, 1919," the Governor may by Order in Council empower S.L.;Andrews, E.J.;Henderson, W. L.;Philp, a Local Authority to exercise within its District any G. H.;Ross, P. L.; Kennedy, P. J. power of making regulations which the Governor can And in respect of the following persons employed in exercise under Division 4 of Part IV. of the said Act: the Department of Public Works and Labour as from And whereas it is advisable to empower the Wyndham 1st July, 1926 to 31st December, 1926: Clarke, G. E. Road Board to require the annual registration of camels (Miss) ;Engeler, E. (Miss); Denman, R. H.; Edmonds, and the payment of an annual registration for pack A. H.;Kitto, H.;Allen, J. W.; Butson, F. T.;Col- camels: Now, thereore, His Excellency the Governor, linson, J.;Tether, A. (Miss) ;Reed, A. J.;Tracey, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, C.(Miss) ;Wieland, N.(Miss) ;Lutey,J.(Miss) ; under the provisionsof the said Act, and allother Burns, J.; Rinks, H.; Cox, L. F.; Cook, E. W.; Choat, powers enabling him in this behalf, cloth hereby em- S. W.; Dundas, J.; Devine, A. S.; Davenport, J. (Miss) ; power the Wyndham Road Board, by the By-law in TTallC. J.; Hall, R. W. K.; Harper, W.; Jones, W. S. Schedule hereto, to require the annual registrationet (Miss) ; Keating, R. J.; Littlejohn, H.; Macoboy, H. R.; camels and the payment of an annual registration for Maw, F.; Moloney, C. T.; McQueen, N.; McClosky, P.; pack cancels. Anthony, T.; Bolger, W. (Miss) ;Beck, F. H. (Miss) ; Buggins, F. W.; Charming, II. J.; Dean, Jr. A.; Gordon, THE TRAFFIC ACT, 1919. T.; Graham, J. M.; Hampton, G. E.; Hanrahan, L.; Wyndham Road Board--By-law re License Fees for Humphries, G. G.; Horniball, J. J.; Hodgson, M. L. Camels. (Miss) ;Irk, 0. F.; Joyce, F. W.; James, J.; Jermyn, G. E.; Johnston, R. B.; Kennedy, A. W.; Leonard, M. The Registration of Camels- (Miss) ;McLeod, M. (Miss) ;Nicholls, W. N. (Miss) ; On and after the 1st day of July, 1926, the registra- Bastin, E.L.;Barnett, M. (Miss) ;Davies, A. T.; tion of Camels shall be as follows:- Feeney, J.; Field, E. (Miss) ;Gallagher, J.; Gibbney, Per annum. J.; O'Neill, H. C. (Miss) ;Nobbs, J.
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