i l yalPB BPJSpiPl' V“ » jy B g M h *£-V L ’^^jgÉàS*^ « NANCY BROWN DEANNE MISTRETTA LEANNE MOFFITT SUSAN ROSE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PHONE Sa:iîl SANTA BARBARA WO . 7-41 1 6 Y -K-/V- < :ñ VOLUME 42 - NUMBER 12 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1962 **— F T ~ - ANNUAL GGR OPENS THURSDAY NIGHT Educator Lectures Today Deadline Queen Will Be Crowned For Insurance Deadline to purchase At Opening Performance On Indonesian Struggle student insurance has been UCSB’s 39th, annual Home­ mance of Galloping Gaucho Re­ extended from last Friday fm m coming activities begin Thurs­ view. “Indonesia’s Struggle for The UCSB professor teaches to 5 p.m. today, according The traditional variety show Education” will be the subject courses in both adolescent and I s day night at 8 p.m. in Camp­ to Robert Lorden, Grad­ bell Hall with the first perfor- will also be staged Friday night for an illustrated talk today child development to prospec­ uate Manager. at the same time and place. at 4 p.m. by Dr. R. Murray tive teachers. His interest in The insurance in avail­ Tickets are available in the Thomas in Campbell Hall. education has led to several able in the Graduate Mana­ m Graduate Manager’s ticket of­ Dr. Thomas will discuss research projects in the area ger’s office. Positions fice for $1 in advance for some aspects of the current of individual differences in the For $13 a year, students Thursday night, $1.25 in ad­ struggle for education in Indo­ classroom among children. receive accident and ill­ vance for Friday night, and nesia, drawing attention to ad­ ness protection for hos­ y iii Are Open $1.50 general admission and at vances made at the elementary, pitalization, surgery, am­ the door. v secondary, and university Cal’s Kleinpell bulance and general Applications for Frosh Camp “ Friday usually sells out, levels in the school system. He medical care. Staff, not including counseling warns Robert Lorden, Graduate will use colored slides to ac­ The insuree is covered positions, are available in the Manager-he also pointed out quaint his audience with the Here Tomorrow during all vacations away Associated Students Office to­ that the Homecoming queen Is country. “ Principles of Biostrati­ from school until Sept.5, day through next Tuesday, Oct. presented for the first time Through a three-year graphy” will be the topic of 1963. 30. Thursday night. teaching assignment as a mem­ Berkely biostratigrapher Dr. According to Lorden Positions open are: Secre­ Seven living groups are com­ ber of a Ford Foundation team Robert Kleinpell when he over $7,000 was paid to tary, two assistant directors, peting for awards. They are at Padjadjaram University in speaks to all interested stu­ UCSB students insured by two housing and mealschair- men, two discussion chairmen, Alpha Delta Pi, Bahia Hall, Chi Bandung, Java, Dr. Thomas has dents tomorrow at 7 p.m. in this plan last year. Omega, Kappa Alpha Theta, gained a first-hand knowledge of PS 1100. After today the program two recreation chairmen, two Kappa Sigma, Pi Bet Pi, and his subject. The talk is sponsored by is closed until February. registration chairmen, two Sigma Phi Epsilon. Seven non­ Dr. Thomas is a permanent the UCSB Geology Club, assemblies charmen, and pro­ competitive fill-in acts are member of the staff at UCSB. gram director. also scheduled. He first joined the UCSB School L Descriptions of the positions Floatbuilding begins Friday of Education faculty last fall will be given on the application a fternoon and continues as a visiting professor. Legislation Abolishes forms. "Further information can throughout the night at Pershing He has written several be obtained by contacting John Park in preparation for Satur­ articles concerning Indonesian .JNiMnT..- Stansbury, 7-9114, or Dean Jane r day’s Homecoming parade down education the latest of which Cosgrove, 7-5611. extension State Street in Santa Barbara. Oath for Gov’t Grant 2203. Students fiiing applica­ came out in the August issue Approximately 425 UCSB or grant if he is a member AS Charities committee will of Social Psychology. students will no longer be re­ of a Communist organization tions will be required to give sell hot chocolate for 15? and quired to sign a non-Communist registered under the Subversive generously of their time, accor­ coffee and doughnuts for 10? oath as a conditionfor receiving Activities Control Act. ding to Stansbury. all night at the park. Profits government loans. VISITORS REGISTER. Members of Spurs assist guests will go to Camp Conestoga, AS President Kennedy last Wed­ in filling out forms as they register during University Day. major charity. The Spurs will nesday signed legislation abo­ Stud’t. Teachers More than 1700 people toured the campus last Saturday. Forssell Speech sell sandwiches. lishing the oath previously re­ SPA Photo by Jim Larsen The parade will start at 2:15 quired by the student loan pro­ p.m. Saturday from Michel- gram under the . National Must Apply Now Tomorrow Night torena and State Street. Defense Act. Students who plan to student Grand Marshall, Julio L. The President said the teach this spring must submit Arts, Lectures to Present KEY-T Television staff Bartolazzo, president of the applications to J.A.R. Wilson, i r * " requirement of an affidavit had announcer, Gene Forssell, will College of San MateOjWill pre­ prompted 32 colleges to shun Director of Student Teaching, speak on “ Interviewing and cede 22 floats and 10 bands down the loan program and many in bldg. 431 room 142. Speaking on the Air” tomorrow the tradional parade route. ¡H t LJ other institutions to participate Deadline for elementary and Thai Dancers October 29 evening at the regular meeting Santa Barbara Mayor, Ed­ lili early childhood student tea­ reluctantly. Campbell Hall will be the young girls, are among the of the Campus Radio Com­ ward L. AbbottjWill deliver the Mr. Kennedy said “ it is highly chers is October 30 and the mittee. Ho mecoming proclamation. deadline for secondary and spe­ scene of UCSB’s first All-Uni­ features. unlikely that the affidavit re­ versity concert of the year as Both the company and insti­ The meeting is open to all Jerry Rocco, El Gaucho adver­ quirement kept any Communist cial secondary student teachers interested students especially tising manager, is the alumni is November 6. the Phakavali Dancers present tute which trains it are di­ out of the program. a program of theater and folk rected by Nai Prasidh Silapa- those who intend to work on the events chairman. It did. however, keep out those art from Thailand at 8:30 p.m. bongleng, Thailand’s for most station when it opens in four The Homecoming game will who considered the disclaimer Pictures? Monday, October 29. composer, and his wife, Ladda weeks. Students interested in be against San Fernando Valley affidavit a bridle upon freedom Prices will be students $.75, Silapabongleng, formerly the working for the campus station State at 8:00 Saturday night in of thought. I am glad to approve The Student Photography La Playa Stadium. After the DR. R. MURRAY THOMAS general admission, $1.25, and leading Thai woman dancer and should contact Bill Harrison, the legislation.” Agency (SPA) announce that it reserved seats, $2. now choreographer and dance 7-5038, or in A.S. Office. game the annual Homecoming The measure enacted by Con­ will take pictures of the Home­ The Phakavali is presently director. Dance for UCSB students and Candied Apple gress eliminated the oath re­ coming parade and float building making its first trip to the U.S. The instruments comprising faculty will take place in the Sale Tuesday quirement from the National for any living group if notified The company of youthful but the orchestra are a special National Guard Armory at 700 E. Canon Perdido. Satisfaction for campus Science Foundation and National in advance. veteran dancers will be accom­ feature of the program because Senior Picture sweet - tooths guaranteed Defense Education laws. panied by the Pi-Phat Orchestra of their ceremonial importance. Highlight of Thursday eve­ with each purchase of a Previously, any scientist, the musicians of which are The “ xanaad ek” , or “ ranat Deadline Mon. ning’s performance will be the candied apple from any teacher or student applying for Reserved Seats trained by great masters to play ayk”, is a percussion instru­ coronation of this year’s Home­ Chimes member. a loan or grant had to sign an only by ear, as there are no ment resembling a xylophone Deadline for senior pic­ coming Queen by ASB President Students may purchase oath declaring he neither be­ written scores for them to with wooden keys. Since there ture appointments at the Joe Sorrentino. One of four apples Tuesday, Oct. 30 lieved in, belonged to, or sup­ Are Available follow. is no conductor, this acts as c a m pus photographer’s finalists will reign over the at stands located in Storke ported any organization that Living groups who would like Their repertory ranges from the lead Instrument, keeping the shop is Monday. festivities while the remaining Plaza. taught or believed in overthrow to reserve a block of seats for the classical dance-drama to time measure and embellishing Pictures of seniors who three beauties serve as prin­ Proceeds will go towards of the government by force the homecoming game must sign folk dance. the melody. fall to meet the deadline cesses. Candidates for Queen the Chimes' charity work or illegal means. the name of the group and num­ Dance plays out of the epics The Phakavali Dancers are will not appear in LaCum- are Nancy Brown, Deanne Mis- at St.
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