THE IMPERIAL GAZETTEER OF INDli\ VOL. XXVI ATLAS NEW EDITION PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY 2 SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA IN c(K~CIL OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS Hr:~R\ l'ROWDE, M t\ LOXDOX, EDI'<BURGII, NEW YORh TORC''iTO ,\XD \IU nOlJl<.i'lF ... PREFACE This Atlas has been prepared to accompany the new edition of The ImjJerzal Gazetteer of India. The ollgmal scheme was planned by Mr. W. S. Meyer, C.I.E., when editor for India, in co-operation with Mr. J S. Cotton, the editor in England. Mr. Meyer also drew up the lists of selected places to be inserted in the Provincial maps, which were afterwards verified by Mr. R. Burn, his suc­ cessor as editor for India. Great part of the materials (especially for the descriptive maps and the town plans) were supplied by the Survey of India and by the depart­ ments in India concerned. The geological map and that showing economical minerals were specially compiled by Sir Thomas Holland, K.C.I.E. The meteorological maps are based upon those compiled by the late Su' John Eliot, KC.I.E., for his Clzmatological Atlas of Indw The ethno­ logical map is based upon that compiled by Sir Herbel t Risley, KC.I.E., for the RejJort of tlte Comts of htdza, 1901. The two linguistic maps wele specially compiled by Dr. G. A. Grierson, C.I.E., to exlublt the latest results of the Linguistic Survey of India. The four historical sketch­ maps-~howing the relative extent of British, 1\1 uham­ madan, and Hindu power in 1765 (the year of the Dl\v;il1l grant), in 1805 (after Lord Wellesley), in ] 837 (the acces­ sion of Queen Victoria), and in 1857 (the Mutiny)-~-havc been compiled by the editor In England. The archaeo­ logical sketch-map is due to Dr. James Burgess, c.r E. The whole has been carried into execution, under the supervision of the editor in England, by Mr. J. G. Bartholu­ mew, who devoted much personal attention to the work, and whose expert knowledge has been of great value. Mr. Bartholomew is also responsible for the index, which, it should be stated, applies only to the Provincial maps and Afghanistan. l'l14o TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE. LIST OF MAPS VI MAPS (1-64) GENERAL INDE.X J-45 LIST OF MAPS GENERAL MAPS I India m relatIOn to the 15. PrevaIll11g Religlon~ - Bnti~h EmpIre. General 2 India and Surrounding Coun- 16. l'revaIlmg ReligIOllS - tnes. SpecIal. Agncultura I Producb-- CeologlCal FeatUl es. I 17· Food-gram" 4·" Orographlcal FeatUles. 18. Agncultural Products- 5· YegetatlOn Features Other (1 T( mperature-Mean annual , 1 'J EcollomlC l\IlI1era!<, "I' TemperatUl e-Seasonal 20 POlitIG,] DIVISIOns Q ,'. Wmd, and Isobars- 2 I MIlltmy DnIs!OD'> Seasonal 22 Ral];\ay Map-Gmeral 9 Ramfall-Mean annual 23 Rall\\ay l\Iap-Scct1oml (J) 10 Ramfall-Seabonal. 24- RaIl way Map-- SpctlOnal (2) II Denslt} of PopulatIOn 25· RUllway Map-SectIOnal (3) r 2. Prevmlmg Races. 2() Alchaeologl(al Sketch-map 13· Prevalhng Languages- 27 Histoncal Sketch-l1Iap(I]6s) Aryan. (1805) " " " '4. PrevaIhng Language5-Noll- 28 H I,toncal Sketch-map (183;) Aryan (ISS n " " " PROVINCL\L l\IAl'S (011 a Itllif(Hl/1 jude, 1 4,000,000, or 63 /IIt1e.; tv all indz ) 2() Bengal, With ::-:>IkkIlll 37 BOllI bay, II, \\Ith pall 1)[ BarouJ.. 30. Easkrn Bengal and A5~am, \\1[h Bhutan 38. Central Imha 39 Cent"t1 T'rovmce~ and Belar 3 T UnIted Provll)C_e~, 40 H)dl'lilbJd, l'Unlet/) ,,! _po Madra~l I, wltb M)'>Oi'C dlld 33 NI)Ylh- \\ e~leI1l l' [lJntwr PI (J­ Coon: \lllle, mth l(a,hmlr. _po l\1adr<~'i, II ,)+ RiiJPut3.IJa, WIth AJIl1C'I-]\fu 1-3. Nepal I 44. BUlma, I 15· BJ.[uclmtUn ,45 IlUl ma, II yi. Bombdv, 1, \llth part of i 46 BUlma, Ill, wItb ,\lldametn RlfOd!l. I dnd Nlcobal I,land,>. (011 Jlltrl!kr julic ) -I- 7· ,'lJgh dim tall .18. ,\dcn and Surroundmg Countr). LIST OF MAPS \ I PLANS OF TOWNS, ETC ~.! 49. Cal~utta. 55. DelhI (,0. Rangoon 50. Enyirons of Calcutta. 56. Agra. 61 Simla. 51. Bombay Island. 57· Benares. 62. AllahahJd 52. Bomba~ City. 58 Lucknow. (,3. CawnpOlc 53.- &.nvirons of Bombay. 59· Lahore. 64. Karadll 5.f. Madi'1l.b. GENERAL INDEX GENERAL IN DEX TO PROVINCIAL MAPS (No; 29-47) NOTE -The large figures after the names refer to the numbers of the ~faps m the Atlas The letters and small figures whIch follow mdicate the correspondmg dIvIsIons on the maps In which the places wIll be found The letter~ and figures are pnnted III red III the borders of the maps~ ABBREVIATIONS -Ag Agency, C, Cape, Ch, ehaung, C I, Central IndIa, CPt Central PrC1Vmces, DIst, Dl"tnct, Dlv I DIVblOll, E B , Ea~tern Bengal, Ft, Fort, G!J Glacier, Gt, Great, I, hland, L, Lake, LIt, LIttle, Mt, Mountain, N W F P, .North·We!!.t Frontler ProvInce, P , Pa<;s, Pk I Peak, Pt , Pomt, R I RIver, St , Samt, Str I Strait, U.P • U mted ProvInce.., ABBOTTABAD ALIGANJ Abbottabad, Hazala DlSt , ~ W F P 33 C 2 Alka, Chlll HIlls, Burma 44 A 4 Abhanpur, RaIpur 1)"t , C P 39 C Almangala, Chltaldroog D1St., Mysore 41. B 2 Ab-.-Istada L , Afgham,tan 47 E Alllgtha, .Melkula Dbt J Burma 45 B 7 Ab-l-Kalsar R , Afgham:.tan 47 C 2 Alsatung Mt, Pakokku Chm HIlls, Ab I-PanJa R • Afghamstan 47 F Burma 45 A 2 Ab-I-Safed R , Afghamstan 47 C AJalgarh, State, C I 38 D 2 .Abu, Strohl State, R.llPutana 34 C 1 AJalgarh, Aplgarh State, C I 38 D • Abu Road (Kku '.u), Snoh1. State, AJanta) Aurangabad Dbt , H)derabad 40 A I !{aJpntana 34 C AJanta Range, Akola Dlst , Berar 39 A 3 Travan<..ore State, AJmer·Merwara, Prov (RaJputana) 34 D 2 Madras 41 Jl Almer AJmer-Merwara 34 D 2 Achlpur, 24 Pdrganas Dist , Bengal 29 D AJodhya, Fyzabad Dlst , U P 31 D 3 Achota. Ralpur Dlst , C P 39 C AJra, Kolhapur State, Bombay 3'l D 4- Adam's Bndge, ()" of Manar, Madras 41 C Akalgarh, GuJram.... ctla Dl~t , Punjab 32 C .I Addankl, Guntur DI'>t , !\Iadrds 42 C Akalkot, State, Bombay 37 E 4 Adegaon, Seom Dlst , C P 39 B '2 Akalkot, Akalkot State, Bombay 37 1'. 4 Adesar, Cutch State, Bomba) 36 C Akauktaung, Heu.iada Dlst , Burma 45 B 3 AdhOl, C utch State, Bombay 36 (. Akbarpur, Cawnpore Dlst , U P 31 C 3 Adllabad. Dlst, Hyderabad 40 C 2 Akbarpur, Fyzabad Dlst , U P_ 31 D 3 Adllabad, Adl'ah,d n", , Hyderarad 40 C 2 Akcha, Afghamstan 47 D 2 Adirampatnam, I dllJore DI<;t , Madras 41 C Akhegarh, Bharatpur State, RaJputana H E 2 AdlaI R) ::'dnnl Parganac, Dl'->t, Ak-Kupruk, Afghamstan 47 D 2 Bengdl 29 C 0 Aklera, Kotah State, RaJputana H E 3 Adom, Bellar), Dbt , lVladId.:' 41 B 2 AknuT, Kashmir 33 D 3 Afghamstan 47 Akola, Dlst , Berar 39 A 3 Agar, Gwahor State, C I 38 B 3 Akola, Akola Dlst , Berar 39 A 3 Agartala, HIll Tlppera State, E B Akola, Ahmadnagar Dl>t • Bombay 37 D 3 and Assam 30 C 4 Akot, Akola Dlst , Berar 39 A 3 Agashl Thana DIS' , Bombay 37 C 3 Ak Sara., Afghamstan 47 E 3 Agar! Khas, MIrZapur DIS' , U P 31 D 4 Aktagh, Kashmlt as F 2 Agra, Dlv and DI>t, U P 31 B 3 Akyab, Dlst , Burma 45 A 2 Agra, Agra Dlst , U P 31 B 3 Akyab, Akyab Dlst , Burma 45 A • Ahar, Bulandshahr Dlst • U P 31 B 2 Alabaster Quarry, Afghamstan 47 B 6 Ahar, UdaIpur State, RaJputana 34 C 3 Alalpur, Khulna Dlst , Bengal 29 D 3 Ahmgaran, Af"hanhtan 47 D 3 Alakah P , Afgham,tan 47 D 3 AhIn, Chanda Dtst , C P 39 C 4 Alaknanda R , Garhwal Dlst , U P 31 B r Ahlrwas, Indore State, C I 38 B 3 Alamnagar, Bhagalpur Dlst , Bengal 29 C 2 Ahmadabad, Dlst , Bombay 36 D 4 Alampur, RaIchur DI" , Hyderabad 40 C 4 Ahmadabad, Ahmadabad, Dlst , Aland, Gulbarga Dlst , Hyderabad 40 B , Bombay 36 D 4 Alapakam, South Arcot DIst , Madras 41 C 4 Ahmadnagar, Dlst , Bombay 37 D 3 Alapur, Hudaun VISt , U P 31 B 3 Ahmadnagar, Ahmadnagar DI.!>t, Alaut, Indore State, CI 38 A 1 Bombay 37 D 3 Alawalpur, Jullundur DIst, Punjab 32 D 2 Ahmadnagar. Mahl Kantha Ag, Alawpum, Bhamo Dist , Burma 44 (' 3 Bombay 36 D 4 Alaykan, Thayetmyo Dht , Burma 45 B 3 Ahmadpur, Jhang Dlst , Punjab 32 B 2 Albaka, Godavan Dlst , Madras 42 C 2 Ahmadpur, East, Bahawalpur State, Aler R. Nalgonda DI;t , Bmma 44 C 3 Punjab 32 B 3 Alguada Reef, Burma 45 B 5 Ahmadpur, West, Bahawalpur State, Ahbag, Kolaba Di't , Bombay 37 C 3 Punjab 32 B 3 All Bandar, Thar and Parkar Dlst, Ahraura, MIrzapur Dist , U P 31 D 4 Bombay 38 B 3 AIJal, Lusha. HIlls DISt, E 13 and Ahganl, Etah D"t , U P 31 B 3 Assam 30 D 4 AltganJ, Saran DI,t , Bengal 29 B r GENERAL INDEX o\UGARH ARMUR A.l!garh, D.st , U P 31 II 3 An, Kyaukpyu Dlst , Burma 45 A 3' IUlgarh (Kod), Ahgarh D,st , U P 31 A 3 An Pass, Mmbu DIst I Burma 45 B 3 Altgarh, Farrukhabad D,st , U P 31 B 3 An, R , Kyaukpyu Dl..,t , Burma 45 B 3 Allgarh, Tonk State, RalPutana 34 E 3 Anagundl, Ralchur Dist , Hyderabad 40 B 4 All Khel, Afghamstan 47 E 4 Anahadgarh, Patlala State, Punjab 32 D 2 Altnagar, Sylhet D"t , E Band A"am 30 C 3 Analmalal HIlls, COlmbatore Dlst , Ahpore, 24 Parganas Dlst , Ben2ai 29 D J Madras 41 B 4 Abpur, ]alpmgurl Dl.~t fEB and.
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