SEPTEMBER 2019 FREE selangortv.my f facebook.com/selangorjournal twitter.com/selangorjournal selangorjournal.my Let us embrace the concept of sacrifice in honor of our nation’s 62nd Merdeka day. With sacrifice and a little courage, we can turn Malaysia into a better nation. Amirudin Shari Selangor Menteri Besar MB reminds Muslims to learn from Prophet’s Hijrah Page 2 The sacrifice of the comfort of family, property and the motherland for the greater struggle should be learned by the people today Merdeka: Celebrating a Nation Bank Negara Likely to Cut Key Rate Again Page 6 estled between the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea, our nation has long been the meeting place for traders and travellers Nfrom all over the world. Due to its strategic position, traders from the West have no other choice but to travel along the narrow straits to avoid the Affordable Housing A Shared torrential monsoons in Indian Ocean, thus resulting in Peninsular Malaysia— Responsibility Page 12 back then still just the Malay Peninsula—to be the meeting point for traders from the west and the east. Story continues on Page 4 Selangor Darul Ehsan: Through the Lens of Time Page 13 ‘Beggar Thy Neighbour’ Sabak Bernam: Policy Advice Page 15 District of Many Trades abak Bernam is both a district as well as a parliamentary constituency in Snorthwestern Selangor, covering an area of 997 square kilometres. Story continues on Page 8 02 NEWS September 2019 | Selangor Journal MB reminds Muslims to learn from Prophet’s Hijrah Selangor Hopes to IPR Alignment Host Sukma 2022, Commonwealth Games to Cultivate in a series of displacements or Hijrah while under oppression from the Abu 2026 Value of Shared Jahal-led Musyrikin (unbelievers). “The sacrifice of the comfort of fami- SUBANG JAYA — Selangor intends ly, property and the motherland for the to host the Malaysian Games (SUKMA) Prosperity greater struggle should be learned by in 2022 after last hosting it in 1998. the people today,” he said in a message Selangor Menteri Besar, Amirudin in conjunction with Maal Hijrah 1441— Shari, said that with the status of nine- SHAH ALAM — The re-alignment marking the beginning of the new Islam- time champion, Selangor is intensifying of the Inisiatif Peduli Rakyat (IPR) ll Muslims in Selangor are re- ic year—today. its efforts to prepare athletes for SUK- scheme enables Selangor to incorpo- minded to appreciate and learn Amirudin said it was also urgent to MA 2020 in Johor. rate the value of shared prosperity from the events of the Hijrah continue to be united, friendly and will- “The success of organizing the Selan- among the public, as had been encour- (Emigration)A of the Prophet Muham- ing to sacrifice in defence of the unity, gor International Sports Summit (SISS) aged by Prime Minister Tun Dr Maha- mad in search of a better life, says Se- stability and harmony of our beloved 2019 is a testimony to our seriousness thir Mohamad. langor MenterBesar. Malaysia. and willingness to face the bigger chal- Selangor Menteri Besar, Amirudin Dato’ Menteri Besar Amirudin Shari Noting that Malaysia had just cele- lenge of SUKMA,” said Amirudin. Shari, said Selangor was known as the said the Prophet’s Hijrah event with brated its 62nd Independence Day, he “As the top two-time world champi- state that has cared for its people for his companions from Mecca to Medina reminded that the experience of Malay- on overall, we are ready to face SUKMA the past 10 years by creating 42 pro- opened a new light on Islamic preaching sians’ forefathers in struggling against next year,” he added. grammes that have benefitted the peo- and development. colonizers in the past could be likened He said this at the opening ceremony ple of Selangor from all walks of life. “The cries of the Muhajirin (emi- to the migration of the Prophet and his of SISS 2019 at Sunway Resort Hotel “The government wants to focus on grants) from the City of Mecca were companions to Medina in search of a and Spa on 27 August. people with needs, not just the low-in- heartbreaking, and they put their lives better life. According to Amirudin, Selangor has come households, but also those in the the potential to be the best organizer middle-class group,” said Amirudin. after 21 years based on the state’s eco- “Among the elements that need nomic development, existing facilities boosting are education and entrepre- and being the ‘game-changer’ in SUK- neurship,” he added. MB: Appreciate the Concept of Sacrifice MA’s history. Amirudin said this during the He noted that Selangor had also ‘Spreading Selangor Economic Pros- he State Government does not their socioeconomic background,” he said dreamt of hosting the 2026 Common- perity’ talk at a television station on 27 deny the rights of the people but in his Merdeka speech today. wealth Games after Kuala Lumpur did August. instead considers the long-term At the same time, Amirudin said it so in 1998. At the same time, Amirudin said he Teffects of future generations. was evident that the people of Selangor “The sport is organized at the Fed- had decided to re-balance the IPR grant In his Merdeka speech, Dato’ Menteri were affected by the reorganization but eral level; however Selangor intends to as there was a group that he did not see Besar Amirudin Shari said that it was he called for everyone to sacrifice be- host it like Kuala Lumpur before,” he as suitable to receive the initiative. not responsible for the administration cause the allocation was not abolished, said. “For example, the free water initia- of the State Government to spend all but instead it was shifted to those who “Other countries have done the same tive is very valuable to the underpriv- the produce alone for the people at this would need. thing such as Seoul, South Korea and ileged but it is certainly not fair for time. “There is no independence without Atlanta, USA when hosting the Olym- high-income groups to also receive this He said it would have been more irre- sacrifice. There is no sacrifice without pics,” he added. as they can afford it,” he said. sponsible if the same people still had the the struggle. There is no struggle with- At the same event, Amirudin also Amirudin added that when it comes same benefits even though they were no out courage. presented awards to the Asian Team to shared prosperity, Selangor is al- longer eligible. “Your sacrifice means that others who and Athletes of 2018. ready in the lead. “With the cooperation of the Federal need it the most will benefit from the The Japanese women’s soccer team Last August, the Selangor Govern- Government, some of the previous aid state revenue. Because of our sacrifice was selected as the winner of the Asian ment announced the restructuring of overlaps could be adjusted so that the today, our future grandchildren will be Women’s Team while the Qatar men’s IPR involving eight schemes. right recipients could benefit from the able to lead a better life,” he said. soccer team won the Asian Men’s Team Among these eight were the Kasih sums in their favour. No more or less; He said the stability and prosperity category. Ibu Smart Selangor, Peduli Sihat, everyone gets enough. enjoyed today was the commitment of South Korea’s Tottenham Hotspur Tabung Warisan Anak Selangor, Beka- “It is important, therefore, to state here the Malaysian people who love peace. striker Son Heung-min was named the lan Air Percuma, Mesra Usia Emas, that this administration does not want to “Therefore, let us appreciate the con- Asian Men’s Athlete, while Indian box- Kesihatan Wanita, Bantuan Sihat Se- deprive the people of the state’s outcomes cept of sacrifice in conjunction with the er M C Mary Kom received the Asian langor, and the Rumah Selangorku but what we want is targeted aid, not a 62nd Independence Day, and hopefully Women’s Athletic Award. schemes. huge aid box to help anyone regardless of we can make Malaysia better,” he said. ADVISOR Editorial Advisory Board, CCSB No doubt, unity GROUP EDITOR Fathi Aris Omar is something to Editorial be desired, to be Team MANAGING EDITOR Ameena Siddiqi striven for, but it cannot be willed by Aras 2, Carlton Holiday Hotel & Suite, WRITERS No 1, Persiaran Akuatik 13/43 Batrisyia Jay mere declaration. Seksyen 13, 40100, Shah Alam, Selangor Muhaimin Merican Nurul Najihah Tel 03-5523 4856 Theodore Bikel Fax 03-5523 5856 DESIGNER Email [email protected] Naqiuddin Muaz NEWS September 2019 | Selangor Journal 03 SAY Aspire 2019 Selects 5 Local Selangor Companies SARANG to Improve Economic PETALING JAYA – NIQA (cleaning global players. product), Palm Fiber (pharmaceutical Currently, SAY ASPIRE is targeting to and Development of Rural Areas industry), Potonguler (food and bever- penetrate Bahrain, Thailand and Brunei. age), iLuvQuran (education) and Cita- According to Dr Mohd Zulikhwan, KUALA SELANGOR – The State having to migrate to the urban ar- rasaMilenium (food and beverage) have the top five companies would receive Government is implementing SA- eas,” said Rodziah in a statement. emerged as the five winners of SAY AS- access to the procurement teams, oppor- RANG, a comprehensive programme According to Rodziah, the effec- PIRE 2019 business pitch. tunity to pitch for investment, bespoke for rural development and economic tiveness of the programme will be Following the announcement, Se- overseas market penetration trips with development that features compre- viewed in its entirety, especially in langor Youth Community (SAY) Chief the main goal being export of products hensive guidance and facilitation.
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