ghpter s olr nd ropheti ers ± @glendrs nd hting ystemsA I he QTHEdy er I sn ev IIXPEQD IPXTD IPXIRDndhn UXPS we see tht Q yers is equted to IPTH dys P I I whih mkes one yer equl to QTH dys @Q QTH a I PTHAF his period of Q yers P P is the Ist hlf of the UHth week of hniel9s vision s we will see in the following hpterF sf this is the se we must sk ourselves why file prophey uses this I inurte mesure of time when we ll know tht there re QTS dys in yerF R ixtensive historil nd rheologil reserh round the world hs rought to fFgF the solr yer ws in ft extly light the ft tht prior to the Vth entury equl to QTH dys nd tht the lunr month ws extly QH dys from new moon to new moonF he month of the ssrelites prior to the Vth entury fFgF ws equl to QH dysY there is no mention of months shorter or longer thn QH dysD nor of yer longer thn IP monthsF ht the month onsisted of QH dys is evidened y heut QRXVD PIXIQ nd xum PHXPWD where mourning for the ded is ordered for full month99 nd is rried on for QH dysF he story of the flood s given in qenesis rekons in months of QH dysY it sys tht one hundred nd fifty dys pssed etween the seventeenth dy of the seond month nd the seventeenth dy of the seventh monthD period of extly five months @qen UXIID UXPRD VXRAF ht there were IP months in the nient tewish lendr is lso onfirmed y hn RXPWD ter SPXQID ist PXIPD QXUD QXIQD etF hus we onlude tht the tewish yer onsisted of IP months of QH dys ehD mking lendr yer of QTH dysF IU rix s ti gywsxqc he nient igyptin yer lso omprised QTH dys efore it eme QTS y the ddition of S dys susequent to the eighteenth dynstyF he lendr of the iers ppyrus ontins yers of IP months of QH dys ehF he old fylonin yer onsisted of QTH dysF he stronomil tlets from the period ntedting the xeoEfylonin empire ompute the yer t so mny dys without mention of dditionl dysF ht the nient fylonin yer hd only QTH dys ws known efore the uneiform sript ws deipheredY gtesis wrote tht the wlls of fylon were QTH furlongs in ompss s mny s there hd een dys in the yer99F he fylonin zodi tlets evolved into the division of irle into QTHVF he nient essyrin yer onsisted of QTH dysY dede ws lled srus whih onsisted of Q THH dysF he essyrinsD like the fyloninsD hd yer omprising of IP lunr months of QH dys eh whih were mesured from new moon to new moonF eround the gloe rheologists hve estlished the existene of lendrs of QTH dysF holrs who investigted the nient lendrs of the sns of eru nd the wys of utn wondered t the lendr of QTH dysY so did the sholrs who studied the lendrs of the igyptinsD ersinsD rindusD ghldensD essyrinsD rerews nd the ghineseF sn the yer URU fFgF this stte of equilirium ws suddenly disturedF ristoril reords indite tht etween URU fFgF nd TVU fFgF the lendr ws in hoti stteD with the length of the yer nd the month eing repetedly djustedF fFgF is tht of universl he olletive piture whih emerges of the period following TVU tivity direted towrds reforming the lendr with the inlusion of five dditionl dys99D the erth then hving settled into its present stle oritF ht ould hve used these sudden nd drmti hnges in the lengths of the solr yer nd the lunr monthc hen the enus tlets9 of emmizdug were exvted from the lirry of eshurnipl on the site of nient xineveh in IVUHD it ws reognised tht the fylonin stronomers of nient times hd een oserving the movement of the plnet enus through the hevens very refullyF he periods of the inferior nd superior onjuntions @iFeF the periods when @A enus is diretly etween the un nd the irthD nd @A when it vnishes ehind the unA were preisely notedF tudies of these tlets reveled tht enusD in the dys of the oservtionsD ws not oriting the un in the wy it does todyF his nomly ould not e explinedD s the fylonins were well known for their studies of the skies nd their urte stronomil oservtionsF hen in IWSH hr smmnuel elikovsky shook the sientifi world with his post wr lssi orlds in gollision99F re hd een onduting extensive reserh into nient stronomil reordingsD historil ounts nd rheologil disoveries pertining to the movement of the plnets through the gesF re studied the yld estment nd host of religious nd mythologil writings from nient ivilistions round the world from IV yve exh yrisg ie @gevixhe exh hesxq iwA outh emeri to ghin nd disovered remrkle nd onsistent similrities desriing the sme elestil eventsF ris reserh ws of most erudite nture nd it eventully led him to onlude tht in nient times the solr system wsD for periodD definitely not s stle nd preditle s it is todyF re relised tht these nient iviliztions were not s primitive s we might imgine them to hve eenF hey were well dvned in their mthemtis nd in their oservtions of the skiesD suffiiently dvned to e tken seriouslyF he pyrmids of igypt re ut one exmpleF he following is summry of some of the more importnt onlusions elikovsky me to whih hve ering on the QTH dy yer oneptX IF rior to the Vth entury fFgF enus ws not ounted mong the four mjor plnets visile to the nked eye @viz tupiterD turnD wrs nd weruryA nd ws therefter referred to s the plnet whih is omet99Y PF et one stge enus moved irregulrly through the hevensY QF huring this period enus hd two long rillint oms @tilsA in the form of resents or horns9Y RF enus ws so exeedingly right in pperne tht it ws elevted to ple with the un nd woon to form hevenly trioF he ghldens desried it s right torh of heven99 nd stupendous prodigy in the sky99Y SF enus ws worshipped s the queen of heven9 y mny hethen ntions nd is referred to in hoeniinD fylonin nd essyrin reords s sshtr or estrte nd in the yld estment s eshtroth @I m UXQERD P ugs PQXIQAF iven the ssrelites were led stry to worship this elestil wonder nd they urnt srifies to the queen of heven9 @ter RRXIUD IVAF he women ked resent kes in her honour @ter RRXIWAD the form of the kes presumly repliting the resent horns9 of enusF TF sts irregulr orit t times rought enus dngerously lose to the irth resulting in grvittionl intertion of mjor proportions etween the two plnetsF yne of these intertions took ple during the times of the ixodus nd nother ourred shortly therefter during the ttle of feth roronD un stnd thou still upon qieon nd the woon in the vlley of ejlon F F F99 so the un stood still in the midst of the hevens nd hstened not to go down out whole dy99 @tosh IHXIIEIQAF ristoril reords of other nient ivilistions onfirm these ilil ountsF UF wny enturies lter enus rossed the pth of the smller plnet wrs nd the grvittionl tussle whih ensued threw wrs totlly off its ourseF wrs then eme the dngerousD errti or of the hevensD known y the omns s the qod of r9F VF enus exhnged ples with wrs s n inner plnetF WF huring the reign of uing zzih troule rewed gin when the irregulr trjetory of wrs rossed tht of the irthF he lose enounter of the two plnets threw the irth nd woon off lneD upsetting the lendr for dedesF IHF he er of onflit etween wrs nd irth ontinued until TVU fFgF when wrsD eing the smller plnetD ws finlly thrown out of the ring99D ut the grvittionl tussles etween the two plnets resulted in the irth quiring new solr yer of I roughly QTS dys s it is to the present dyF he moon9s orit ws lso ffeted R I resulting in lunr month of pproximtely PW dysF P IW rix s ti gywsxqc por dedes there ws septiism nd rejetion of elikovsky9s theories in vrious sientifi irles ut s the spe ge dwned nd the ussins nd emerins egn exploring the woonD enus nd wrs with their wrinerD ener nd epollo pe wissionsD different piture emergedF he following is very short summry of some of elikovsky9s preditionsD whih hve susequently een proven orret y the spe proes nd other souresF p here re strong eletroEmgneti fores t work in the solr system esides the stndrd xewtonin lws of motion nd grvityF elert iinstein hd lso ome to the sme onlusion efore his deth in IWSS while he ws working on unitry field theoryF p he irth hs sustntil mgnetosphereF p eversl of the irth9s mgneti poles hs tken ple in historil timesF p enus hs mssive nd very hot tmosphereX WH tmospheres nd VHH Vpt ground levelF @proved y ener spe proes S 8 TAF rior to tht sientists elieved tht the temperture of enus ws similr to tht of the irthF p here re lrge quntities of hydrorons @petroleum gssesA nd ron dioxide in the tmosphere of enus ± not wter vpour s ws widely thought @ener S 8 TAF p enus hs retrogrde rottion ompred to the un nd other plnets @wriner PAF p enus exhiits resonne with irthF p tupiter is lso extremely hot nd voltile with hydro ron tmosphere @methneD mmoni etFA pointing to it eing the prent ody of enus s mny nient soures ssertF p tupiter is soure of rdio wvesF p vv flows nd geologil fults on wrs revel tremendous fores hving een exerted on its surfe @wriner WAF p he woon is not totlly inert s ws elieved to e the se ± the epollo missions hve deteted seismi tremors nd mgneti fieldD @predited y elikovskyD ut totlly ffling to sientists t the timeAF hese nd other reent disoveries hve led vrious sientists to question the historil I stility of the solr systemF por the pst P thousnd yers things hve indeed een P unquestionly stle ut prior to tht nd speifilly in nient ilil times the solr order ppers to hve een signifintly differentF e re merely srthing the surfe of vst nd interesting sujet hereD ut there is suffiient evidene to onlude tht the QTH dy yer in tewish prophey is not unfounded nd hs rel signifine in qod9s rekoning of propheti periodsF sn this onnetion it is importnt to note tht when qod gve the lw to woses s reorded in the fooks of ixodusD heuteronomyD vevitius nd xumers nd lid down the dtes nd periods of the fests nd tuileesD the lendr yer ws in
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