----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. --------------------------~ SMCHousing page2 VOL XVIII, NO. 64 tht: indt:pcndt:nt ~tudt:nt nt:w~paper st.TYing notre dame and saint mary's TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1983 Observer agrees to budget system ByJEFF HARRINGTON "The issul' of trust is there. There's Assisla'll Neu•s Editor nothing to he done to dissuade people who arc going to mistrust The Obsen,er has agrn:d to join (the administration) no mattt.·r tht: University's budget system - what." with some rest:rvations -- in a Dziedzic.: said that he docs not un­ proposal submitted to Father David derstand ~ksburgh"s philosophy of Tyson, executivt: assistant to the "rdusing to sign somuhing and llniversity presidc:nt. going on each otht-r"s word. Obsen,(>r Editor·in-Chief David ( lkshurgh) speaks of a family ami Dziedzic.: said tht: papn's general trust within a family. That's all wdl board, which has bn·n fighting for and good .... But it's tht· I 'niversity control of its own finances. dt:cidcd that's miMrustcd us. It"s tht.· l"nivcr· this plan would insurt: its t:ditorial sity that's called into question our independence. integrity." "All we've done is to agree in prin· Conditions of the proposal were cipal to the idea of tht.· I lnivcrsity hammered out in part during llnit Budgc:t Control System pen­ meetings bctWl"l"n Dzinl1.ic. Tyson. ding approval of this agreement,'' he ND Student Body Prt.·sitknt Brian said. "We're confidc:nt that if the Callaghan. and Saint Mary's Student 1bt" Obst"rvcr Sieve Jegier University wt:re to sign this, then Body President Elaine lloctor. Major Save OurJobs The Obsen,er would be in a strong points of the Obsen•£>r position." ··memorandum of agreement"" in­ Theresa Ghilarducci, assistant professor of O'Shaughnessy Hall to discuss the problem of The University early this semester dude: economics at Notre Dame and Mike Matuszak, plant closings in South Bend and its effects on the orderc:d The Obsen,er to join Notre • The I lnit Budget Control Systl"m organizer of the "Save Our jobs" campaign in economics and manufacturing community. Dame's internal budget system by will Sl"rVl" strictly as an at.Tounting South Bend, beaded a meeting last night in jan. I or face the cutoff of ap­ function for The Obsen,er. proximately $70,000 in student • The I inivl"rsity guarantct.·s that The fees. The request came in the wake Obsen,er rl'main "completdy of a University-conducted audit editorially indepcndt·nt of the l ini­ Bishop urges a moral turnaround which revealed a S7.000 deficit versity." The l :nivcrsity cannot use from last year's Obsen'£'1" operation its control over the paper's funds to By PAUL McGINN non-violence, "Christians must from the 'same place," he said, and st:veral ca~es of financial mis­ dictate the paper's content, includ­ ing advertisements. the strength and Executive Editor choose to do what is right, regard­ provided that Christians follow management by members of the '82- less of the cost," even if that means either one "with integrity and '83 Obsen,er gt:neral board. scope of nl"ws coveragt.·. and page al­ Christians must make a "moral one's life, said Gumbleton. honesty." Dziedzic said he did not see any location. about-face" to end the arms race and Under the provisions of tradition­ Gumbleton emphasized that the reason for the University to reject • A thrcl"-pcrson fan1lty arbitration hoard will he established "to prevent nuclear war, Thomas al just war theories, a nation which "theology of non-violence is a real tht: new plan. "This is a very basic Gumbleton, auxiliary bishop of engages in conflict must abide by option" for Christians who undergo proposal which covt:rs the points detl"rminl" whether or not the I 'ni­ Detroit, said last night. strict rules, including a formal decla­ "an extraordinary conversion." we have to worry about as wc: go on versity has used its tlnancial cooltrol Gumbleton, who served on the ration of war by a recognized the Unit Budget System." to intcrfcn· with The Obs£>rr•er's con­ Non-violence "is not being U.S. bishops' committee which government head, the respect of Tyson. however, said ht· has tent." passive - none of us has that op­ doubts that University President drafted the recent pastoral letter on non-combatants, and the ap­ • The Obsen,er budgt.·t will he ap­ tion," he said, adding "non-violence Fatht:r Theodore Hesburgh will ap­ peace and war, told 1 50 gathered in propriate use of violence. provl'd hy The Obsen,er general is a very active form oflove." prove the plan, not because of the the Memorial Library Auditorium While the pastoral, Gumbleton board; the l :nivcrsity cannot refuse conditions of the agreement hut be­ that the pastoral letter is addressed said, gives equal weight to both the Non-violence, as an alternative to the apprm'l"d budget. cause of Hesburgh's stated desire to to Christians as a "community of dis­ non-violent and just-war theories of the just-war theory, "has until very • The salary structure of The Ob­ ciples of jesus" who "must make a the church, each theory must be recently been neglected," said avoid signing contra<:ts with mem­ ber's of the Notre Dame "family." S£'1"1'£'1" may be altern! only by the faith response" to the nuclear grounded in the belief "Jesus Gumbleton, adding that he did not paper's general board. weapons debate. rejected the violence for any reason even know about the theology of "The overall problem is with sig­ ning some sort of agrl'l'ment. I think And whether one believes in a whatsoever." see OBSERVER, page 3 just-war theory or in the theory of "Both of the theology's started see BISHOP, page 3 he won't want to sign," Tyson said. Holy Cross Community saddened by deaths of 3 religious ministrative duties for some time. Gerber said last night that funeral bardi. "He was reluctant to let us Notre Dame, in 1943. After graduat­ Brother, priest Before coming to Notre Dame, Ryan arrangements for Steigmeyer have know because he didn't want us to ing from Notre Dame in 1948 and was provincial steward for the Mid­ not been made. worry about him." attl'nding Holy Cross College in pass away west Province of Brothers where he The Holy Cross community was Washington, D.C., he was ordained helped develop the complex of By BOB VONDERHEIDE also saddened by Reedy's death. to the priesthood on May 31. 1952. buildings between Saint Mary's Col­ Burial Mass held News Editor Father John Gerber, a~sistant provin­ lege and St. joseph's High School. for Father Reedy cial for the Holy Cross Indiana Two members of the Holy Cross Ryan was born in Chicago and Province, emotionally spoke of community died yesterday - both graduated in 1936 from Loyola Uni­ By THOMAS SMALL Reedy's value to the community and after long illnesses. versity there. He joined the brothers News Staff church at the func:ral Mass. "John Brother Kieran Ryan, assistant community in 1941 and graduated was a person we went to for good vice president for Business Affairs, from Notre Dame in 1945 magna Father John Reedy, editor and counsel. He was a faithful religious died at 2:30 p.m. at the Dujarie cum laude. He also received a post­ publisher of the Ave Maria Press, was and a good priest," Gerber said. House on the grounds of the Holy graduate degree in business ad­ buried today after funeral services at "John is a text. He always gave in­ Cross Brothers Center. ministration and economics from Sacred Heart Church. Reedy, 58, formation, perspective and en­ New York University in 1947. died Friday night at St. Joseph Medi­ couragement to othc:rs in need." And Father Greg Steigmeyer, 66, cal Center after a long battle with Carroll hall sophomores John Funeral ss:rvices for Ryan will be died at noon from a heart attack at leukemia. Berestka and Tony Stans both Friday at 3:30p.m. in the St. joseph's Holy Cross House near Moreau admired Reedy and said the hall Chapel at the Brothers Center. Seminary. More than I I 5 priests con­ would feel the loss for a long time. celebrated the funeral Mass, which Steigmeyer, who was a dialysis "Even though he wasn't as infor­ Father John Reedy "Certainly people (in the Holy was attended by more than 400 patient, had been living at Notre mal as somc: rectors, he was a really Cross community) are rather down people. Many residents of Carroll As editor of Ave Maria, a weekly Dame for several years. He had been nice guy. He always kept his door and shocked with all of this happen­ Hall, where Reedy was assistant rec­ magazine which was published until a missionary in Bangladesh where he open for anyone to stop in," said ing in the course of a few days," said tor until early November, also at­ 1969. A.D. Correspondence. a bi­ served as chancellor of the Stans. "Guys in the hall tended to Father john Gerber, assistant provin­ tended. weekly bulletin, and writer of a syn­ respect him a lot. While some rec­ cial superior of the Indiana Archdiocese of Dhaka in addition to dicated weekly column. he pursued province. Father John Reedy, publis­ being a pastor at several Bengali Reedy's death came as a shock to tors are like buddies, Father Reedy his career in Catholic print jour­ was like a father." her of the Ave Maria Press, also died parishes.
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