S A ^ D A Y , DECEMBER 22. 19^1 iianrlirBter Cumins IfrraUi This Edition Is iTie Herald’s Christmas Gift to Its Newsboys for him to cure, on* which Is liable friend merely a coincidence? Did of mast In tha ahoweaaa, and ha to stay with him thrmighout the the youngatera taka those dimaa askad hla mothar What It waa. year. During tha Chriatmaa rush and rtiah off to the nearest aoda "It's stank,” rapllad tha moth- ........■■■........................... Meard Along Main Street he dlway* seemi to lose one or bar to tons off a quick onaT ar. CHRISTMASTREES Average Daily Net Frees Run TheWgathcr two customers. Tuna In next week at this sante Tha young man lost no tima in Per the'Week Badlag It happens this 'way. While the tima and hear another thrilling deciding that that waa what he December 16 4md on Somo o f Mmnche$ter*$ Side Slr«ofs, Too founter clerks ars busy selling adventure of "Kltchy-coo, Junior wanted for dinner, and said so— ^ FOR SALE Christmas presents to shoppers confidence man.” We'll let ,vou loudly. And when his mother In­ COPEN IVENINOSI pair, sealer tealghL Tacaday lu» In piled three deep at the counter know then whether our friend haa formed him that aha was buying 10,469 Chrtet- usual good spirits s\ his desk the someone will enter the etore to met the children and gotten thoae hamburg, tha boy’s clamor for rreaelag cliadiani pad aaldar MM aa t t » aO ltM KmUy Saturday bafora Christmas last day before. Publisher Tom Fer­ buy some sihall Item for which he dimes bark. steak only grew more inaiatent. n. Member of the Audit than teday. amitm W ) ’ twnpliw a u t yaar fell on December 23. Our guson's death occurred after a or she has felt the need. Service Until that time. Just a word of Finally, the mother exclaimed: ' Bureau ef CIrcuUtions Manehe$ter^A City of ViUago Charm thoughts revert to it today be­ few days Illness, on August 29, St this time of the yeer is natu­ father's on strike." and althln two weeks. September advice to our readers. If you hap­ POPULARigUMllMR Pto. ftomld K. Mlaer of 1S5 St. cause it was the so-called "com­ rally always slow, but the custom­ pen to be walking along Main mon” birthday of two men who 12, anotheV major loss came with Who’s Wrong? John stnot, aon of Mr. uu) Mra. er, being a regular client of the Mreet and happen to meet a cute, (CUwsined AdvertlsUg on P a|« IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 24,1981 CtatiM Minor. Ui •pending n 22- for many years sat facing each the death'of hla son. Ronald. stnrqi expCcta prompt aervice In gentlemanly youngater who wants With tha highway department 974 MAIN StREET — FREE PARKING VOL. LXXI, NO. 72 (TMENTT' PAGES) PR ICE F IV E d i n t other at desk* in our Herald edi­ spite of the shopping rush. nut during all houra of tha day dur furkmgh nt hi* home. H t la . Into the Fire a dime for a bus ride be suspi­ ■Utioned nt Scott’a Field. 111. torial room, namely Managing Fd- When the service falls to be a* cious. Then cut off-a lock of hla and night the past few days busily Itor Ronald H. Terguson and City Many Manchester motorist* fast ss It is during the normal plowing, sanding, aalting, ahoval- were hsppy to get out of their hair, and mall It to "Heard Along. Editor Bill AsImus. Their quip* period* of the year the customer’s Main Street! Manchester, Conn., Ing. and clearing Clogged catch Mlantoaomoh Tribe No. Hi, Im- every year about the "common" bed* yesterday morning and look anger becomes aroused, and out basins while acores of Manchester ‘The stars are bright|y shining. .' pro\’»d Order of Red Men. will out the window to see moat of the USA” along with 10 cents and birthday passed unnoticed which he or she stalks, sonietlmes never we will send you, sbaoliitely free, residents are registering com­ hold tU annual children'* Chriat- IS the case of bii^hdayS of most snow and Ice gone. However, the to he seen in the store again. plaints formally and Informally, mat party in Tinker Hall tomor­ Joy was short-lived for those who a copy of that book you've heard people occurring near Christmas. The loss is balanced by the fact so much about, "Tax EvasUin we at The Herald have bean won­ row Mtemoon at 2 o'clock. It was Sports Editor Earl Yost planned to drive. that the same thing happene to dering Just who is wrong. One Miner of Saved; Made ICasy." who conceived the Ides of cele- competing stores, but, naturally, We have hit on the happy con­ The Chrlatoforo Colombo Socie­ hratiag the Joint birthday last no storekeeper likes to lose his Ho There, Too! clusion that Old Man Weather is ty will meet tomot^yow afternoon regular customers In this manner. entirely to blame. He has been POINSEITIAS Christmas by bringing In s tree. "Mother, there realfy Is a Santa at 2 o'clock at the Itallan-Ameri- *nie plsn met with favor through­ We sympathize, but we can think "mixing ’em up” to the uttef txin- ean Club at 139 Bldridge atreet to CIsus. exclaimed an eight-year-old WITH FERN AT OROWERS' PRIDES out The Herald plant, and to of no solution to the dilemma ex­ girl pupil in one of our - local fusion of everybody concerned. elect new olficpra for the coming townspeople who frequently drop cept to sugge.st thxt the shopper Drawing from his vast repertoire year. All member* are requeated schools, even If Miss -------- (her In. Soon neckties, handker­ have pity on the poor storekeeper teacher) said there isn't any. I've of meteorological mischiefs, he has to be preeent. a* many* important chiefs. cigar*, candy and other and exercise the virtue of patience. flung snow, rain, sleet, freezing .matter* will be diariiased at thi* We know of at Icaat alx caacs Just had a lovely letter from Mr. snd thawing weather at us in the Trapped 56 Honrs in Shalt eats began arriving In addition to and Mrs. Santa Claus. I.,et me lime. Thl* poclety, the oldest In a shower of cards. The party In which men went out to their most damaging sequence* snd--- Manchester, was founded In 1909. garages, got Into their car* and What's CiMiklng? rend It to you. It’s from the North was a great aiicceas. In keeping one's good eye open Pole!" It seems her teacher had lef* face It—we have been almost Miss Esther Johnson, head found Ihst I heir cars would not at all hours of the day. one can lee tried to disillusion her and she re­ defenseless against his onslaught. HOLDEN’S nrtipfreader and the best cook in start. The ballcilcs In none of a lot of interesting situations. sent orl it. NEW LOCATION 81 OAKLAND $T. the whole o\itflt. made a big, beau­ the cars were dead but moisture Thl* past Monday night aa one The lovely letter came from Ho Hiinr Miner Thought Tough Haul far Dancer and Praiicer tiful birthday cake and decorated hsd crept Into the motors, settled of the reportera waa riding along Postmaster snd Mr*. H. Olln When sleepy. If you'd stay alive: OPEN EVENINGS TEL. 3743 Top Policy Pit Official It to the queen's taste. There was around the spark plugs and the East Center atreet at abbut 11:30 Grant who have been doing this Get off the road and do not drive. a portion for everybody and then cars would not start. p. m„ he saw the local chairman for years, or since Mr. Grant be­ A Non. Of Wife, Christ ALDAN some left over. Publisher Thom­ Once the sparks were dried out of the Republican party, William came postmaster In 1942. Mrs. as Ferguson's face was wreathed the rara were able to atart. Men Called Claims ‘Nq IPHOTOQR/iPHERS R. Davla, and the local chairman Grant hns been impersonating Beat Frankfurt, IHm Dne. 34 with smiles and he enloyed the of the Democratic party, William Mrs. Sants, and while that first fun as much as anybody. A dying mlner’n Innt Kalty Account V. DeHan. "aneaklng” out of the year she nnsweret! less than 80 thnughtn In tlie Went Frank­ The Heralds were run off the MIstakca. aa every loyal reader residence of Wesley C. Gryk. letters from children, the number By Murray Commercial press as usual that Saturdav of Heard Along knows, are bound Hi.x .yen for news getting the hns grown with the town until furt expinelou were ef hla wife, More Alive’ noon, but the entire staff msn- to creep Into print no matter how best of him. the reporter tele­ this year it nins up overjIM, and of God. Photography aged to come up to the editorial vigilant The Herald Is, phoned Mr. Gryk and asked him, entails n lot of work 0iBhdii#j^art Pitl.sburgh, Dec. 24—(/P)— Hcraw led *u the Inelde of n West Frankfurt, 111,, Dsc. rc*om to congratulate the honor A few of the errors are em- "Whst ws.s the the big to-do at of Mrs, Grant, althougloKlmeels rlgnrelte pneknge, the uole guests on their "common" birth­ President Philip Murray of anid: 24—(/P)—One miner w»8 rea- TEL. 8337 h*rra.stng, moat are fairly Inno­ ydtir home on Monday night?" It quite rewarding, aiKOtlC Idea Those Two Stores cued from a 56-hour entomh- day, and to hear Bill Aalmu*.
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