AVEKAOE OAILT CIBODLAT10M for tka Moetk of March, IMS WEATHER Forecast ef D. » . Weather Bureau, 6,1-54 Hartford Member of the Audit Bureau of Otreulattons Mostly cloudy tonight and Wad- nesday. Colder bi the Ulterior Wed- MANCHESTER ~ A CITY OF VILtAGE CHARM nesday, VOL. LVII.. NO. 164 (daaaUed AdvertWug ea Pago U ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, APRIL 12. 1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) 4'' PRICB THREE CENTS-" A Half Century of Wedded Bliss FEODOR CHALIAPIN, ASKS PATRIOTS OF FRANCE TO GARNER STANDS FIRM NOTED OPERA STAR,, STOHTRIKES DIES AT AGE OF 64 AGAINST FDR’S PLAN Daladier Pleads With Unions Great Russian Basso Passes To End Tie-Up In Produc- SUICIDE FATE Away In Exile In Ifis Paris OF FEDERAL SPENDING tion Of Arms; Number Of Apartment; Was Long OF ALL SEIZED Strikers Doable In Day. Convicts Aid Flood Refugee Major Baltic In Congrest. 111— His Pnblic Career. JAP M E R S Paris. April 12.— (A P )—Premier Said To Be Developing; Edouard Daladier appealed today to Paris, April 13—(API —Feodor Samnrai Code Reqnires Ha- the patriotism of 140,000 strikers, Chief Execnitive To Ex* C!!ballapln, the great Russian basso, died today at the age of 64. exhorting them to end the tie-up or Death resulted from a kidney ail- raldri If Captnred; Chi- France's attcnal defense factories plain His Program Over ment which brought on anemia He urged then to tnist the govern- agalnat which blood transfusion was ment to prev<’nt a recurrence or nese Ha?e 700 Prison- The Radio Probably On unavailing. “the old privileges” —apparently his The famous singer sank rapidly promise to the workers against mass ers From Taierhchwang. firing or general pay ruts. A mtnls- Thursday; Treasury Hcal^ trrtal declaration, approved by the Cabinet, asked the strikers to Sbangbal, April 12.— (AP) _ A evacuate the more than 120 plants Backs The Preddent they have occupied. JapaneM army spokesman declared It promised their grievances would today that the Chinese held not a be settled by legal meant and re- Washington. April 12.— ' single Japanese officer prisoner minded them the serious Interna- after more than nine months of bit- tional situatloi made It Imperative (AP)— A major Congressional ter warfare. He predicted none struggle was developing todag that there be no Interniptlon In the would be token alive. All officers, manufacture of arms. over President Roosevelt^: he declared, were sworn to follow the Samurai code which demands The Ctoblnei also approved the huge business recovery prfli»'L suicide by haraklrl (disembowel- premier’s p an to a.sk the Caamber gram, amid reports that V i ^ '| of Deputies for “Indispensable” ling) or other means when capture President Gam er had taken R>f appears ^Inescapable. power to rule by decree until July firm stand against new govem^j "On the battlefield Japanese offi- 31 to meet national defense needs cers die In action, but If wounded and to strengthen the nations ment spending. r nances. and unable to carry on they shoot Announcement that Ml% Antl-l’rnflleerlng Tax themselves or commit haraklrl.’’ he Roosevelt intends tO' explain said. Among the announced measures That ancient code of the Japanese was a proposeo special tax on Indus- his program in a "FireflidRi. warrior, the spokesman asserted, is tries producing national defense ma- Chat"— the first since last Nte motivating the hard-pressed Japan- terial—to prevent excess protlto— vember— led many observedi'. ese forces on the Shantung prov- and a general revision of customs ince fronts, where battles raged bit- tariffs. to believe that he wa« detetj?' Feodor Chaliapin terly along the Tlentsln-Pukow raU- Daladier ca'Ied on Parliament to r£ d T " -f!T th 'ein u ^ mined to marshal popular fln|N’ during the afternoon and died at way and the ancl^t Grand Canal. Inveat him with decree powera by port against his opposition S ’ 6:15 (11:15 a. m., e. s. t.). Yihalen, on a spur line east of the votlni, this one-articia blli; the Senate and House. railway, was the center of an ex- Death came In his Paris apart- ‘The juvernment Is authorized Stephen T. Early, W hit* ment. bis home In exile. tending battle which both sides be- soon be 75 years old. oirthdaj. The motor magnate will lieved might turn the tide of the until July ol to take by decrees de- House press secretary, said tl| i stalemated war. liberated to the Ctouncil of Ministers Feodor C!ba]lapln was bom In (the Cabinet meeting with President radio address probably would ' 1873, In a one-room peasant hut at 700 Prisoners. Chinese have declared 700 Jap- Albert Lebrun) measures which It FRANK PALKA TO DIE be delivered Thuroday n lg l* Kazan on the Middle Volga, now considers Ir lispensable to meet the capital of one of the Soviet Russian anese were captured In recent fight following dispatch to Congreia Rapubllca. Ing IB the Taierhchwang area south' necessities of national defense and of a message on relief and t S STATE LAW ON DRINKING rebuild the finance and economy ol He gained fame and fortune east of Ylhsinen. These are said novv to ^ on their w4y to Hankow, the nation." IN THE CHAIR TO D AY general economic situation. only to be accused by the Soviet The only possibility of dflktf) Press of having “sold his soul to so the Samurai code soon may be AU deputies of his owi Kadleal- although It Is not known Soclallst party and members of the Mammon.’’ IS SCORED BY HOTEL AffiN was that the President migiSI Interviewed In Paris, he once whether any officers are among center and right applauded Dala- I not complete his conferences them. * dler’s pledge to keep the wheels of said; Bridgeport Slayer Loses Lastl with administration officlalfl “I left Russia without a cent, and Japanese spokesman was the arms faciorlea turning. uked about 15 Japanese aviators ' and Congressional leaders in was obliged therefore to sell mv Legislatiye Connefl Declares lO Y A lISIS' ATTACK Even Communists Joined In the L A T E NEWS soul to the devil. Yes, I sold It, and toown to bo prisoners at Hankow applause wl en the premier said the Minate Appeal; Mother, time to finish the message by He said they were enlisted men It Is not my fault . I pay no government was determined to "de- Thursday. attention to these accusations, as I not sworn to the Samurai code Post-Midnight Role Must fend the Integrity of the Empire and Asked what will happen to them Two Brothers Allowed To ar r angements made. when peace comes he replied: will not permit threaU to weigh on FLASHES! Tentative arrangements. EaitF ’ (UmtlnDed on Page 8U) DRIVES BACK FOE Ito frontiers or Ita communications captured probably Be Enforced; Hotel Men said, had been made with the thttfl with Its colonies.” The Socialists re- Visit Him At Wethersheld. will kill themselvea when released *100,000 M.ATCH RACE, major broadcaatlitg chains io r a 4R J or be court-martlalled.” mained silent. minute talk beginning at X0:80 Aviation .Affected New York, April 1*.--,.^-(AP) , _ m.. eastern standard Ume. Be- He said he knew of no case In Say ll C a m i Be Done. Take D k ! Initiatiye And (M A N BRINGING the present war of a Japanese offi- The arms factories to which Dala- Wethersfield, April 12.— (AP) —A Tbe board of directors of the West- tween now and Thursday night, be . ctiraer RMing Association today cer committing ceremonial haraklrl dier referred were chiefly those long fight to escape the electric said, presidential engagementa w m after CApture. anthortzed a piirae of *100,000 for Hartford, April 12— (A P )— The ' Break Sofid Front Of Reb- making aviation motors ant* air- chair on a charge of first degree being held to a minimum to pqnali Oaae of Major Koga. question of post-midnight drinking' planes. Picket!, occupied many of a between War Admiral and ample Umo for work on the mee- FOUR MILLION SUIT murder for the slaying of a Bridge- Seablscnlt at .Betmont Park, on Dec- sage and speech. During the Chinese-Japanese con In public places today threatened to these plants and kept red flags fly- els’ Pnsh Toward The Sea port policeman appeared nearing an oraUon Day, Instead of the pre- Commenting on toe reporta eg flict at Shanghai in 1932 Major evoke a battle. ing from their roofs. Heavy forces end today for Frank Palka, former K op , captured while unconscious of police ana mobile guards kept viously diacuaeed' fall datSk Garner’s stand Ektrly told report The Legislative Council and hotel airplane factory employe. MU later exchanged, returned to men appeared on opposite sides of watch to maintain order. ers he was present for a consider- The former Buffalo, N. Y., resi- able part of the parley attended t o Former Oiild Morie Star and shot the fence over the vexatious matter. Hendaye, France (At the SpatiUh The prem ei placed arbitration of dent lost a last minute appeal to ELECTnON RIOTS. himself, thereby winning the appro- Garner and In that Ume had eem The Ctouncll said the present Frontier) April U _(A P )-<3overn- the growing Paris metal wffrkera’ Oilcago, April 12.— (AP)__ A batlcm of the whole Japane.se army regulations should be strengthened. strikes directly In the hands of nothing to Indicate any "Uff or can- Says Mother And Stepfa- ment counter-attacks were reported (tkmtlnoed on Page Six) negro waa alain, a precinct Judge troversy." Everyone, EUu-ly eel^ "".^ c n iln g a national hero.
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