againstA^aahingtoin «i}^c£n- to thi^team'after'heh'as 'loaf Witt; who Is playing short to pitch Is kid JOHNSON. everything' but his eyesigbt.° saya Athletics, tobe.oue"ot£ti« BY HAROLD "Slim." Beating Washington la a dif¬ looking young players in the A Twice discarded by major- league* a fait McCoa- ferent matter .however, .when Grif¬ can League. He is very pilots as hopeless long George fith has a named Johnson on the er, and Is about the slxe of 1 nell of the Chicago Cub* bids fair 10 guy be the of hill. Hartsel. whom resembleijs not only repudiate judgment than a little. He is said to hjvSfl Frank Chance and Roger Bresnahan, To show the revival of interest feet position at the plata. andl but shine as headtlner on Joe Tinker's big that in due time the in Cincinnati this year it ia only nec-1 predicted hejwl Will Be Held if the curving corps. Though present velop into a hitter of much moral Monday season Is but a little more tban two essary to state that the Cub? were ordinary ability; Grounds Get in Good weeks old the grizzled human slat has handed a check for more money as been working miracles with his damp their share of the receipts of the op- Shape. delivery. His pitching has improved lening series of four games there than Deeds Filed. ¦f- over that of all last season in 11 wonderfully, however, ;got games, or; The following deeds were yeite * ' three years ago when Chance chased the year before either. filed with County Clerk A. G. Inter- him off the New York Yankee payroll The Fgfrmnnt High School in the Internationa! Freddie Thomas, by Cleve¬ for recording: meet scheduled for this and to Buffalo swapped David L. Evans and wife to > Class "prack "Mac" also is a better finger land with Sam Jones for Tris was until Monday: league. Speaker, Rosenbloom. a parcel of land-'ltfJ afternoon postponed ho in the spring of 1915 when iwill remain in New Orleans until the - May 1, because of the wet grounds than wag Eighth ward of the city of for the con-! Brcsnahan released him from the fall. This is Hie agreement between Consideration. <1.600. "which would be dangerous a with Kansas City. Redsox anil Indians. When Bill ^fefitantfl today. This Inter-Claws* meet Bruins in deal ^ihe T. U. Tate to E. W. Tate, *¦; " at Cincin¬ that the mem¬ Opening day. this year, jCarigan asked for Thomas, young¬ of land on Little Blngamon :'wfll determine practically Tinker confronted th»' ster had been turned over bership of the team that will represent nati. found by already toj Lincoln district.. Consideration 1450^ problem of choosing his most reliable New Orleans for cash. So the Boston Clarence E. Miller and wlfo to f the Htfeh school in the Monongahela for had nominated club had to Its deal with the meet to he held at South Side boxmau Herzog arrange M. McAlfiier. a parcel of land It Vallwf Fred Tonev to baffle the Bruins. Mc- Pelicans. Pirst ward of the City of Fain ParVlMay 13. The meet with the Nor- over Brown. will be held later the Connell was picked Miner Consideration. $3,000. my school ex^ Big Jim Vaughn. Jimmy Lavender. Ned Mahan. who is to Join the date not yet having hc^n fixed. and oth- License Issued. p meet Claude Hendrix. Tom Scaton Braves when he gets through at Har- B»* 1° the Monongahela Valley Col. recall from London, a whale of a workman. The following marriage license' teams from CraTtdu, Sqiiier's f.r gents, each inav be all he is said to be as publgh school where lie server! as military attache, What's more "Mac" came through with jvard. yesterday Issued by County Clark Clarksburg. Shlrinston. Mannington. color to the rumor that the aero a He may be of the rare big G. Martin: Fairmont and gives a triumph. pitcher I Farraington. Kairyiew. branch ol the United States army is to Louis was the next port of call but so was Walter; James O. Smith, .12. of Brownsville Morgantown will participate and tip- St. league promise, anil Cora I). Vance, 2 have h complete shake-up and Col. in thp itinerary of the Cubs and Me- Clarkson he was at Pa., p on the result. of this meet the local lads Lieut. Col. when pitching mon t. Squicr i«. likely to succeed Connell was given a second assign¬ Harvard. Clarkson was heralded hs "will likely decide whether or nor theyi Samuel libber a« head of the service, lie came with a Vital Satieties. enter the State meet at Charles*! ment. Again through one who had everything, hut he did Will wonderful exhibition only to lose 1 with Yankees or The following birth and deettio i" ton the latter part of tin* month. not make good the < Not Troubled. to 0 in 10 innings bccause his roni- Cleveland* in the American League livates were yesterday filed with . practice has been held this Dog p Daily rades failed to hit the opposition a ty Clerk A. O. Martin for recoij "week by both the Normal and the High My little brother has a Newfound* and hp was better college pitcher Coroner of the rain fond, and twirling. Last Sunday the lean fellow than Mahan has ever been. Deaths.County Trankij 'school candidates, in spite land dog of which he is very blanked 1 to 0. allowing but Lloyd, four. Births.Dr. T. H..» .'.and unfavorable weather. Some re-' to scold or Pittsburg. never allows anybody one hit. McConnol! not only was a If Mahan should join the Braves and one. ,'tnarkable records for local trark work abuse. The new cook could not talk in his distribution vJiave already bpi»n shown this parsimonious gent ?%ie Way of Yale the Giants, there spring) English', and one day he heard her of hits, but afiled to award a pass in would come the time when these two', in several of the events. for chew¬ One of the Normal candidates. lr- scolding his dog «in Germain ..'»? innings. .ivals in their college days, would "win, yesterday jumped 5 font and fi ing on the rug He came to me laugh¬ meet amid professional surroundings. inches, which is rather ahovp ibe usn- ing and said: "Oretchen is scolding There is n«j similar case in baseball. a! high jump for preparatory athletics. Prince, but hp don't care; he just sits However. John Foster, secretary of Only What? /Meredith, for the high school is there and wage his tall, because he the Oiants. says he knows nothing .thought to be one of the promising can't understand German.".-Chicago about Way's signing with the Giants, for this event but as beyond the fact that McGraw and the L candidates yet .Tribune. talk when Ask an You Fori? 'has not attempted anything n^ar his pitcher had imprompm w-ere in New Haven recent¬ &£S6j| limit lhe Oiants When you come in here to£2 The loeal High school also has a Of Course. It Takes Cash. ly. Way is still an undergraduate at senior He isn't cot shaved you get shaved.';,^ of promising light weight men "Is doing nicely at college?" Yak*. is in his year. If want a hot. towel or.»';TJ ,number George on the nine because he yon that may develop into tough opponents asked the sympathetic friend. "Yes. playing varsity massage. or shampoo ;brj Sistersville has taken part in intercollegiate com¬ we & jfor the weight phenome- indeed," said th*» fond mother, "and of anything in our line, nen, Collins, who last v«ar at the state petition the allotted number years. here to give it to you Just 1 all his taking such an interest in his studies, meet outclassed competitors week he wrote 3*0u want it. .and won more individual honors than too. Why. only last Chic Gandil is far from being in hth 'any other man at the meet. homo to his father asking for funds batting stride, and his average has fal-: Our customers are not?tn£2 with which to pursue his investigation len below the 2000 mark. Gandil made portuned. We are yours of dramatic celebrities.".Richmond most of his batting records in Clove- command. jfti Optimism Supreme. when a member of the Washing¬ t It Times-Dispatfh. land Optimism is he great producer. ton team, but a change seems to have Everything clean and sa 1b hope. life. It contains everything taken place and this spring he has not. tary. Try us onco and.ovt which enters into the mental attitude Yet Hope. been nearly as formidable on his pros-, rest is up to the way we'tri which produces and enjoys..Orison "Waiter, have you forgotten me?" ent home grounds as he used to be. you. Three chairs. Bwett Marden. "No. sir, not yet. sir.".Masses. waits. Fielder Jones is boasting again. He VICTORY FOR MILLER SCHOOL. says thfe Whitesox were lucky to FRANK BAKER KNOCKS DEMON RUi\I FOR GOAL, held break even with the Browns in the! A hard fought battle. jwa.s yes¬ Baseball Notes recent series and that, if the Sox fig¬ terday tne IVI!h»r school team \\;hen ured as pennant winning possibilities Under Home Savings Bi YOU OVvlT 6ET won from the Bicycle Hangers by »hi? Chase and Schultz of the Rede are he is sure that the Browns will finish are believes his hlEv/eRswiM^ PLAY ON score' 6l' 1- 10 Ih The Hangers t wo natural left-handers, who bar from in front of them.
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