www.ukrweekly.com lished by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! rainian Weekl V Vol. LX mNo. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1992 50 cents UNA teaching project for Ukraine Ukraine's defense minister visits U.S. conducts workshop for volunteersMeet s top officials, tours military installations by Татага Stadnychenko Cornelison Semegen for their help in organizing by Khristina Lew saluted it and the American, U.S. state the workshop, and then thanked all WASHINGTON - Ukraine's Minister of and territory flags as the United States JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Approxi­ those who had volunteered for the Defense Colonel-General Konstantyn Мого– Marine Band played the two countries' mately 50 volunteers who had signed teaching program. zov, in the first official visit to the United national anthems — performing "Sche up for the UNA-sponsored "Teach She indicated that support for the States of a member of Ukrainian President Ne Vmerla Ukraina" for the first time. English in Ukraine" project as­ project had surpassed all expecta­ Leonid Kravchuk's Cabinet of Ministers, The arrival ceremony concluded with sembled on Saturday, April 4, here at tions, announcing that 1,200 stu­ arrived here on April 11 at the invitation of the secretary of defense introducing the Ukrainian National Association dents have registered for the 70 Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney to meet the Ukrainian defense minister to Vice- headquarters for a workshop on ESL UNA-sponsored courses being offer­ with top U.S. military officials and to tour Admiral Stephen Loftus, deputy chief methods and materials. ed from May through August. In all, U.S. military installations in Illinois, Co­ of naval operations for logistics; Gen. Project director Zirka Voronka, she added, 29 Ukrainian cities will be lorado and Nevada. Michael Cams, vice-chief of staff, U.S. who teaches English as a second hosting the 82 teachers (from Ame­ Wearing a military uniform revamped with Air Force; Gen. John Dailey, assistant language (ESL) at Passaic County rica and Canada) who have been new buttons and a blue-and-yellow cap, Gen. commandant of the Marine Corps; College in Paterson, N.J., and has selected from the more than 100 Morozov, whose visit preceded that of Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, chief of staff, already taught English in Ukraine, applicants who had responded to the Commander of CIS Armed Forces Air U.S. Army; Gen. Colin L. Powell, greeted the participants and spoke UNA's call for volunteers. Marshal Yevgeny Shaposhnikov, was offi­ chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Anne briefly on the urgent need for ex­ Prof, Voronka outlined the UNA's cially greeted by Secretary Cheney at a full Foreman, undersecretary of the Air posing Ukraine to the West. She long-standing commitment to educa­ military honors arrival ceremony at the Force; 1. Daniel Howard, undersecre­ stressed that education, especially tion and to aid for Ukraine, citing the Pentagon on April 13. tary of the Navy; and Susan Living­ English language instruction, was of UNA scholarship fund and the re­ In an elaborate 15-minute ceremony, stone, assistant secretary of the Army utmost importance, outweighing all cently established Fund for the Ukraine's Minister of Defense was honored for installations, logistics and environ­ other assistance currently flowing to Rebirth of Ukraine. She explained with a 19-gun salute and was escorted by the ment. Ukraine from the diaspora. that the "Teach English in Ukraine" Defense Secretary to review troops repre­ Prof. Voronka expressed appre­ project is a joint venture with the senting all branches of the U.S. military. The Ukrainian minister of defense in ciation to her administrative assis­ Ukrainian Language Society. She For the first time, the Ukrainian flag flew turn introduced Mr. Cheney to the tants Lesia Iwanyzkyj and Daria (Continued on page 5) over the Pentagon, and Gen. Morozov Ukrainian delegation that accompanied him to the United States: his wife, (Continued on page 2) Ukraine to resume tactical weapons shipments to Russia by Marta Kolomayets Kiev Press Bureau KIEV — Ukraine will resume ship­ ping its tactical weapons for destruc­ tion in Russia in the nearest future, Foreign Minister Anatoliy Zlenko said during a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, April 14. "In the next few days, we will have a legal basis to activate a mechanism that we are satisfied with," said Mr. Zlenko, who returned from Moscow after week­ end negotiations with the foreign min­ isters of Russia and Kazakhstan, and an observer from Belarus. The announcement comes as a sur­ prise, a retreat from President Leonid Kravchuk's announcement on March 13 suspending the shipment of arms to Russia until Ukraine received guaran­ tees of their destruction. In his mid-March statement, Presi­ dent Kravchuk had hoped that the removal of the weapons from Ukrainian territory would be controlled by an international monitoring committee. He had even suggested that facilities could be built in Ukraine, around the Chornobyl area, for the destruction of nuclear weapons, and he appealed to (Continued on page 7) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1992 No. 16 Ukraine's defense... (Continued from page 1) Newsbriefs Raisa; Col. Yuriy Bubnovsky, assistant to Ukraine's minister of defense; on Ukraine Konstantyn Hreshchenko, director of the Division of Disarmament and Prohibition of Nuclear Arms and Weapons of Mass Destruction, Min­ s LONDON - On April 16, Britain istry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine; announced that it will send Simon Capt. Oleksandr Krylev, Division of Hemans, a senior diplomat, as ambas­ Foreign Relations, Ukrainian Ministry sador to Ukraine in early June. of Defense; Valentyn Lemish, acting Commentators said that it is unlikely chairman, Committee on Defense and that other newly independent republics National Security Issues, Supreme will be sent ambassadors, but that Council of Ukraine; Col. Volodymyr Britain has close ties with Kiev. London Muliava, director of the Socio-Psycho- will probably maintain ties with the logical Division, Ukrainian Ministry of other republics through Moscow. Defense; Dmytro Pavlychko, chair­ Three British ambassadors have already man, Committee on Foreign Affairs, gone to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, Supreme Council of Ukraine; Maj. which Britain never recognized as part Gen. Yuriy Prokofiev, director of of the Soviet Union. (Reuters) Military Education, Ukrainian Min­ Ф CHISINAU, Moldova - Mol­ istry of Defense; and Maj.-Gen. Yaro- dova will soon have a number of slav Skalko, deputy commander, Air Ukrainian-language schools, five kin­ Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. dergartens and a Ukrainian-Russian The arrival ceremony was followed gymnasium in time for the new school by a private meeting with Mr. Cheney, a year. Numbering 800,000, Ukrainians luncheon hosted by Deputy Secretary form Moldova's largest national mino­ of Defense Donald J. Atwood, and a rity, but Ukrainian schools have been meeting with Gen. Brent Scowcroft, closed since the 1960s and the popula­ national security advisor, at the White tion was subjected to Russification. House. Mrs. Morozov was honored at a There are about 100,000 Ukrainians tea hosted by Secretary Cheney's wife, living in Chisinau; they make up about Lynne, at the Old Post Office Building. 15 percent of the city's population. Gen. Morozov and his delegation (RFE/RL Daily Report) were then escorted to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where the minister of defense made a gift of a gold medal from Ф TOKYO - In an interview with a Ukraine to be placed in the museum at Japanese newspaper, Ukrainian De­ Arlington National Cemetery. After­ puty Minister for Foreign Trade Leonid noon activities concluded with a cour­ Steshenko said that Ukraine is eager to tesy call to Gen. Powell and a meeting reduce its dependence on Russia and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ШІШШт with L. Paul Brewer, president of The Ukrainian delegation places flowers at the Taras Shevchenko monument in other former Soviet republics. Ukraine Kissinger Associates. is planning to propose three bilateral Washington. economic cooperation agreements in On the evening of April 13, the April in order to develop good econo­ general and Mrs. Morozov were ho­ mic relations with Japan. (RFE/RL nored at a dinner hosted by Secretary Daily Report) and Mrs. Cheney at Blair House. Invited guests included representatives ^ KIEV — Ukrainian air traffic of various Ukrainian American organi­ controllers denied requests by the zations. commanders of CIS long-range and The defense minister's April 14 Wash­ military transport aviation to visit some ' ington itinerary included an office call of their subordinate units in Ukraine, with Gen. Merrill A. McPeak, chief of saying that Ukrainian Defense Minister staff of the U.S. Air Force, and Secre­ Konstantyn Morozov had issued a ban tary of State James Baker, and a round- on all flights to Ukraine by CIS Air table discussion with the staff and Force generals. (RFE/RL Daily Re­ faculty of the National Defense Uni­ port) versity. Gen. Morozov and his delegation departed for Chicago on the afternoon Vatican names of April 14. The Ukrainian delegation's weeklong envoy to Ukraine visit to the United States distinguished itself from other official visits of foreign ^^ |Khristina Lew VATICAN CITY - Msgr. Antonio dignitaries in that the official itinerary Ukrainian Minister of Defense konstantyn Morozov and Secretary of Defense Franco was named apostolic nuncio to scheduled meetings between the min­ Richard Cheney at the Pentagon. Ukraine on March 28 by Pope John ister of defense and Ukrainians in the Paul II, reported The Sower of the diaspora on three separate occasions in Stamford Eparchy of the Ukrainian Washington, Chicago and New York. On April 12, prior to the official Catholic Church. FOUNDED 1933 Msgr. Franco will be ordained an arrival ceremony at the Pentagon, Gen. archbishop before he goes to Lviv.
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