Find your notices online at: WOTimes.com, FloridaPublicNotices.com and Review.net c Public Notices Thursday, May 29, 2014 SECTION THE WEST ORANGE TIMES FORECLOSURE SALES ORANGE COUNTY Case No. Sale Date Case Name Sale Address Firm Name 2012-CA-010745-O 6/5/2014 Foreclosure Advisors vs Emilsen D Alzate et al Unit 7, Huntington on the Green, ORB 3036 Pg 65 Kahane & Associates, P.A. 48-2011-CA-001810-O 6/5/2014 Deutsche Bank vs Karine William et al 6422 Beth Road, Orlando, FL 32824-8975 Shutts & Bowen, LLP (Miami) 482010CA016109XXXXXX 6/5/2014 Green Tree Servicing vs Enkelejd Gjoka et al Unit 2234, Colonial Landings, ORB 3795 Pg 2471 SHD Legal Group 482012CA009135 6/5/2014 US Bank vs Alan Giaquinto et al Unit 7-9, The Avalon, ORB 8217 Pg 1960 SHD Legal Group 48-2013-CA-001165-O 6/5/2014 Nationstar Mortgage vs. Martin D Portnoy etc et al 309 Lake Fair Ln, Winter Park, FL 32789 Wolfe, Ronald R. & Associates 48-2013-CA-008358-O 6/5/2014 Nationstar Mortgage vs. George Ann Williams et al 2247 Wautoma Place, Orlando, FL 32818 Wolfe, Ronald R. & Associates 2009-CA-011000-O 6/5/2014 Nationstar Mortgage vs Barbara Kathleen Birkler etc et al Lot 186, Bella Notte at Vizcaya, PB 52 Pg 19 Florida Foreclosure Attorneys (Boca Raton) 2013-CA-007219-O 6/5/2014 HSBC Bank vs Ricardo Rivadeneyra et al Lot 49, Timber Pointe, PB 59 Pg 119 Choice Legal Group P.A. 2013-CA-007036-O 6/5/2014 FNMA vs Kathryn A Recce et al Unit 113, Cypress Fairway, ORB 7837 Pg 530 Choice Legal Group P.A. 2012-CA-004391-O 6/5/2014 FNMA vs Mourad Errahimi et al Lot 18, Ginger Mill, PB 13 Pg 111 Choice Legal Group P.A. 2010-CA-023163-O 6/5/2014 Wells Fargo Bank vs Raymond Leslie Morris et al Unit 350, Park North Cheney Place, ORB 7712 Pg 2212 Choice Legal Group P.A. 48-2011-CA-014352-O 6/5/2014 Fannie Mae vs Joan L Mineo et al Lot 120, La Vina, PB 49 Pg 135 Choice Legal Group P.A. 48-2010-CA-019425-O 6/5/2014 US Bank vs Marie N Legagneur et al Lot 24, Angebilt, PB J Pg 124 Choice Legal Group P.A. 48-2010-CA-004963-O 6/5/2014 Aurora Loan Services vs Anthony Galarza etc et al Lot 34, Moss Park Ridge, PB 86 Pg 83 Choice Legal Group P.A. 2013-CA-009171-O 6/5/2014 Deutsche Bank vs Sharon H Kaplan Greenberg et al Lot 299, Robinson Hills, PB 55 Pg 38 Choice Legal Group P.A. 48-2010-CA-002255-O 6/5/2014 Chase Home Finance vs Hong O’Ravitz etc et al Lot 231, Camellia Gardens, PB 3 Pg 78 Choice Legal Group P.A. 2009-CA-003205-O 6/5/2014 GMAC Mortgage vs Mui Charles Phu etc et al Lot 11, Pine Acres, PB S Pg 76 Choice Legal Group P.A. 2010-CA-011789-O 6/5/2014 JPMorgan Chase Bank vs Cynthia S Smith etc et al Lot 151, Woodland Lakes, PB 55 Pg 2 Brock & Scott, PLLC 2012-CA-011260-O 6/5/2014 JPMorgan Chase Bank vs Jeffrey W Wilson et al Lot 5, Sweetwater Country Club, PB 6 Pg 150 Kahane & Associates, P.A. 48-2008-CA-010018 6/5/2014 Chase Home Finance vs Maria Najera etc et al 5325 Curry Ford Road #C203, Orlando, FL 328120000 Wolfe, Ronald R. & Associates ORANGE COUNTY LEGAL NOTICES FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION INSURANCE AUTO AUCTIONS, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF OAKLAND CITIZEN’S ADVISORY TASK FORCE MEETING NOTICE INC gives Notice of Foreclosure of CITY OF WINTER GARDEN, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER GARDEN, FLORIDA Lien and intent to sell these vehicles Pursuant to the Florida Statutes, notice is hereby given that the City COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT The City of Winter Garden’s Citizen’s Advisory Task Force will hold a public on 06/25/2014, 09:00 am at 151 W of Winter Garden City Commission will, on June 26, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. The Town of Oakland Commission will review a proposal to change the meeting on Monday, June 9, 2014, at 4:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting TAFT VINELAND RD, ORLAN- or as soon after as possible, hold a public hearing in the City Com- Future Land Use of approximately +/-22.76 acres of land generally located will be to discuss the City’s current CDBG Housing Grant (CDBG #14DB- DO, FL 32824, pursuant to subsec- mission Chambers located at 300 West Plant Street, Winter Garden, east of the Lake County border, south of SR 91 (Florida’s Turnpike), west 01-06-58-02-H14) to include applicant ranking and possible confl icts of tion 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. Florida in order to consider the adoption of the following ordinance(s): of J W Jones Road, and addressed as 502 J W Jones Road (PID 19-22-27- interest. IAA,INC reserves the right to ac- ORDINANCE 14-20 0000-00-011) as follows: The Citizen’s Advisory Task Force will hold the meeting at the City of cept or reject any and/or all bids. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER GARDEN, FLOR- Winter Garden’s City Hall Commission Chambers located at 300 West 1N4BU31D2VC267930 IDA PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN AD- Plant Street, Winter Garden, Florida, 34787. The public is invited to at- 1997 NISS DITIONAL LANDS GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS APPROXI- tend. Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, May 29, 2014 14-02987W MATELY 3.41+/- ACRES LOCATED AT 17901 MARSH ROAD any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this work- ON THE NORTH SIDE OF MARSH ROAD AT THE WESTERN shop is asked to advise the agency at least 48 hours-before the workshop by BOUNDARY OF ORANGE COUNTY INTO THE CITY OF WIN- contacting: Ms. Tanja Gerhartz, Economic Development Director, City of TER GARDEN FLORIDA; REDEFINING THE CITY BOUND- Winter Garden at (407) 656-4111 Ext. 2308 or by e-mail at tgerhartz@win- ARIES TO GIVE THE CITY JURISDICTION OVER SAID PROP- tergarden-fl .gov. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the FIRST INSERTION ERTY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR agency using the Florida Relay Service, 1(800) 955-8771 (TDD) or 1(800) NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 955-8770 (Voice). Pursuant to F.S. 713.78, on June 11, ORDINANCE 14-21 May 29, 2014 14-02992W 2014, at 11:00am, Airport Towing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER GARDEN, FLOR- Service, 6690 E. Colonial Drive, Or- IDA AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE lando FL 32807, will sell the follow- WINTER GARDEN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY CHANGING ing vehicles and/or vessels. Seller THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF REAL PROPERTY GEN- FIRST INSERTION reserves the right to bid. Sold as is, ERALLY DESCRIBED AS 3.41 +/- ACRES OF LAND LOCATED CITY OF OCOEE no warranty. Seller guarantees no AT 17901 MARSH ROAD ON THE NORTH SIDE OF MARSH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING title, terms cash. Seller reserves the ROAD AT THE WESTERN BOUNDARY OF ORANGE COUNTY FOR WESTYN BAY COMMERCIAL right to refuse any or all bids. FROM ORANGE RURAL TO CITY URBAN VILLAGE; PRO- Ordinance 2014 – 09 PUD REZONING 2001 MITSUBISHI MIRAGE VIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFEC- (CPA 14-03) CASE NUMBER: RZ-14-03-03 JA3AY26C71U032088 TIVE DATE. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Subsection 1-10 (A)(1)(V) of May 29, 2014 14-02910W Copies of the proposed ordinance(s) (which includes the legal description in OF THE TOWN OF OAKLAND, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; metes and bounds of the proposed site) may be inspected by the public be- CHANGING THE FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR A the City of Ocoee Land Development Code, that on TUESDAY, JUNE 10, tween the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday of each PARCEL APPROXIMATELY 22.76+ ACRES IN SIZE, LOCATED 2014, AT 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as practical, the OCOEE PLAN- week, except for legal holidays, at the City Clerk’s Offi ce in City Hall, 300 IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 22S, RANGE 27E, FROM A DES- NING & ZONING COMMISSION will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at the West Plant Street, Winter Garden, Florida. For more information, please IGNATION OF ORANGE COUNTY “RURAL” TO A DESIGNA- City of Ocoee Commission Chambers, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FIRST INSERTION call Steve Pash at 656-4111 ext. 2292. TION OF “LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL”; PROVIDING FOR Florida, to consider the rezoning for a parcel identifi ed as parcel number 06-22-28-0000-00-067 located at 2337 Ocoee Apopka Road. The parcel is NOTICE UNDER Interested parties may appear at the meetings and be heard with re- REPEAL OF ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING spect to the proposed ordinance(s). Written comments will be accepted FOR THE FORWARDING OF THIS ORDINANCE TO THE 20.85 acres. The rezoning would be from C-2, Community Commercial to FICTITIOUS NAME LAW Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a mixed use development consisting Pursuant to F.S. §865.09 NOTICE before or at the public hearings. Persons wishing to appeal any decision STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPOR- made by the City Commission at such hearing will need a record of the TUNITY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PROVIDING of 9.88 acres of residential and 10.97 acres of commercial.
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