Moth Species List last updated May 2014 The numbers in the left column are the Bradley and Fletcher species numbers 4 Micropterix aruncella 6 Eriocrania subpurpurella 14 Hepialus humuli Ghost Moth 15 Hepialus sylvina Orange Swift 16 Hepialus hecta Gold Swift 17 Hepialus lupulinus Common Swift 18 Hepialus fusconebulosa Map Winged Swift 50 Stigmella aurella 131 Incurvaria oehlmanniella 140 Nematopogon swammerdamella 150 Adela reaumurella 163 Adscita statices The Forester 169 Zygaena filipendulae Six-Spot Burnet 171 Zygaena lonicerae Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet 186 Psyche casta 216 Nemapogon cloacella Cork Moth 227 Monopis laevigella Skin Moth 247 Tinea trinotella 263 Lyonetia clerkella Apple Leaf Miner 283 Caloptilia betulicola 287 Caloptilia robustella 288 Caloptilia stigmatella 293 Caloptilia syringella 294 Aspilapteryx tringipennella 303 Parornix anglicella 313 Acrocercops brongniardella 315 Phyllonorycter harrisella 320 Phyllonorycter quercifoliella 332 Phyllonorycter leucographella Firethorn Leaf Miner 364 Phyllonorycter geniculella 371 Sesia bembeciformis Lunar Hornet Moth 385 Anthophila fabriciana Nettle Tap Moth 389 Choreutis pariana Apple Leaf Skeletoniser 391 Gliphipteryx simpliciella Cocksfoot Moth 407 Argyresthia dilectella 409 Argyresthia trifasciata 410 Argyresthia brockeella 411 Argyresthia goedartella 412 Argyresthia pygmaeella 415 Argyresthia retinella 419 Argyresthia semifusca 420 Argyresthia pruniella Cherry Fruit Moth 421 Argyresthia bonnetella 422 Argyresthia albistria 424 Yponomeuta evonymella Bird-Cherry Ermine 425 Yponomeuta padella Orchard Ermine 426 Yponomeuta malinellus Apple Ermine 427 Yponomeuta cagnagella Spindle Ermine 441 Paraswammerdamia nebulella 449 Prays fraxinella Ash Bud Moth 453 Ypsolopha dentella 455 Ypsolopha scabrella 460 Ypsolopha parenthesella 461 Ypsolopha ustella 462 Ypsolopha sequella 464 Plutella xylostella Diamond-back Moth 465 Plutella porrectella 469 Eidophasia messingiella 470 Orthotelia sparganella 490 Coleophora lutipennella 518 Coleophora mayrella 544 Coleophora albicosta 584 Coleophora alticolella 597 Elachista atricomella 607 Elachista canapennella 608 Elachista rufocinerea 609 Elachista maculicerusella 610 Elachista argentella 621 Elachista subalbidella 644 Borkhausenia fuscescens 647 Hoffmannophila pseudospretella Brown House-moth 648 Endrosis sarcitrella White-shouldered House-moth 649 Esperia sulphurella 658 Carcina quercana 663 Diurnea fagella 688 Agonopterix heracliana 696 Agonopterix propinquella 697 Agonopterix arenella 701 Agonopterix ocellana 706 Agonopterix nervosa 710 Agonopterix conterminella 724 Metzneria lappella 758 Recurvaria leucatella 770 Teleiodes proximella 779 Bryotropha affinis 787 Bryotropha terrella 789 Bryotropha domestica 797 Neofaculta ericetella 843 Aproaerema anthyllidella 858 Hypatima rhomboidella 866 Brachmia blandella 868 Helcystogramma rufescens 873 Blastobasis adustella 874 Blastobasis lacticolella 882 Mompha locupletella 883 Mompha raschkiella 886 Mompha ochraceella 888 Mompha propinquella 893 Mompha epilobiella 898 Limnaecia phragmitella 905 Blastodacna hellerella 936 Cochylimorpha straminea 937 Agapeta hamana 945 Aethes cnicana 947 Aethes smeathmanniana 954 Eupoecilia angustana 966 Cochylis atricapitana 969 Pandemis corylana 970 Pandemis cerasana Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix 972 Pandemis heparana Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix 977 Archips podana Large Fruit-tree Tortrix 989 Aphelia paleana Timothy Tortrix 993 Clepsis spectrana Cyclamen Tortrix 994 Clepsis consimilana 998 Epiphyas postvittana Light Brown Apple Moth 1002 Lozotaenia forsterana 1010 Ditula angustiorana Red-barred Tortrix 1011 Pseudargyrotoza conwagana 1016 Cnephasia longana 1021 Cnephasia asseclana Flax Tortrix 1024 Cnephasia incertana Light Grey Tortrix 1025 Tortricodes alternella 1026 Exapate congelatella 1032 Aleimma loeflingiana 1033 Tortrix viridana Green Oak Tortrix 1035 Acleris bergmanniana 1036 Acleris forsskaleana 1037 Acleris holmiana 1038 Acleris laterana 1041 Acleris sparsana 1042 Acleris rhombana Rhomboid Tortrix 1048 Acleris variegana Garden Rose Tortrix 1062 Acleris emargana 1063 Celypha striana 1076 Celypha lacunana 1082 Hedya pruniana Plum Tortrix 1083 Hedya nubiferana Marbled Orchard Tortrix 1093 Apotomis betuletana 1099 Endothenia marginana 1108 Lobesia abscisana 1111 Bactra lancealana 1113 Eudemis profundana 1126 Ancylis badiana 1133 Epinotia bilunana 1134 Epinotia ramella 1138 Epinotia nisella 1146 Epinotia rubiginosana 1154 Epinotia caprana 1155 Epinotia brunnichana 1159 Rhopobota naevana Holly Tortrix 1165 Zeiraphera isertana 1169 Gypsonoma dealbana 1174 Epiblema cynosbatella 1175 Epiblema uddmanniana Bramble Shoot Moth 1176 Epiblema trimaculana 1177 Epiblema rosaecolana 1183 Epiblema foenella 1184a Epiblema cirsiana 1193 Eucosma tripoliana 1197 Eucosma campoliliana 1200 Eucosma hohenwartiana 1201 Eucosma cana 1205 Spilonota ocellana Bud Moth 1212 Rhyacionia pinivorana Spotted Shoot Moth 1236 Pammene fasciana 1245 Grapholita janthinana 1251 Grapholita jungiella 1255 Cydia succedana 1260 Cydia splendana 1279 Dichrorampha acuminatana 1283 Dichrorampha montanana 1288 Alucita hexadactyla Twenty-plume Moth 1290 Chilo phragmitella 1293 Chrysoteuchia culmella 1294 Crambus pascuella 1301 Crambus lathoniellus 1302 Crambus perlella 1303 Agriphila selasella 1304 Agriphila straminella 1305 Agriphila tristella 1306 Agriphila inquinatella 1314 Catoptria margaritella Pearl-band Grass Veneer 1316 Catoptria falsella 1334 Scoparia ambigualis 1336 Eudonia pallida 1338 Dipleurina lacustrata 1340 Eudonia truncicolella 1342 Eudonia angustea 1344 Eudonia mercurella 1345 Elophila nymphaeata Brown China Mark 1350 Nymphula stagnata Beautiful China Mark 1354 Cataclysta lemnata Small China Mark 1356 Evergestis forficalis Garden Pebble 1361 Pyrausta aurata 1362 Pyrausta purpuralis 1376 Eurrhypara hortulata Small Magpie 1378 Phlyctaenia coronata 1388 Udea lutealis 1390 Udea prunalis 1392 Udea olivalis 1395 Udea ferrugalis Rusty-dot Pearl 1398 Nomophila noctuella Rush Veneer 1405 Pleuroptya ruralis Mother of Pearl 1413 Hypsopygia costalis Gold Triangle 1415 Orthopygia glaucinalis 1417 Pyralis farinalis Meal Moth 1428 Aphomia sociella Bee Moth 1433 Cryptoblabes bistriga 1439 Trachycera advenella 1452 Phycita roborella 1458 Myelois cribrella Thistle Ermine 1470 Euzophera pinguis 1485 Phycitodes maritima 1497 Amblyptilia acanthadactyla 1501 Platyptilia gonodactyla 1504 Platyptilia pallidactyla 1508 Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla 1513 Pterophorus pentadactyla White Plume Moth 1520 Hellinsia osteodactylus 1524 Emmelina monodactyla 1631 Poecilocampa populi December Moth 1637 Lasiocampa quercus calluna Northern Eggar 1638 Macrothylacia rubi Fox Moth 1640 Euthrix potatoria The Drinker 1643 Saturnia pavonia Emperor Moth 1646 Drepana binaria Oak Hook Tip 1648 Drepana falcataria Pebble Hook Tip 1651 Cilix glaucata Chinese Character 1652 Thyatira batis Peach Blossom 1653 Habrosyne pyritoides Buff Arches 1654 Tethea ocularis Figure of Eighty 1657 Ochropacha duplaris Common Lutestring 1659 Achyla flavicornis Yellow Horned 1661 Archiearis parthenias Orange Underwing 1663 Alsophila aescularia March Moth 1665 Pseudoterpna pruinata Grass Emerald 1666 Geometra papilionaria Large Emerald 1667 Comibaena bajularia Blotched Emerald 1669 Hemithea aestivaria Common Emerald 1674 Jodis lactearia Little Emerald 1678 Rhinanthus minor Yellow-rattle 1681 Cyclophora linearia Clay Triple-lines 1682 Timandra griseata Blood-Vein 1692 Scopula immutata Lesser Cream Wave 1693 Scopula floslactata Cream Wave 1694 Scopula ternata Smoky Wave 1702 Idaea biselata Small Fan-Footed Wave 1707 Idaea seriata Small Dusty Wave 1708 Idaea dimidiata Single Dotted Wave 1709 Idaea subsericeata Satin Wave 1713 Idaea aversata Riband Wave 1715 Idaea straminata Plain Wave 1716 Rhodometra sacraria The Vestal 1722 Xanthorhoe designata Flame Carpet 1725 Xanthorhoe ferrugata Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet 1727 Xanthorhoe montanata Silver-ground Carpet 1728 Xanthorhoe fluctuata Garden Carpet 1732 Scotopteryx chenopodiata Shaded Broad Bar 1734 Scotopteryx luridata July Belle 1738 Epirrhoe alternata Common Carpet 1742 Camptogramma bilineata Yellow Shell 1744 Entephria caesiata Grey Mountain Carpet 1746 Anticlea badiata Shoulder Stripe 1749 Pelurga comitata Dark Spinach 1752 Cosmorhoe ocellata Purple Bar 1754 Eulithis prunata The Phoenix 1755 Eulithis testata The Chevron 1756 Eulithis populata Northern Spinach 1757 Eulithis mellinata The Spinach 1758 Eulithis pyraliata Barred Straw 1759 Ecliptopera silaceata Small Phoenix 1760 Chlorclysta siterata Red Green Carpet 1761 Chloroclysta miata Autumn Green Carpet 1762 Chloroclysta citrata Dark Marbled Carpet 1764 Chloroclysta truncata Common Marbled Carpet 1765 Cidaria fulvata Barred Yellow 1766 Plemyria rubiginata Blue-bordered Carpet 1768 Thera obeliscata Grey Pine Carpet 1769 Thera britannica Spruce Carpet 1771 Thera juniperata Juniper Carpet 1773 Electrophaes corylata Broken-barred Carpet 1775 Colostygia multistrigaria Mottled Grey 1776 Colostygia pectinataria Green Carpet 1777 Hydriomena furcata July Highflyer 1778 Hydriomena impluviata May Highflier 1787 Rheumaptera hastata hastata Argent and Sable 1789 Rheumaptera hastata Scallop Shell 1794 Euphyia unangulata Sharp-angled Carpet 1795 Epirrita dilutata November Moth 1797 Epirrita autumnata Autumnal Moth 1798 Epirrita filigrammaria Small Autumnal Moth 1799 Operophtera brumata Winter Moth 1800 Operophtera fagata Northern Winter Moth 1802 Perizoma affinitata The Rivulet 1803 Perizoma alchemillata Small Rivulet 1804 Perizoma bifaciata Barred Rivulet
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