- THE DAIIJ~ IOWAN P U B L I S H E D B Y T HE STU D ENTS OF T H E S T ATE UNIVERS IT Y OF I O WA Volume 7 IOWA CITY, IOWA. SU NOA Y MpR ING. FEBRU ARY 2, 1908 umbe r 83 N. O. L. CONTEST PATIENTS AT SANATORIUM ILLINOIS ALUMNI DENTISTS MEET TOMORROW PREPARE FOR fiAME . WON BY STEWART Four Entered Yesterday- Many PLAN BIG BANQUET Al um ni Associltion Officers Mak- WITH fiOPHEH FIVE Applications For Admittance ing Extensi ve Preparations Are Received "One ot the Best Contests Will be Held Saturday, Feb­ for Big Annual Cli nic Coach Griffith PJanning for Held in Years" Four patientq were received at De plte the inclemency of the I Minnesota Contest. the state tuberculosis sa n ltorium ruary 8, in Chicago weather. the officer of lhe Alumni _ Joseph A. Kyle was Second- yesterday. Ma ny applicatior.s fo r A 0dation of the chool of Den- M b f President MacLean and Dean em er 0 Team CameThrough Large and Enthusiastic Audi- admittance have bee n rt:ce ived but ti try look (or a mon ter delega- Missouri Game in Good dy most of those desiro us of enterin g Currier to Respond to Toasts tion of Alumni at the Annual Condition ence Pre s ent- ~mith Third - Butler to preside th e hos pi tal are in th e adva nce d linic to be held tomorrow and The Northern 0 I' a tor i c a I slage~ of the disease. Dr. Ki rch­ T ue day of thi week. All cla - In preparalion for the .1inn - Alumni or til, 't te Univer it)' League preliminary was won ner who is in charge expreshe e will be di mi ed during the. e ota game next Friday oi ht, of Iowa In Chicagp are making Friday evening by Earl tewart. the opinion, that in the near fut ure two day at the Dcntal College. 'oach John Griffith ~ ill give the great preparation tll r the tlr l an­ s Joseph A. Kyle was second and provisions will be made for ac­ Dr. W. E. ' pence of Iowa ity ba kelball quad a trenuou w ek nual banquet the Illinois comodating advanced tuberculous i uperintt!ndt'nt of lini and of practice \ ith the idea of taking H. H. Smith third. Alumni As ociation which will be patients as well as those in the his a i tant are Dr. W. lhe gopher' calp. Th' brilliant Mr. Stewart is a mem ber of held at the Grand Pacific Hotd first stages. Harned and lIt ~ orrow both of pUrl of team work hown by the Sophomore != la s of the Col­ aturday evening, February . T his sanatorium is located Iowa ity. Afler registration the quad at inten'al T hur da • lege of Libel al Arts and of Irv­ Previous to the banquet a re­ ing Institute. He made his fi rst seven miles northeast on th e Iowa Monday at 10:00 1'.111., the a so­ night in the game Wilh Mi ouri ception will be given by the asso­ appearance as an orator in th e Ci ty & Cedar Rapids railw ay. dation will repair to the Den tal demon trated the fa t that it wa ciation for President George E. KS n the tl!<tm to pI y m gnifi ent Freshmen Oratorical con test last The com missioners in charge of In firmary and urgical room, MacLean, Dean . N. Currier, year, winning fi rst honors. He the undertakin g decided to locate wh ere the clinic will be held. ball and now it will be worked to Professor T . H. 1\1 cbride, Judge LIES was also winner of the Irvin g- near Iowa City in order that the In addition to the program which the lim it. Emlin McClai n and uch other Zetagathian oratorical contest for hospital work might have the was recently p u bl i ~he d in the It wa again hown that the guests as may be present. the form er society. During his benefi t . of :he ba c t ~ riolo~ical la­ DAILY IOWA Pre ident Rogers weak poin t of the team wa th eir Mr. Rush C, But ler, '93, vice­ career as a high school student at bora tones 10 the U mver.s lt~. ~he has arrangt' d for several more inability to th ro w goal but a presid ent of the association will OUIS North High Des Moines he was cost of the whole Inslltutlpn clin ics to be given. The program Coach Griffith stated ye terday. preside at the banquet and among the leader of several successful amounts to about $125 ,000. B~­ will thus CGl nsist of nearly sev enty " l( we ca n get the team work the toasts will be the following ist debating teams. In presenting sid~s two pavil~ons for t.h~ us!'. of clinics. the goal will come fa t enough." responses: " Address of W el- his oration "Alexander Stephens" spaclO.us Of the most promin ent memo The Minn esota team won from u pa~le~t s , ~ adm~O\str~t~on com e," Judge Marcus Kavan agh, . it is said that he was at his best. bUlldmg IS prOVided With hvmg '8 Th G U ' 1 f bers of th e dental craft comlDg on thdr hom e fl oor a few week, 7 ;" e reater DI vers ty 0 . G His delivery was masterful and accomodation for the superintend- " P 'd G EM from outSide the state Will be . ago but the team has vowed ve n­ I owa, resl ent eorge . al: V r B f M'l k d ent and assistants. I • • rown 0 I wa u ee, an gea nce and tht: pirit they are the production showed much Lean i 11 Th R tlOllS of th e::.. R 'ch d S f S L . thought and preparation. Connected wit h thp ho pit:ll . h U ' ." 0 1 ar u mm4 0 t. OUt. h illg in practice bode ill {or Al umOi to t e DI verSity, ean A . l ' d '11 Joseph A. Kyle, winner of are heating and electric plants A N C' Th E~ d t 4.00 P. 1\1. , ues ay WI oc- the gophers. mos . urner; " e ; uca- h Al . f h second place was a Hdark horse" and a The site of the . ( ~ F ?" cur t e umm meetlO g or t e The men all ca me throug h the I~und~y. d M Wh H . ' . sanatoflum Includes 240 acrell of te an- at e IS uood or e Iection' 0 f 0 ffi cers. Missouri game in good condition, \0 oratoncal Circles and accredited land so that cattle and chickens and" University Ideals," Profes- with a number of brui e and himself in a highly satisfactory may be raised thus providing a sor T. H. Macbride. everal li sts of dental paraph- ernalia will be on exhibition dur- bu mp but with nothing which manner. He is a Zet and spoke constant supply of fresh milk and At the meeting for the organi­ ing th e met:ting. T ommy O'Brien will not h<:lve on "Themas Paine, The Cos- eggs. zation of the Illinois Alumni club Psi Omega, the Dental fra te r­ out of them before tomorrow mopolite." FRESHMEN MEDICS held rl!cently Rush C. Butl er act­ nigh t. Capt. Buckner wa kneed nity, will entertain its members H. H. Smith was speaking DEFEAT ENGINEERS ed as chairman and S. R. Wal­ in th e side and wa feeling 1I little attending the clinic at a smoker against great odds. All week he __ kins, '9 [ was secretary. H. W. sore ye terday but he will be in Tuesday evening. condition this week. One feature had beeA confined to his room be- Seeman, '92 was chairman of th e Win From Sophomores in Slow of th e game which delighted the cause of an injury to his knee. Game- Score 25 to 17 committee on officers and F. A. audi ence was th l! spectacular goal The morning of the contest ht' Stowe, '92 was chairman of the NOTED VIOLINIST The Freshmen Medics and the throwing of Capt. Buckner. had a slight operation which made committee on by-Jaws. TO BE HERE SOON Sophom<?re Engineers met yester­ it possible for him to be able to Following is the list 'of offie rs -- Pan Hellentc Banquet day afternoon in a game of bask­ Possesses aGe n u i n e Stradi- walk on the stage. of the association and the board At a ban quet of tht: Pan lIel- On! et ball, the former winning by varius Violin The work of Don Bateson, H. of directors: lenic Association of Des Moi.es the score of 24 to 17. The team O. Field and George Frazier President, F. O. Lowdp.n, '8S " A g reat thin g is a Stradivari- Friday t:venin g Miss Irene Gil- work of the Medics won the showed a large amount of prep­ dio game. Smith starred for the Vice-presidents- Rush C. But- us \·iolin ." said a University pat- christ, Kappa Alpha Theta, Mi s aration and they were commend­ winners. ler, L, A. '93; John P. Hand, '75, ron ycsttrday. "Fame has come Margaret Marshall, Delta Gam­ ed on every hand.
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