CASE REPORT | RELATO DE CASO Hydralazine-associated adverse events: a report of two cases of hydralazine-induced ANCA vasculitis Eventos adversos associados à hidralazina: um relatório de dois casos de vasculite associada ao ANCA induzida por hidralazina Authors ABSTRACT RESUMO 1 Roman Zuckerman Hydralazine is a direct-acting vasodilator, A hidralazina é um vasodilatador de ação Mayurkumar Patel1 which has been used in treatment for hy- direta, que vem sendo utilizado no trata- Eric J Costanzo1 pertension (HTN) since the 1950s. While mento da hipertensão arterial (HA) des- Harry Dounis1 it is well known to cause drug-induced de a década de 1950. Embora seja bem Rany Al Haj1 lupus (DIL), recent reports are indicating conhecido por causar lúpus induzido por 1 drogas (LID), relatórios recentes estão Seyedehsara Seyedali the emergence of the drug-induced anti- indicando o surgimento da vasculite as- Arif Asif1 neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) sociada ao anticorpo citoplasmático anti- associated vasculitis (DIV). Herein, we de- -neutrófilo (ANCA), induzida por drogas scribe two patients (aged 57 and 87 years) (VID). Aqui, descrevemos dois pacientes 1 Jersey Shore University Medical who presented with severe acute kidney (com idade entre 57 e 87 anos) que apre- Center, Neptune, NJ, USA. injury (AKI), proteinuria, and hematuria. sentaram lesão renal aguda grave (LRA), Both were receiving hydralazine for the proteinúria e hematúria. Ambos estavam treatment of hypertension. ANCA serol- usando hidralazina para o tratamento ogy was positive in both patients along da hipertensão. A sorologia para ANCA with anti-histone antibodies (commonly foi positiva em ambos os pacientes, jun- seen in drug-induced vasculitis). Renal tamente com anticorpos anti-histona (comumente vistos na vasculite induzida biopsy revealed classic crescentic (pauci- por drogas). A biópsia renal revelou glo- immune) glomerulonephritis in these pa- merulonefrite rapidamente progressiva tients and hydralazine was discontinued. clássica (pauci-imune) nestes pacientes e During the hospital course, the 57-year- a hidralazina foi interrompida. Durante old patient required dialysis therapy and a internação hospitalar, o paciente de 57 was treated with steroids and rituximab anos necessitou de diálise e foi tratado for the ANCA disease. Renal function com esteroides e rituximab para a doença improved and the patient was discharged do ANCA. A função renal melhorou e o (off dialysis) with a serum creatinine of paciente recebeu alta (fora da diálise) com 3.6 mg/dL (baseline = 0.9 mg/dL). At a creatinina sérica de 3,6 mg/dL (basal = 0,9 follow-up of 2 years, the patient remained mg/dL). Em um seguimento de 2 anos, o paciente permaneceu fora da diálise com off dialysis with advanced chronic kidney doença renal crônica avançada (DRC) (es- disease (CKD) (stage IIIb). The 87-year- tágio IIIb). O paciente de 87 anos apresen- old patient had severe AKI with serum tava IRA grave com creatinina sérica em creatinine at 10.41 mg/dL (baseline = 2.27 10,41 mg/dL (valor basal de = 2,27 mg/ mg/dL). The patient required hemodialysis dL). O paciente necessitou de hemodiálise and was treated with steroids, rituximab, e foi tratado com esteroides, rituximabe e and plasmapheresis. Unfortunately, the plasmaferese. Infelizmente, o paciente de- patient developed catheter-induced bac- senvolveu bacteremia induzida por cate- teremia and subsequently died of sepsis. ter e, posteriormente, evoluiu a óbito por Hydralazine can cause severe AKI result- sepse. A hidralazina pode causar IRA gra- ing in CKD or death. Given this extremely ve, resultando em DRC ou óbito. Dado Submitted on: 07/10/2017. este perfil de eventos adversos extrema- unfavorable adverse-event profile and the Approved on: 08/13/2017. mente desfavorável e a disponibilidade widespread availability of alternative an- generalizada de agentes anti-hipertensivos ti-hypertensive agents, the use of hydrala- alternativos, o uso de hidralazina deve ser Correspondence to: zine should be carefully considered. considerado com muita parcimônia. Arif Asif. E-mail: arif.asif@hackensackmeridian. Keywords: Glomerulonephritis; Lupus Ne- Palavras-chave: Glomerulonefrite; Lúpus; org phritis; Glomerulosclerosis, Focal Segmental. Glomeruloesclerose, Segmentar Focal. DOI: 10.1590/2175-8239-JBN-3858 193 Hydralazine and ANCA INTRODUCTION discontinued. Serology was positive for AHA, cAN- CA by immunofluorescence and PR3 by ELISA at 52 Hydralazine is a direct-acting vasodilator that has AU/mL, and an ANA titer at 1:1,115 with a homo- been used in treatment of hypertension since the genous pattern. Serum levels of C3 and C4 comple- 1950s. It also has been widely used in combina- ments were normal. Antibodies to pANCA and MPO tion with beta blockers and diuretics in order to were not detected. Serology for anti-GBM, hepatitis avoid reflex tachycardia and fluid retention re- panel, and HIV was negative. The patient was treated spectively, associated with hydralazine therapy.1 with high-dose pulse steroid therapy (500 mg/day for Drug-induced lupus (DIL) associated with the use three days). However, the renal failure continued to of hydralazine was first described in 1953.2 The progress (serum creatinine 4.0 mg/dL) and the patient incidence of hydralazine-induced lupus is 5-8%. required dialysis therapy due to hyperkalemia (K 5.6 The typical symptoms include arthralgia, myalgia, mmol/L) and acidosis (serum bicarbonate 13). Kidney fever, rash, pleuritis, and leukopenia.3 Renal in- biopsy revealed pauci-immune necrotizing glomeru- jury is uncommon, encountered in 5-10% of re- lonephritis with increase in 20% of glomeruli (Figure ported cases.4 However, cases demonstrating drug- 1). The diagnosis of hydralazine-induced DIV was induced vasculitis (DIV) limited to the kidneys made. The patient was treated with pulse steroid and associated with hydralazine use were reported in rituximab. Renal function stabilized and dialysis was the literature beginning in the early 1980s.5-7 In discontinued after four sessions. He was discharged this article, we present two cases of hydralazine- on day twelve with normal electrolytes and serum induced ANCA-associated vasculitis and raise the creatinine of 3.4 mg/dL. PR3 and ANA were undetec- awareness of serious adverse events associated table (Table 1). Two years later, the patient remained with hydralazine. stable but with an advanced CKD stage III (serum Cr 2.8 mg/dL and eGFR 42). His blood pressure remai- CASE PRESENTATION ned around 130-140/85-90 mmHg with amlodipine CASE 1 10 mg/dL, chlorthalidone 12.5 mg/day, and ramipril A 57-year-old Caucasian man with past medical his- 10 mg/day. tory of hypertension and mild osteoarthritis, presen- ted to the emergency department from the outpatient CASE 2 clinic with complaints of hematuria and acute renal An 87-year-old Caucasian man with past medi- failure (serum creatinine 3.6 mg/dL, baseline serum cal history of hypertension (HTN), dementia, and creatinine 0.9 mg/dL, six weeks before). Four days CKD III presented to the hospital with altered prior to the presentation, the patient was seen by the mental status and AKI. There was no report of fe- primary care for possible sinusitis, dysuria, and mild ver, chills, dysuria, hematuria, rashes, arthralgia hematuria. Amoxicillin was prescribed for three days or myalgia. His medications included hydralazine, for a presumed urinary tract infection. The patient re- isosorbide mononitrate, furosemide, doxazosin, ported some fatigue, denied smoking or the use of al- atorvastatin, aspirin, duloxetine, and pantoprazo- cohol and illicit drugs. Current medications included le. The patient was on hydralazine for a total of amlodipine 10 mg/day and hydralazine 50 mg BID, five years with the most recent dose of 100 mg thri- which was started six weeks before for better blood ce per day (TID), increased from 50 mg TID three pressure control. There was no significant finding years ago. There was no significant finding on the on the physical examination. The urinalysis revealed physical examination. The laboratory work reve- hematuria and low-grade proteinuria. Microscopic aled serum Cr 10.41 mg/dL and BUN 102 mg/dL examination of the urine sediment revealed nume- (baseline 2.27 and 42 one year before). Urinalysis rous dysmorphic red blood cells, several red blood showed hematuria and +1 proteinuria. Protein/Cr cell casts, and occasional white blood cells. Renal ratio was 3.1 gm and ESR 41 mm/hr. Serology was ultrasound was normal. A diagnosis of hydralazine- positive for pANCA by immunofluorescence at -induced DIV was considered and the medication was 1:160, MPO by ELISA at 25 AU/mL, AHA at 3.1 units, anti-chromatin antibodies at 31 U, ANA titer 194 Braz. J. Nephrol. (J. Bras. Nefrol.) 2018;40(2):193-197 Hydralazine and ANCA TABLE 1 LABORATORY DATA OF PATIENTS WITH HYDRALAZINE-INDUCED ANCA ASSOCIATED VASCULITIS Case 1 Case 2 Laboratory values 57 y/o Caucasian male 87 y/o Caucasian male Highest hydralazine dose 50 mg BID 100 mg TID Duration of hydralazine therapy 6 weeks 5 years BUN, mg/dL 33 102 Serum Cr, mg/dL 3.6 10.41 Baseline Cr, mg/dL 0.9 2.27 Urinalysis Large blood/+1protein Large blood/+1protein ANCA titer/IF pattern cANCA 1:160/pANCA MPO titer, AU/mL - 25 PR3 titer, AU/mL 52 - Anti-Chromatin abs (normal < 19 Units) Not checked 31 ANA titer/IF pattern 1:1,115/homogeneous 1:640/homogeneous Anti-dsDNA - + Anti-dsDNA by Crithidia - 1:160 AHA IgG (normal < 0.9 Units) 8.7 3.1 C3 (normal 85 - 170 mg/dL) 88 50.4 C4 (normal 16 - 40 mg/dL) 22.8 11. 1 ESR, (normal < 20 mm/hour) 39 41 Death secondary to catheter- Outcome CKD Stage IIIb associated sepsis Figure 1. Crescentic glomerulonephritis. A glomerulus showing a on plasmapheresis. Subsequently, he underwent a circumferential cellular crescent (stars). Remnants of the glomerular tuft are demonstrated (arrows).
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