Research Paper (Ecology: Beneficial Insects) ( :) ! ! " () %" &"! $# # 3 2 1 (2) [email protected] : (1) . # " ! " (3) '* %& '$ "# $ (!) .2010 . .1131107 :28 & ' 0 .-/ $ ,* + * ) #$ #%& '$ ($ # ! " .("$ /- 01 0- ($ " 2$ 3 ( 4$ 02004$ 2003 * +, -. #' +, #&$" 0Anthophora 0Osmia 0Bombus :*$ (Hymenoptera) ; /: 6 7, " $$ 8/ #9 ?$; $ ., $9 >+ 3" 4&$ < =7 3" 6 & .Xylocopa$ Eucera 0Andrena 0Halictus Andrena $ Osmia *" 4 0/6" # * , Xylocopa $ Eucera Bombus 0Anthophora 0Halictus ; Anthophora atriceps Pérez ?$ 6 8/ 7" ' 0-; '$ ) * 6 .$/# +, $ 6& " 2; ?$ .$ '2 * - 30 $- # ! 0,; ?$; ' -. #- * " %&; .$ '2 * - 3 $- Andrena albopunctata funebris Panzer /- 0) 0( 0 : " * /; =# (1) 9" & $ 9! / /; 5 # ( ' .#" (A ) & 5 9$4 1 . !" ##" $ %& " #' ( ' #' .(24) " " #,' 5 #" #/ . ./ , #- *&+ " ) ! A " ) #! ##" 3 1 " 2# 34 5 6 . # 1 & # .(20 (19 (17 (15) (4) &- ?$ ##" 9 4 =<9 1 / ; :&9 ? = # 6- (22) # ((3) # 4 9# " $ # ##" ; . ./ - 1 # ?; @ A >! 5 ?9 5 ";' # (36 (21 (10 (8) 24 ) %20 B (5 " . , "9 #/ ) .>" * , . ?9 9 , , ./ ) ! 5 = (1930 > 1 A $ (10) #/ >5 ((24) +, (!,/ $" # / , .(20 Osmia cornifrons Radoszkowski 5 %80 " # 3 .(26 (18) 1 # ("; ; 9 Osmia ( - 9$ 35 %& ( ." / # (9 ! :+ /; ." 5 (, $ ) !#) #" (6 # %& ((32 (31 (30 (2) #9 ' A 5 A#- B (> (13) ##9 3 .9 +, *9 Megachile rotundata ) $ (" / 1 " 5 Fabricius .;/ ;/ A9 $ #/ (14 107 Arab J. Pl. Prot. Vol. 28, No. 2 (2010) &' *+ $ % # ! " .(30) 1930 :" -/ 1 & ' ' M & 2 "34 , -/ 0%/ 1 2004 2003 0 " & G Q , 1 < 0 7 84 9" % 6 " 1 5 T*+I 6 G Q 4 6> ' 6 &': ,#: , -; 1 < .(7) 1 < 1 -; .> & = 9" Q@ 3* 6> M 0 * N 3* ! 97 H0 7: G 6%; U 6M G .(33 625 69 65) / "/ 8' &' 7; ; 1 5 / &1 : H0 7: ? ' 1 & / 0 8' ' @ G Q B: 43’ 36°) (8 ) &@ A -/ 0%; > ' T+ .(7) 91 2003 &' *+ (0 50 5 ' -#: 6B@ 08’ 3° ' ': 1 +; 0 61 , *+ C .2004 ' 1 @ & % & %; ; 6 Eº 19.38 / 84 / .&4 ) ' 2462 E - / 60 1100 0%/ 1 & , ' 0 # .(AF 6 7; & &F/ : % 6& & G 6% 3.5 " / 1@ 8' Echium ) < 6(Galactites tomentosa Moench) + ' +; % . H77 $ *+ # .(Sinapis arvensis L.) + (vulgare L. & A .* # & 8' M 2004 / " 84 E// +/ # - # 2% . ; 627 1 AI 1 "# & + . 1 ! -; 3* ! .VW " 3 13:00 84 B7 10:00 + J AI G & + 97 9+ 1 / 6 @ +; % .(37 635 634 623) 1 1 Apis : -/ 2" + .=< Q G@ 5 84 60 380 " (Transect) / 1@ 8' Anthophora atriceps Bombus terrestris L. mellifera L. F' 6(2 + 0 100) 8' , +; &% Eucera oraniensis Lep. Xylocopa violacea L. Pérez G 2% .F1 , (0 60) / + (2 + 0 60) .(Andrenidae) Andrena albopunctata funebris (Apidae) .(0 1) / ' ' Microbanque X 0+ 8' / 8' 27 , ' 0 & X J B74 X .(28) Faune-flore G 8" B7 ,/ G 1 & & " *+: 9: / .(6) Stat-Itcf .-; & M 6LA 8' ,/ "! < – 0 + 0 6 *+ &' *+ & J N 1 .(1932) MOTOMURA R G " 61 Jaccard similarity = O 1 0 6 0+ 1 &' *+ - .1 0 P , index 6(6) 1.81 PAST & "#7 AI 0 H (Shannon index) - O 1 0 6 J ' G 1 < ! & + 1 .(Evenness) E E O Q ,1 J @/ @ ONE WAY ANOVA 2% 0 6&1 G G & % .%5 %1 : & ' (LSD) .(1932) MOTOMURA &1 R G " (2010) 2 28 108 # .%2.16 D! Bombus terrestris africanus %3.75 D! 2 % 0 D # " Bombus terrestris africanus : .(24) #7 &"! GH # 7 > ! !* % &!' (! )$""# ! " ) @ ? # !+! . " ,- # +# J2 1 + / ) ) ? /!1 1' I+ " (Jaccard )!5 %#! 243 +" $2 / 0 1 +" 4 E !1 J % - %? .! ! /- +# 2003 %! > 4 .2004 2003 %! 74 E * H Shannon > 1' 6 "- )2004 %5 + " E # G7 %? 2004 2003 0 2 5 "75 ! ""# 6 .(2 ") 1 0 %? E 9 1' 18 ! 9 " ! !1# (! Andrena albopunctata : )(Hymenoptera) 3 2003 ! "# $ !% .2 ) =) 2004 Halictus (Andrenidae Andrena flavipes funebris Table 2. Structural diversity comparison of the bee ) Osmia sp. )(Halictidae ) scabiosae communities for the years 2003 and 2004. > (Apidae ) Anthophora atriceps )(Megachilidae Year Xylocopa violacea Eucera oraniensis !+! "" 2004 2003 "- ( .(Apidae ) Bombus terrestris africanus 5 5 % # @ .(1 ") % > +4 0 ""# ? No. of bee species 730 111 & 4 # : &"#! A / @ No. of bee members C ""# "- .(16) 2B ? + "B 1.179 1.348 H ' Shannon index )> 5 0 % E " 841 D! +" $2 ! 0.77 0.65 ( ' E &"#! +" (11) %F! .( 4 9 5 Evenness index Louadi %! % % E " 3897 " H+-! GH @ 4 " # 4 .E 56 E + 18 )( 5 " 5 / ( "- )#!H @! - .1 /! 2 )#!H 2 G!H (H# " %3 4 .2004 / 2003 / .(1 ?1 )3 ") 5 Table 1. Number of wild bee species recorded on ? ! 2 4 % herbaceous plants from April 2003 to October 2004. %! .! # )! (11) Louadi No. of wild bees "" ? 0*3 $" 0 % (16) Michener 2004 2003 Wild bee species 1? # & GH 93 ! >3 17 2 Bombus terrestris L. 24 9 Anthophora atriceps Pérez .- 91 28 Osmia sp. 350 31 Halictus scabiosae Rossi 248 41 Andrena flavipes Panzer !8 !* % &!' ! (! %! % % 4 " , @ Halictidae &H+ %! > I+ ? % 4! )E ?3 Asteraceae # (? ) Louadi @ - %43.4 !+! Halictus scabiosae > (Asteraceae) (Galactites tomentosa Moench) ?1 .H+-! " 8 D! 2 % 0 1 2 (11) Apis mellifera Osmia sp. % 43! !H ! $2 Osmia sp. )%32.9 D! Andrena flavipes > J2 (Centaurea pullata L.) %!H- .Halictus scabiosae ( "" >) Anthophora atriceps %55.13 D! Halictus Anthophora atriceps % IH (Asteraceae) 109 Arab J. Pl. Prot. Vol. 28, No. 2 (2010) > (29) Edwards Richards !% % ) (Echium vulgare L.) .scabiosae Onobrychis N Megachile rotundata / 0 .Apidae (Boraginaceae C >I > 8 ' 0 viciafolia Scop. %& ' .#$ Bombus !" ; O0 6& J0 .: !$ ? 2 ? N (Brassicaceae ) (Sinapis arvensis L.) ? Xylocopa violocea Apis mellifera + > ' + , -/ 0 Andrenidae *& C* 8 @ $ 50* 4/ % ' . 1 2 0 -(12 -11) Louadi ? > 50* 4/ % > O0 - (Papaveraceae ) (Papaver rhoeas L.) 3&4& % $% 6& %0 > > $% 8 74 84/ 7 Andrena flavipes 56 Apidae ' $ 6 %" N; (27) Pouvreau 4' . C* % ' 1; .:9 ,84 (11) Louadi > 8 0 P$ 0 ' =0 A ; .(11) Louadi :; 4' ! Anthophora atriceps Sinapis arvensis F - N/ .>I ? :9 < ,>; 0 :9 < 7 8 =9 50* 8 8 P$Q 0 %82.5 (Brassicaceae) (24) Louveaux Pesson :; 4' @ =9 .12 % #$ %0.7 $ /9 =# 8 ' ? A/ ' Hedysarum coronarium L. ' . 2003 .3 Apiaceae Torilis arvensis (Huds) Link. Fabaceae . 2004 (MOTOMURA) %$ .>B > 0 <' C& .% 9* # 8 Table 3. Faunistic availability slopes of years 2003 and 2004 compared to the MOTOMURA adjustment. Anthophora + 5 - <' 7> / 0 ' Year Bombus %/ 8D .<' 5 + Andrena flavipes atriceps 2004 2003 Osmia sp. Halictus scabiosae 5&' (<' 3) terrestris -0.839 -0.727 .(4 %") #$ A slopes 0.00332** 0.0265* MOTOMURA (P) 0.2732NS - 2003 :0 <' A/ % E$ /9 *& % F EG - 0.2732NS 2004 %1 ** %5 * Eucera oraniensis Bombus terrestris Apis mellifera . NS * Significant at P= 5%, ** Significant at P= 1%, NS No Significant Anthophora Xylocopa violacea Andrena albopunctata difference . ? > % 8 %" atriceps %0 $% 8 >I %% ' J06 -5 %" Anthophora atriceps < %/ .0 < C6& C& %0 $% 8 > 2.81±30 >I > 8 <I ' (7) Jacob-Remacle 4 .K&I <I $ $ ' >I > " Anthophora plumipes C/G' " (11) Louadi ' .&M 2%9L 2 0 ?" > C/G' ' .< % D Xylocopa Andrena albopunctata Apis mellifera+ N; =9 K>/ .K&I 0 <D $ violacea =0 @" >I N / 0 :G$ 2 #I ? .1 :" @ O0 F =9 .@# Jacob-Remacle Figure 1. Comparison of the structural stability of the fauna ./ 0 N (7) availability with the Motomura natural model (2010) 2 28 110 2004 2003 .4 Table 4. Floral pollination visits of Apoidea species among some plant species for the period 2003 and 2004. Bee species and Family Apidae Megachilidae Halictidae Andrenidae Plant species Bombus Apis Anthophora Halictus Andrena terrestris mellifera atriceps Osmia sp. scabiosae flavipes Family Scientific name 2 41 3 7 7 0 Asteraceae Galactites tomentosa Moench 0 3 18 3 9 3 Asteraceae Centaurea pullata L. 0 12 0 6 0 12 Astaraceae Anacyclus clavatus (Desf.) Persoon 4 60 0 13 0 0 Boraginaceae Echium vulgare L. 0 8 0 2 0 10 Brassicaceae Sinapis arvensis L. 6 31 0 0 0 3 Papaveraceae Papaver rhoeas L. 0 3 0 0 0 0 Fabaceae Hedysarum coronarium L. 0 3 0 0 0 3 Apiaceae Torilis arvensis (Huds) Links 12 165 21 31 16 31 Total 3 9 2 5 2 5 No. of pollinated plant species # (1) 8) (/$ 3 $% ! "# .5 &' ) 8 $ ) Halictus Andrena Megachile Table 5. Mean number of flowers pollinated per minute by . # ' %$ bee species "# + ## $ #) .- 8 ! # '# (! ) $%/!"# ) # ! #* +$ "# $ Mean No. of ( ) flowers No. of .) (! $ #8, $ ! ' $ ) 2 pollinated/minute replicates Bee species %! ' #! 8 $ 4! % 2.40±5.31 40 Apis mellifera 1.30±9.10 6 Bombus terrestris ) 7 7 ' 2.81±30.0 15 Anthophora atriceps 8 )# # # + 5.91±6.80 23 Eucera oraniensis - 8 $ %) 7 $ 8 (! 3.18±3.20 5 Andrena albopunctata 4.50±4.50 6 Xylocopa violacea .'/ '/ # ! ! #) .'# (! $ & # % "# $ 8 ! 8# # %! .) #$ ) +$ #* . (8 ## 0 ) )8) 0# #$ "12 3, %! -, /, "# !# ' 6)# 7 51 .4! 111 Arab J. Pl. Prot. Vol. 28, No. 2 (2010) Abstract Bendifallah, L., K. Louadi and S.E. Doumandji. 2010. A Study on Wild Bees as Pollinators of Weeds and Herbal Medicinal Plants in Matija Region, Algeria. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 28: 107-113. This study aimed to identify the most important wild bee species prevalent around wild and herbal medicinal plants, estimate their numerical density and effectiveness in pollination when visiting flowers during winter, spring and summer of 2003 and 2004 at the experimental station of the National Institute of Agricultural
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