ARCH. LD 6501 .H3 1921 Virginia C. Vaughan 204 Poplar Martin, TN 38237 J Ifii~ I' , ,c·'_ ,.'._" -'," (' ~. " if, -I -, u THE CALL PORTRAYING THE JOYS AND SORROWS OF OUR SCHOOL • LIFE FOR THE YEAR 1920.1921 VOLUME ONE • , PUBLISHED IlY THE STUDENTS OF HALL.MOODY NORMAL SCHOOL ! I MARTIN, TENNESSEE I .' I i .' I f I I ..~~' j(;--- , ;-,.\, ->. '.j, i' ~.,...--_c-~., j FOREWORD ---_ ......_-- .................... -.-.--- This "The Call," is the first Annual of Hall.MoodY Normal School. Within its covers rest the results of much labor and van- ous thoughts of many noble minds. We have attempted to bring to you a reflection of some of the activities of the spirit and life of Hall. Moody Normal School, 1920- 1921. If we have succeed- ed in doing this we shall have accomplished our purpose. In the years to come may our days of gloom vanish and may "The Call" awaken in us the dearest memories of days that are ", gone but not forgotten. DEDICATION JUST AS THE SAILORS OF History of OLD DID DEDICATE UNTO NEPTUNE THEIR VESSEL AS Hall-Moody a. MOOD\ I A PLEDGE OF THEIR CON. 1- N HALt FIDENCE AND DEVOTION, 1 "Tl,~ CaL' of ..,clory Ihe plume the wre~11, SO WE, THE STAFF OF 1921, Defend nol from the holt of laic Ihe [,r"ve, No ""te t~,e Cl~"'>n of Renown can brealhe DEDICATE THIS, THE FIRST To alarm Ihe long orght of the londy grave I VOLUME OF THE CALL, UN- Or check ,he hendlong ha,je uf time', overwhelming ",al'e TO THE PAST, PRESENT, o time. ho\\' wonJ,ou,l" thou ha,1 \\ruu~hl' \'iiith Ihv unti"ng hand tholl do,t d,i'cl Il"ough Ihe II AND FUTURE STUDENTS rock; " gale"'''y fOL the <urglt'g. ,olling ,".r dnd digge>1 ,,"'ay the ,oil from o,'er Ihe granile ,haft a~J ;1 ,land, towering H' I~,e uir \"/ho would huve Ihou~hl Ihut Iho,e few bn,ve 'ouls ,,,ho 'et "bollt to OF HALL. MOODY 11 \'uild I-lall.['vloody. Iwenly-one }Ta,., ngo. wOllld ha"e ,cen IheLl ronde,t drenm' "lOre Ilran re"lized in 11 NORMAL. ", ,hart a lime' \Vhil. ,he ho' re"chcd I.er m~jorily. yet she ha' by nO mean' re~d,ed I"e zen,th of her ,nlluence. bUI a, the yea" roll loy Ihey will ,ee ~rt;aIeL' und granclu thin~, achi<;ved, During the'e twenly-one ye",., her toral en,ollmenl in Lilerory Depurtment " 8.426. which has gratllcJ certif,calO or diploma' to 220 person,. fhe Mu,ical Deparlmcnt ~nrolled 2.130. and granl~d 68 diplotM" 'ne en ollmenl of Ihe olher deparlmen~' ore a1 f,ollow;. V",,' COlllmercLa!. 1.221; [xp,e,,,on. 2~O, Min,,- lenal. S~3. And ,,·hile several studied for !\1Lssionory \Vork. only one '0 far ." known. "iz.: l\'\rs. Glady, Stephenson Cullimore. who" new doi"(1 work in Yin~lnk. China. ha' entered the mi",onary freId, ]-bll-MooJy wa, named for J N. Hall, thought by many to be the grerde,t deboter a"d I',eacher of his day. and for Dr. J. 13, Mo"dy, \\'ho ranks high amon:; the mosl prom1ncnt thcolO(li~ns of th" Or any "ge. "nd who ,:ill Ii",," 10 pre~c;h ~nd defend the puce :;o;pd a, hdJ by Mi,,;onary Bapti'l'. The pre,idents of Holl-Moody facullics lhm far ],a\'e bcp.n O. L Boker. M. M. Phillip" F. L. Norton. J. A, Baber, H. E., \\laller,. M. E. \Voolrid~e, and lhc pre,e"t Lneumbenl, Jas. T. \Va"en. Hcwe\'Cr. Dr, I_I. E. \Vatle<, and Prof. Jas. T. \\'"rren po>sibly have donp. morp. than "n" of Same 10 ,hape the de'lim' of Ihis school. Fbe pre",lcnts of Ihe board of IrllSl"~' have been T ['....1. Ryan. R. L Nowlin. , I N. Penick. and S, H. Hall. who nO.... holds ,aid ,,!f,ce. It IS j",t to say. h"",el'er, that no ,>I,e enr " cunnected ",ith l-lall-l\loody '-la' done more 10 m"ke hcr grc"l th~n Dr. 1 N. P~nick. ",110 eov« Iwcnl)' years of th~ bc,t purt of hi, life In illter<:'1 of IhlS school Much could be 'aid of m"ny who ha\'e nnbly wrought in thi, weat work. and who have g,,,en of Ihe" time. monty .,nd p,"yers, bul sp"ee forbids. Some of them loa\'e alrcady gone In Ihen rcw"rd, b,,1 ,orne rp.m"in 'Iill "t wmk ",itl, a, mud, determ'no(,on to l~bor for the ,ucce" of Hall-Moody a, w"en they b<;gan :wcnty-"ne Fa" a:;o. 1> there any wonder why ]-hll_Moody ha' ,ucceeded SO well ".hen ol is Temembred Ihal ,he ,tatlds lor ,ueh a high degrce of moral> and roghteo\l'ness and" hacked "I' rind supporled by men and wome" of 'uch great f"ilh and delETmlnalion) 'Tor li:;ht i, ri(lht a' God i, God, />'tld n"hl loday will ,,'m. To doubt ,,'ould be dislopllY. H. FAK\lER. To f"lIer would be sin." r I r\ 1 ~ I \ I 1 ., !E = ",~t elf \1I = w l Hall-Moody In Nineteen-Thirty By JAMES T. WARRE.N r;;:::::;=;l0J'VIE have dreamed, some have preyed. some have worl:d, and some have ewell until at last Hall-Moody has been enabled to work out a definite plan of growth. ....... When tIle beautiful woodland was given recently by Mr. W. N. Love- lace, a committee was appointed to outline a plan and layoff the grounds for future budding-so The new plan calls for three bud dings on the Lovelace 101. "lLe first of these is a home for boys, which is now being constructed and w!ll be ready for occupancy September I, 1921. The second will be a commodious and modernly equipped dining hall and gymnasium, which will be built 011 , the south end of the lot opposite the boys home. The third will be a handsome adminis- tration building, facing east from the west center of the lot. It will have offices, library, "'I laboratory, and class rooms for tbe seruor high school and junior college departments. 1 l 1'he present administration building will be the horne of the elementary school, the junior lngh school, and the special departments. In nineteen-thirty, Hall-Moody expects to have III additiun to these splendid buildings. a library of 10.000 volumes selec.ecl to meet the needs of the courses offered: a student- loan fund of $20.000 to help worthy young men and women who want to prepare for lives of usefulnees ; its course thoroughly organized on the six-four-four plan. that IS, with an elementary school of six grades. junior high school of [our grades. a senior high school and junior college of two years each: an attendance of one hUlidred fifty III the senior high The Call Staff school and junior college departments. It is the purpose of the school to enlarge and strengthen the departments of Bible and EJilor- in-Chief JESSE DANIH Religious Education. to increase the work III the clepurtmeut of Education: to increase the number of courses III the social sciences: to make expression and public speaking a part of HOW,\RD EASI.£Y II the regular course of srucly : and to add to the fucuhv a director of physical education ASSOCIATE: EDITORS who will have charge both of the gymnasium and the playgrounds. Callege Deporlmml GUY H. \VINTERS To the accomplishment of this task r have consecrated all tIle powers of my heing. Preparalory Deportme"t OvELLA Moss Cod leading and every loyal student helping, it will be done. Jl""c Deparln,errl ELIZABETH R. McBRIDE ~ Commercial Dcporlment FIUNCES GARflNER ,I Cii()sopll!~ Literar!! Socidy ELiZABLTH R. McBRIlll: r 'I, Excehior Likrary So ..iely JESSIE ROCH" j. N. Hall Socidy H. D. I-lAGER Art Editor DOROTHY RYM, ,I 6 I I ~ T IE C \! L ( \' 1 II i I,, I ~ I WILLlAI\I NATHANIE.L LOVELACE DO",Ol< or (;l<OVE 8 9 [i: o ~,I:.--=L I~ ..:::2J [] ~rC:=~~~~~~~~5J@J!c-- , , I', ~ , 1. II Board of Trustees /\. 13. AIl,\MS IV!"I;n. Tcnncssp.p. EL ATlliOOD Dj'p.rsb"r~. TenneS5e<; T. A. j. BIC,ISLEY M~rtin. Tenne"ce REV. FUE"lWOOD B,'LL LexinRton, Tenne"ee D, J BOWDEN Martin, Tenne"ee Rr.v T. RILEY DAVIS CO"Lng'on, Tennessee REV. D. A. ELLl5 fI'1e.mp~L,. T enne"ce REV. G. L ELLIS M~I·tin, T cnnc",ec T. H. FARMER Martin, Tennessee F. Y. FUQUA Dre,den. Tennevs-e J. B. GILBLRT H"nILn\tJOrl, Tennessee II G, W, HALL M"rlin. Tenncs>ec 5. H. H,\LL Martin, T cnne.,c,' G, P. HURT Marlin, Tennessee W. \'\1. JONL5 Dre,den, Tenne,,~e REV. G, T M,\YO Dre,den. Tennessee R A. N",-ns Glea,on, T~nne"e~ Cily, H. P. N,~YLOR Union Tenne"ee Rr;v 1. N. PE;-';ICI;. J aekson, T enne"ee M~rt'n. Tennessee G. C. ROWLETT RLv, N. Iv\. STIGLER Jackson, T .nnp.,,~e M"rt,n, Tennp.s>ec \'\1. C. \VARM,ITH C. M. EOWAllllS, SeUdM!! Martin, Tennessee Marlin, Tcnne .. ee A. O. FUQu,\ I, M. L. GLOVER \'i/oodland Mill,. Tenne .. ee , M"rtin. Tenne .. ~e A. C. GARO""£R I REV.
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