rÌ la December4,1975 I 301 * WITNESSING FOR AID TO VIETNAM MORE ON ALTERNATIVE HEALTI.I CARE DErARTM i Ils-ncE ENr sr R I KEi"óùr Âõe I ru FORMULA FOR UNDERDEVELOPMENT PEACE E '-r - - r' - - lts_ , l t * ì E I .r -i -h - r¡ - - - ---r - -lt - -tt- - - ! --r -. .r¡--r --l ¡:r :: -¡ ----, T- ,., - I-- -,-rf - rhr -r -a --=: IF !I --. -'-- q - - rt rl¡ -a{l - - - .- -I rl - Hi: sJH Ül'.¡i{liÀì!1f, - -ì --t I E- -r?t--9+T?9 II --lqE--r - Þtl hJfl(lf{Vl:i 7.f ¿¿ --- -l -I ...\ti]{.ij 3 ìj' ì $T-¿J. I - t{iûì-t(1Tfid !j \ I ¡ llSdr) t * Íàit$ltl *f-ìi a / çü ï 9'1,' :3rlû? d i ¡ I I Þc'' \ - -^ ^ --. Fæ?- . t, The recent and the Milita¡y" I wish the WIN would engage in more lovingly try to explain this anger to her and of the night, the floors covered with pcople "Uirionization article lll20l15l was timely arid, rdection.on curtent non-vioJent action. related to it in a selÊcriticat way. in sleeping þSgs . IWIN, important. Local ACLU military rights ex- Some of the letter exöhanges have been ALBÞ:RT The big problem now is getting fúnds to_ -siïw perience in helping active duty enlisted with such.reflections. George Lakey's B'l article Hurley, NY pay the mortgûgc on the house. Iiis the problems has ofccndemnation of ûrst place in the country that we know their shown a growing lack of and the discussion of , were also that has received private funding for rurr legitimate help by supervisbry and ofEper sôme of Jane Alpert's actions helpful ning the house and a grant on the down pay- personnel for those in trouble. reflections I found Further, of petty , Fellowshíp h¿s been noting lately that ! y.q qlad to sèe Leah Fritz's tetter IWIN, ment on the moitgage, but,banfts and many lhp harassurents 'US protests the war were 101301751. I\e always felt that WIñ was foundations are not into mortgages for and unfair persórinel practices or unusral ágainst Vietnam pacifist and I realize I've learned my basioally a male supremist oriented maga- refuges for women. '-BERNiCE SISSON working conditions that are diffrcult to not pacifism on UÞ'W picket lines rather than zine. I'm glad its ûnally out in the open ' Women's Advocates proqess under the UCMJ (Unifofm Code of Leah has been a clarifying force moie than Military Justice) might better be handled in the anti-wa¡ movemenf or reading WIN ,a giving workshops to teachers about once fo¡ this rag-we all owe her a debt of through grdøance procedure which has or even December 4,1975 This letter is promptetl by Leah Fritz's iÏÍ'î'f,iiffi; / Vol. Xl, Ño.'41 gratitude. .NANCY EVECHILD ',. impartial,arbitration as a ûnal step, and peace and þstice. Seeing the factual ac- editorial and Barbara Deming's a¡ticle in which permits the grievant to be repfesented count of the UFW made me want mo¡e- Minneapolis, Minn, I have a it¡ggestion for ¿ new bumpår iIVIN's October 30th iss¡e. essays from white and minority radicals on sticker qhich perhaps somebody in his complaint by a union or professional Feminist thought has been valuable to could nonviolent move- produce, "The organization of his choice. the impact of minority me especially through B-t is A Bomb,'; If enor.rgh politics it's exposition of us put The American Federation of Goverr¡ nients on US and society; lifestyle Just it on our cars it might te of so"me 4. Witnessing for Aid to Vietnam social roles; i.e., men can be sensitive, read Barbara Deming's letter in Norr. -of ment Employees (AFGE) deserves c¡edit for reflèctions from Ba¡ba¡a Deming [WIN, help. -WLLIAM A. FRAENiEÍ Scarborough & John McAulitr, women aren't necessarily passive, etc. 20 WIN and agree with her ccimpletêly- proposing the ûrst step towards giving no*, 10/30/7sl and Art Waskow ll0l23l 7 5l ; Jay an that a commitment Lexington, Mass. : Ihroulh increased understanding of to rionviolence requires. ,, supewisory active duty enlisted personnel 41 analysis of peace and f¡eedom thru non- 6. Repression ln Britain'/ Joe Gerson tþese conditionings and dialogue it is my commitment to feminism. From wo¡kirig organized voice in negotiating terms and violent action in the context of ideological 7. Justice Departrnent Strikes Out in hope that a certain amount ôf crossþolliha with.Women's Advocates in St. Paul I have conditions of employmen! and.alsci the stn¡ggles; reflection on the long.range irn tion of the best (is experienced pact Gainesville (again) | Neìl Fullagor will happen happening) trst hand the deep violence of chance to resolve grievances through a coÍÞ , ofcollectives on local neighborhoods. and that through this we will men against womerL 8. Responses to an Alternative Health become more and that violence in- Supporters of Kim Chi Ha (see plaint procedure. -JOHN L. SCRIPP III I think my discontent with some of the whole, loving human beings. creases when women find an alternative to articles on human sexuality, the account of Care System. Scott &.'Claire Douglas WlN, 10/16/75), have appealed CDR-USN Ret I Jim t I, for one, am not going to sit arôund the tenible abuses they and their child¡en Norfolþ Va Kurt Groenwold being tailed in NYC for those concerned by his case r 12. A Meeting.in Mexico City / Fred Hircch feeling guilty about being male, white, haVp rçgejV gd from them. ItÛlt6l75l and Karla Jay's ll0l23l'151 to "middle class," Women's Advocates just..fell and the fate of democracy in herself 14. Formula for Underdevelopment Americar¡ having 2 years of into" the me unfunny description of as avic- , college, problem of battered Korea to send h¡m Christmas or being heterosexual to boot. If women through ruÊ Enjoyed WIN this year & passed some of ' tim with no appafent recourse but to Deboroh Huntington people want to talk creatively atout ning a telephone information and referral greet¡ngs. They should be ad- violence-is because all of these could form irr the women-issues on to friends. 1 5. An Open'Letter American G justices prejudices se¡vice for women. - to ls in or I might foster by being lt is something that can- dressed to him at Westgaæ What is the WIN position on the rap worlshops in nonviolence ifthe editors - ' South Korea and the Philippines any ofthese things then I would like to not be "studied"-at least not uþ to now- Prison; Seoul, Korea and should prochement between the Am. Republic- pushed the authors and the authors pushed hea¡ them since there was no place gather Jan Barry and to talk. But none of'them to itatistics be mailed between December cans & China? themselves to be reflective of the ideals in Del Martin.is are inherently evil in my opinion and it is a having a book published in 10 and 15. Unless you are Leninists & plan to do WIN's title. Such effo¡ts ón all your parts 17. Ctianges waste to attack them. These things can't be December and Betsy Warrior has a pamphlet, prope¡ty don't you ipsç would help.me grow more in my living out ; away with føcto 19. Reviews eæily changed anyway. I want to leam so I "Wife Beating," from her larger bookleÇ support the nuclear family? What do you my life nonviolently and,refining my pacifist Hqtseworkers (Lately can better live with my life. I don't want to Høndbook national have to say about the needs of children philosophical underp in nings Cover: Sun Ship with Otter Markings. feel bad. Let's fpcus out energy in corr magazines such as /t/ewsw¿e&, and TV sta- for primal ties in the. age of dissolution of -MARy ANN McGIVERN, S.L. Woodcut by Michael Corr. stn¡ctive directions. tions have been deluging Women's Adve ' St. Louis, Mo. -MIKE BIRD For all your reade¡s who want to know family? Are alimonY & child support 4 Minneapolig Minn. cates with requests for interviews because it ' how to use the Wom.en's History Library, .female sexist ripoff? Hope to find the STAFF is one of the few places in the country CORR we are not dead, and we are appearing in answefs in tuh¡re lVlNi -MICHAEL . where battered women can seek refuge, zuþ local libraries as fast as you preszure oto, Japan Maris Cakars Susan Cakars E Sorry but I don't bêlieve Ms. Alperts friends ' port and help.) can them to order ou¡ collections on are really concerned with saving micre t Dwight Ernest Mary Mayo Susan,Pinef her life In St. Paul there are up to 100 co¡* film. When the campaign to raise $50,000 was launched in April we stated that First, I don't believe it's in any danger. The. a week ßled in thacity attorney's Fred Rosen Murray Roseñblith .ploints The microfilms we have published'are: we needed to raise that amount thisyear so that we could begin 1975 with ¡eaction of prisoners to the warning in Mld- . office, and around40 cases a week are lltomen's Health/Menøt Heàlth (13 reels a clean slate. lf we fail to accomplish that goal we will be carrying this year's níght Specíal would be to shun Jane but do treated at the city-county hospital. Yet no UNINDICTED @ $32lreel), Women & The l-aw (40 reels fund raising problems over ¡nto next year's problems, a situat¡on that would her no ha¡m.
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