CORROSION CONTROL Microbiological Corrosion-What Causes It and How It Can Be Controlled Downloaded from http://onepetro.org/jpt/article-pdf/14/10/1074/2213691/spe-391-pa.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 A. W. BAUMGARTNER BRADFORD LABORATORIES, DIV. OF HAGAN CHEMICALS & CONTROLS, INC. ASSOCIATE MEMBER AIME ABILENE, TEX. Abstract ism as an electrochemical process.'" For this process to take place, three requirements must be fulfilled. A synopsis of conditions that must be present for corro­ sion of ferrous metals to occur is presented. These criteria 1. An electromotive force or potential difference must are discussed as they are encountered in oil producing and be present. Before a metal can corrode it must have an gathering systems and in water-storage, transfer, treating anode or area that has a positive potential which attracts and injecting equipment. negatively charged particles or ions (anions), and a cath­ ode or area that has a negative charge or potential to The role of bacteria in corrosion is described in detail. which positively charged particles or ions (cations) are Special emphasis is placed on sulfate-reducing "Desulfo­ attracted. vibrio" bacteria, since these microorganisms are directly responsible jar practically all corrosion attributable to bac­ 2. There must be an electrical circuit or couple estab­ teria in the oil-producing industry. Typical situations that lished between the anode and the cathode. should lead operating personnel to suspect the presence oj 3. The anode and cathode, electrically connected, must these microbes, as well as more specific methods for their be in contact with a solution that will conduct a current detection, are given. (electrolyte). Water containing some dissolved salts serves Techniques jor controlling undesirable bacteria are out­ this need. lined. Critical considerations for both chemical and me­ While satisfying all of these criteria will produce some chanical methods of eliminating or correcting microbial corrosion and while the magnitUde of the potential differ­ corrosion problems are also stressed. ence (electromotive force) determines the tendency for corrosion to occur, the actual rate oj corrosion depends upon other factors that contribute varying degrees of re­ Introduction sistance or inhibition to the process. In defining oilfield corrosion Stiff" says, "It is the holes Every new piece of oilfield iron product-whether it be in the industry's pockets". Many petroleum engineers tubular goods, pumps, rods, pressure vessels, etc.-con­ prefer to define corrosion as a process that tends to in­ tains anodic and cathodic areas. Normalizing or heat crease the horizontal permeability of pipe, tubing, or treating may reduce these areas somewhat, but a number casing. Actually, corrosion is a complicated process result­ always remain. Mill scale, an oxide of iron (Fe,O,), is ing in metal loss from wet metal surfaces. cathodic to the anodic iron and represents another source This paper primarily concerns the function of bacteria of potential difference. in contributing to corrosion of oilfield equipment, how to The use of dissimilar metals is still another common detect and evaluate their action, and some critical consid­ occurrence of "built-in" anodes and cathodes. Generally, erations in effectively controlling microbial corrosion. To metals or alloys at the top of the electromotive or galvanic appreciate and understand the role of bacteria in oilfield series (Fig. I) are corroded when coupled to metals below corrosion, it is necessary to be familiar with the basic fun­ them-providing the other requirements for corrosion are damental concepts of corrosion of all iron metals. '" met. In other words, a metal in this list is usually anodic to metals below it and cathodic to those above it. Criteria for Corrosion Of course, the second criterion for corrosion is easily met in most oil-producing or water-injection equipment be­ Today, most authorities explain the corrosion mechan- cause differences in potential may be found in the same section of metal or in different parts installed in intimate Original manuscript l'eceivnd in f,'Jciety of Petroleum Engineers office contact with each other. Use of insulated flanges can re­ May 8, 1962. Revised manuscript r~('€ivcd Aug, 21, U)(:i2. Paper pr2sented at Fifth Bienniel Secondary Reeovery Symposium of SPE held May 7-8. duce or eliminate a significant portion of these electric 1962, in Wichita Falls, Tex. couples. l~'References given at end of paper. To transport oil or gas, to conduct a water-injection pro­ ':'In this paper "iron" is used [ts a g'enel'ic term to include all steelg and iron-containing metals. gram, or to transport or convey any of these fluids neces- ]071 SPE 391 JOllRNAL OF PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY sitates that much of the equipment used come in contact initial corrosion is high for a short period of time, but with some water. Even oil and gas transmission lines are the deposition of certain corrosion products or the absence - subject to corrosion due to water in the form of conden­ of an active cathodic depolarizing mechanism soon results sate. Thus, the three criteria that must be met before cor­ in a drastic reduction of the corrosion rate. No serious rosion will occur are very easily satisfied in most oil­ damage to the metal part occurs. producing operations. In many other cases, where corrosion continues and Fig. 2 is a diagram of these factors in a corrosive situ­ metal loss is evident, an effective cathodic depolarizing ation. Iron metal at the anode loses two electrons. The mechanism is encountered. When the environment is electrons flow through the metal pipe to the cathode. Cur­ acidic (below a pH of about 5.5), the hydrogen atoms rent flow is in the opposite direction and may be thought forming at the cathode unite to form molecular hydrogen of as passing through the electrolyte. The iron atoms, on which is evolved as a gas. losing electrons at the anode, become iron ions and enter 2H--+H,t (gaseous). the water as positively-charged soluble particles of iron. H Corrosion or metal loss at the anode can continue as long Fe - 2e--+Fe + 2e. as additional ions of hydrogen are attracted to the cathode, The cathode, being negatively charged, attracts hydrogen receive electrons, form molecular hydrogen and evolve as ions (H+) which arise from the disassociation or ionization a gas. of water. In neutral- or alkaline-pH waters, dissolved air (oxy­ H,O--+H+ + OH-. gen) can act as a cathodic depolarizer. Oxygen reacts with Downloaded from http://onepetro.org/jpt/article-pdf/14/10/1074/2213691/spe-391-pa.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 hydrogen (at the cathode) to form water. At the cathode, hydrogen ions accept electrons and become atoms of hydrogen. 0, + 2H,--+2H,0. 2H' + 2e--+2H. Again, continued depolarization of the cathode permits Since the electrolyte must remain electrically neutral, the metal loss to take place at the anode. positively charged ferrous ions (Fe") often are oxidized to ferric ions (Fe+++) which react with the negatively­ Role of Microorganisms charged hydroxyl ions to form ferric hydroxide, or rust. Oxygen Concentration Cells H Fe + H,O--+Fe+++ + 20H--+ferric hydroxide (rust). As stated, oxygen is an excellent cathodic depolarizer; If enough hydrogen accumulates at the cathode, it many factors influence its activity, however, such as its becomes polarized; that is, the electron flow from the concentration, velocity of the water flow, other ions anode to the cathode is inhibited or retarded by the hydro­ present, pH factor and actual availability of oxygen at gen film. Corrosion is then said to be stifled. All of the the cathode.':! Microorganisms also can affect corrosion criteria for corrosion to occur still may be satisfied, but rates.'" '-D, 11, 12, H. ,G. 11 One method is by the establishment the rate of corrosion decreases and may eventually cease of oxygen concentration cells. Any species or mixed popu­ entirely. lation of bacteria, algae, or other microorganic growth For corrosion to occur at a significant rate, some means that tends to produce nonconducting layers on the metal of cathodic depolarization must be active. In many systems surface can accelerate or increase an oxygen corrosion potential. Slime-forming microorganisms such as the iron bacteria Anodic End (corroded or sacrificed-least noble) Crenothrix and Gallionella; heterothrophic bacteria such as Aerobacter aerogenes; Escherichia coli and Thiobacillus; Magnesium and its alloys algae; fungi and others are able to attach and grow Aluminum on submerged surfaces by secreting a mucilaginous ma­ terial or by attaching via stalks or other holding appen­ Zinc dages.":!' Ii-S, 12. 14, 11 Once established, they increase the size Steel or Iron and amount of their deposit by their own growth and by Cast Iron entrainment and absorption of suspended solids in the Lead-tin Solders Increasing Tin Standard Electrode Brass Potential EO (volts) Copper Bronze Monel Silver Solder Nickel Stainless Steels 2e Silver ANODE+'\:: _____________ CATHODE Fe-2e-Fe + 2e IRON PIPE WALL Platinum Gold Fig. 2-For corrosion to proceed the cathode lllust be de­ polarized, and sulfate-reducing bacteria can accomplish Cathodic End (protected or retained-most noble) this as shown. The cathode may also be depolarized if oxygen is present and it reacts with hydrogen at the Fig. I·-Galvanic or electromotive series of cathode, or if the pH is low and hydrogen gas is evolved metals. at the cathode. (The last two reactions are not shown.) OCTOBER, 1962 1075 water. Since the microbial-debris mass is usually semi­ if the sulfate-reducers become localized and grow under permeable, it shields or separates the area immediately debris, scale, other bacterial masses and in cracks or - under the mass from the main water stream. Oxygen con­ crevices, they effect an accelerated corrosion attack.
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