C: Commodore® E - - AMIGA®~£ _ HARD DRIVE PLUS USER'S GUIDE DRIVE INFORMATION For later reference, please record the information listed on the bOllom of the AS90 in the spaces provided below. TYPE:______ ___________________________ MANUFACTURER: _______________________ MODEL: _____________________________ NUMBER OF CYLINDERS:: ___________________ SECTORSPERTRACK:: ______________________ NUMBER OF HEADS: _____________________ SERIAL NUMBER:: _______________________ DRIVE TYPE: (Circle one) XT / SCSI C: Commodore® ~ - - AMIGA®~~- _ HARD DRIVE PLUS USER'S GUIDE COPYR IGHT This manual .1:) 1989 Commodore -Amiga. I nc .. All Ri ~hls Reserved . This document may nOI, m whole or in pari be copied, photocopied. reproduced. translated, or reduced 10 any elc ~" Ironic f1l('dium or machine readable form . without prior consent, in ""riling. fmrn Commodore-Amiga. Inc. With I his dOCUlTI(nt, Commodore-Amiga makes no warranti{'", or guaraflll!c ~. ejlhN nj)rev,cd or implied. wilh respect to t~ products described. their fUrK:liona1i ' ~' . compatibility. or 3\ail· ability. FUrl~ r . Commodo... ! -Amiga assumes no re<;pomitJility or liabilit}' for " Ialemcnl ~ or repre!!cmal ions made by itSelf or by third party vendor-. or in the puhllcation' repr(ldu~'ed herein . IN NO EVENT W ILL COMMODORE-AM IGA BE LlAHLE FOR DIRi:.CT, INDI· RECT. INC IDENTAL. OR CONSEQUENTI AL DAMAGES RE SULTING FROM ANY CLA IM ARISING OUT OF THE REPRESENTATIONS MADE HEREI N. [VE:-.I IF IT HAS BEEN ADVISE D OF THE POSS I BILITIES OF SUCH DAMAGES. SO~1E STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITAT ION OF SUC H WARRANTIES OR DAMAGES. SO T HE ABOVE EXCLUSIONS OR LIM ITAT IONS MAY NDT A PPL \' . Information in this document is subject to change ",;,h(\u! nOlice and docs nOI represent a commitment on the part of Commodore- Amiga . The soft ware desc ribed in Ihi' document i ~ furni~d under aiKen$(' agreemem or no nd isclo ~ urc agreemt'nl. 11 b. ag:t imt the la .... 10 l'O p~ Ihi\ sof","'are on magnetic tape. disk . or an y athel medium for any pUrptN::' Olher than lhe­ purcha!>er'~ personal use. Anllga i~ a reg istered trademark of Commodore -Amiga. Inc. Cummodore :tlld the Commo­ dore 10iO are registered trademarks of Commodore Eleclronic\ Limited . 1\-IS·00S i~ ..1 re.cl'" lered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation . PC : XT j, a Tegi",ered Iradclllar~ of IrHcrna­ lional Bu sineu Machines, Inc . UN IX i~ a registerc=d Irade=mark of AT&T. Ep ~(l n 10, 3 rc= gi~ t~r~d Iradt-mark of Epson Amc:rka, Inc. SeagalC= is a f~gl sl crcd trademark of Scagate Technologies. Inc. WARN ING: This equipnl(nI has bttn cenific=d 10 comply v.ilh the limits for a Class B ..::o mpul­ ing devicc=. pursuant to subpart J of Pan 15 of the Federal Comm un i c alion ~ Commissions rules. and Standard C I08.8·M 1983 of the Canadian Slanda rd ~ A S~ OC l ation' ) regulation ... T~ rules a nd regulations are designed to provide rcasonahle protcction against radio and te1ev i ~ion inter ference in a residential installat ion . H Tl C'l in'talled properly. in "triet aceor· dano.:e ..... ith the manu facturer's in structions. it may cau,e interference. If you ~tI~ P~(t illlcrf\.·r­ erlCe. you can test this equipment by turning il on and o ff. If thh ('4uipment d oe, cause interference. COf rect it by doing any of the following: • Reor~ ntl~ receiving antenna or plug . • Change the relati\,(, positions of the peripheral and Ihe receiver. ~ Plug the equipment into a d ifferent outlet so thai the peripheral and recei' er arc on different circuils. CAUTION: Only equipment with shield -grounded cables (cO mpUleT input-output de\ice ~ . ter­ m Lnal s. printers. etc.), certified 10 comply with Class B limits. can be all ached to this deviet'. Oreration with non-certified equipment may result in communications illlerferenee. )'('I UT house AC wall receptacle must be a three-pronged type (AC' ground). If nm. contact an ck(trician to install the proper receptacle. If a multi-conTlC1:tor box is used to ":('I nnect the (Omputl'r and peripherals to AC'. the ground mu ~t be common to all unit). I f ne(c~sary. contact your Commodore dealer or an expc=ricl'k.' cd radio·TV tet.:hmci.m for addi­ tional \ uggc"'ion~ . You may find the following FCC' booklet helpful : " How 10 Id entify and Rc\olve Radio-TV InterfercO(e Problem>;." The booklet i.., available from the U .S . Gt,,,,:rn­ men I p, i nt ing Office. \\'ashingt0n, D .C. 20402. stock no. ()()..l-()()()·{IOH5--' . Contents INTRODUC ING THE A590 .. .... ............ ............. .. STALLING THE A590 .. ............................ ........ 3 Installation Procedure .. ...... .............................. 3 Connecting External SCSI Devices ..................... ...... 8 In stalling Random Access Memory (RAM) Chips .... ........... 8 US ING THE HARD DISK ........................... .. .... .... 15 Copying Programs to Your Hard Disk .... ... .•. .. .. .. .... 15 Saving/ RelTieving Files . ........ ...... .. .•. .. .. .... ... 19 Backing Up Your Hard Disk ... ........ .. ... .... ... ........ 19 Recoverable Errors ........ ............... ......... 20 Nonrecoverable Errors ............. ........ .. .... .... 20 CHANGING THE STA RT UP·SEQUENCE . ......... ............. 23 THE A590 SETUP DISK ... ..... .. .......... .. ................. 25 KickstaTl 1.3 Users ...... .. .....•.. .. ...... .. .. ... • . .... 25 KickstaTl 1.2 Users .............•. ......... ... .... .... 26 Quick Installation ... .. ... .. ........ .... ........ .... .... 26 Using the A590 Setup Disk ......... ......... ......... ... .... 27 Using the Installation Soflware .................... .... 28 Usi ng the HDToolbox Program .......................... 34 Hard Drive Preparation, PaTlitioning and Formalling ... 35 Change Drive Type ..... ....... ... ............. 39 Define/ Edit Drive Type ......... ................ .41 Bad Blocks ..... ............ ..•....... : ... .. .43 Parllllonmg .... .. .............. ................44 File System Characterist ics . .. .... .. ......... .49 File System Maintenance ....... .... ..... .. ......... 51 APPENDIX A TROUBLESHOOTING ... .... .................... 53 APPENDIX B DIP SWITCH SETTINGS ........... ... .......... 54 APPENDIX C TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS . ...... .. .. ..... 55 APPENDIX D SOME USEFUL TERMS .................... .... 6 1 Introducing the A590 The AS90 Hard Drive Plus is an external hard disk drive plus a controller card and expansion memory unit for the Amiga SOO. The AS90 connects to the side of the Amiga SOO and comes with a disk containing all the software required for operation. The AS90 includes the following features: • 20 MB of disk slOrage. • Sockets for SI2KB, 1MB, or 2MB of fast random access memory (RAM) chips. • Direct Memory Access (DMA) for fastest possible operation. • ConneclOr for the use of Small Computer Standard Interface (SCS I) expansion devices. • Autoboot ROMS to allow you to boot your system from the hard drive, if you are using Kickstan~ 1.3. Note: To obtain the full potential of the AS90, you will want 10 have the Kickstan 1.3 ROM upgrade installed in your Amiga SOO. With the Kickstan 1.3 ROMs you will be able to automatically boO! your system from the AS90, providing faster access to all your files. You can determine whether your Amiga has Kickstan 1.2 or 1.3 by staning your system without a disk in the floppy drive. The screen will show a hand holding a Workbench disk, with the version number below it. If the version number is 1.2, your. Amiga is using Kickstart 1.2. Please see your Amiga dealer concerning the ROM upgrade. If the version number is 1.3, your Amiga already has Kickstan 1.3. This user's guide explains how to: • connect and set up the AS90. • connect external SCSI devices . • install RAM chips on the AS90 board. • use the HDToolbox software to set up and configure your hard disk. • use the reinstallation software (0 rebuild you r hard disk in the event of a catastrophic loss of data. Note that with the addition of the A590, your system will still operate nor­ mally using the floppy disk drive. Installing the A590 WARNING: Commodore will not be responsible for any injury or damage resulting from improper installation. Such improper installation will also void the warranties on the A590 and the Amiga 500. Read this manual before attempting to install the A590. Turn the computer off and unplug the power cord before proceeding. Installing the A590 with the power on could cause personal injury to yourself and damage to the equipment. Make sure that nothing is attached to the computer. Disconnect all peripherals and power cords, and put them aside. The A590 requires adequate ventilation. Do not block the openings in the A590 or place it in an enclosure or on a carpet. Most hard disk failures occur due to improper handling: never subject the A590 to electrical or physical shock. Unpack the A590 a nd make sure that you have all the required parts: • A590 hard disk drive. • ground clip. • power supply. • A590 setup disk • warranty card. Record the information li sted on the bottom of the A590 on the inside cover of this manual. Installation Procedure The following steps, required to install the A590, are explained in detail, heginning on the next page. I. Turn off and disconnect the A500. 2. Set the DIP sw it ches at the back of the A590. 3. Open the side panel of the Amiga 500. 4. Connect the ground cli p 10 the Amiga 500. 5. Connect the A590 to the Amiga 500. 6. Connect the power supply to the A590 and AC out let. J 1. Turn off and diseonnect the A500. Thrn off the ASOO, and unplug the power cable. Disconnect a ll peripherals and cables from the ASOO. 2. Setting the DIP switches. There are four DIP switches located at the back of the AS90. The swit ches are shipped in the off position. If you are using Kickstart 1.3 you will want to set DIP switch I to on. If you are using Ki ckstart 1. 2 you can connect the AS90 with the DIP switches in the current positions. Note: If your Workbenchm prompt requests Workbench 1.3, yo u are using Kickstart 1. 3. If it requests Workbench 1.2, you are using Kic kstart 1.2.
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