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Your daily dose of entertainment Your daily dose of POP! HEALTH how to stay well After 30 years, marriage is over Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman are breaking up. Experimental Alzheimer’s A spokesman for DeVito says the couple is separating after 30 years of marriage. Publicist Stan Rosenfield offered no other details. drug shows some promise DeVito and Perlman married in 1982 and have three adult children. MILD CASES SEEM TO BENEFIT MOST IN STUDIES is no known cure. average age was 75. The couple worked together on Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman Solanezumab (sol-ah- The main measures were TV’s Taxi from 1978 to 1982. By Marilynn Marchione “It’s exciting to see that NAYZ-uh-mab) is one of three two tests — one reflecting Together, they established Associated Press there may be clinical ben- drugs in late-stage testing language, memory and think- the production company Jersey Films, which counts Pulp Fiction, Erin BOSTON — Combined efit,” said Dr. Stephen Sal- that seek to alter the course ing and the other, ability to Brockovich and Out of Sight among its credits. results from two studies of loway, an Alzheimer’s expert of the disease. Results on one perform daily activities such DeVito stars in TV’s It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Perlman is an experimental Alzheimer’s at Brown University, but it is drug were disappointing, and as eating and grooming. The best known for her long-running role as Carla on Cheers. drug suggest it might mod- modest and might not make results of the other won’t be combined results on the mild Now she’ll be one of the rich ‘Girls’ estly slow mental decline, es- a difference in how well pa- ready until early next year. disease patients showed a pecially in patients with mild Lena Dunham tients live — what matters Solanezumab aims to bind nearly 2-point difference in Girls creator has landed a seven-figure book deal disease. most to them and their fami- with Random House. to and help clear the sticky the roughly 90-point score on Taken separately, the stud- lies, he said. deposits that clog patients’ thinking abilities. Previous Dunham, 26, who received Emmy nominations as producer, ies on the drug — Eli Lilly & director, writer and actor for the HBO comedy, has an agreement for About 35 million people brains. The two studies each studies suggest that a change the essay collection Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You Co.’s solanezumab — missed worldwide have dementia, had about 1,000 patients, of 3 to 4 on the score is need- What She’s Learned. “In the tradition of Helen Gurley Brown, David their main goals of significant- and Alzheimer’s is the most about two-thirds with mild ed to show a clinical benefit Sedaris and Nora Ephron, Dunham’s book will offer frank and funny ly slowing the mind-robbing common type. Medicines such disease and one-third with such as an improvement in advice on everything from sex to eating to traveling to work,” Random disease or improving activi- as Aricept and Namenda ease moderately severe Alzheim- how well patients can take House said in an announcement Monday. Dunham said in statement ties of daily living. But pooled symptoms temporarily. There er’s, in 16 countries. Their care of themselves. that she was eager “to produce the most thoughtful and personal results found 34 percent less book” she could. mental decline in mild Alz- Random House spokeswoman Theresa Zoro said no publication heimer’s patients compared to date had been set. those on a fake treatment for WHITE VINYL WELDED DOUBLE HUNG REPLACEMENT WINDOWS, Numerous publishers bid for the book. Random House declined 18 months. VINYL SIDING, COMFORT WORLD SEAMLESS GUTTERS AND LEAF PROTECTION to offer financial details, but several competitors have said bidding Doctors called the results exceeded $3.5 million. encouraging although prob- ASSOCIATED PRESS ably not good enough to win Any approval of the drug now, Size CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS: Actor Fyvush Finkel is 90.
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