Y- PA6B TWKNTYJ"OUR FBIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1M7 ilaturlfPBter dom ing Ifm lii Avwaie Dafly Net Pmbb Roi F o r . Th e EBdod The Weather Cloudy with scattered show­ Amelia* ^ 1N7. Scuff Ijicsistant ers today, tonight and tomor­ RIDE BACK TO SCHOOL IN STYLE row, low tonight in 608, high Li^htweijxhl Vinyl 14,508 tomorrow in 80s. ROY€E I'NION >• Manchetter— A CUy o f Village Charm Bicycles Luggage VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 278 (F 0 I!R ^ E N PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1967 (Claaalfled AdvwUaiiig on Page lU PRICE SEVEN C E I ^ 3 SPEED 26" LIGHTWEIGHT OR 20" HI-R^ER tra ln c a s e our reg. 13.77 YOUR CHOICE Viet Saboteurs Hit Bus; 1 0 .9 7 22 Civilians Die in Blast C ^ V L O O R . Lightweight “ Alcoa” aluminum frame. Scuff resistant goat Wk/yV,- 5kf>pput^ li -AlwOiji a VlmuM 3 speed 26” lightweight grain ^ vinyl in 'blue, black v t -----» * ^ ^ Royce-matic 3 speed twist ^ip avocado. Nickle plated draw gear . front and rear caliper bolt locks. Blast Only hand brakes. Chrome rims and Saturn 5 Rocket kickstand . .. Adjustable chrome FIRST QUALITY handlebars. Flashy jet black Dozen Miles enamel finish. Boys #501. Girls FAMOUS BRAND #502. Not .^ssombled Men’VxCompanion iwyoy 27” Pullman Case |^97 Heading for Pad From Rally 20" IDgh-riser our reg. 15.77 our reg. 21.77 XO MERCHANDISE Full ball bearing construction CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) thrust of anything fired by the SAIGON (AP) — Com- .. safety coaster brake. Double 25” Weekender 1/IQ7 Men’s 2-Suiter Xft97 — Amerlca’aHrst Saturn 5, the Russians. muni»t saboteurs blew up AT LOW adjustable handlebar. Chrome- moet powerful rocket ever built, The upper stages the Sa­ »H i a bu<s and killed 22 civilian 2 oot^r^g. 18.77 X ^ our reg. 23.77 X O moved today toward ita launch­ turn 6 are powered by high- plated rims and kickstand. Red passengers today 12 miles line sports tires .. rear knobby ing pad on the back of a energy liquid hydrogen. LOW PRICES! Pullman Case IQ97 diesel-powered transporter that Purpose of the maiden flight from a rally where South tire. Not Assembled. Boys #667, Vietnam’s presidential can­ Girls #906. \ our reg. 24.77 resembled a giant meolianlcal is to verify that the rocket and turtle. spacecraft will withstand the didates were speaking. \ The rocket is scheduled lor an heat and pressure of the launch Six other pasengers were in­ October test launching, the first and flight; confirm launch loads - jured when a mine demolished of a series that will qualify it to and dynamic characteristics; the bus on a main provlnclad 5 ' ^5' '' o' ^" J' 'v ' boost U.S. astronauts toward stqdy the fuel system, and test road near the populous Mekong 1*^ delta city of My Tho. It was the 6 the moon in two or three years. the ability of the Apollo space­ 4 1 1 S At 6:28 a.m. the tractor-like craft to survlvo re-entry third such incident in the past I transporter^-called a craw ler- through the atmosphere at near­ few days. clanked ponderously out of its ly 20,000 miles an hour—the ^ - At My ’Tho, campaigners lor cavernous assembly building tum speed from the moon. the Sept. 3 election included the (AP I>hoto(ax) througdi a. 466-foot tall door. The The spacecraft will be lofted military presidential aspirant, Campaign Music, Vietnam Style building, where four Saturn 6 more than 0.000 miles high to Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van ’Thleu, lor « i i » l W i rockets can be assembled simul­ start its fiery dive. V the first time. This had been ii A f ' String band of Vietnamese youngsters plays for a crowd assembled at Na taneously, is the world’s largest. A second unmanned Saturn 0 widely publicised in advance. 1 n .k Treng, South Vietnam, to hear presidential candidates speak. The band, with Towering 864-feet above the flight early next year will have ’The My ’Tho area is heavily pith hehnet for donations at right, were playing “Never On Sunday.” huge crawler, the Saturn 6 and similar goals. If there are no infested by guerrillas and the ita Apollo spacecraft were an major problems, a three-man roads around it have been a spe­ impressive sight to the more Apollo crew will ride the third cial target of the Viet Cong re­ than 200 NASA o fficia ls and Saturn 0 into earth orbit next cently. The timing of today’s Hartford Policeman Dead newsmen gathered here for the year to rehearse for a moon blast was a reminder of the roU-out ceremony. Also perched (Communists’ continuing efforts Go-Go Sound 12 to 16 lb. “Ace” 7x50 Center Focus KEYSTO SUPER 8 ZOOM MODEL upright on the transporter was a NASA will not schedule a to disrupt the election cam­ GENERAL ELECTRIC 880-foot mobile launching tower manned lunar landing flight un­ paign. to service the rocket. til it has fully qualified both the Ground fighting continued in a HULA HOOP Bowling Balls BINOCULARS AUTO IC MOVIE CAMERA Creeping on its tank-like rocket and spacecraft. lull and heavy weather restrict­ Portable VAC. Suspect in Slaying The first Saturn 6 flight, IV' ed air raids on North Vietnam treads at about half a mile an originally scheduled for early YOUR 8 8 Our Reg. L ^ /8 7 hour, the crawler drivers ex­ Friday. 67.87 pected to take at least eight this year, has been delayed In the last 24 hours, the Ooin- Our Reg. CHOia •70 87 several months by technical hours to travel the S.6-mlle ft 'j. munlsts have blown up eight 1.4 7 problem s. Electric motor drive — no winding. CdS electric eye system. Fast fl.8 zoom roadway from the cavernous bridges near Da Nang, woundMl Telestar Multicolor 12 & 13 Ib. or All- In Fair Condition assembly building to the launch a subdlatrlct police chief and Lightweight portable cleaner that lens. Reflex "thru-the-lens” view finder. Built in ‘A’ filter. Governor controlled Star Black. 14 to 1« lbs. pad. another policeman with a gre­ W ham -o...............New Shoop Shoop does a thorough job, quickly and Precision optical quality. Blue-coated motor Automatic footage indicator. Dim light indicator in finder. ____ HARTFORD (AP)__ A afternoon and saw a man whom Mrs. Nancy Verona of East Hula Hoop with Sound Inside! Makes An bard rubber construction. Fitted On the pad, engineers and nade in Saigon and wounded \ easily. Attachments include heads for optics for high light transmission. BONUS OFFER KEYSTONE CARRY CASE & MOVIE LITE 35-year-old irmn, (Charged »>e tho^ht was wanted on a Hartford; his mother, Mrs. Tuesday Seen several members of a comlMd- new shoop shoop sound .... as it goes and drilled to your individual specifi­ carpet, smooth floor, dusting, wand Sturdy construction. Variable eye­ Agnes McGrath Young of Hart­ technicians will subject the Sa­ In other daysl Former Nazi Party captain John w « tti to^urd^ Friday of j youth team in an attack on a around. The greatest toy in the world! cations. for deep crevices. #MVl. piece. Complete with case. Our Reg. Low Combo Price 17.74 ONLY *with purchase ford; two sisters, Mrs. Doris turn 6 to at least 46 days of ex­ Patler, left, stands shoulder tb shoulder with his tensive checkout before commit- Showdown Time delta post 66 miles below Sai­ '■ ^ '' ^ s ' a l^^otd poheen^, was Hartford PoUce said Young Carpe of South Windsor, and “fuehrer” George Lincoln Rockwell. That was in gon. ' s ^ X V v<ss> r-’ s>‘‘'vA in flair condition today at called headquarters and was told Mrs. Shirley Stanski of Hart- ting the giant too flight. ’The In Auto Talks 1966. Today Rockwell is dead and Patler is in jail, A Vietnamese spokesman said Haitford Hospital, his the- man was wanted. ford;... a brother, — --Kenneth----------- Young---------- scheduleo....... calls for an October charged with his murder. (AP Photofax) a hamlet chief waa murdered room guarded by onicers. Witnesses said Young took the of Elmwood and a grandchild. launching, but there is a good DETROIT (AP) — Company man into his cruiser, vdiere a chance of delay because the Friday night by guerrlUaa Robert S. DelOado, shot in the ’The funeral will be held Tues­ and union negotiators today side by the officer before he fight started for possession of launch preparation crew will be dressed in Vietnamese army day at 8:30 ' a.m. from the uniform s. MOFRG died, probably will be arraigned the officers’ .88-caliber pistol. Ahem Funeral Home, 180 working with a new rocket and mapped strategy hehlnd the [I Ttotipoifvt 18 Ib. Automatic Monday, police said. ’Ihe officer fired at the man, Farmington Ave., Hartford, a new launch pad. scenes for a showdown Tuesday Former Aide Held ’Three of the bridges were on DOad is H arvey R . Young, 40, a 16-year-old witness said, and wi;b a solemn high MSass of re­ When the rocket leaves the as the contract deadline nears Highway 1 along the coast. Deluxe of South Windsor. He is sur­ hit him in the side. quiem at St. Joseph’s Cathedral, ground, it will roar into the sky for the Big ’Three automakers. Emergency repairs allowed Washer vived by his widow and three nie witness, a boy, told po­ Hartford, at 0. Burial will be in on 7.6 million pounds of thrust ’The job before them is to traffic to start moving again to­ children.
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