The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857 Published: June 30, 2021 | Pages: 210-214 Doi : https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume03Issue06-35 OCLC - 1121105668 Biogeographic Studies Conducted In The Fergana Valley Abdusamad Abdumalikovich Hamidov Senior Lecturer, Ph.D. Fergana State University, Uzbekistan Khurshid Bakhtiyorovich Khalilov Methodist Of The Fergana Regional Institute For Retraining And Advanced Training, Uzbekistan Journal Website: http://theamericanjour nals.com/index.php/taj ssei Copyright: Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the creative commons attributes 4.0 licence. ABSTRACT The article discusses the study of flora, one of the components of nature in the Fergana Valley, based on its stage of development in space and time. The article also describes the scientific results of research on the flora of the Fergana Valley and adjacent areas from 1917 to 1954.g of scientific research in the Fergana valley. KEYWORDS Fergana valley, landscape-geographical, soil science, geobotany, ecological, florogenetic, phytocenological methods, flora, ecological-phytocenological, vegetation, soil-botanical, soil-soil, forest-ameliorative activities, botanical expedition. INTRODUCTION Scientists of the Central Asian State N.A. Dimo, who supervised the scientific work University, founded in 1920, and later of the institute, wrote: “The main idea of the Tashkent State University, made a worthy scientific research in the establishment of the contribution to the vegetation of the Fergana Institute of Soil Science and Geobotany is the Valley and adjacent areas from 1917 to interpretation of the formation of separate 1945.Extensive soil-botanical, soil- parts of the earth's surface through the red geographical research conducted by the thread. Soil and soil-soil are both habitats and Institute of Soil Science and Geobotany under regenerators for vegetation and vegetation SAGU was characterized by a wide range of cover, and an indicator of this environment landscape-geographical characteristics in its ”[1]. scientific direction. (Rahimbekov R.U., 1970). The USA Journals Volume 03 Issue 06-2021 210 The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857 Published: June 30, 2021 | Pages: 210-214 Doi : https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume03Issue06-35 OCLC - 1121105668 THE MAIN FINDINGS AND RESULTS A comparison of the vegetation on the right and left banks of the Syrdarya showed that The development of complex soil-botanical the left bank was composed mainly of grasses and soil-geographical work of the Institute and the right bank was composed mainly of consisted of research directly related to the shrubs. issues of various sectors of the economy. In particular, special methods of botanical and According to V.P. Drobov, the main reason for geographical research have been developed this is the strong salinity of the left bank and and put into practice, ie; Ecological methods the consequences of large-scale felling of (R.I.Abolin, E.P.Korovin), Floristic-florogenetic bushes by the population. method (M.V.Kultiasov, A.I.Vvedensky, M.G.Popov) and phytocenological method V.P. Drobov pays great attention to the (R.I.Abolin, V .P.Drobov, E.P.Korovin). interrelationships of the 3 main formations of plants; The main expedition and partially stationary studies in the Fergana Valley and adjacent 1) Distribution in areas covered with lyoss. areas were aimed at studying plants, 2) Distribution in sand deposits and strongly description of meadows, identification of saline sands. hayfields, beneficial and harmful plant species, 3) Distribution in eol collections. study of weeds in agricultural lands. In 1921, under the leadership of N.A. Dimo, the The valuable scientific results of the Institute of Soil Science and Geobotany began expeditionary research conducted by the to study the geographical distribution of soils Central Asian State University in the Fergana and plants along the longitudinal and Valley and adjacent areas are mainly reflected latitudinal zones in the Fergana Valley and in the following: adjacent areas. In 1924, VP Drobov studied the plants of the During these years, 8 soil-botanical, soil- western part of the Fergana Valley. The geographical expeditions worked on the research covered the Karakchikum district, the territory of Uzbekistan. The soil-botanical, soil- areas on the right and left banks of the geographical research in Yazyavan (35,000 ha) Syrdarya, the basins of the Isfara River. The and Dalvarzin (80,000 ha) was personally main purpose of the study was to study supervised by N.A. Dimo. moving sands and identify forest reclamation measures. In the summer of 1925, A.V. Blagoveshensky was engaged in physiological research in the V.P. Drobov distinguishes 3 types of places in desert areas of the left bank of the Fergana the study area: Valley, as well as the collection of samples 1. Sandy. from flora (Blagoveshensky. 1926). 2. Soil. 3. Determines the norm of formation of The results of research on the physiological rocky desert and 5 main sands; development of soil, saline and sandy plants are covered in 2 articles by A.V. 1. Barkhans in motion, Blagoveshensky and his students V.A. 2. Stationary sandy rows, Bogolyubova, T.A. Chernova and others. 3. Dunes, (Rozanov.1929). An interesting aspect of this 4. Stationary sandy borders. research is that specific issues in the 5. Sandy hills. physiology of desert plants have been studied The USA Journals Volume 03 Issue 06-2021 211 The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857 Published: June 30, 2021 | Pages: 210-214 Doi : https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume03Issue06-35 OCLC - 1121105668 in close connection with the ecological status According to E.P. Korovin, the classic of their habitat (growing). representative of the formation of broad- leaved ores of absolute botanical and In 1926-1927, E.P. Korovin and M.V. Kultiasov geographical interest are the walnut forests conducted geobotanical research in the collected in the Arslonbob-Qoraungur Fergana Valley and the Western Tianshan watershed. Mountains in connection with the development of new lands. Based on the Not only theoretical but also practical results of this research, in 1927 M.V. conclusions of E.P. Korovin were later Kultiasov's article "Highlands of Western developed by specialists in the field of science; Tianshan" was published. In the history of .Babushkin and N.A. Kogay (1964,1965) and botanical-geographical and ecological- others. phytocenological study of the Fergana Valley and adjacent areas, a special place is occupied E.P. Korovin convincingly noted in 1927 that by the great forerunner of Central Asian plants the north-eastern part of the Fergana Valley is EP Korovin. typical of the Mediterranean type, as the region has a temperate subtropical climate. In 1927, this researcher led the Jalal-Abad An important conclusion to be drawn from party of the SAGU expedition. They will study this is: Kyrgyzstan's livestock areas and forage areas. - The Fergana Valley has great potential and As a result of these studies, 2 scientific results application properties for the cultivation of were obtained, which were not very large, but many different types of subtropical crops, very rich in scientific ideas. One of these has because in its northern part there are areas of such generalized lines; “Fergana ridge and subtropical regions. Bobosh ota, Usuptog uphill cross the clear boundary of 2 floristic regions (Original In 1928, A.F. Ioffe participated in the soil- Mediterranean and Central Asia). botanical expedition as part of the Institute of Soil Science and Geobotany. Under the Elements of Mediterranean flora are general guidance of AN Rozanov, the distributed in the interior of the Fergana researcher is engaged in the study of Valley, and elements of Central Asian flora are vegetation in Namangan, Kuyganyor districts scattered around it. Differences between and in the lower reaches of Govasay, them can be seen in the flora, landscape and Chodaksay and Rezaksay. His report on the internal ecological analysis of plants in all results of the expedition is kept in manuscript botanical-geographical complexes. form in the Central Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the number B-251. The botanical-geographical individuality of plants is felt most quickly in the lower regions By 1928, the expeditions of the Institute of Soil of the mountains, but it is much more difficult Science and Geobotany were further to feel it in the upper parts of the mountains. intensified. This year, the number of At the heart of this, of course, lies the organizations served by the institute has also different distribution of climatic conditions. increased. The Fergana Valley has a Mediterranean description of the distribution of precipitation. Results and discussions: Special expeditions The surrounding parts of the Fergana Valley have been organized to study the nature of are modeled on the Central Asian climate. ”[2] the Fergana Valley in detail. The USA Journals Volume 03 Issue 06-2021 212 The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857 Published: June 30, 2021 | Pages: 210-214 Doi : https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume03Issue06-35 OCLC - 1121105668 Researchers of the Institute A.N. Rozanov, (Ioffe, B-299). Disagreeing with the A.I. Mentsi and A.F. Ioffe conducted research conclusions of SS Neustruev, who studied the in 3 districts of the Fergana Valley on behalf of region in 1911, A.F. Ioffe says that the most the Central Asian Water Management. The characteristic plant element in the north- study covered 50,000 hectares of land in the eastern part of the Uchkurgan steppe is Namangan irrigation district. wormwood. However, SS Neustruev concluded that the vegetation of the region Soils and plants of Kuyganyor irrigation region consisted mainly of salt marshes.
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