J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-79-03-11 on 1 September 1942. Downloaded from JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS <.tOt'PS 'tRews. SEPTEMBER, 1942. EXTRACTS FROM THE. ,. LONDON Capt. (temp. Maj.) WaIter Ransley GAZETTE." Day (74091), R.A.M.C. (Alexandria). August 13, 1942.-The KING has been Capt. (temp. Maj.) Wilfrid Allen graciously pleased to approve the follow­ Oliver, M.D., ~LR.C.P.(89745), ing awards in recognition of' gallant R.A.M.C. (Malvern, Worcestershire). and distinguished services in' the Middle Capt. (temp. Maj.) Lindsay Sangster East :- Rogers, M.B., F.R.C.S. (131335), The Military Cross R.A.M.C. (Dunedin, New Zealand). Capt. (temp. Maj.) Hyla Bristow Stal­ Capt. Ronald Edwin Shaw Lewis Protected by copyright. M.B., Ch.B., (122714), R.A.M.C. (Birk­ lard, M.D., F.R.C.S. (41319), R.A.M.C. dale,-' Lancs). September 9.-,-The KING has been Capt. Charles Duncan Weir (93864), graciously pleased to approve the follow­ R.A.M.C. (Edinburgh). ing awards in recognition of gallant and September 9.-The KING has been distinguished services in the Middle East graciously pleased to give orders for the during the period November 1941, to following promotions in, and appoint­ April, 1942:- ' ments to, the· Most Excellent Order, of The Military Cross the British Empire, in recognition of gal­ Capt: (temp .. Maj.) Eric Francis Saun­ lant and distinguished services in the . derson Morrison, M.B. (62831), R.A.M.C. Middle East during the period November, The Royal Red Cross 1941, to April, 1942:- To be Additional Members ot the Royal To be Additional Commanders of the Red CrossJ First Class:- Military Division ot the said Most Miss Dorothy May Beazley (206035), Excellent Order ':- Sister (Asst. Matron), Queen Alexandra's Brig. (actg.) George Frederick Allison, Imperial Military Nursing Service M.C. (4856), late R.A.M.C. (W oodford Green, Essex). http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Brig. (temp.) Joseph Walker, M,C:J Miss Stella Irene Richardson (206407), M.B. (1310), late R.A.M.C. 'Sister (actg. Matron), Queen Alexandra's To be Additional Officers ot the Military Imperial Military Nursing Service Division ot the said Most Excellent (Southbourne, Hants). , Order:- . Miss Effie Townend (206478), Sister (actg. Matron), Queen Alexandra's Brig. (actg.) Robert Ringrose Gelston Imperial . Military Nursing Service Atkins, M.C., M,D. (5754); R.A.M.C. (Selby, Yorks.). ' Col. (temp.) John Smith Knox Boyd, To be Additional Associates of the Royal M.B- (15763), R.A.M.C. Red Cross Second Class:- Maj. (temp. Lt. -Col.) Kingsley Fletcher- J Barrett, M.B., F.R.C.S. (27476), Miss Irene DeSbuza (N.Z. 8253), Sister R.A.M.C. (actg. Matron), Indian Military Nursing Col. (temp.) Hubert Vere Leigh, M.D. Service. Miss Sheila Helen McDowall (206$24), (73207), R.A.M.C. (Cowbridge, Glamor­ on October 2, 2021 by guest. gan). Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Mili­ Col. (temp.) George Sydney McConkey, tary Nursing Service (Horn'sea, Yorks); M.D. (1249), R.A.M.C. Miss Edith MelIor (208675), Sister, Col. (temp.) Robert, Fowler Walker, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service (Res.) (Wirral, Ches­ M.C .. M.B. (22118), R.A.M.C. (Durban, hire). Natal). Miss Cynthia Ninna Mary Murray T~ be Additional Members of the Military (206331), Sister, Queen Alexandra's' Division of the said Most Excellent Imperial Military Nursing Service (Glas- Order :- gow). - Capt. (temp. Maj.) Peter Byers Ascroft, Miss Mary Margaret Power (209057), M.S., F.R.C.S. (131026), R.A.M.C. Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Mili­ (Oxford). tary Nursing Service (Res,). J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-79-03-11 on 1 September 1942. Downloaded from 9 Miss Dorothy Madeline Rochester July 2, 1942. (Substituted for the notifn_ (209092), Sister, Queen Alexandra's Im­ in the Gazette of July 17, 1942.) perial Military Nursing Service (Res.) (Temp. Col.) G. T. Gimlette, M.B. (London, W.2). (13199). July 12, 1942. Miss Evelyn Adelaide White (215736), (Temp. Lt.-Col.) W; Millerick, M.Co Sister, Territorial Army Nursing Service (15786). August 8, 1942. (Hayling Island, Hants). C. A. Slaughter (8133). August 15, 1942_ The KING has been graciously pleased H: A. Boyle, M.B. (15757). August 20, to approve that the following be Men­ 1942. tioned in recognition of gallant and dis­ Capt. (temp. Maj.) R A. Smart, M.B. tinguished services in the Middle East (70117), a short service officer, is apptd. to 'during the period November, 1941, to a permanent commn. August 1, 1942, re­ April, 1942:- . taining his present seniority. .The notifn. regarding Capt. ;H. N. Royal Army Medical Corps Walker (53064), in the Gazette of August Capt. (temp. Maj.) R A. Smart, M.B. 16, 1940, is cancelled. (70117). Capt. H. N. Walker (53064), retires on 7261192 W.O.IT (Q.M.S.) W. H. account of ill-health, receiving a gratuity. Cobbledick: August 17, 1940. 7520703 Corpl. (actg. Sergt:) S. September 8.-Lt. -Col. F. C. K. Austin, Brennon. M.D. (15533), from RA.M.C., to be Col. 7369369 Pte. D. Duggan. July 2, 1942, with seniority from Febru­ August 14.~Lt.-Col. (actg. Col.) H. A. ary 2, 1940. Protected by copyright. Rowell, M.C. :n5327), having attained the age for retirement, is retained on the Regular Army Reserve of Officers Active List, supernumerary to the estabt. August 15, 1942. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. August 2I.-Lt.-Col. (temp. Col.) J. August 28.-Capt. (temp. Maj.) A. A. MeP. -Mackinnon, M.B .. (1990), having B. Scott, M.B. (15699),_ to be Bt. Maj. attained ·the age for retirement, is re­ August 19, 1942, under the provs. of Art. tained on the Active List supernumerary 168, Royal Warrant for Pay & Promo­ to the estabt. August 20, 1942. - tion, 1940. September I.-Maj.~Gen. D. Clewer, September 8.-The undermentioned C.B. (14233) (late A.D. Corps), having, officer having attained. the age limit of completed .his tenure of appt., retires on liability to recall, ceases to belong to the ret. pay. September 1, 1942. Res. of Off. :- SePtember 4.-The undermentioned Maj.-Gen. W. H. S. Nickerson, V.C.~ Majs. to be Lt.-Cols. :- . C.B., C.M.G., M.B. (late R.A.M.C.). (Temp. Col.) G. D. Gripper (15701). March 27, 1942. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ QUEEN ALEXANDRA'S IMPERIAL MILITARY NURSING SERVICE. ,August 14.-Sister Mrs. C. White September I.-Sister E. W. Spence resigns her appt. June 1, 1942. (208019) retires on account of ill-health. August 25.-Sister Miss V. G. Frood August 29, 1942. (206158) resigns her appt. July 31, 1942. THE ARMY DENTAL CORPS. SePtember 4.-Maj. T. G. Doig (38801), (Substituted for the notifn. in the Gazette retires with a' gratuity. June 8, 1942. of August 25, 1942.) on October 2, 2021 by guest. ACCEPTANCE OF CORPS BROOCH BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, COLONEL-IN-CHIEF. The Representative Col. Commandant Her Majesty was interested to learn (Lt.-Gen. Sir J ames Hartigan), has re' that .all ranks participated in the present­ cently had the honour of being received ation and was pleased to say that it would by The Queen when Her Majesty was give her much pleasure to wear the graciously pleased to accept a Corps brooch. brooch from all ranks of the R.A.M.C. The Queen evinced much interest in to mark their appreciation of the signal the work and welfare of her Corps and honour which Her Majesty has conferred expressed her intention of visiting some upon them in becoming theirColonel-in- of the units at a later date. Chief. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-79-03-11 on 1 September 1942. Downloaded from 10' THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS ASSOCIATION. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth has kindly contributed £10 to the funds graciously consented to become Patron of thereof. the R.A.M.C. Association and has very MENTION IN DESPATCHES. We have been informed that Mrs. E. E. in the M.E.F., for welfare work, III Alcock, wife of COl. H. Alcock, was December; 1941. awarded a "Mention" in Despatches CO-OPERATION OF RETIRED MEDICAL OFFICERS OF THE COLONIAL AND FIGHTING SERVICES IN THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF MALARIA IN GREAT BRITAIN. The Director-General, Army Medical officers of the Colonial and Fighting Ser­ Services, hopes that retired officers, vices in the diagnosis and treatment ,of R.A.M.C. and late R.A.M.C., who are such cases. 'Many civilian hospitals and free to do so will answer the invitation practiti.oners suddenly faced with what Protected by copyright. in the notice given below, which has been is, in this country, a rare 'disease may be received through the Director-General. glad to accept the assistance of someone Emergency Medical Services. who has had practical, experience .of the. The problem of diagnosis and treat­ disease in the tropics. It is anticipated ment of cases of malaria amongst Service that only very infrequently would such personnel is a serious one and the Dir­ help be called for, but on .these occasions ector-General, Army Medical Services, the help might be urgently needed. would be grateful for all possible co­ . "The Ministry of Health and the De­ operation. partment of Health for Sc.otland would be grateful if any officer who can offer " The ,occurrence of cases of malaria .his services in this conneCtion would amongst Service personnel in this country kindly forward his 'name and home has prompted the Ministry of Health and address to the Director of Establish­ the Department of Health for Scotland to ments, Ministry of Health, Caxton House, invite the co-operation of retired medical Tothill Street, London, S.
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