- iluau fh”JD& lhlfl7 i (1953=100) - -- (n;, Argentina.. ......................... 20.9 1,073 18 Buenos Aires 5,617 656 7.23 (1959) Bolivia............................... 3.4 424 8 La Paz 321 3,470 l Brazil.................................. 70.5 3,287 21 Sao Paul0 3,316 567 8.22 (1959) Chile .................................. 7.6 286 26 Santiago 1,547 1,230 3.88 (1959) Colombia ........................... 14.1 440 31 Bogota 1,005 187 3.49 .(1959) Costa Rica........................ I.1 20 54 San Jose 212 116 45 (1959) 4l Cuba ................................. 6.7 44 I45 Havana 1,218 2.36 (I 9S8) Dominican Republic.. ........ 2.9 19 148 Ciudad Trujilld 295 100 .6b (1959) Ecuador.. ............................ 4.2 105 39 Guayaquil 290 107 .84, (1959) El Salvador.. ...................... 2.6 8 316 San Salvador 204 105 30 (1958) Guatemala.. ........................ 3.7 42 83 Guatemala 284 102 .65 (1959) Haiti.. ................................. 3.5 II 319 Port-au-Prince 196 104 .33 (1955) Honduras.. .......................... 1.9 43. 41 Tegucigalpa 100 III .37 (1959) Mexico ............................. 34.6 760 41 Mexico, D.F. 4,500 164 9.76 (1959) Nicaragua.. ........................ I .47 57 23 Managua 109 114 .I5 (1950) Panama.. ............................ 1.05 2T 34 Panama 221 99 .37 (1958) Paraguay.. .......................... 1.7 157 10 Asunci6n 219 317 .I9 (1958) Peru.. .................................. 10.8 496 21 Lima 1,405 171 1.34 (1958) United States.. ................. I805 3,615 57 New York 7,182 111 t99.8 (I 9bO) Uruguay.. ........................... 2.7 72 36 Montevideo 845 392 l Venezuela.. ........................ 6.7 352 18 Caracas 1,168 107 6.91 (1959) - "M%;isrJu 1479-1875 Ferdinand and Isabella, 1479-I 516; 1474-1504 Charles I (V>, 1516-1556, Emperor, 1519-1556, tT255fNl 1558 Philip II. 1556-l 598 Philip III, 15984621 Philip IV, 1621-1665 Charles II, 1665-1700 Philip V, 1700-1746 Ferdinand VI, 1746-l 759 Charles III, 1759-1788 Charles IV, 1788-1808 Joseph Bonaparte, 1808-I 813 Ferdinand VII, 1813-1833 Isabella II, 1833-1868 Amadeo, 1870-1873 Republic, 1873-1875 John I (Avis), 1385-1433 Edward. 1433-1438 Affonso V, 1438-l 481 John II, 1481-1495 Manoel I 1496-1521 John III, 1521-1557 Sebastian, 1557-l 578 263 Henry, Cardinal, 1578-l 580 Philip II of Spain, 1580-1598 Philip III of Spain, 1598-1621 Philip IV of Spain, 1621-1640 John IV (Braganza), 1640-1656 Affonso VI, 1656-l 683 Pedro II, 1683-1706 John V, 1706-1750 Joseph, 1750-1777 Maria I, 1777-1816 John VI, 1816-1826 Junta of Government 1810, May, 2!3. The revolution of May 25 proclaims a provisional board of government consisting of nine members: president: Cornelio Saavedra; member: Juan Jose Castelli, Manuel Belgrano, Miguel Azcuenaga, Manuel Alberti, Domingo Matheu, Juan Larrea; secretaries: Juan Jo& Passo, and Mariano Moreno. 1810, Dec. 18. Twelve members are added as deputies of the provinces. First Triumvirate 1811, Sept. 23. Feliciano A Chiclana, Juan Jose Passo, and Manuel de Sarratea. Secretary: Bernardino Rivadavia. Second Triumvirate 1812, Oct. 8. Juan Jo& Passo,. Nicol&s Rodriguez Pe?fa, and Antonio Alvarez Jonte. Supreme Directors 1814, Jan. 22. Gervasio Antonio Posadas. \ \ 264 1815, Jan. 9. Gen. Carlos Maria de Alvear; 1815, Apr. 21 Gen. Jose Rondeau. 1815, Apr.. 21 Col. Ignacio Alvarez Thomas is provisionally appointed during absence of Rondeau 1816, Apr. 16. Gen. Antonio Gonzhlez Balcarce. 1816, May 3. Gen. Juan Martin de Pueyrredbn. i.’ 1819, June 9. Gen. Josh Rondeau Governors of Buenos Aires 1820, Feb. 18. Manuel de Sarratea. 1820, Mar. 6 Gen. Juan Ram& Balcarce. 1820, Mar. 12. Manuel de Sarratea. 1820, May 2 Ildefonso Ramos Mejib, acting governor. finally appointed on June 7. 1820, June 22. Gen. Miguel E. Soler. 1820, June 30. Gen. Marcos Balcarce. 1820, July 1. Gen. Carlos Maria de Alvear. 1820, July 4. Col. Manuel Dorrego, provisional appointment. 1820, Sept. 28. Gen. Martin Rodriguez. 1824, Apr. 2. Gen. Juan Gregorio de Las Heras. Presidents of the Nation 1826. Feb. 7. Bernardino Rivadavia. 1827, July 7. Dr. Vicente LBpez, provisional appointment. Governors of Buenos Aires 1827, Aug. 13. Col. Manuel Dorrego. 1828, Dec. 1. Gen. Juan Lavalle. 1829, Aug. 26. Gen. Juan Jose Viamonte, provisional appointment. 1829, Dec. 8. Co]. Juan Manuel de Rosas. 266 1832, Dec. 17. Gen. Juan Ram&r Balcarce. 1833, ‘Nov. 3. Gen. Juan Jose Viamonte. 1834, Oct. 1. Dr. Manuel Vicente Maza, provisional appointment. 1835, Mar. 7. Gen. Juan Manuel de Rosa% 1852, Feb. 5.. Dr. Vicente Lbpez. 1852, May 31. Gen. Justo Jose de Urquiza. 1852, June 25; Dr. Vicente LBpez provisional appointment. 1852. July 26. Gen. Justo Jose de Urquiza. 1852, Sept. 4. Gen. Jose Miguel Gal&t, provisional appointment. 1852, Sept. ‘Il. Gen Manuel G, Pinto, provisional appointment. 1852, Ott; 31. Dr. Valentin Alsina. 1852, Dec. 7. Gen. Manuel G. Pinto. 1853. June 25. Dr. Lorenzo Torres, Dr. Francisco de las Carreras, and Gen. Jose Maria ‘Paz, delegate governors. Presidents of the Argentine Confederation 1854, Mar. 5. Gen. Justo Jose de Urquiza. 1860, Mar. 5. Dr. Santiago Derqui. Governors of the State of Buenos Aires 1853, July 24. Dr. Pastor Obligado, provisionally appointed, and finally designated on Oct. 13.’ 1857, May 5. Dr. Valentin Alsina. 1859, Nov. 8. Felipe Llavallol, delegate. 1860, May 3. Gen Bartolome Mitre.. Presidents of the Argentine Republic 1861, Bartolome Mitre, provisional, Nov. 5, 1861-Oct. 12, 1862 1862, Bartolome Mitre, Oct.12, 1862-June 12, 1865. I 266 1865, Marcos Paz, vice president, assumes the executive power during a journey of Barto- lome Mitre to the interior of the country, as general commander of the allied armies, June 12, 1865 -Jan. 2, 1868. 1868, Bartolome Mitre reassumes power, Jan. 2-Oct. 12, 1866. 1868, Domingo F. Sarmiento, Oct. 12, 1868-O& 1874. 1874, Nicolas Avellaneda, Oct. 12, 1874-Oct. 12, 1880. 1880, Julio Argentino Rota. Oct. 12, 1880-&t. 12, 1886. d886, Miguel Juarez Celman, Oct. 12, 1886-Aug. 6, 1890. 1890, Carlos Pellagrini, vice president, assumes power after the resignation of the former, Aug. 6, 1890-W. 12, 1892. 1892, Luis Skenz Peila, Oct. 12, 1892-Jan. 22, 1895. 1895, Jose H. Uriburu, vice president, assumes power after the resignation of the former, Jan. 22, 1895-Oct. 12, 1898. 1898, Julio Argentino Rota, Oct. 12, 1898 Oct. 12, 1904. 1904, Manuel Quintana, Oct. 12, 1904-Mar. 12, 2906. 1906, Jose Figueroa Alcorta, vice president, assumes power after the death of the former, Mar. 12, 1906-Oct. 12, 1910. 1920. Roque SBenz Pena, Oct. 12, 191C-Oct. 6, 1913. 1913, Victorino de la Plaza, vice president, assumes the presidency during the illness of Roque Saenz Pena, Oct. 6, 1913-Aug. 9, 1914. 1914, Victorino de la Plaza, vice president, assumes the presidency after the death of Roque Saenz Pena, Aug. 9, 1914-Oct. 12, 1916. 1916, Hip&to Irigoyen, Oct. 12, 1916--&t. 12, 1922. 1922, Marcel0 Torcuato de Alvear, Oct. 12, 1922-Oct. 12. 1928. 1928, Hipolito Irigoyen, Oct. 12, 1928-Sept. 6, 1930. 1930, Jo& Felix Uriburu provisional president, Sept. 6, 1930-Feb. 20, 1932. 1932, Agustin P. Justo, Feb. 20, 1932 -Feb. 20, 1938. 1938, Roberto M. Ortiz, Feb. 20, 1938-July 3, 1940. 267 1940, Ramon St Castillo assumes the presidency during the illness of the former, July, 1940-July 7, 1942 1942, Ram&r S. Castillo assumes the presidency after the resignation of Roberto M. Ortiz, July 7, 1942-June 4, 1943. 1943, Gen. Arturo Rawsoo, June 5-7, 1943. 1943, Gen. Pedro P. Ramirez, June 7, 1943-Mar. 9, 1944. 1944, Gen. Edelmiro J. Farrell, Mar. 9, 1944-June 4, 1946. 1946, Gen. Juan Domingo Peron, June 4, 1946-June 4, 1952. Reelected in 1951 and over- thrown, Sept. 19. 1955. 1955, Gen. E6duardo Lonardi, provisional, Sept. 23-Nov. 13, 1955. 1955, Gen. Pedro Eugenio Aramburu, Nov. 13, 1955-May 1, 1958. 1958, Arturo Frondizi, May 1, 1958-March 30, 1962. Overthrown by armed forces coup. 1962, Jose Maria Guido, Senate president, March 30, 1962-. 1926, Hernando Siles, Jan. 10, 1926-June 25, 1930. 1930, Carlos Blanc0 Galindo (acting), June 28, IQSO-Mar. 5, 1931. 1931, Daniel Salamanca, Mar, 5, 1931-Nov. 27, 1934. 1934, Jose Luis Tejada Sorzano (acting), Nov. 27, 1934-May 17, 1936. 1936, Jose David Toro R., May 17, 1936-July 13, 1937. 1937, Germfin Busch (provisional), July 13, 1937-May 28, 1938 ; (elected) May 28, 1938- Aug. 23, 1939. 1939, Carlo!, Quintanilla (provisional), Aug. 23, 1939-Apr. 15, 1940. 1940, Enrique Pe?faranda de1 Castillo, Apr. 15, 1940-Dec. 20, 1943. 1943. Gualberto Villarroel, Dec. 20, 1943-July 21, 1946. 1946, Nestor Guillen (acting), July 21- Aug. 16, 1946. 1946, Tom&s Monje Gutierrez (provisional), Aug. 16, 1946-Mar. 10, 1947. 1947, Enrique Herzog, Mar. 10, 1947-May 7, 1949 (resigned Oct. 24. 1949). 268 1949, Mamerto Urriolagoitia ( acting), May i’-Oct. 17, 1949 ; (persident) Oct. 24. 1949- May 16, 1951 (resigned). 1951, Hugo Bailivian R., May 16, 1951 -Apr. 9, 1952. 1952, Hernan Siies Zuazo (provisional), Apr.9-16, 1952. 1952, Victor Paz Estenssoro, Apr. 16, 1952-Aug. 6, 1956. 1956, Herngn Siles Zuazo, Aug. 6, 1956-Aug. 6, 1960. 1960, Victor Paz Estenssoro, Aug. 6, 1960- 1889, Manoel Deodoro da Fonseca, 1889-1891. 1891, Floriano Peixoto, 1891-1894. 1894, Prudente de Morais Barros, 1894-1898, Sao Paulo. 1898, Manoel Ferraz de Campos Salles, 1898-1902, Sao Paulo. 1902, Francisco de Paulo Rodrigues Alves, 1902-1906, SBo Paulo. 1906, Affonso August0 Moreira Penna, 1906-1909, Minas Gerais. 1909. Nilo Pecanha, vice president, 1909-1910. 1910, Hermes da Fonseca, 1910-1914, Rio Grande do Sui, 1914, Wencesiau Braz Pereira Gomes, 1914-1918. Minas Gerais. 1918, Francisco de Paula Rodrigues Alvee, 1918. 1918, Delphim Moreira da Costa Ribeiro, vice president, 1918-1919.
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