CENTRAL EUROPEAN BUSINESS REVIEW VOLUME 3, NUMBER 1, MARCH 2014 RESEARCH PAPERS HOME-BIAS-IN-CONSUMPTION BASED ON DIFFERENT BRAND PREFERENCES IN THE EAST AND THE WEST OF GERMANY Bahles, M. In international macroeconomics, there is a speci¿ c concept explaining deviations in international trade relations showing that countries have a bias and a strong preference for the consumption of their home-country goods. This article presents an application of the concept on brand preferences in West and East Germany, where a home-bias-in- consumption has been observed for the East of Germany. It is the ¿ rst application of the concept on the territory of brand preference that explains the strong rootedness of the Eastern German consumers to their regionally known and familiar brands. The goal of the article is to elaborate more deeply the differences in attitudes towards brands between Eastern and Western German consumers. The main research method is secondary analysis of the data collected in two large research studies: (1) “West-East brand study”, and (2) “Consumer Analysis”. The results of the presented study have interesting managerial implications in brand management, showing that brands should utilize their local rootedness. JEL classi¿ cation: M31 Keywords: Home-bias-in-consumption; local brand preference; brand heritage and nostalgia. Introduction The article wants to show that even though it’s nearly 25 The famous article of Maurice Obstfeld and Kenneth years after the political change and reuni¿ cation of West Rogoff “The Six Major Puzzles in International Macro- and East Germany, the consumers in the Eastern part of economics: Is There a Common Cause?” (Obstfeld Germany still have a stronger preference and af¿ nity and Rogoff, 2000) deals with different puzzles for the towards their known and familiar product brands from explanation of international economic relations. the times of the former GDR. One of the puzzles is the “home-bias puzzle” showing The complexity of attitudes towards brands is a mixture that countries have a bias and strong preference for the of rational and emotional factors that, in the case of consumption of their home-country goods. They discuss brands with a longer history, cannot be understood and the reasons for this economic phenomenon as it can be explained without the concept of brand heritage. Brand caused by additional costs based on tariffs, non-tariff heritage is the intangible value of the brand, which has barriers and exchange rate risks, as well as possible been built over the many years of the brand´s presence in higher transportation costs. Also within the EU, there the market. Brand heritage is usually a set of associations is a high preference for home products observed due to connected to the brand, which has its roots in the history consumer preferences (Balta and Delgado, 2009). This of a brand. These associations are linked or better to say article intends to show another cause for the home bias represent the core value of the brand to the consumer. in consumption: The impact of local brand preference This phenomenon together with the nostalgia effect is shown by an evident preference of Eastern German one of the reasons why consumers from the East part consumers towards the product brands of the former of Germany still tend to buy local brands (Machková, German Democratic Republic (GDR). Král and Lhotáková, 2010). Right after the political 7 CENTRAL EUROPEAN BUSINESS REVIEW RESEARCH PAPERS VOLUME 3, NUMBER 1, MARCH 2014 reuni¿ cation of West and East Germany, consumers For both surveys, the conducting institute is IMK – were excited and preferred West German products and Institute for Marketing and Communication Research brands (Veenis, 2011). In recent years, the preferences GmbH, Erfurt. have changed and East German consumers tend to (2) Due to the fact that there is only limited access to buy the older East German brands, namely because of the study in 2012 and 2013, the author of the article so-called “(N)Ostalgie” (Berdahl 1999). But in order to will prove the different preferences in buying certain prove if this development is still true, valid data has thus product brands using the data provided by the public far been missing. survey of the “Consumer Analysis” (Verbraucher- Analyse) released by the Axel Springer AG and the Methodology Bauer Media Group for certain product segments. The main research method is secondary analysis. Two The “Consumer Analysis” is a regular survey about prestigious studies were used as a source of valid and the consumption of products in various categories reliable information. among the German population. It is a representative (1) The paper will refer to a study that has been conducted study with more than 30,000 respondents, conducted yearly since 2010: The “West- East brand study” annually since 1982. (West-Ost-Markenstudie) of the MDR (Mitteldeutscher Description of the research methodology of the Rundfunk), the East German broad- casting station of “Consumer Analysis”: Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. Basic population: German-speaking population abo- Description of the research methodology of the ve 14 years, in private households, in the Federal “West-East brand study”: Republic of Germany (70,213 million). Sample and survey: 32,218 cases collected from October 2010 West- East brand study 2010 to March 2012 by the institutes Enigma, Ipsos, Ifak, The study in 2010 is the ¿ rst survey of the annually Marplan. conducted “West-East brand study”. It is based on a qua- litative preliminary study with one-on-one interviews Differences in the product brand preferences in November 2009, followed by a quanti-tative survey between Eastern and Western Germany with 1,500 telephone interviews (CATI)from January to After 2010, 2011, 2012 also the most recent “West- East March 2010. The nationwide repre-sentative sample brand study 2013” indicates a strong preference of the consists of individuals aged 14 to 75 years. consumers in the so-called “New federal states” (Neue West- East brand study 2011 Bundesländer) for the product brands from East Germany For the West-East brand study 2011, the basis is as they have known them from the years of the former a qualitative preliminary study in 2010, and a tele- GDR. Examples are the local Cola drink “Vita Cola”, the phone survey (CATI) in the period April to July skin care brand “Florena”, the sweets brand “Halloren”, 2011. For this survey 2,000 people were interviewed the laundry detergent brand “Spee” or beer brands like nationwide. The representative sample consists of “Hasseröder”, Köstritzer” and “Wernesgrüner” among individuals aged 14 to 75 years. others. Image 1 Product brands of East Germany Source: n-tv.de 8 CENTRAL EUROPEAN BUSINESS REVIEW RESEARCH PAPERS VOLUME 3, NUMBER 1, MARCH 2014 Figure 1 Attractiveness of East 100 brands (in %) 90 80 East 70 West 60 50 40 33.633.8 27.7 30 23.9 24.9 20 11.7 7.4 6.9 10 5.8 3.9 1.1 0.6 0.51.9 0 Source: West- East brand study 2010 a lot more 2 3 equally 45a lot less (n=1.500) attractive attractive attractive Figure 2 Image of East brands 90 compared to West brands (in %) East brands 80 77.4 West brands 70 61.2 60.3 60 55.3 52.2 48.4 50 42.3 38.8 40 ͵Ͷ 30 21.8 ʹͲ 20 14.5 10 Source: West- East brand study 2010 0 (n=1.500) reg. enrooted likable high quality credible honest inexpensive Already in 2010, in the ¿ rst “West- East brand study”, Also, the results from the survey in 2011 show a clear more than 50% of the respondents of East Germany preference towards the product brands from the East declared that product brands from the East are more with 34.2% of the consumers in East Germany. On the attractive to them compared to product brands from the other hand, consumers of West Germany do not have West (see ¿ gure 1). a certain preference for the product brands from West The strengths of the product brands from the East are Germany – only 9.2% (see ¿ gure 3). seen in their attributes, that they are more strongly In addition, more than 40% of the consumers from the regionally enrooted (77.4%), likable (61.2%), of high East of Germany consider the “origin of the product quality (60.3%), more credible (55.3%), honest (52.2%) brand” as important for the brand preference, compared and less expensive (48.4%) (see ¿ gure 2). to only 4.4% from the West (see ¿ gure 4). It is interesting to see that lower price is apparently Evidently, there is still a big preference of the consumers not the most signi¿ cant attribute of the product in the East of Germany for their local brands, which they brands from the East. The strongest characteristic have known from the times of the former GDR. On the is the regional rootedness that shows strong local other hand, there are indicators that this is particularly ties of the consumers in East Germany as a possible true for the consumers older than 40 years. Overall, the explanation for their preference to East German product preference is lower with younger consumers in the East brands. of Germany. 9 CENTRAL EUROPEAN BUSINESS REVIEW RESEARCH PAPERS VOLUME 3, NUMBER 1, MARCH 2014 90 82.3% Figure 3 Brand attractiveness East / West 80 East 70 59.6% West 60 50 40 34.2% 30 20 9.2% 10 2.3% 4.2% 0 East brands are more No difference West brands are more attractive attractive Source: West- East brand study 2011 (n=2.000) 50 Figure 4 Preference for brands from the home 45 region 40.3% East 40 35 West 30 25 20 15 10 4.4% 5 0 Source: West- East brand study 2011 (n=2.000) But there are also indicators in the study of 2013 that data is compiled) shows a clear preference of the con- the “East brands” are becoming more and more known sumers in Eastern Germany towards product brands and popular in Western Germany as well, due to the from East Germany.
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