Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1987 The ommeC nt, April 23, 1987 Bridgewater State College Volume 64 Number 11 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1987). The Comment, April 23, 1987. 64(11). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/605 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. , .· ; .: .·, ·~··. ·.. ·.: ::·: ;, .:·. ' :.- ..: /:~.r-. '. :: ·.. ,... :· : .: ........ ~-.n~#\V.-~•: In 41Qubl~clft · :N•J•· The Comment Bridgewater State College April 23, 19i7 Vol LXIV No 11 Bridgewater, MA SGA election brings· new faces to office Longo,-Student trustee; Sammons, president By treasurer. Of the people written Bill Bilodeau in for the position, only two, Beaton and Susan Sullivan were The annual SGA and class qualified to hold that position. elections are history, and there According to the SGA constitu• are going to be some changes tion, a person must first serve as made. In the SGA, there will be a assistant treasurer before being new president, vice president, eligible to run for treasurer. Bea­ attorney general, executive ton served in the assistant's post secretary, treasurer, assistant in the fall of 1984, while Sullivan treasurer, and six new senators. is the current assistant treasurer. There will also be a new student Beaton won the right to hold the trustee. office when the SGA senate The new SGA president is overrode a veto by President Deborah Sammons, who beat Dilip DeSilva. The veto con­ Dan Darcy by a 394-246 margin. cerned the senate~s overturning Sammons is currently finishing of a Student Court ruling that out a term as an SGA senator. Beaton and current Treasurer Asked how it felt to be the new Heidi Berry could not run for president, she replied, "Fantas­ elected office in the SGA for a tic. I put in a long, hard, and fair period of one year. campaign and the results speak The BSC Board of Trustees for themselves. I want to thank will soon be welcoming new Stu­ (phoro by Brian Huah•} everyone who took the time to dent Trustee F. Scott Longo. F. Scott Longo and Deborah Sammons smile over recent victories vote." Longo,. running unopposed, senators were elected, along with lBums, Jeff Tucker, Sylvie tary Nandine DeDoming; Class Another current senator, Tom · mbly Comacho, . Amy M.cLaughlip., qf ·J 990, President Kerrilee , - any can 1 ate tn the election. members. The .six new senators · Elaine· Doherty, and ·Edmund Keith, Vice President Karen dent. He defeated fell ow senator "I'm looking forward to working ·are: Ann Maley and Bob Mor­ Ward. Weiner, and Treasurer William Linda Walenty, 382-242. Other with the other board members gan> class of 1988; Shelley Nedz• Pimentel. offices went to Richard DeRosa, and representing the students' weckas, class of 1989; and Class officers for the J 987-88 attorney general; Peggy Hayes, interests. I would also like to give Dinneen Diette, Kerrilee Keith, year will be : class of J988, Presi­ . executive secretary; Sharon Cig- some more definition to the job and Patrick Pearce, ·class of dent Patricia Grieco, .Treasurer This election also included a netti, assistant treasurer. All of Student Trustee. I don't think 1990. They join returning Elizabeth Halla!; · class ·of 1989, referendum question dealing three .ran unopposed. the possibilities of the position Assembly members Susan Gen­ President Christine Howard, with MassPIRG. Students voted Former President John Bea- have been fully explored." tile, Susan Haines, Elizabeth Vice President Susan Gentile, to keep a MassPIRG chapter at ton won a write-in campaign for In the SGA Assembly, six new Halla!, Marcia Medeiros, John · Treasurer Edmund Ward, Secre- BSC by a 428-187 vote margin. New housing director ready to Spirit Day meet students' demands By diversity." Karen Medeiros, Elizabeth Wilson sporting a "We Are One" Profile button, stepped to the mic­ "Hands Across Campus" rophone behind the Campus By and "BSC Spirit Day" were Center at 4: IS p; m. · and Patrick Morin held on Wednesday after­ urged those present to "join .noon, with approximately hands to show how we feel," As the semester winds down to 500 students participating and a large circle imme­ an end, many of us find our under brightening skies that diately formed around the minds turning to thoughts of warmed the fountain area fountain area as students, graduation and life on the beach. behind the Campus Center. faculty, staff, and adminis­ The new Bridgewater State Col­ "Spirit Day"' was organ­ _trators ·linked up. lege Housing Director,. Mela ized by the public relations Dutka, has other thoughts on class of WBZ-radio person­ Combining "Spirit Day" her mind. With the influx of ality Lovell Dyatt as a "way and "Hands Across Cam­ freshmen next semester, she has to show our pride in Bridge­ pus" proved to be a worth­ to be ready to meet the demands water State College." Brian while idea, as both groups of all resident students. Alford and Tom Tuttle, benefited from the crowd If her credentials.and enthusi­ chief student organizers of each· drew, and the sun asm fc>r the job are any indica­ "Spirit Day," were pleased finally poking through grey tion of what to expect, Dutka with the results. "It was ter­ skies helped boost enthus­ will be a very effective Housing rific to sec a lot of people iasm. Director. Receiving ·her bache­ tum out. There was a lot of A number of items were lor's degree from Southeastern enthusiasm for this first­ raffled off during the "Spirit Massachusetts University, she time effort. It will definitely Day." celebration, including later went on to earn a master's be an annual event," said a pair of Celtics' playoff degree ·in education from the Tom. tickets (donated by Presi­ University of Vermont. "Hands Across campus" dent Indelicato) and a series ·Add to this her experience as was part of the World . of of dinners at Benjamin's res­ an undergraduate head resident (photo by • *>fl} Difference campaign · at taurant (donated by the four assistant and as a housing direc- New housing director, Mela Dutka, is welcomed DSC, an effort to "eliminate vice-presidents of the College). 1111 Cont. p. 2 by V.P. of Student Services, David Deep. ,prejudice and celebrate 2 The Comment Thursday, ApriI-23, 1987 PARTICIPATING News TOYOTA DEALERS Boston Toyota of Boston ,Notebook Veto 32 Brighton Avenue :EJSGA (617) 254-2340 overridden ; Brockton Four members walk out wins · Copeland Toyota Beaton ·1554 Main Street (617) 584-2440 By Pi Delta received S·25 for an. followed. The Ensemble write-In Ed Ward and Sharon ,ad book donation. Ronald· Theatre and StudenJs for B. Pettit was reappointed as· Life budgets were table4. All Danvers Cignetti candidacy Ira Olds Toyota yearbook editor for next, of ·the other budgets were 99 Andover Street .yea:r by a 9-5-1 vote in approved with the Ways and (617) 777-2330 Budget hearings began at By April motion #143. Next on: the Means Committee recom­ 4:25 pm on Tuesday, Ed Ward #146, sub-. attached. As the 21, 1987 as Chairman F. agenda, motion mendations Dorchester Scott Longo called the Gen­ mitted by Bill Bilodeau and Co.mment budget was about Columbia Pontiac Toyota This Tuesday, President Dilip Boulevard sponsored by John R. Burns to be heard, members Peggy· 700 Morrissey eral Assembly to order. DeSilva 's veto on General : (617) 265-4321 III, moved to override: McTavish, pro-tern Patrick President Desilva began Assembly motion #140 concern­ DeSilva's veto ·of motion· . Pearce, Deborah Sammons, the meeting with his execu­ ing the infamous "Dunfey's tive report, wherein . he #140. The motion passed: and Jeff Tucker attempted Framingham case" was overridden by an 11 - · Crown Oldsmobile-Toyota successfully by a 11-4-1, to "throw quorum" by advised the Senate to think 4 - 1 vote.On Wednesday, John 535 Union Avenue overriding the Student simultaneously leaving the· (617) 879-1520 before overturning any J. Beaton, one of the case's Court's decision to suspend· council chambers at approx­ more of his vetoes. DeSilva respondents, was elected SGA went on to explain that he Heidi Berry and John Bea­ imately 7:30 p.m. The four treasurer. Hanover had just reason for every ton from all SGA activities. gave no reason for leaving McGee Pontiac Toyota With the 'passage of this Street The assembly recessed at and did not return for the 849 Washington veto this semester. Referring motion Beaton, Denis Law­ (617) 826-8333 5:45 pm but not before they remainder of the meeting. to his veto of Motion #141 rence, and Heidi Berry shall be (BSC Male Beauty Pageant) rejected an amendment After almost thirty min­ forever s~spended from holding he said that it is wrong for package to the SGA Consti­ utes of total chaos, the Kingston an SGA appointed position or Kingston Toyota sponsor any tution by member Jeff assembly regained quorum Road the SGA to from appearing on an SGA bal­ 5 Cranberry issue, like abor­ Tucker by a 10 - 6 - I vote. with the arrival of senators (617) 746-3003 " ... political lot. Beaton did not appear on the concluded his The assembly reconvened Elaine Doherty. Connie tion." He SGA spring elections ballot but report by speaking on behalf at 6:35 pm on a foolish note. Nadeau, and Edmund did run a successful write-in Lexington of motions #144 and 145· President DeSilva submit­ Ward. Lexington Toyota campaign for the office of SG A planned park­ ted and Patrick Pearce, pro­ A revised Comment 409 Massachusetts Avenut dealing with treasurer.
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