Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin: October 11, 1963. 1963 Madison, Wisconsin: Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, 1963 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/RQYWOYGVMZFOA86 Copyright 2008 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu | REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS ee 7 | | OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN | | oe : oe - Madison, Wisconsin | oe os a : Held in the President's Office a | | | a | | Friday, October 11, 1963, 9:00 A.M. | ae - ee President Friedrick presiding _ | - | | -FRESENT: Regents DeBardeleben, Friedrick, Gelatt, Greenquist, Jensen, Pasch, _ | oS Rohde, Rothwell, Steiger, and Werner. — - ae o oe There being no objection, President Friedrick ordered that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board held on September 6, 1963, stand approved as 7 . sent out to the Regents. _ | a hoe Fe _ REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY Lo .. President Harrington, in presenting the gifts and grants (EXHIBIT A | | _ attached), noted that there were quite a few more unrestricted gifts, which are | _ wy helpful because of their flexibility. He noted a number of gifts and | geants indicative of the different sources of the funds and of the different _ purposes for which they are tobe used. He ealled particular attention to the — | grent of one million dollars from the National Institutes of Health for construc~ 7 | tion and equipment of the Biotron, which supplements grants for this project from other sources. Regent Jensen inquired whether all of the funds for the Biotron | were in sight; and Vice President Peterson reported that all of the funds had been committed, about four and one-half million dollars. President Harrington noted _ that grants for this project were received from two federal agencies and several _ of | | a ; , | | regular Board 10/11/63 me : private foundations; and that the building would be utilized, not only by | | | the University of Wisconsin, but also by staff members from other universities | doing research in the environmental sciences. © no | ee | Upon motion of Regent Steiger, seconded by Regent Pasch, it was | _ VOTED, That the gifts and grants listed in EXHIBIT A be accepteds | and that the appropriate officers of the University be authorized to sign the ae | agreements. : | oe | Oe ce | In presenting the recommendation for approval of actions taken by the | President of the University since the last meeting of the Regents, President _ a Harrington stated that a report would be made later in the meeting regarding the | proposed salary level of items to be included in this report, | _ Upon motion of Regent Rothwell, seconded by Regent Gelatt, it was . VOTED, That the actions taken by the President of the University | ss gince the last meeting of the Regents, relating to appointments, resignations, — | Leaves of absence, and change of status of personnel with rank less than that — , of Associate Professor, which are included in the file of employment forms | | | - presented at this meeting, and the non-resident tuition remissions, be approved, ratified, and confirmed. , i ae | | oe re | CO 7 oo fo oo - Referring to the action taken by the Regents at the precediyig meeting, | | | ss yegarding the membership and responsibilities of the Madison Campygs Planning Committee and the Milwaukee Campus Planning Committee, President Marrington | reported on the changes that had been made in these committees,’ Regarding the _ Milwaukee Campus Planning Committee, he reported that the Vicé Provost of UW-M Bo and the Vice President for Academic Affairs had been added in order to provide closer contact between the central administration of the University and UW-M; | oe ard that the Director of Physical Plant at Madison and the Business Manager of | ‘UW-Milwaukee had been removed from the committee to make it a smaller committee. | He noted that the Director of Physical Plant at Milwaukee and the Secretary of the UW-M faculty would be on the committee without vote. He reported that the only © oe - membership change made in the Madison Campus Planning Committee was to make the © Vice President for Business Affairs an alternate member to represent the Vice | a | President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President and Trust Officer, when they are absent. He reported that the role of the Madison Campus Planning — | Committee had been redesigned to enlarge its jurisdiction over the University | Center System, since it was felt that the Madison Campus Planning Committee : | | - ghould be involved to a greater extent in the early planning regarding the de- OO | velopment of University centers. He reported the Madison Campus Planning | . : Committee also had been given greater jurisdiction over farm properties such as the Rieder and Charmany Farms. President Harrington also reported that new _ . procedures had been developed for checking various types of projects and building priorities by the Madison Campus Planning Committee; and that the Deans of the ae | University are to have more jurisdiction in planning and screening projects. - oe | | oe Regular Board 10/11/63 = -=3 oe | | | President Harrington presented the following recommendation: | a . That the preliminary plans and specifications for the UW-Milwaukee | | | - | - Classroom and Laboratory Buildifg No. 1 (Bureau of Engineering | | | , Project No. 6207-7) be approved; and that authority be granted a : - for the preparation of final plans and specifications. | | ae President Harrington requested Provost Klotsche to report on this — : : | project. Provost Klotsche showed the proposed location of this building on a | map of the Kenwood Campus; and reported that this structure would house the | | mathematics, engineering, and physics departments. Copies were distributed of —— the outline specifications and budget estimate for this project, totalling a $0,622,240. Provost Klotsche explained that this building was designed to permit additions being built in the future, but that the three above mentioned departments would all be housed in this initial structure. He reported that, under the long | : range plans, that Kenwood Campus west of Maryland Boulevard would be developed : for engineering and sciences. - oe | | a State Architect Galbraith showed and explained floor plans and a model - oe ot’ the building, which is to be of reinforced concrete construction with brick exterior and completely air conditioned. | | rs — o In response to a question by Regent Rothwell as to whether the buildirg - included any unique features, Provost Klotsche indicated that the most important «feature was the flexibility of the building as to usage, because one or more of the | | .- tieree departments would eventually have to be moved out of the building to other | 7 | facilities. Another important feature he noted was the open area at the ground Oo Lavell of one wing of the structure, which he noted as being important in comnection with the traffic flow and the development of the mall as part of the future de~ — | | --vellopment of the Kenwood Campus. Regent Werner inquired, in view of the tight | real estate situation on Milwaukee Campus, whether the University could afford the _ open space on the ground level of the building. Mr. Galbraith explained that it , : aad been decided to leave this area open, in view of uncertainties of future development on the Kenwood Campus, but noted that the area could Later be enclosed | ard utilized. Provost Klotsche stated that it was likely that the next unit of | | this building would be a high rise or tower structure. Regent Greenquist inquired an to the effect on the traffic pattern, if the area was enclosed, and . cee Mr, Galbraith reported that it would have no important effect on the traffic | oettemm, and that the main value of the open area was visual and aesthetic. | | Repent Jensen inquired as to the additional cost, both for construction and for — | a oe heating, because of this open area, which would result in the loss of ground heat Oo to tae structure above the open area. Information was not available on this point. | | tn considering the matter of further study being made regarding this open area, Regent DeBardeleben inquired as to the timing for this building; and was advised : | a by Provost Klotsche that, if everything went well, the building could be occupied | ny September 1965, which was important since it would make it possible to move the engineering department from the downtown campus to the Kenwood Campus which would | complete transferring all of the academic day credit programs to the Kenwood So Sampus. Noting that:the Executive Committee of the Regents would be attending the _ geeting of the Coordinating on October 25, Regent DeBardeleben suggested author-. | - iging the Executive Committee to act on any further modifications of the plans at | | that time, which would involve less delay than waiting until the November meeting _ | of the Regents. | | — | S | co Bs | a a So De oe | | | Regular Board 10/11/63. ~ Co Provost Klotsche noted that the preliminary plans and specifications | required approval of the State Building Commission; and Vice President Peterson — | noted that there would be three meetings of the Building Commission before the oo | middle of November. Provost Klotsche noted that this building was the first oo priority on the building list. Regent Werner stated that his question had been | | adequately answered, and that he was ready to approve the preliminary plans and a specifications as presented.
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