THE GRAND JUNCTION DAILY SENTINEL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, IfN>B. PAGE SIX ' Majestic Theatre ! Masterpiece of Famous Novelist. Cor. 6’h and Main Postoftice PERFORMANCE PROM '! S: 15 to 1): 15. « LADIES* AND CHILDREN’S j! MATINEE Book Store SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. ; Tempie of Joy ana ; “Good Mirth Headquarters Eugene Thomas Mgr. : For Old School Supplies Summer | Ch '•f Entire age Bill j ; Office Supplies Time” Moncjf! and !VI > ; ! Thursday : Fancy has arrived and these hot days re- Box Station- ary mind us that low, cool footwear is necessary An Evening Spent to keep our feet and heads —at — Magazines cool and collected. The MAJESTIC of all Is a Pleasure kinds For women who appreciate dainty e Admission 10c ¦ yet durable footwear we have the Imported and domestic season’s most approved styles cigars tobacco from and Jolin Kelly’s ami Krippcndorf & Ditt- M. F. Fredericks. man\ big factories. Try WHITSON’S WOOD YARD Sizes to fit all feet. $3.00 Styles to lit all eyes. $3.50 for Wood of any old DA VIS Prices to fit all purses. $4.00 kind JUNK CO. Phone No. 4577 261 South ; ® Red 607 N. 6th, St. McConnell Lowe AllClass of Junk The Evening Prayer in Act 1. Bought and Sold Highest Prices Paid When tne curtain rings up at the sail for England. Mr. Hall Caine for Metal of Park March 19, local play-goers will was assured that in Mr. Lackaye \ all Kinds the part I their first of “.luson” would be por- CAMEO have view of COAL. Hall Caine’s trayed by an actor who j Real Estate Investments— masterpiece By is acknowl- BEBT BY TEBT Junction 480 “The Bondman.” edged to he one of the finest char- High Line land from $2O per acre. the time the curtain Is rung acter delineators on the 4 down American 0-acres sandy loam —plowed—under Grand Valley canal. Only you will have been entertained i'n stage, consequently the deal was Constant supply on hand. Deliver- GOODS CALLED $112.50 per acre. FOR witnessing the first exclusively Eng- soon consummated whereby the 12-acres young lish production orchard northeast of town. $325.00 per aero. ies on shortest notice. All order? ever transhipped to American rights were granted to Mr. Full bearing Clifton orchard, $12,000. ANY WHERE this country from Druary Lane thea- Wni. A. for Wilton Lackeye Brady City residences at prrlces in good promptly attended to by London. Incidentally you will exclusively. reasonable localities. tre, City lots from $3OO to $O5O per pair on Main street. have seen scenery, costumes and ef- One of the principal reasons for i COLLECTIONS, fects which the success RENT tSTC. 527 MAIN after payment of an Im- in England was that ev- I If you are a non-resident, or if you purpose port of twenty-five cry leaving the Valley, duty per oenr attention to detail had been j we would be pleased to take of your represent to Mr. Wm. care local interest* Why not have A. Brady, given 'll! the marvelously faithful re- for we are here to stay. H. Q. Ullery, the American producer, an outlay productions of the scenes in the Isle] of over $47,000. and the LOANS. or Man convict mines and | Money placed on sound Real Estate Securities to The story of this production is an solfatara deposits of Sicily. Apprec- suit lender. Interesting INSURANCE. one. For many years iating this fact. Win. A. Brady you out. BLACK 058. Hall with Insure before burn Let us cover your risks. We rep- Mi-MiosoD Caine has been one of the most characteristic judgment decided on | resent several of widely the best Fire Insurance companies in the REALTY CO. read authors of the day. He importing into America the entire United States. himself has dramatized several of Bi nary Lane production, and this it | your THE GRAND REAL & write Insurance? his books and ihas won fame, as is which will be Bern here. A rough VALLEY ESTATE LOAN CO. All kinds; I MILNE & MILNE, Managers. Great Closing Best Com* a playwright in addition. Few writers Idea of the magnitude of the pro-! panies. of the day have scored as many real ductlon can be gained from the fol- * Phone—Black 663. Margery Building 527 Main St. successes as has Hall Caine. “The lowing figures, cost of scenery, in-j 537 MAIN eluding Out ST. TEL. BLACK 1783 Bondman" is the latest dramatiza- special artist drops or hack tion by Hall Caine and ‘is one over grounds painted in Glcily. Three! which he spent many years. It was thousand seven hundred and eighty-1 first produced a little over a year five pounds, or almost $20,000 the, ago at Druary Lane theatre, Lon- effects cost in addition another third SALE don, this historical bouse being the of that sum. and the properties. I IffiftLCRAffFOiT largest in that city und a house in which include furniture, antiquated big TOGO ® which the spectacular produc- examples from the Isle of Man and HARROWS By PLATT tions | are made. The run of the of Sicily, were of “The Islands all Togo Engineering Bondman" at Druary Lane broke them bought in those Islands and ! Harrows are something new In orchard harrows. They all records. shipped to especially HERRON Druary .Bane and have are built tor use among trees. We have them In two an d summer Wm. A. Brady wont now Beginning March 1, 1908, we CIVIL Last coi 1 to America. All the cos- sizes. Ono section ot the large to London with M’ss George size makes a good one-horse har- will close out our entire stock of | Grace tumes • true to life and were! row. Buggies, Wagons and Implements. Surveying i where she achieved a great success made :n . 1 at Druary Lane. A Plows, Plow Shares, nc_ . Mr. Brady saw a per- company i' 'ty people, including We have just unloaded full cars ot Single while there a tour the latest Improved Trees. of and In- machinery Clevises, Rake Teeth. Hay Slings,! formance “The Bondman" prominent < will support Mr that has ever been brought to Grand Junction—RA- Pulleys 21 YEARS duced Mr. Wilton Lackayo to at once Lackaye. and many other articles. EXPERIENCE ClNE WAGONS, SATI.EY PLOWS, SPRING TOOTH HARROWS All must go at onoe. 533 J Main St. Phono Black 1782. ORCHARD CULTIVATORS, DISCS (solid and extension), one- and Grand Junction, Colo. THE GREAT SALT LAKE TWO BABIES BORN WITH two-horse cultivators—all tools that are used on the farm or In IS AGAIN ON RISE. BODIES JOINED TOGETHER. the orchard. EARLY SIX-WEEKS POTATOES. All of It is a common remark that Mar. IS—-A Brigh- kinds seeds. PLATT London. and over our Come look the great Salt lake is rapidly ton woman has given birth to big stock. evaporating and that it Is only 1 twin girls, who are united at A large invoice of Harness a matter of time until the en- the hips by what is believed to $ & tire body of water will dis- bo an indissoluble bond of flesh O’Malley appear. but actions of the and bone. Hall the 1 lake recently nre said to com- CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEERS. pletely refute the prevailing im- Dr. .lames Booth, who is attend- | pression in matter. 1 lng the Land and Mine Surveying. Irri- the 1 case, states that each child ! The]i ® has a individuality, J. A. McCulloch I. o. HERRON gation Projects Investigated. 1 distinct for one F. C The present level of the water in has been to crying noticed be while w , 625 Main Street The Reclamation of Seepage the lake Is within one-tenth of an her sister was sound asleep. inch The Lands a Specialty. of the highest mark It has babies are joined in such away that PHONE JUNCTION 285. reached in 10 years, and heavy they hack to back, and DO YOU Phone 400; are almost Junction Room 108, Sen- snowfalls in that vicinity are expect- they have to sleep on their sides 1 tinel Building. ed to raise it well above the record with faces turned from each other. WANT of a year ago. highest The mark Ft is believed that anv attempt to A GOOD PAIR OP RESIDENCE ever made by the lake since the separate them will lead to the death LOTS? For tin* Sick Wo Have weather bureau has been taking ob- of one or both, hut as to ascertain Away We can make you attractive prices EVERYTHING, servations was last July, when the exactly whether this is so the chil- FolKs From Home on following As We Are in surface reached a point 3.8 feet dren are to be photographed JPf the locations: Business for Your the zero under One pair Sixth above mark. the X-rays in order to reveal na- Why Worry? between und Seventh HEALTH. highest the Telephone Hum and relieve on Only Squibbs’ and The level of the lake each ture of the At present Teller. Merck’s Chemicals year Is connection. yovrs Two pair between Sixth and Seventh used In Filling Prescriptions. reached in May. June or the children are very healthy and /yffi.l and their anxiety. 450 on July, and it predicted from pres- lively. words I rill. U. S. Guarantee No. 7057. I is in three Minutes. One pair corner ent indications that the lake will Their mother is poor, the Sixth and Hill. rise and One pair corner Sixth and I at least five feet above the zero strange twins have been adopted by Grand.
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