Dust Transport over the Arabian Peninsula and Kuwait Carly Baumann1* Olga Kalashnikova2 Michael Garay2 Jun Wang1 1 University of Nebraska – Lincoln 2 Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA Case 1: MarCh 2012 I. IntroduCDon and BaCkground Surface and METAR data Satellite images, parKcularly those showing significant amounts of MODIS Meteosat Visibility During Dust Event Acknowledgments dust in the atmosphere, are examined to find the source of dust March 16-21, 2012, MODIS images have a wider swath enabling be=er viewing of the dust event PM10 Models 12 events, determine meteorological parameters for a severe versus 10 Kalashnikova, Olga, for METAR report and Meteosat 8 images insignificant dust event, and determine velocity, direcKon, and 6 height of dust storms to see what other regions are affected. Vis (km) 4 Garay, Michael, and Nelson, David for usage with MINX 2 Linkages between dust plume informaon at the source and dust 0 Wang, Jun for PM10 models properKes in downwind transport regions were evaluated using 0 50 100 150 200 250 This project was funded by JPLSIP (summer 2012) and March 17, 2012 04:30 16/03/12 to 07:00 20/03/12 (30 minute intervals) Space Grant at the Jet Propulsion Lab and California the MINX somware applicaon. Images from the MISR instrument March 17, 2012 Using the same method as on Meteosat the distance was 220,206 m over 6 hours aboard NASA’s Terra satellite were brought into MINX and height Distance between both points = 222,719 m (Google Earth) over 6.5 hours Dust traveling at 10.1 ms-1 START: March 17, 2012 06:30Z END: March 19, 2012 15:00Z InsKtute of Technology in Pasadena, CA. -1 and velocity measurements were obtained. In order to verify the Dust traveling at 9.5 ms data retrieved by MINX, other satellites and surface observaons Case 2: September 2008 *Contact informaon: [email protected] were checked for consistency. September 14-20, 2008, overlap of MISR swath on MODIS Terra MISR/MINX HYSPLIT Trajectories Indian Ocean Wind Vectors MISR September 15, 2008 The Arabian Peninsula is home to many severe dust storms. Its September/Summer Histograms of digiKzaons warm and dry climate contributes to the vast landscape of deserts. Wind speeds up to Across the peninsula strong northwesterly winds called “Shamal,” 18 ms-1, mostly meaning “north” in Arabic, bring in dust storms across the country under 10 ms-1 of Kuwait. As the severity of dust storms has increased over Kme Wind corrected due to these effects, the people of Kuwait are also being affected heights peak at 1500 m, and go up by health and transportaon hazards the dust brings. The presence to 3300 m of atmospheric dust can also affect the climate of Kuwait. As the 1 aerosol opKcal depth (AOD) increases during dust events, variaons in temperature occur since solar radiaon cannot pass through such deep layers of aerosols to reach and warm the IV. Preliminary ConClusion and Future Work surface. Case 3: February 2010 Indian Ocean Wind Vectors CALIPSO February/Spring Future work done for the case focusing more on health would be disKnguishing Soundings/Radiosondes Clouds above dust storm create difficulKes to determine dust height the transport of different sized dust parKcles. The mechanical transfer of dust 40582 OKBK Kuwait Intl Arpt Northwesterly 100 16350 m SLAT 29.21 SLON 47.98 Clouds above SELV 55.00 SHOW 11.61 includes suspension, saltaon, and creep. Suspension is observed in finer LIFT 11.82 winds over LFTV 11.97 SWET 82.98 KINX −2.50 II. Methods 13890 m CTOT −2.10 dust storm do VTOT 27.90 TOTL 25.80 Kuwait with CAPE 0.00 CAPV 0.00 CINS 0.00 parKcles once limed into the air remain in the atmosphere for long periods of 200 12080 m CINV 0.00 not show a EQLV −9999 EQTV −9999 weak Indian MODIS LFCT −9999 LFCV −9999 10660 m BRCH 0.00 BRCV 0.00 large dry LCLT 263.8 LCLP 672.5 Ocean winds Kme. Saltaon describes more coarse parKcles being limed primarily in stronger 300 9450 m MLTH 295.5 MLMR 2.83 THCK 5644. Moderate ResoluKon Imaging Spectroradiometer, Images on Terra and Aqua are used to spot pocket of air PWAT 13.06 above the dust 400 7420 m winds for some Kme then hing the surface and repeang the cycle in a and follow dust events over the area. Events were found for four case studies, case 1: March 500 5760 m event 600 3109 m bouncing fashion. Creep describes much larger parKcles, like sand, which 700 2012, case 2: September 2008, case 3: February 2010, and case 4: August 2007. 800 1498 m 900 783 m 1000 116 m 0.4 1 2 4 7 10 16 24 32 40g/kg usually roll along the surface because the wind is unable to lim them. ParKcle −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 MISR/MINX 12Z 23 Feb 2010 University of Wyoming transport models depend on wind speed and parKcle size more so than the The analysis of the MISR images is done through the use of MISR InteracKve eXplorer (MINX) parameters for air parcels to transfer. So, finer parKcles can sKll travel within air somware, which yields higher resoluKon results than provided by the standard, operaonal parcels, but may detour from some of the trajectories and become injected MISR product. MINX output includes digiKzaons of the height and speed of the traveling CALIPSO Case 4: August 2007 over the boundary layer, like the Saharan Air Layer (SAL), or not travel as far as aerosols during dust storms moving into Kuwait. August 2, 2007 Indian Ocean Wind Vectors Soundings/Radiosondes Overlapping sounding with August/Summer the trajectories depict. Typical sounding Meteosat and PM10 models CALIPSO to see which layer the 40582 OKBK Kuwait Intl Arpt Weak 100 16770 m This data may be interrelated to the size distribuKon of parKcles, and how far SLAT 29.21 SLON 47.98 dust is contained Very dry air SELV 55.00 Paculate Maer with a diameter of less than 10 µm. The models showed a density map of SHOW 5.70 northwesterly LIFT 6.66 LFTV 6.11 SWET 86.62 KINX 21.30 40582 OKBK Kuwait Intl Arpt 14360 m CTOT 5.50 these parKcles may travel based on wind speed and direcKon. Dust storms near the 16790 m VTOT 33.50 100 SLATwinds over 29.21 TOTL 39.00 SLON 47.98 CAPE 0.00 SELV 55.00 PM at certain Kme intervals, used to determine the speed of dust, and verify the severity of CAPV 0.00 SHOW 2.83 10 CINS 0.00 LIFT 1.36 surface with 200 12530 m CINV 0.00 LFTV 0.71 EQLV −9999 SWET 52.58 KINXKuwait with 18.70 EQTV −9999 LFCT −9999 14390 m CTOT 6.90 VTOT 37.90 originang in Syria already affecKng the health in Kuwait may have effects in LFCV −9999 11020 m BRCH 0.00 TOTL 44.80 BRCV 0.00 CAPE 0.00 an inversion CAPV 0.00 LCLT 267.6 CINSstronger 0.00 the storm. LCLP 553.5 200 12560 m CINV 0.00 300 9730 m MLTH 316.9 EQLV −9999 MLMR 4.63 EQTV −9999 THCK 5904. LFCT −9999 and large dry PWAT 19.69 LFCV −9999 11050 m BRCH 0.00 other countries further East like India. Dust parKcle size ranges from 0.001 – BRCVsoutheasterly 0.00 LCLT 277.8 400 7600 m LCLP 647.5 300 9760 m MLTH 314.5 METAR MLMR 8.48 air pocket THCK 5931. PWAT 24.14 500 5860 m winds in the 400 7640 m 1000 µm. Dust parKcles under 100 µm diameters are inhalable. Thoracic (PM10) above 600 Indian Ocean Surface observaons from ground-based weather staons. The staon observed was OKBK, 500 5920 m 700 3118 m 800 600 1433 m is that porKon of the inhalable parKcles that pass the larynx and penetrate into 900 672 m 700 3172 m 1000 −44 m 0.4 1 2 4 7 10 16 24 32 40g/kg Kuwait City. Parameters (Visibility, wind direKon, wind speed, and temperature) were 800 1469 m −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 900 12Z 05 Aug 2007 University of Wyoming 702 m 1000 −11 m 0.4 1 2 4 7 10 16 24 32 40g/kg the conducKng airways and the bronchial region of the lung. Respirable (PM2.5) −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 graphed out over the duraon of the dust event in order to note key changes. 00Z 02 Aug 2007 University of Wyoming is the porKon of inhalable parKcles that enter the deepest part of the lung. Soundings/Radiosondes Once the tracks of different sized parKcles are known different locaons may be PDF files of skew-T charts used from the selected staons OKBK of Kuwait City and nearby CASES CASE I CASE II CASE III CASE IV able to forecast the severity of hazardous parKcles sooner in order for people locaons. The soundings show the verKcal temperature and dew point of the atmosphere. III. Results I, II, III, IV MarCh 16-21, 2012 September 14-20, 2008 February 20-28, 2010 August 2-6, 2007 to prepare. HYSPLIT TrajeCtories Season Spring Summer Spring Summer Combining satellite images and meteorological parameters are useful in making Hybrid Single-ParKcle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory analysis through NOAA indicate a path Speed (avg) be=er forecasts for the severity of a dust event and where the dust will be of a parcel of air based on a forecast model, used to determine direcKon and height of dust.
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