UNCW A PUBLICATION FOR UNIVERSITY FACULTY AND STAFF University Advancement Patsy Larrick, Editor VOLUME XXI, NUMBER 1 JULY 11, 1991 Lady swimmers recognized: The Nation- CaHILL to leave POST: Dr. Charles L. il Collegiate Athletic Association has notified Cahill, provost and vice chancellor for Academic UNCW that the Women's Swimming Team Affairs for 21 years, will step down as UNCWs top registered the fourth highest team grade point academic officer at the end of the 1991-92 average among NCAA Division I Schools during academic year. Cahill plans to return to the class- he 1990 fall semester. Coach Dave Allen's women room as a professor of chemistry. A national 30sted a 3.100 cumulative GPA in the College search will be conducted for his successor. Chan- Swimming Coaches Association of America Study cellor Leutze expects to cumounce the formation of earning the team an "Excellent" rating. The a search committee this fall. Seahawks ranked fourth best nationally in the class- Deadlines: Performance reviews on SPA room behind Purdue (3.260), Ohio (3.020), and employees for last year are due in Human Resour- \uburn (3.010). UNC-CH, the only other school in ces by August 1. Workplans are due September 1. :he NC state system included in the report, placed New workplan forms will be mailed around July 15. I8th with a team average of 2.890. Congratulations ladies on your success both in the classroom and NOAA GRANT: UNCW has received a $2.38 mil- in the pool! lion grant from the National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration to continue the scientific HaRKIN RECEPTION: Faculty and staff are in- work of the National Undersea Research Center at cited to a reception in honor of Dr. Roy Harkin, UNCW. The funding, retroactive to May 1, 1991, lean of the School of Education, 1980-1991, on through September 30, 1991, will allow the pro- Wednesday, July 31, in University Center Ballroom gram to continue existing undersea research efforts [II from 2 to 4 p.m. RSVP by July 19 to 3350. in the Southeastern U.S. and the Gulf of Mexico as Budget: items that cannot be paid out of the well as to expand efforts in the Florida Keys. The 1990-91 budget due to spending restrictions placed grant also includes funds to manage the facihties 3n the 1990-91 budgets must be received in Ac- and scientific projects of its undersea research :ounting by JULY 15. Direct questions to Tammy habiiait, Aquarius. At 43' long, 20' wide and 15.5' Blizzard at 3143 or Jan Lion at 3227. high, Aquarius, currently being refurbished at the NC State Port, can accommodate five scientists r RS: Due to year-end closing - the FRS system and one staff person during each mission. These win be down TODAY, July 11, and on July 12. new funds bring to nearly $12.6 million the total CC SCHEDULE: The next issue of the Campus dollars granted to UNCW by the federal agency to Communique will be distributed on Thursday, July further undersea research in waters off the 25. Southeastern U.S. and in the Gulf of Mexico. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/campuscommuni198992univ FACULTY/STAFF ITEMS Philip Gerard, acting director of Creative Writing, conducted a workshop May 15 for the staff of The Chancellor Leutze has appointed Ty Rowell to Oaks Psychiatric Services on Creative Writing for serve as interim vice chancellor University Ad- Therapy. In addition, he has had his essay on trac- vancement. Rowell, associate vice chancellor for ing his family heritage, "Sons & Fathers: Going University Advancement, assumed his new respon- Back to Poland," published in the June issue of The sibility July 1. UNCW is currently in the process of World & I magazine. hiring a new vice chancellor for the division. The US Olympic Committee has invited Joe Patterson director of Jane Smith has been named Browning, UNCW's sports information director, to Service, formerly the Office of the Office for Public assist with the 1991 Pan American Games in Special Programs. Smith Patterson, who has Havana, Cuba, August 2-18. Browning was among served as UNCW's interim vice chancellor for a group of seven college sports information since will University Advancement February, be specialists and 12 national governing body repre- univer- working toward a greater involvement of the sentatives selected to assist the Olympic In addition to sity in southeastern NC. programs Committee's public relations staff for the games. exist in the the office will that currently OSP, new As a press officer his responsibilities will include following: development of regional manage the a coordinating media coverage for the U.S. team at coordinating and planning commission, creation of the tennis venue. the leadership development and executive training programs. Globe Watch, development of UNCW's Irene Berry, administrative secretary in the Depart- telecommunications and fiber optic capability, ment of Biological Sciences, has been appointed development of new life-long learning programs education and certified professional secretary and other outreach programs and events that are director for the NC Division of Professional not at this point definitely located within an exist- Secretaries International. ing school or discipline. Smith Patterson The New Hanover County Commissioners have ap- graduated from UNC-CH and has studied in the pointed Dr. Nancy Gladwell, associate professor of graduate programs at NCSU and Harvard. HPER, to serve on the New Hanover County Parks Richard "Dick" M. Scott has been selected as and Recreation Department Advisory Board. UNCW's new assistant vice chancellor for busi- During the May meeting of the Cape Fear Sales ness. Scott comes from Syracuse University, and Marketing Executives, Dr. Earl Honeycutt, as- Syracuse, NY, where he is assistant vice president sociate professor of marketing, was the recipient of for campus services. He will assume his duties at the group's President's Award. Honeycutt has also UNCW on September 3. just returned from an Academy of International Dr. Sue Combs, chair of the HPER Department Business Conference at the National University of has been appointed by the New Hanover County Singapore where he presented his co-authored Commissioners to serve on the Human Service Al- paper, "Some Important National Cultural Basics location Advisory Committee. Underlying an Understanding of Japanese Busi- ness Practices." Dr. P. Allen Gray, Jr., associate professor of nurs- ing, recently returned from nine months of Navy ac- Dr. Marlene M. Rosenkoetter, dean and professor tive duty during Operation Desert Shield/Storm of the School of Nursing, attended the Biennial where he served as Special Projects Officer in the Convention of the National League for Nursing as Education and Training Department at Naval a member of the organization's Board of Gover- Hospital, Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, nors. She also served as a presider as well as a NC. Prior to his dischcuge from active duty, Gray presenter at its Annual President's Leadership and was selected for promotion to the rank of Com- Orientation Conference and chaired the Executive mander, Nurse Corps, United States Naval Committee and annual meetings of the Council of Reserve. Good to have you back Dr. Gray! Constituent Leagues. Faculty and students received top honors during Anne Devaney, associate director of the University this year's Thalian Association Awards Ceremony Union, has moved from the new University Center June 7 on behalf of their involvement in the back to the U Union Administration Office. Her association's production of Big River. Ed Wagensel- phone number remains the same, 3811. Devaney lar, drama major, was named Best Actor for his made a temporary move to the new UC to oversee portrayal of Huck Finn. Best Costume Design went the first months of operation. Lee Pridgen is to Toni Bratton, assistant professor in Fine Arts, facilities coordinator for the U Center and can be and Tom Macie, assistant professor in Fine Arts, reached at the center's numbers, 3681 or 4078. was recognized for Best Lighting. Big River, Linda Smith in Computing & Information Sys- awarded Best Show for the 1990-91 season, was tems has a daughter, Allison Pauline, born July 5. directed by Frank Trimble, associate professor in Congratulations to Linda and husband, Kirby! the Department of Communication Studies. Best wishes to Larry Everett in Printing Services Dr. Andrea Webb Deagon in Foreign Languages and his new bride, Debra. and Literatures presented a workshop on June 27 at the annual meeting of the American Classical From the cabinet: At its meeting on June League at Tufts University. The workshop, "Exer- 17, the Administrative Cabinet discussed recrea- cise Sequencing and Learning Process in the Latin tion and intramurals, campus scheduling, admis- Classroom," explored ways of constructing a se- sions, the second summer session, assessment [juence of class exercises to develop students' procedures for Internal Auditing, space allocation analytical abilities and reading skills. and renovation of Alderman Hall. Since Chancel- lor Leutze was to be in Costa Rica June 22-27 ex- Mel Gibson, assistant athletic director for ploring potential exchange agreements with the facilities and instructor of health and physical University of Costa Rica, no Cabinet meeting was education, will participate in the NCAA/Betty scheduled for the week of June 24. Ford Center Alcoholism and Drug Addiction \wareness Program December 18-21 in Rancho HUMAN RESOURCES Vlirage, CA. Collegiate administrators and coaches Ethel McCrary in the Cashier's Office has applied ivill spend time at the rehabilitative clinic observing illness. Call Dale at 3161. :he center's renowned treatment program. The for shared leave due to an is designed heighten SCAA-sponsored program to Staff Training and Development Opportunities iwareness and provide an understanding of al- av2iilable include: "Introduction to the coholism and drug addiction.
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