
Hubbard, BUf.§er, Nesmith, Wlilson, Eckhardt, Bergsten Win Holzaepfel, Fair Mo.tly f.lr today, becomlll9 partly cloudy tonight. Highs tod.y near Buxton Park •. Incre ••lng cloudiness, a chanee of lhower. and cooler In thol ex· owon treme northwest Thursday. oil Board Winners Seroing the State University of Iowa and the Peop18 of Iowa CUrl Eatablllbed ill 1868 10 Ceuta Per Copy Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, October 23, 1963 City Primary Vote Recorded Lighter CITY COUNCIL TOTAL VOTES Than 1961 Election William C. Hubbard 1,902 Iowa City residents placed Richard W. Burger 1,899 six of ten City Council nomi· James H. Nesmith 1,445 nees and two of three Park John B. Wilson 1,184 Board candidates on the final Nov. 5 election ballot during Richard D, Eckllardt 1,098 Tuesday's primary elections. Eric E_ Bergsten 1,082 The six Iowa Citians who will be competing (or the three City Coun­ Eugene T. Larew 709 cil positions in November and the Robert L. Dautrefflont 493 number of votes each received are : William C. Hubbard, 38, 300 Kim­ Richard M. Feeney 358 ball Rd ., vice president o( Jack­ son's Inc. , 1,902 votes; Richard W. DaZe R. Miller 297 Burger, 38, 1500 Washington St., vice president of Burger Construc­ PARIGIOARD TOTAL VOTES tion Co., 1,899 votes; James H. Ne­ smith, 60, 256 Magowan Ave., presi­ NOTffltln R. HoZzaepfel 1,510 dent of Plumber's Supply Co. , 1,445; W. John B. Wilson, 60, 501 Kimball RlcMrd Buxton 1,012 Rd. , operator o( the John Wilson Mike Carver Ponder. William H. Grandrath 846 Sports Equipment store, 1,184 votes ; Dr. Richard D. Eckhardt, 45, 1675 Ridge Rd., chief of Medical Services at Veterans Hospital, 1,098 votes ; and Eric E. Bergsten, 32, m W. Park Rd., assistant profes- Carver's Bill Fails, 16-6 sor of law, 1,032 votes. Candidates for the two Park Board positions to be filled and their respective votes are Norman R. Holzaepfel, 45 , 15 N. Lowell St., SUI gymnastics coach, 1,338 votes and Richard W. Buxton, 82, 720 • • Clark St., an Insurance agent, 1,012 votes. Hubbard, who was appointed to a Council vacancy last November, I I was the only Incumbent seekiag 5 enat IJ election. " ,. Nesmitb was defeated in a 1961 nomination for City Council after he had been appointed to fill a vacancy on the council during 1960 Hotly-Contested Issue to 1961. The candidates elected on Nov. 5 will begin four-year terms begin­ ning on Jan. 2, 1964. Lasts over 1e5 Hours Ship, Strafed; Members of tbe City Council who By DEAN MILLS still have two years of their four-year terms to (ill are William Editor K. Maas and Max Yocum. The Student Senate Tuesday night smashed an attempt by NOVEMBER'S winner in tbe Student Body President Mike Carver to reaffiliate SUI with the Blame Cubans Park Board race will replace National Student Association (NSA). George W. Kanak, 805 E. Washing­ NEW YORK (AP) - An American-owned ship was strafed Wllere Ship Was Attacked ton, who is retiring due to health. The Senate voted 16"-6 with one-half abstention against by unidentified aircraft early Tuesday off t11e coast of Cuba. Other members of the Park Board Ihe reSJ)luliQD. (The (our :aurge Havaua Radio later said Hs Air Force attacked a ship in the continuing in their positions are Hall senators have one-halI vote the time and expense NSA mem­ Francis W, Sueppel and Robert H. each.> ~, area that was carrying saboteurs bership would demand," said and arms. Sen. Nolan Lorenz. Kanak's successor will also The vote followed an unsuccess­ Mayer, A3, Fairfield. The owners of the AmerJcan ves­ assume the duties of his six-year ful appeal to the Senate by SUl "I don't feel that money we position in January. You n g Conservative leaders to would remove from NSA would sel, the J. Louis, reported no cas­ Ai rlift Fleet Says Save Tuesday's Daily Iowan unofficial table the motion . hurt any of our other programs," ualties during an hour·Jong attack, total vote tabulation was between It was the second time in as Carver said in a vain attempt to In which nares were dropped to 3,400 and 8,500 which compares many years that the Senate had sway the senators. light up the target. Shells damaged Hits Germany with 4,296 cast in 1961, the second rejected NSA. They voted 16-2 State Rights Carver and opposition forces dif­ her superstructure and hull ond set primary election In Iowa City in 11 against affiliation in October, 1962, (ered on how much NSA member­ FRANKFURT, Germany IA'I - A "All of us want to conserve the years. The total yote in the No­ S3,()()(). when then Student Body President ship would cost SUI. National dues fire in the forecastle of the great neet of planes spread across great things of this country," State vember election two years ago was Mark Shantz backed it. for the organization are approxi­ ton vessel. the Atlantic Tuesday night on a Sen. D. C. Nolan of Johnson County r 6,515, the heaviest since Iowa City's sm had been a member of the mately $240, but expenses for Ii ­ Havana Radio broadcast an air adoption of the council-manager spectacular mission designed to Ji(t told the Iowa Conservatives Mon­ organization from 1952 to 196} , nancing delegates to the annual force communique heard in Miami, plan 12 years ago. when the Senate approved II motion convention are considerably more. 14,500 batUe - dressed American day night. in which the name of the ship was lighting men from Texas to West A primary election was neces­ by John Niemeyer - student body Carver estimated $300 could cov­ not given but the same locality was Nolan compared an organized sary Tuesday under Iowa law that Germany by Thursday night. president that year - to take SUI er the costs for SUI delegates, but mentioned . society with the soil : "If two stipulates that the November ballot oul of NSA. opposition forces estimated a full First phases of the huge exercise cannot carry the names o( more Carver had rested his hopes on It said Cuban air force planes were described in one w 0 r d: or three generations take more out delegation of six would cost nearly intercepted and attacked two pi­ of society than they put in, they candidates than twice the number reaffiliation with NSA this year $1,000. "Clockwork. " of seats to be filled in each race_ largely on the fact that it had SUlowan's First Ballot rate launches while' they were dis­ One objective of the gigantic are depleting tbe national sub­ In a force(ul appeal to the Sen· embarking arms and iIIfiltrating Three City Council positions and changed its structure at its nation­ airlift is to prove worldwide mo­ stance." ate, Car v e r said reaffiliation Judy Soren.en, A4, Iowa City, who just turnad 21, ca.t, her first saboteurs into Cuba on the southern one seat on the Park Board will al conference last summer. It bility of America's air b 0 r n e would: coast. States righta sbould actually be be £illed in the November elec­ abolished a council at that confer­ "Giye our student body a chance biliot in Tuesday', primlry eloction It the Civic Center. TurllClUt strength. Another could be to show termed "people's rights," Senator tion. ence which had represented the or­ to involve ourselves with the na­ in th' primary wa. low.r thin th.t of the 1961 primary. "The two launches were trans­ America's allies that the United Nolan stated at the meeting In the The successful candidates and ganization on political issues. tional and international stUdent - Photo by Mlk. Toner ported aboard an armed mother States can honor its commitments Union, "I believe that state and lo­ the number of votes they received The leanings of NSA on national movement: provide student serv­ ship that left from Florida and was with smaller garrisons abroad, cal government can protect pe0- In each of the five wards are as policy matters were decidedly lib­ ices to SUIowans, and equip stu· situated 2 and one hal( miles from relying instead on last airlilts to ple's rights better than /l federal foHows : eral, and the decisions had often dent leaders to cope with the prob· the Cuban coast, releasing the trouble spots. bureaucracy." Burger: Ward 1, 180; War<l 2, been made by the council instead lems of student government at launches," the broadcast said. The Army and the Air Force Nolan, an attorney since 1926. 373; Ward 3, 231 ; Ward 4, 473 ; Omaha, Chicago "The revolutionary air force of all NSA delegates. SUI." Hit set themselves three days to lug noted that "A man's rights can be Ward 5, 642. At the meeting in tbe House Carver's only support came from planes found and attacked the boat the U.S. 2nd Armored Division - taken away by a bureau, not by Hubbard : Ward 1, 192 ; Ward 2, Chamber of Old Capltol Tuesday Gene Olson , Quadrangle represen­ tbat transported the pirate launcb­ the old "Hell on Wheels" division his peers." 503; Ward 3, 164; Ward 4, 420; and night, however, it was more a ques­ tative: Judi Skalsky, Panhellenic ; es. - Into Germany and another three Ward 5, 623 . "Congress bas done a lousy job tion of available funds than o( Merle Wood and Rich Wernick , By Racial Drives "PLANES of the U.S.
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