APP11 Application Number: 13/00851/FUL Minor Replacement windows and door to front elevation AT 101 Green Lane, Wolverton, Milton Keynes FOR Mr And Mrs Burton Target: 7th June 2013 Ward: Wolverton Parish: Wolverton & Greenleys Town Council Report Author/Case Officer: Miss Sakina Dossaji Contact Details: 01908 252242 [email protected] Head of Team: Alex Harrison Contact Details: 01908 252608 [email protected] 1.0 INTRODUCTION (A brief explanation of what the application is about) 1.1 The Site The application site is a two-storey Victorian terraced dwelling located in Wolverton Conservation Area. Details of the location of the site and its relationship to surrounding properties can be seen in the plans attached to this report. 1.2 The Proposal Planning permission was initially sought for the replacement of the front door and windows to the front elevation of the property. Upon consultations with Council Officers, the applicant has removed the front door element of the scheme from the proposal. Therefore the current application now seeks consent to install white UPVC double glazed replacement windows. Details of the proposal as described above can be seen in the plans appended to this report. 2.0 RELEVANT POLICIES (The most important policy considerations relating to this application) 2.1 National Policy National Planning Policy Framework Section 7: Requiring Good Design 2.2 Local Policy Adopted Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011 D1 – Impact of Development Proposals on Locality; D2 – Design of Buildings; HE6 – Conservation Areas 3.0 MAIN ISSUES (The issues which have the greatest bearing on the decision) 3.1 Whether or not the development will cause significant harm to the amenity of the Conservation Area. The main concern is the replacement of the timber front door which would result in the loss of this original feature to the historical character of the dwelling. To address these concerns the applicant has omitted the front door from the scheme and therefore it is considered the proposal to replace the windows is acceptable. 4.0 RECOMMENDATION (The decision that officers recommend to the Committee) 4.1 It is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of this report. 5.0 CONSIDERATIONS (An explanation of the main issues that have lead to the officer Recommendation) 5.1 Impact of the Proposal on the Character and Appearance of the Conservation Area The application to replace the existing windows to UPVC double glazed windows is not considered to result in a detrimental harm to the amenity value of the Conservation Area. Many of the properties within this section of Green Lane have replacement windows which do not add any merit to the amenity of the Conservation Area. Although the proposed windows do not exactly match the appearance of traditional windows it is considered the installation of vertical sash sliding windows would result in an acceptable design which would preserve the character of the original dwelling. 5.2 The Council's Conservation Team were notified of the application and had no objection to the replacement of the windows. Concerns were raised regarding the proposal to replace the front door which has now been omitted from the current application. 6.0 CONDITIONS (The conditions that need to be imposed on any planning permission for this development to ensure that the development is satisfactory. To meet legal requirements all conditions must be Necessary, Relevant, Enforceable, Precise and Reasonable ) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: To prevent the accumulation of planning permissions; to enable the Local Planning Authority to review the suitability of the development in the light of altered circumstances; and to comply with section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. (D11) Appendix to 13/00851/FUL A1.0 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY (A brief outline of previous planning decisions affecting the site – this may not include every planning application relating to this site, only those that have a bearing on this particular case) A1.1 None. A2.0 ADDITIONAL MATTERS (Matters which were also considered in producing the Recommendation) A2.1 None. A3.0 CONSULTATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS (Who has been consulted on the application and the responses received. The following are a brief description of the comments made. The full comments can be read via the Council’s web site) Comments Officer Response A3.1 Conservation And Archaeology The windows currently in position at the premises are of no Noted merit and I have no objection in principle to their loss. A3.2 The timber door is early or original to the premises and Noted. Para 1.2 matches the one of the adjacent property, albeit that at 103 has had the central muntin board removed. The doors are integral to the design of modest terraced houses and a feature that lends itself to decoration. Victorian builders tended to use doors and windows and applied ornament to good advantage and, as such, these details are particularly useful in interpreting the level of provision for, and status of, householders from the grand to the more modest. Victorian and Edwardian society tended to be very particular about position and standing and this is reflected in the housing standards. Loss of minor details can therefore do disproportionate harm to the potential to interpret individual houses, rows, streets and, indeed, whole areas. A3.3 Due to the harm to local character and significance that the Noted. Paras 1.2 and 5.2 loss of even a modest original detail can cause I advise of an objection in principle to the proposed door replacement. I do not consider the suggested benefits outweigh the council’s duty to give ‘great weight’ to the conservation of designated heritage assets (in this instance the Wolverton Conservation Area) and that the proposals run contrary to the community’s intention to protect positive elements of detail through the use of the Article 4(2) Direction. A3.4 Irrespective of the above objection I have looked at the Noted. Para 5.1 MKLP D2, HE6 detail of the application and note that the proposed replacement windows are double glazed and of plastic material but that they incorporate a vertically hung sliding sash mechanism. Although elements of the design for the windows are strongly at variance to traditional windows I conclude that the introduction of a sliding sash mechanism outweighs those concerns and that overall the design represents a marginal improvement to the character or appearance of the conservation area. A3.5 Wolverton & Greenleys Town Council No objection to window replacement but object to the door The scheme no longer proposed to replace the timber door. through loss of original timber. The Town Council were re-consulted of the amended scheme, however the Town Council have not confirmed to withdrawing their objection. A3.6 Local Residents The occupiers of the following properties were notified of the application: • 91 – 107 (odd) and 111 Green Lane Wolverton Milton Keynes • 47 Oxford Street Wolverton Milton Keynes A3.7 No comments have been received. Noted. .
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