Tennessee Valley Authority, Post Office Box 2000, Spring City, TN 37381-2000 October 22, 2009 10 CFR 51.92 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Mail Stop: OWFN P1-35 Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 NRC Docket No. 50-391 Subject: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IN SUPPORT OF TVA FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (FSEIS) (TAC MD8303) References: 1. TVA letter dated February 15, 2008, 'Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) - Unit 2 - Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Completion and Operation of Unit 2" 2. TVA letter dated July 2, 2008, "Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) - Unit 2 - Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement - Request for Additional Information (TAC No. MD8203)" 3. TVA letter dated January 27, 2009, 'Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 2 - Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement - Severe Accident Management Alternatives (TAC No. MD8203)" The purpose of this letter is to provide additional information in support of TVA's FSEIS for the completion and operation of WBN Unit 2 as requested by NRC during a site assessment in early October 2009. Printed on recycled paper U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 October 22, 2009 The WBN Unit 2 FSEIS (June 2007) was submitted to NRC on February 15, 2008 (Reference 1). -By letter dated July 2, 2008 (Reference 2), TVA responded to an NRC request for additional information. By letter dated January 27, 2009 (Reference 3), TVA provided the Severe Accident Management Alternatives (SAMA) analysis report for WBN Unit 2. TVA prepared the FSEIS to update the extensive previous environmental record. The environmental consequences of constructing and operating WBN were addressed comprehensively in the 1972 Final Environmental Statement for WBN Units 1 and 2. The FSEIS summarized the environmental effects assessed in past WBN-related environmental reviews and assessed the potential for new or additional effects that could result from the completion and operation of WBN Unit 2. Some of the literature cited in the 2007 FSEIS consisted of historical studies performed by or for TVA to assess environmental conditions in and near WBN that are not available to the public. These studies are enclosed electronically. During the site assessment, NRC also requested specific TVA procedures, additional site meteorological data and the Shapefiles used by TVA. These are also enclosed electronically. Enclosure 1 provides a listing of the documents attached in electronic format. There are no new actions required for licensing provided in this letter. If you have any questions, please contact me at (423) 365-2351. Sincerely, Masoud Baj ni Watts Bar (7 2 Vice President Enclosure: Enclosure 1 - List of Documents Provided on Enclosed Electronic Media U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 3 October 22, 2009 cc (Enclosure 1): U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW, Suite 23T85 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8931 NRC Resident Inspector Unit 2 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 1260 Nuclear Plant Road Spring City, Tennessee 37381 ) Enclosure I List of Documents Provided on Enclosed Electronic Media No. Author / Year / Title Media File Size Proctor and Hopping. 2007. Winter 2006 Compliance 1. Survey for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Outfall 113 Passive pdf 3.4MB Mixing Zone. Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, TN McCall and Hopping. 2005. Winter 2005 Compliance Survey 2. for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Outfall 113 Passive Mixing Zone. pdf 1.0MB WR2005-2-85-151. Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, TN McCall and Hopping. 2007. Summer 2006 Compliance 3. Survey for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Outfall 113 Passive pdf 3.5MB Mixing Zone. Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, TN McCall and Hopping. 2006. Summer 2005 Compliance 4. Survey for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Outfall 113 Passive pdf 3.6MB Mixing Zone. WR2005-2-85-152. Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, TN Harper and Smith. 1999. July 1999 Verification Study of 5. Thermal Discharge for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Supplemental pdf 1.0MB Condenser Cooling Water System. WR99-2-85-143. Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, TN Smith, Hopping, Harper and Lee. 2001. Hydrothermal Data 6. for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant SCCW Outfall. WR2001-4-85- pdf 13.2MB 145. Norris, TN Dynamic Solutions. 2007. RFP 103006 Report Revl Watts 7. Bar Unit 2 Thermal Effluent Study pdf 1.0MB Cole, Harper, Hopping and Smith. 2004. 1997 Verification of 8. Thermal Discharge for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. WR97-2-85- pdf 0.6MB 141. Norris, TN Phillips. 2008. Categorical Exclusion Checklist for Proposed 9. TVA Actions WBN U-2 Powerline Upgrade pdf 0.8MB Simmons and Baxter. 2009. Biological Monitoring of the 10. Tennessee River Near Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Discharge, pdf 3.8MB 2008. Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga, TN Baxter and Simmons. 2008. Biological Monitoring of the 11. Tennessee River Near Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Discharge, pdf 2.0MB 2007. Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, TN Baxter and Simmons. 2007. Biological Monitoring of the 12. Tennessee River Near Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Discharge, pdf 2.0MB 2006. Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, TN 1976. Environmental Information Watts Bar Nuclear Plant ,13. Units 1 and 2. Tennessee Valley Authority pdf 5.1MB 2008. Water Analysis Report. GE Infrastructure Water and 14. Process Technology pdf 0.2MB 2006. PSO Standard Department Procedure - Vegetation 15. Maintenance Program for 230-kV, 345-kV & 500-kV pdf 0.2MB Transmission Lines SAM-SDP-06.001 Rev.0000 TVA Unpublished Data-2009. Numbers of Threadfin Shad 16. Found in Watts Bar Reservoir Cove/Embayment Habitat in pdf 0.3MB 1960 and 1980 Enclosure I List of Documents Provided on Enclosed Electronic Media 2004. Increase in Allowable UHS Temperature to 880 F, TVA 17. Categorical Exclusion Checklist No. 4569, Closed February pdf 0.2MB 20, 2004 Baxter, Buchanan, Hickman, Jenkinson, Milligan and O'Bara. 18. 1997. Aquatic Environmental Conditions in the Vicinity of pdf 3.7MB Watts Bar Nuclear Plant During the First Year of Operation, 1996 1976. Impingement at Watts Bar Steam Plant pdf 0.4MB 19. Scott. 1993. The Effects of Aquatic Macrophytes on Fish 20. populations of Chickamauga Reservoir Coves, 1970-90. pdf 2.8MB TVANVM--93/24. Norris, TN Ahlstedt. 1991. 1990 Preoperational Monitoring of the 21. Mussel Fauna in Upper Chickamauga Reservoir in the pdf 0.6MB Vicinity of the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. Norris, TN Hevel and Hickman. 1991. Population Survey of Sauger in 22. Chickamauga Reservoir 1990-1991. Tennessee Valley pfd 0.8MB Authority TVA calculation Annual Routine Radioactive Airborne 23. Releases from the Operation of One Unit, WBN Units 1/2 TI- pdf 1.3MB 534 _ Griffith and Tomljanovich. 1975. Susceptibility of Threadfin 24. Shad to Impingement. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the pdf 0.5MB 29th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Game and Fish Commissioners, 1975 1999. State of Tennessee Department of Environment and 25. Conservation letter dated August 18, 1999 Re: Watts Bar pdf 0.3MB Nuclear Plant 2007. Fish Impingement at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant During 26. 2005 Through 2007. Tennessee Valley Authority, pdf 1.2MB Environmental Stewardship and Policy, Knoxville, TN Baxter and Buchanan. 2006. Entrainment Monitoring at pdf 0.7MB 27. Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, 2004. Tennessee Valley Authority, Resource Stewardship, Knoxville, TN Baxter and Kay. 2002. Effects of Impingement on the pdf 0.4MB 28. Aquatic Populations in Chickamauga Reservoir, Tennessee Valley Authority, Resource Stewardship, Knoxville, TN Dycus, 1988. Results of Plankton Studies Conducted in 1986 29. and 1987 as Part of the Operational Aquatic Monitoring pdf 2.8MB Program at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Chickamauga Reservoir. Tennessee Valley Authority, Office of Natural Resources and Economic Development Division of Air and Water Resources, Knoxville, TN Fost et al 2008. The Role of Temperature and Nutrition 30. Status in Impingement of Clupeid Fish Species. 2008. Oak pdf 0.6MB Ridge National Laboratory, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge, TN I Enclosure I List of Documents Provided on Enclosed Electronic Media McLean et al. 1980. Threadfin Shad Impingement; Effect of 31. Cold Stress. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Environmental pdf 2.5MB Sciences' Division, Publication No. 1495. Oak Ridge, TN 2008. TVA letter dated February 13, 2008, "Watts Bar 32. Nuclear Plant (WBN) - National Pollutant Discharge pdf 1.0MB Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. TN0020168- Water Withdrawal Registration Form for Calendar Year 2007 and a Revised Registration Form for Calendar Year 2006 Nuclear Energy Institute. 2002. Aircraft Crash Impact 33. Analyses Demonstrate Nuclear Power Plant's Structural pdf 0.4MB Strength Schneider and Tuberville. 1980. Kingston Steam Plant 316 34. Permit Renewal Report, 1980. Tennessee Valley Authority, pdf 3.3MB Office of Natural Resources, Knoxville, TN 2007. Fish Impingement At Kingston Fossil Plant During 35. 2004 Through 2006. Tennessee Valley Authority, pdf 0.8MB Environmental Stewardship and Policy, Knoxville, TN Karimi, R. 2007. Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Severe Reactor 36. Accident Analysis. Germantown, Maryland: Science pdf 0.3MB Applications International Corporation. Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation for TVA 1987. Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Construction and Operational 37. Employee Survey Results July 31, 1986. Tennessee Valley pdf 1.7MB Authority, Knoxville, TN Jirka, Doneker, and Hinton. User's Manual for CORMIX: A 38. Hydrodynamic Mixing
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