,,,,i vigorous newspaper Before you shop, it will be wtoe to study carefully the values and Mr- ,hf activities and inter- rrsidents of Woodbridge rices offered by our advertisers. Each Read it rtfularly each edition carries merchandise news of -.'« fully informed of every utmost importance to the thrifty br (verit hi yourfcome town! buyer. Ton can trust our sdverttoen! 3f nbepenbent - leaber itl.: ~i&i Enttrtri an Second L'lli! Matter WOODBRIDGE, N. J.. THURSDAY. JUNE 29, 1950- PRICE FIVB CENTS NO. 21 »t th» Pott Otnr«, Woo.lbrldite, N. J Service Junior Police Patrol Members Rewarded for Safety Efforts for Court Surprise i New 'Leads' May Delay I••• position of -i'i has been temporarily,' civil Sen'ice Jury Probe of Town ,;- permanently. ';iv •wtrvl. a former .. was appoint- ,i term by the B.ofH. Watching Babies'Health 2 Weeks More • •<.,. after an or- •!ie post was Hr works under At Bi-Monthly Municipal Clinics (Investigation Magistrate An- • Pic! lire* on Pane 3> days of rich month front II A. M. until n»«n. niat it was Mr. WOODBRIDGE — Township Deemed Need In charif is Dr. Kdwjrd J. , place himself mothers are being quick to take Novak, assisted by two Tnwnshlp i. :o perpetuaVe advantage of the Baby Keep WCOOBRIDOE - N e w "leads" nnrws. Mrs. June C. Burke and position that Well Station that h»« been es- tablished in the old Legion Room Miis Tatrtria Brennan. will probably take two more Service Depart- to Investiiite will ln til il Thr purpose of the clinic Hr. •() the Job. As a in 'V Mr mortal Municipal i-i Bailey said. b. l> krep well ;n .1 to compeu- Build int. It is the first station llkt/uhood result ln »iXMtponement sponsored by the Bojird of Health babies well." of » hearing of the Orand Jury since 1941 when the war inter- On clinic day« the nur.tet are f.vii Sen-ice, fVtmininK ch«nw of irregularity vfnrd with the program. in attendance from IS until 11 ,' position which o'clock to weigh ar.J measure in local municipal affairs. Prose- ,• i- open to "any Health Officer Harold J. Bailey the babies and U ulscitts with cutor Matthew Melko stated yej- -dent of Wood- «id yesterday that if the, Wood- the mothers the problem* of Cerday. *•:.:> has resided bridge clinic proves successful child rare. Dr. N'orak Is In at- • i:i'. Applications similar cllnici will be established tendance from 11 until noon to i The Orand Jury has heard five ::ora the Depart- movies throughout the Township. At the left, front row. are Cap- in other part-, of the Townthip. examine the baste* and te dis- | witnesses on chutes made by i » State HOUSJ. Above are menil>ep» i'f the Junior Police Patrol who served durini tain Benjamin Parsons, director of the Junior Police Patrol, »nd Meantime all mothers in the •Julius Kollar. Port Readlne T».e- the school year at inters^! inns near all the public and parochial cuss wit'i the mothers (he feed- „•: be filed on nr James Citano janilir of Sewarer, School. At the extreme rishf of I publican candidate, and adjourned schools in the Township. This picture: was taken just before thr Township are urged to brtnz ing and physical problems of T!:r department the same row are Patrol Driver Joseph Grady and Martin Brawl, for a further hearing on June 30. TOuntstrrs were taken on their annual pirnic to Palisades Park, their infants and ore-school their children. Inoculations will it? (oi- examina- principal of Port Reading School. The four men chaperoned the children to the Municipal Build also be given those babies In I Mr MeUto, however, said that in- the only reward they eft for a school year of service t > their formation just obtained will re- schoolmates. The outinj was financed through a series of benefit youngsters win were taken to the park by bus. Ing the ftrst ind third Wednes- • need of such treatment. :n *nd said he had quire more time to check before :. protesting the, I It is submitted to the jury, and :,.i;ion. pointing' that he will therefore probably ask :-..i was appolnUJ Samons Tops Field SougSought in FFords Factoryy Theft, farrenPromises lCojonia pire 5oflr(/ ^ssion for the delay. :r. .ind. therefore. •• Meanwhile, he wld. County 'Je- ,;o?s not come I tectlve William Bucko has inter- i jurisdiction. For Assessor Post Ex-Pt. Reading Man SurrendersSd FulFlll RoadReporRdRt t j u Could Hear Bomb Drop viewed several persons and it K WOODBRIDGE — In answer toj ] expected that some of them w.ll | WOODBRIDGE—John J Sam- WOODBRIDGE—Benny 'D'Orsi, 36, Victor Avenue, be subpoenaed. He refused to com- aan editoriau l in last weeks Indt COLONIA—Words like "liar." "slander," "John ons A Slrtet, Port Reading, i1sS UiQaid Branch, formerly of Port Reading, came into police " ™"- "<" "• •"•» —-- 1 he m r 1 * ]Long Branch, formerly oi ron neauin^, mmc warrant" filled the air at another of the usual slam-bang!"f"or a °" ' J**? **. °™' to be In the lead fpr the . ..._ -.,.._»._:,.. —i „„„ v%y^\rDrt ,,„ • pendent-Leader, seeking a full re- .., , i. T, J ,f r-;., r- ;„,.;„.,„,„ „* ni.f^;,,» 10 ! "»« Reading business had appoint- heaciqUarters yesterday voluntarily and was on port on road expenditures—"how meetings of the Board of Fire Commissioners of District12. - ™ ™t ment to the Third Ward Assessor- complaints of breaking, entering and larceny. The argument and debate this time started of! when h Accord many m s httVe bee> imp vtd member of the Township Commit- ae ship, a post u. be vacated on Juy i ^Captain~John'R"Egan said that D'Orsi, who was recently;01 re aue{"*1 at vhat cost an™a m Raymond Heyer. Morningside Road, a representative of ee as that "person hasn't been by the Republican appointee.Dan- reieased under bail from Monmouth County to await the! P * ; J J the Colonia Taxpayers' Association questioned the legality railed to testify yet" • ment has been '• ~ n ' H" Wever - eXper ' - • what locations" —Commnteeman ' ?f ,° ' VI '^' action of the Grand Jury on simi- . of ^prrowing $800 for tlie purchase - Mr. Kollrfr at a Township Com- nrittee meeting some time aco lv:i\ Union 825. no definite decision will be reacaed Ila T compialnts. TevMy admitted',, , „ u | William Warren, chairman „ ,_. Alter an argument over a $26.04 made charges of "Kraft and cor- until tomorrow night when tne his mn ln ^ Mode, f^hlons * alhOUt at I. S. JlfefallS I Public Works Committee. | also questioned whether, if this sas,jlint bm for June lhe meeting me-breaking I., nanller of Spreading ised yesterday that "such a report ruption in this committee." He cere done, the board would have was adJourned. The bUi. however, rdU<-us into the Freise Lumber Company will be rtady for publication with- n,amed Committee men William I:.^national Hod ;ufflcient money left to operate for was tabled ,.since 5^,^,^ waj Mr. Samons. it will be recalled. Avenel. in two or three weeks." Warren and George Mroz in his ,:.. and Common m CARTER ET— A walkout, he remainder of the year. absent and the stamp for endurs- backed Committeeman Oeorjc. p^ ^^ accusations. i!' America, The {ormer man which may spread to serious pro- He said the report will contain William Barbour. president of ing the bills was not available^/ Mroz when the latter ran against provides for sub- Rls0 {llrned over of coats portions, be?an yesterday in one a "statement of everything we he Board and the center of the * The prosecutor did admit busi- tl o| ia uu 11 candidate. Walter **" ' A r'o adjustments "' s " " >•«'"'««* "••". the United States have done to date and the cost for ontroversies arising in the dls- ntssmen who are now In New Yoric •s a greatly nn- F?e> ln l'le »rtm!fry *nd *'on II stolen from the Pord* *wtory and departmenRefinint of g Company and trict, informed Mr. Heyer that the LosUl Employe* Reject and Ran tan Township have been ' as due t0 tne tach repair job." 11 interviewed but wduld not say .is plan, additional' * exceptionally Urn- sajd he beUeved "others would tad Metalpromptls Refinly extendej d into several board "has enough money) that theh A 0111 •We have been handicapped Up yet whether they would be ottlW — .... deat«-.*h, K«,.«benefittivot; t he received m Porrarti Reading.i^" *;. ^ju^ii . wawayy teck wthe ^a, ^ the DromDtflflter departments] MU . The cause r>f ' rn tin; for the. until now," Mr. Warren contin- to testify. the stoppage was given by union chase of flood lights 1 $750' would, WOODBRTOOE—Employes of ued, '"by a very rainy spring, te a have to be deferred until later." : the nomination. As a result he was! CaP^an Be8", **** h« ««' his leaders as resulting from the Costas Ice Cream Company of deathTan : result little couU be accomplishehdd The two men then exchanged office the following No: companions John Brongovanni. operation of the so-called plant on Rout* 25, here, have But now that the weather has im- words over the origin of 8 story in Truck Brakes Applied '• death in the Vfinber "standards system" which has ..reused holiday . - .••''* George Pulsinelli andOtorge Felk- proved we should be able to go on this newspaper. Finally Mr. Heyer rejected by a vote of 54-13 a bid been adopted by the company Suddenly, Rider Throiin i increased vaia-< Other Democrats who are uUThazi, who were arrested in Mon- with our program." declared: You're calling me a liar to join Local 680 of the Milk to Tour to be seeking the post are Arthur mouth County and then, booked and originated in the casting nu up The Independent-Lead«r said and I'm calling you a liar^" Drivers and Dairy Employes WOODBRID01—Robert Hanc- i Mack, Hany Burke- and Harry here after their releaae dn bail, got department.
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