See Safety ~~( JUittmi lltubeut Supplemeut Page 3 The Old.. ColI.,. N ___ In The United Staue MLuoa UIUVEJISITY, OxFoRD, 0lIl0 Tuesday, December 19, 1950 ahne To Address University Men Today ~~~------------~~~~~~~. Students are reminded that heehan French, Macomber, the new cut rule 'Will be in eI.Ied. for Christmas vac:ation. The cut rule stales that stu­ To Speak Albaugh To Speak dents who elIt their last mee1.inn of eadI ebss before or the first meeUap of eadI cla.5s after a rqular17 scheduled vacation will have one-balt boll!' added to tbLir p-aduatioa requirements for each elass eat. ~!p·~~~~~ department, will pre- l ~~~~~w~~~~.~~clarify and explain the world SItuation and ib effect upon coUege Students who believe that a program of readings at Iand uruversity men, Dr. R. J. Miner. director of men's af£airs. on Thursday, Jan. announced today. day when classes resume . Ins?gated by Omicron Delta Kappa, ~or men's leader~ 1 ===========: I~it~ the Christmas vacation. ~ ~~er~~~~ called when It was realized that He will present some light works set as to their present status in by. James Thurber and also a con- the drafL Students' temporary short story at the as- Other speakers at the meeting Convention sembly. iUr. Sheehan is a Miami 'Nill be Dr. B. L French of the Schedules graduate and has received both his ;~=:t!rd:ith~S:~l~ed~_ Plans Set cation, Prof. E. M. Albaugh, d;n,c- F NASCA ~~fen:=; educ:atton. and 0 r Charles Mechem, 3 A-S. chair- man of Student-Faculty cou:n.cil. Plans are nearing completion will act as chairman of the for the convention of the Na­ By the licht 0" the Cb.ristnJ.as tree carolers blend their voices to add to the SPiriL The meeting. tional Assembly of Student: e:ampIU ha.s a "'winter wonderland" apPQranee due to the ab1lJld.a.nce of snow and ice iD the past All men are s:trongly urged to Christian associations from weeks. VaeatioDinr students will soon beCin their homeward trelr..s. attend so that they may obtain a Wednesday, D ec.. 27 until T ues, clearer picture ot their present Jan. 2. :Th~:--------d~----~C~l;-----------C~~~----~:::::::::::::::::::::: Iap~~~~~~~~ ' I position in our national emergency. Seminars, roundtable discus- urs ay asses ut· ¥'. Schedule Armco Trip p.eregistration cards to the sions and other such informative floor of McGuffey hall G h meetings have been planJled for YM and YW WOrld HelaHons the hour.; of 8 to 11 :30 a.m. and 1 uent er the delegates wbo wiD come from " al eommiUee will sponsor ~ trip to 4:30 p.m. on these days. Short Due To Spec. to the Armeo plant In lIIiddJe- Those studeots who plan no WAd cofieges and universities all over town on S~tord1y, Jan.. 13. changes in their current ." n s the United States. They meet to All classes Thursday will be shortened so that students This trip is for all foreip will be permitted to go through I discuss timely topics on reli,gions, students and iI.IlJ' other inter- edul will. be able to ride the Baltimore and Ohio Christmas Vacation 8. All othe~ will sch e ap- Co nt est IpW... O:~ al1airalif·e. and other current Jpeci.al which will leave Oxford at 12: 15 p.m . ~=~':" ~:':onnn:! pointments with their advisers ~ Of Classes will be as follows: first cl.ass, 8:10 to 8:50 am..; Prof. Paul F. Enrin. assista.ot ~C:rdi.ng to the following scbed- The delegates will me the resi- aecond class. 9 to 9:40 a.m.; third class, 9:50 to 10:30 a.m. and director of reUrious a.etivlties, Ethel Guenther, 3 A~ is the dence halls on campus !Dr housing. fourth class, 10: 40 to 11 : 20 a.m. Lunch will be served at 11 : 30 in the Y orfice in Oeden halL Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. winner of the Student sponsored Iand although there bas never been un. in the University dining halls. 9 ~:~'g fC;:; ~~~J~ II, advertisers contest., Antone Pathe. ,any report of theft the other two «) Sections of the special will go -4 A-S, business manager, an- I times· e UthDleV~:en~ ..~~~-::: th to Akron. Youngstown. Pittsburgh, H H M d for February 1952 graduates. toda .... ~..,. .... ~ ,-,,=-......a Toledo, Cleveland, Wheeling and • • a ynar (0:UJ=~~5~{ ~=e!'.' Jan. 11, grees 1Jl the field of speech. no=ueo':~ had every answer '::a=.:ee.insure against any T _ -hn Steubenville. Connections will also T L tu Friday and Mooday, Jan. 12 His practical ~enc:e m the cotTeCt to take first place in the The students are asked to con- Ge ne ~ er be made with trains to all parts of 0 ec re and 15, _for June and summer thea~ was rece:\·ea .as an en- contest. For wi.noing. she will re- fine their belongings to closets and · the. coun~. H Th da sc.h~~;~ J:!':; and Thurs- =~ !m~f ~e armed ceive S5 from the Student,. a d.rav;ers so ~t these .may be As Saxop h ODlSt Reductions 1D the pnce of tickets ere urs Y da Jan. 18 17 and 18 for 1953 forces with the Micltey Rooney- scarf from Harriet's, a steak din- sealed. up ~ msure ag~ any will be given tot' students- travel Dr. Harold H. Maynard, head ~du.ates. ' • 'Billy Halop Special Sttrlce tJojt. ner from ffie Colonial Inn, four me&lli.Dg WIth theaL. Radios, SUlt- ~e Leshner, 3 FA, recenUy ing in groups of 25 or more, all of, of th~ d.epartment of industrial Friday and Monday, Jan. 19 This unit ~ured both En~ theater passes from the TaDa: :d tim::: :- =. a =- ::= receIved word that be has been I whom must agree to ride to the I org~tion ~d ~g~ent at and 22, according to tum cards., and the conbnent of E-urope Wlth wanda., and a pen from the Miami aside for that it the :tu- accepted to play saxophone ~th same towo on the train. Lists are ~:~~~e~v~:tes~ a~ for the class ~f 1954. camps and convalescent hospitals. ~~. Guenther is requested to dents so wish ~ Johnny Long's orchestra, begiIl- being prepared at the men's bollS- I regular marketing lecture ses- come down to the Student office. The Assembly met at Miami ill Bing with Wednesday night's. en- ing office, 106 Benton hall, if the l*on Thursday in room 209 Betas Phi Delts Sigma Chis Iroom 9 Irvin haI.l. as soon as pas- 1937 and .a~ in 194L Miami pge:rnent at Portsmouth, Ohio. students desire to travel to either H~es hall at 10:40 a.m.., ac-" sible to coUed. her win.n.iogs. ~ents wor~g fm: the cooven- Leshner attended the Cincinnati Chi Philade1 bia tb cording to Prof. Joseph Seibert of T H ld A l T iad D The decision of the judges is tIon may live m !beu- own rooms College of Music and played "' the p cag~ or railioad' toon.th e the marketing department. 0 0 nnua. r ance final. d they wish. Na band while in service ennsy varna or eI er In addition to his duties at Ohio . Students are reminded by Presi- ;: has played in local ~ in Boston or New York on the New State, Dr. Maynard is co-author TraditIon will be observed.wh~l pro~ and Ed Piatak. 4 Bus, dent Elahne that such a OOIlventioo Middletown and Hamilton. his Yor~ Cent:ral. of the marketing text used at Mi- members of Beta Theta Pi. Pb! hOSPltality. I w . Is d B - Court is one of the best ways to puhlicize home town. Leshner also was a Tickets for the SJ>eci.al .will be ami, Principles at Marketing, and Delta Theta and Sigma Chi lra- Composed of the first three tra- arnmg sue Y the University in as much as stu- member of Barney Rapp's orches- on sale tomorrow at ~ drug bas written other works. ternities hold their annual Triad ternities to be founded west of the Students who expect to bie dents are coming !rom all over the tra, from Cincinnati, the band with store and the B&.O station. ~ dance, Saturday, Jan. 13. Allegheny mountains, the Triad other stud.eats home ror Cbrist- United States. "It is hoped." Dor- which Doris Day started ber sing- ~dents are urged. to have tbeu- ScbedoJes ow Available Al ... ---=dy and his orchestra bas carried over to 59 other camp- mas vacation must report to lIr. othy Holloway," Ed,. president 01 tickets before the time of depart- .........:>:>.I H. H. Stephenson, director of the YWCA. said, ""that students Leshner has been a musician ure as it is doubtful that the train Schedules e' ela.5ses 'or the from Cincinnati will play for the uses where all three of the fra- men's bousiD.&", an.c) receive u- will minimize the small incooven- li.noe his freshman year in high will again delay its departure for second semester are now ~valI - dance, Joe Wespi.ser, 4 Bus, Sigma teroities have chapters. press permission from his office. ience they might undergo in view school While at Miami, he has ::selaststud~~te~uying tickets at ~ble in the Recistn.r's ortler. Chi, chairman of the dance an- Three three groups were found- ~ri~~d;:;'~t e::d.::= :'e!~~ter beoefits to the Uni- ::: ~~::.a~pus Owls and Complete B&O schedule will be !~~:::. Smyser, reristrar, ~D- nO~:!ttee chairmen include ~~T~h:~ is =::U:~e ~~I The CGwi does not want a Leshner is a member of Zeta ~~tb:ffi~er':m ~Irv: a ~~eao~ ~~ u:e':!!;eP~ro:: Di.ck MacQuiston, 2 FA, d~r- =ns~:::-; ~~ ::::e ~e ro~~ :~':u:o~ ~e ;oa.:~ N €'lOS Analyst ::a ~:u, =-.
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