245 RESOLUTIONS OF THE AILL IIINIDIIA MUSLIIM ILIEAGUE FROM May 1943 to December 1943. PUBLISHED BY (Nawabzada) LIAQUAT ALI KHAN M. A. (oxoN) ~f. L · A . (C ENTRAl) B ARRISTER-AT-LAW. ITONORARY SECRETARY 246 Text of Resolutions passed at the meeting of the Council of the A 11 India Muslim League, held on the 14th & 15th of November 1943, at the Anglo Arabic College Hall, Delhi. under the Presidentship of Mr. M A. Jinnah. Resolution No. 1. '•The Council of the All India Muslim League places on record its deep sense of sonow and grief at the sad demise of Hazrat Haulana Mohammed Ashraf Ali Shah Sahib ThanavL The late Maulana was a profound scholer aud exponent ofislam. an author of several hundred boeks onMuslim TheCi>logy a:td a spiritual guide of great eminence with lakhs of followers and disciples. The yeoman services rendered by him, for the cause of Islam, through precepts and practices are too many to be enumera· ted. His death is mourned all the more as the late Maulana's blessings and support to the Muslim League have proved very forceful in counteracting the vicious forces let loose by interested persons to break the solidarity of the Mussalmans of India. This Council offers fervent prayers to the Almighty that the departed soul may rest in abiding peace and continue to inspire those working for the consolidation of Muslim India. This Council conveys its sincere sympathy and condolence to the members of the late Maulana's family as well as to his numerous Khalifas and innumerable d~sciples and followers.'' 14 8. Mukbul Husain Cbowdhari, M. L, A. P. 0. Sunamganj. Assam. 9. Molvi Badrul Haque, Mukhtar, . .,.. ·~· ' · · P. 0, Karimganj, Assa111. 10. Mukabbar Ali Majumdar.- B; L. P. 0. Silchar, Assam. 11. Khe~Jakei: Mumtazuddin, B. L. · 1 • • • ' • .. Gauhati~ 'Assam. 12. Molvi Abdus Salam. G.O.C,M.N.G. P. 0. Sylhet. Assam. 13 .. Molvi Abdul Hamid B. L. Ex-Minister. P. 0. Sylhet, Assam. 14. Mol vi Myeenuddin. .Chowdhary M.A.B.L. · · Mol vi Bazar Sylhet, Assare. 15. Mol vi Abdul Hye B. L. ·' . P. 0. Habiganj, Assaro; · ~6, K. S. Nurul Hussain Khan, Pleader, · · P.:O. Habiganj, Assam. 17. Molvi Fazlul Huq Selbarosbi; . 'Gugaveri' Office, Sylhet. Abbas Ali Sarkar, · . ·1s: 1 P. 0, Jutia, Dist. Nowgong, 'Asslun: 1 19. M. Ajmal Ali P. 0. Sylhet, Assam. 20. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan M.L.A. ' Fakirganj,.. Dbubri. Assam. 21. M. A. Raziaque. · .. _, P. 0. Desangmukh. Dt. Sibsagar, Assam. 22. 'l\1olvi Kajimuddin Ahmad, B. L .. P. 0, F\arpita, Dt, Darang, Assam. 23. Molvi Mujibur Rahman, · P. 0. Dhekiajulee;lAssam. 24. ;M;olvi Syed Abd~r Rauf, M, L. A. P. o.·Barpeta, Assam. 25. Hon'ble Molvi Mudabbir HusainChowdhry, Sbillong, Assam. (NAWAllZAD!) , LIAQ \f I KHAN, M.A., (Oxo~) li.L.!., (CENTRAL) ·;~ ' ..HONORARY SECltETARY, . .. ALL. INOlA MUSLIM LEAGUE. 247 3 effective action." Resolution No.5. ''The Council of the All India Muslim League, after careful and earnest consideration, has come to the conclusion that the Khaksar organization, which was originally a purely social and religious organizat:on. has shown by its writings and actions that it is now pursuing a general policy which is hostile and antagonistic to the policy of the All Jndia Muslim Leogue. In the circumstances, the Council resolve:'! that no member of the Muslim Leagua should hereafter join or continue to remain as a member of the Kbak"ar organization'' Resolution No. 6. '·The Council of the All India Muslim League has learnt with alarm and misgifings that the Jewish Agencies have again started anti-Arab propaganda and are pulling the strings in .America and England for further immigration of the Jews to Palestine to the detriment of the just and legiti· mate interests of the people of that country. This Council considers it necessary to remind the British GovernmEnt that the re·opening of the immigration question will be directly in conflict with even the policy outlined in the White Paper and contrary to the solemn pledges given by the Ex:· Viceroy Lord Linlithgow in his letter dated 27th June 1940 to Mr. M.A. Jinnah the President of the All India ~1 uslim League in the following passage:- 16 Resolution No, -2, I :J' I • ' ' Wheteas,. as the fits't sb:i.p towards.oonsolida- ~ ting the-:shrehgtli o~ theo Muslim~ in: ,Pakistan . '· • • · ) If I ' ( • . , 1 ' • • , areas' and preparing them for t.he heavy and· one;- 1 rous;'responsihmties .inher~rlf io the status. ~f an Iridep·e~dent Soveteign'State, the All I~di~· · Muslim League has, .with the support, lind a co-operation of the' ~fusl~ms. succeeded ~n;e~t-. abllsl?.ing its· Gov~rn~.ents in· aU tn:e', Pa~ist~n Provfnpes, whkh· has· .I;iahtt;~Jly op~n,1e(( up 1 ~ast'opportunWes ~o the Musl~·m r~pr'¥~nta~ ' tives ·in th~ A:s~em4H:es and Cabine~s. 'ro~ s¢t'vice to their pj'lopl:e il\' tile· Provincial ~pHere . of actiyit·ies )ike' e_ducatioti, ·agdcu·Itg.r_e~ it~}ga:-, c' tlon', prov;id~ng with. fa~Hities for laboqr~: eco-, · q'pmic fwldiP:gs p.n~ fa.!~; rent for ten~~t~ etc;· and whereas-it is acutely' realized that..neither· ... · II; • ~he people nor the Provincial States.;. Yf.hi_cli have for long pe~~ deqied o,ppo~tuq.itil;!~ f~r 3 1fair a~d natural developmen~ d1,1& to bi~to.ricaJ',. 'political and,. in 1 ~~me iastances,.cammupaJ ~o~;.. :. siderations; will be able to ameliorate their' lot r to ~n~ ~pprepillhie de~ree.:or. ·e~fectiv~Jy~f~n?· ·' tio!l a.$ ~ Sta,t~ . 'Yithout a gigantic and ~o~ ordinated drive in th~ field ·of. economi<rreco.n• ' struction and state industrialis;ttion, this Ses­ ' sion of the All India Muslim Leagu~· here.by' I!' autho.r,is~s the :President to, .app9in.t. a Com~ mittee 1 1,wi~h power td·cd-opt. to prepare a eomrpreheQsiv~ schen:H~· for fi-ve. year p:£9gram­ me fo.r.tbe economic add uplift. State ' '' . • ,I :g~ocial)• (\ Industdalisation, in Pakistan· Zones, intro- du.ction ~f free Primary basi~ educ~tion~ 7 views with grave concern and alarm the tragic conseqnences resulting from it in Bengal and some o,ther parts of the country, and emphatically urges upon the Government of India and the British Government to adopt, immediately, more vigorous and e££ective measures to cope with the food problem in the count.ry and to remove distress prevailing in Bengal and other parts of the country and further •1rge5 upon the Government to take effective precautionery measures a~ainst recurrence of simi· Jar condition either in Rengal or in any other part of the C'ountry. The Council calls upon the people of Bengal to give their whole-hearted support and co-operation to the present L\Iini-stry which is doing its very best for alleviating the dis tress prevailing in the province and to prevent its recurrence in future. The Council appeals to the ~{nssalmans all over India to continue to give their help to the people of Bengal either in cash contributions or in kind.'' Note:- Items Nos. 3 (ii), 3 (iii), 3 (iv), 4 (ii), 5, 6 & 7 of the Agenda and Nos. · 5 & 7 of the Supplementary Agenda were not moved. 18 (I) For the "existing heading of Section 3, read "Composition of the All India Muslim League." · .,_ :. · (2} In Section 3 (vi) for th.e existing words substitute 'Branches of the All India Muslim League, if any, outside India'. (3) 1(1 the fourth .line of Section 5, for the words 'adhere to', read 'abid~ by,' · (4) At the end of Section 6, add· .the fol­ lowing sentence :- "'The Working. Committee may, however, in view of the local condition in any Province, relax this rule and fix such other· date as it ma:sr consider proper,'' .. (5) In section 11 (ii). against item XV.· for 'Coorg', substitute 'Bangalore--Coor.g: (6) fu section 11 (ili), fo,r the ,;.orda ~elect members' occurring at the e~d of the "'section, substitute 'co-opt members from the defaulting Province or Provinces.' (7) In Section 18, line 3, put a full stop after the word 'League,' delete the remaining portion of the Section and add the following at the end:- 'T-he President and the Honorary .Secre­ tary of the All India Muslim League shall have the right to attend and address ~he meetings of. the Provincial, . Councils arid their Working Committees: 250 9 Text of resolutions of the meetings of the Working Committee of the All India Muslim League, held on the 13th and 15th of Nov. 1943 at Gul·i·Raana New Delhi under t.he Presidertship of Mr. M.A. Jinnah. Resolution N'" 1. The Working Committee offer their sincere congratutation to the President Mr. M.A. Jinnah on his providential escape and · thank God Almighty for saving his life to lead and guide the Mussalmans of India. ' Resolution No.2. The Working Committee, having considere the recent correspondence that passed betwee,:.~ the ex-Viceroy Lord Linlithgow ·and the President of the All India \fuslim League regarding the situation in Kashmir and havin.g heard the leaders of the Kashmir Mus lim Conference headed by Chowdhry Ghulam Ab:bas Sahib, resolved that the Pre8ident should take such further steps in the matter as he may deem necessary. Resolution No. 3. Resolved that a Committee consisting of Nawab Mohd. Ismail khan Sahib. Chowdhri Khaliquzzaman Sahib and Khwaja Sir Nazimuddin Sahib be appointed to examine the constitution that has been framed for the Mu~lim League party .in t~e.
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