Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC January 1997 Daily Egyptian 1997 1-23-1997 The Daily Egyptian, January 23, 1997 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 82, Issue 80 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1997 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in January 1997 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Glyph: Involved: Special page examines Study shows new class thcrcputations of more interested in rap stars. iruidc pagi:6 Southern Ulinois University at carbondale Vol. 82, No. 80, I Z paJ,?cs itydeb tes lcohol at concerts CounciPs alrohol · at the Sunset Conc:ats al "It's impossible for lhcm · to Mayor Neil Dillard. who voted curb underage drinking." FAIR DAYS: Twlcy Parle. · enforce the laws," be s:tld. '"They · for the Fair Days cbignation, said · Yow also mentioned problems vote allows alcohol· In the end. 1h •council voted 3-2 can't go around to every individual dilldrcn are present at the conccns, · that arise during Halloween. to allow alrohol consumption dur• and say, 'What have you gol in that. but they should be sUJ)C"V15C(L . "Thal's the way Halloween gol consumption to continue ing this summer's concats al the Styrofoam cupT,. "No young c.hildrcn should be in started: by dc.:ciaring Fair Days." be at Sunset Concerts. park by declaring them "Fair Days." Al the meeting. the Rev. Jeff the (!(Uk al that hour or the evening s:tld. which allows le~ publi.:: drinking Scott of lhe University Baptist witooul p.m:nlS, guardians or care- The concc:ns arc co-sponsored JENNIFER CAMDEN on special occasi~ .· Church s:tld dilldrcn arc prohibited lakcrs with them." be s:tld. by the Carnondalc Parle District and DE Pouncs E'orroR Councilman John Yow, who from entering !ms, and bars arc not Scott s:ud lhc "Fair Days" desig- lbc sruc s111t1en1 Programming opposed the cooo:n's "Fair Days" pcnnittcd ta open near churches or nation for · lhc concctts, like the Council. 'Illcy arc r.chedulc.d for Underage drinking and chil­ <ksignation, s:tld be has opposed it schools. Halloween distmbanccs, is a cbancc · . Thursday evenings during summer drcn 's exposure to drinking were for the last 10 years. He s:tld thc:rc "Yet. we allow 4- or 5-ycar-olds for the city to be cast in a negative semester. alternating between · debated al Thc:~~day's Camond.1.le arc so many. young people at the the sights. sounds and smells of the light. City Council meeting :is the rouncil concat that the police cannot catch .oor aowd from the convi:rucncc or "lt·s b:id public policy," he said. considered whether or not to allow all underage drlnkas. pL1yground swings," be s:tld. .. It's inconsistent with our efforts IO 5E¥ CONCERTS, PAGES ·.N~w budget system to .begin at SIU CHANGES: Responsibility Center Management plan a concern for Unive~ity faculty. WIWAM HAmELD DAILY EGYrnA.-.i RErOP.ltR .A new budgeting SY$'.em that will be implement• ed at SIUC and SIUlfwill share.responsibility for budget making and allow administrators to do their jobs more effectively. an administrator says. However, some facully say they believe it i\ inappropriate 11:ul could lea~ to a lowering of acad­ emic standanls for SIUC. Elaine Hyden, vice-president for planning and budget services and chairwoman of the Rcsponsihility Center Management (RCM) com­ miuec, s:tld RCM is a decentralized management GIVING srylc that ties the generation of credit hours to lhe generation of money. •· THANKS: "In its mmt basic level, a department c::m think Or.M. Hamid of ways to generate revenue, and it gets to keep and (bft}, o resident use !hat money," Hyden s:tld. · of Carbondale, Hyden said RCM is driven by academic priori• and Kamel tics of the University. She s:tld it provides inccnti"~ Sandouka, a 10 academic departments to create new ~ from !heir actions. She said under this system. aca• graduale student demic units will be responsible for their own bud• in electronic: geting and be aware of all costs. · · .'. management SIU Pn:siden1 Ted Sanders s:tld although it ma) from Palestine, be months or years before it is implemented, there pray ta Allah has been faculty concern regarding RCM. He said it while in celebra· is. partially caused by lack of information. "Anytime things change, it makes everyone ner• tion of Ramadan. vous." Sanders said. "Particularly, if there is limile( •. I participation in what those changes arc.''. · Alben Melone, presidfnt of the SIUC Facult3 Senate. said originally there were no faculty mem Students celebr~te :holy tnonth hers on the steering committee: . He s:tld nftcr ht . SUNRISE, SUNSET: ~yed Ameeruddin, a pre­ "Ameeruddin said. "And he gives us, arg-..:ed that . the implementation affected facult) med from Saudi Arabi:i. he is par­ the greatest reward for.this sacrifice." Ramadan celebrated by ticipating in Ramadan, the holiest Ameeruddin . is not alone in his SEE BUDGET, PACE 5 praying, fasting. month on the Islamic calendar, which beliefs. Other Muslim students also begins nnd ends ucconling to a lunar are participating in the holy month; Gus Bode l.A'ICEISHA R. CiRAY calendar. · · which began Jan: 10. The exact date 0/IILY EGYl'TIAN Ri:rop:rm Ameeruddin said he is p:utieip:11ing of its ending is unknown. by fa.\ting from sunrise to sunset. pray­ Ahmad Bashrahio, n freshman in Although every deed of a Muslim is ing and engaging in fellowship with computer science from. Yemen, said for hint,;elf and the lonJ, this mond1 other Muslims. · . ·.· Gui say.;: Let's "Fasting is a shield from hellrtre, work or. :Fair every deed is for the lord alone, an a . Semesters: S IUC student says. holy sacrirtce· for the r.ake of God, SEE HOLY, PAGE 5 Il.\lLY EGl'PTIAS NEWS . ot 549-5065, • Orgcrimlicn fw Sport & Exen:be moeling, Jon. 23, 8 p.m., DcMes Gym toongo Rm. 142. Conlod Genny a · 529-XOS. UPCOMING • SWJC l.iirory Affan • "ln!nxludion bWWWiningNcbropo (Mxinla$hr Saninor,Jan. 23, l p.m. •Jp.m.,M:mslbory 103D. • Spanish 'iible, Jan. 24, 4 b 6 p.m., Corrections CokJ lvlda,ge. Conloct Moria ot .f.51• Conloct the thlcrgrocluo1e Deslc cl A53·28l h, n,giw. 5432. ' If readers spot an cm:,r in a news article. they can c~ntlct the Women's cu, l'rogrmi.- Daily Egyptiall Accuracy Dc..-.k al 536-3311, cir.tension 233 or 2.28. • Sell!! Volunieer C.orps • Senior • sruc AdlJlt SeMa:$ ~ As.wnbly, ' Dimer,Jm. 24, 5 p.m., Smal . Jan. 23, 1 p.m., Senior .Aa:M Services, Bwneu lnaJbotor, $10 per penon. liN N. Spingc,: Ccnlod Kim al i.Sl· Conbd MM ot 549-3978. D.ULY &lPTIU Southem Illinois University at caibondale .4151. .• · Tl,o!htyffl)Pb, •p,l,l,,l,odMadir'-IJ,l1imf.l,i,,g,_i,lcr,d~-cnd • ScliiVolunloa-Ccrps. Family fun :.,.'"j;::;!,~t;;:::;.. ::~-cnd----i.,"" • Sludent ~ • Sludcnl lilii N'gl,t, Jan. 24, 5::J> lo 8:30 p.m., Adwiscr lnten!,1 St.:uion, Jan. 23, 3:lJ Oesolc> & Winlder Schools. Conloct p.m., .Missouri Room in Sltdcnl Cenllr. · Lynn Edmondson ct 684·3145 of. EJ • ..-.1...ou.f. Brim T. s.rt.... An,y'Enrmainmrnt £,Lu, u.. ~ • Koppa Alpha Psi fralemity, Inc. • ,._.,.,..,EJ,oc:ICrndn!ldlDl't' Conloct Vinamt al 453-5714. 132.,Fduw:T..-11"'- ~ ~Ms. Diomcncl N>ic,,mcna.&J•or. a>tJ A..S..­ Fdnon Jmnifcr .kh1ee roo,la c.m..t.,, l)'ieeling 1~ N.,.. E'dtr"" Cyndm si-u Scu.lrntAd~ T,,4,.. • Society for the~ of b-oll !mob & • Germm TaYe • Sonnmch,Jan. Sjuts Edimr.Mkh.l O.Fml 0-il'...iSanhN-" Management· New rnenhx- night, • ftmolei), bi. 23, 7 b 9 p.m., Sludcnt 24, 5:30 lo 7:SJ p.m., llocbfs. n.ou, Ed,u, Curt!, I(. llwl Jan. 23, 5 p.m., Rehn 108. Con1oct Cc,,tc, ~ Room. Ccnlod Cm!o,. Conlod MM ot 549-1754. ~EJiu,JdfSlc-, •nJAnc,,1• 1-i., Cmii- l.lklld•cci A_.., n..-, AJl'loJ.ct1on,l.u,JooW;Uwm Ed.ta,i.l l'ac< Co-61,tor: En.ily l'rWy o...,i..1on,c..eorr5a,c, &Ju .. w r.oce Co-EJ.ror. Sh.,....,. Au...,,. l'r,,Jua.,.. M•nacn: Miko Cila:m-•di •nJ J,y \'ercdlul11 °""""""~S<aJI': o.,,,,..i~R.,1,mJ­ M,,,.cir,cF.J-.Laan~ D,,rlr,MM,_SlxniKllllaa a..&J Ad M.Nc,,,Jnf c;,.,.,. r,,,Juc,m i.t......., EJ o.i-..... AccooN Trd. IU: Kay ........... ll~Sr,dolioCK.llyn-. _t;'l,.~6~r.~~~~1tt'rw.~ <m,,,,,;lc,lt, ll 62901. ffwoN (61&1536-331 l;la. (6161 ffl.1992. 0-1:1 .\,gorl,oimo,, Sail clbeo,, Ma.1 ~'" $75 a.,,_ ot Wl.50 lo, u""""" .,.;fw, h u.i.d S-and Sl!>So.,,_or $125.SOlo,u....,,,,._., o11 r..,...,,.........._ ro.-.,.,:s-Jollc:l,ange.clacli-.... bO..'!yfm,,ia,.Soutl.mllit,oi, u-.-.i,y, Cotlxrclolt, It, 62'/0I. s.a.-.l a,., Po.a,go pc;d o1 Cotlxrclolt, ll JOHN JAMIE LEE KEVIN MICHAEL 'a.EESE .CURTIS KllNE PALIN Want Before making an appointment :it the Student Health Programs Clinic for birth control. atlend one of these classes. $25,100 --SPRINGSCHEDtJLE -­ Wednesdays I :00 - 2:00 p.m. Kesnar Hall Classroom - 2nd ·noor for (.1aOU from lleallh Sc-rvio: Clinic} 9 n,,,-,1-U.l'Wl').
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