OFFIGE OF THE CHIEF DISTRICT MEDICAL & PUBLIC HELATH OFFICER' GANJAM, BERHAMPUR. e-mail Address :[email protected], Phone No.0680-2225383 No. 1 1 9.1\ /EC-vl.veh.Estt 12021-22 Dtd. Ct6 tog l2O21 Cond.05l2021-22 Sealed Tenders are invited for disposal of the following 33 (Thirty three Nos. ) of out of service EMAS Ambulance (108) lying at different places of this district. lntending Tenders may obtain Tender Paper containing the terms & conditions mentioned below. The lntending Tenders may inspect the concerned 33 (Thirty three Nos.) of out of service EMAS Ambulances (108) are to be disposed off in the basis of "As is where is condition with outstanding Tax liabilities". The Sealed Tender will be received at this office by Speed Post / Regd.Post. up to O5.OO p.M by 01-09-2021 and to be opened on 03-09-2021 at 11.00 AM in the Conference Hall of the NHM (OanjamlBertrampur in CDM &PHO premises in presence of the Tenderers or their authorised representatives and will be fina ised on the same day and of any of vill not be bar to open the tender. ,^hiaf Flialli a1 Health ;64rt$ffi{ EMAS AMBULANCE (108) :- SI, NO Vehicle Reqn. No. tnstitution where the vehicle i6 available (Location) 1 oD-02-E-4430 City Hospital -Berhampur 2 oD-02-E-4431 CHC-Diqapahandi oD-02-E-4432 Keshpur Fire station, Keshapur 4 oD-o2-E4434 CHC -Belqam 5 oD-02-E-4435 CHC - Buquda o oD-02-E-4436 CHC - Belaquntha 7 oD-02-E-4437 Hiniilicut Block Office-Hiniilicut 8 oD-02-E-4438 cHC - Chikiti 9 oD-02-E-4481 CHC - Dharakote' 10 oD-02-E-4482 CHC - Sorada lt oD-02-E-4483 CHC - Purushottampur 12 oD-02-E-4484 Kanisi Block office-Konisi 13 oD-02-E-4485 CHC - Adapada 14 oD-02-E-5183 CHC - Kukudakhandi '15 oD-02-E-5184 CHC - Polosara 16 oD-02-E-5186 CHC - Patrapur 17 oD-02-E-5187 Sub-Divisional Hospital -Bhanjanagar 18 oD-02-E-5188 CHC - Jaqannathprasad '19 oD-02-E-5189 CHC - Sherqada 20 oD-02-E-5190 CHC - Kodala 21 oD-02-E-5192 Sub-Divisional Hospital Aska 22 oD-02-E-5'193 CHC - Kabisuryanaqar 23 oD-02-E-5194 PHC(N)-Rumbha 24 oD-02-E-5'195 CHC - Kholikote 25 oD-02-E-5196 CHC - Gobara 26 oD-02-E-5197 Sub-Divisional Hospital - Chatrapur 27 oD-02-E-5198 PHC(N)- Ganiam 28 oD-02-J-3258 Sub-Divisional Hospital-Aska 29 oD-02-J-3310 CHC - Kholikote 30 oD-02-J-33'17 Hiniilicut Block Office-Hiniilicut 31 oD-02-J-3610 Sub-Divisional Hospital Bhanjanagar 32 oD-02-E-5191 MKCG Medical Hospital ,BerhamPur 33 oD-02-J-3619 CHC - Polosara Terms & conditions :- 1) lnterested parties having varid GST registration certificate, pAN card, card submit AADHAR their offering prices for ,"ni.u individuaily in .a"r"o The cover contains tender and other""*'"n rerevant documenti " *iil-D"r"no"or"r. Draft towards Tender Document Fees & EMD should u" "rong"prop"rry as per AnnexureJ to be superscribed as ANNEXURE_t. ""J"J 2) Offering price shoutd b"-:y-gTill"gln proto-r* prescribed asev vrrvrrgiven atqr Annexure_ . ll to be superscribed as ANNEXURE_2. ^rr 3) Annexure 1 & 2 shourd be put ..TENDER into another enverop superscribed in Bord capitar ICttErS NOTICE FOR DISPOSA. Or OUr OF SERVIGE EMAS AMBULANCE (108)". shourd reach to chief Distrrct Medicar & pubric Hearth Officer, Ganjam, Near Gate Bazar Square, eerhampui, oJi"n?z6ooor ui, sp""a PegL/ Reqd. post only. 4) tender paper shourd reach Ilr" ratest by o1togr2o21 by E:00 p.M to this office. The tender received after schedured oat6 ano time wiil be not be undersigned considered. The _ will not responsible for any postal delay. 5) ln the event of the date oeing decrareJ as iotioay by Govt. the due date of submission of bids and openinglf-U9 bids will be next working days. 6) The.. price quoted should e1-cfuAing CSf. fl"i""l"ry appricabre GST wi, be at the time of sare of vehicle wh'ich wiil be borne oi *,Jioa"r. 7) The disposar of vehicre shail ;ns be strictty on rs WHERE rs BASTS" and no guarantee or certificate of its worthiness or quarity wiil Department. oe giv;n by this 8) The condition of the vehicres can be inspected physicaily between 09_0g_202,r to 3,,l-08-2021 between office hours. 9) The.intending bidders shail have to deposit Rs.1.000/- (Rupees one Thousand gly)^gtty as_Tender.p.ln-gr Co_s1in snale oi Demand (MlscEt Draft in favor of ZSS J ANEous), A/c No. 302494622'aa payaute at Bernampuir,,ini"n be nonrefundable. .u,"tt 10)The tender shourd be accompanied by earnest moley for Rs.2,000/- (Rupees Thousand Two onry) each for out of service EMAS emburance rba money l' iit!-"rrn"rt can be deposited by Bank Draft in favour of ZSS No. 30249462288 payable lMrsiEr-r-qiiiouir, ruc , _. at Berhampur. 11)The bank draft shourd be attached with the proforma retter fairing which quotation sharr not the be considered at ail. rf the highest tenoerei 7 successrut tenderer accepted byahe competent authority rjn thiJDepartment faiis to oeposit the sare price within the presciibed time rimit, his earnest money wiil be forfeited. ln case the offer is withdrawn by any tenderei, *,e earnest money deposited by him shall be forfeited. 12)Tender Document Fees & EMD amount is payabre by means ZSS (MISCELLANEOUS), of DD in favour of A/C No. SOii'ieZzAe payabte at Berhampur. g'yr"t by cheque / cash sha, not be iccepted). offers received Tender Document without Fees & EMD amount snari-not be considered Department. ai air ilv tnis '13)The successfut bidderwill O9 t_o_{eposit the total bid amount Demand Draft in 11yir9_{ by means of favour of zss lrursceliateousl, A/C No. 30249462288 Berhampur ' , , .. p?y3bt"_ within Seven working days of awaid ot ttre coniraci. 14)EMD of "lthe successfur bidder(s) wirr oe ieieJsed onry after rearization of sare proceed amount. Earnest m.oney Deposit of the bidders wno rair to rronourlire oio in prescribed time rimit shail stand forfeited. No iepresentation in this regard shail be entertained by this Department. EMD wi, not be ,o;r.tea i,itnJ s"re Amount.accepted by CDM &.pHO, "rorni Ganjam EMD of t,OlaJerisl .iaff U" released only after successful completion of the .il" pro""."."r"""""t 1 5)EMD of unsuccessful tenderers shall be returned within three weeks of the award of contract to successful party. 16)lf any successful bidder refuses to take any one of the auctioned vehicle finalised in the tender against the bidder, then the total EMD submitted by the concerned bidder is to be forfeited. 17)The delivery of the sold vehicle will be arranged only after the successful bidder submits documentary evidence in support of residential status (Ration card/ Voters ldentity card/AADHAR card/ Driving Licence) in case of indlvidual and Regishation Certificate in case of firms etc.) '18)The sold vehicle will be removed by the successful bidder(s) within 07 (seven) days of depositing the money at their own expenses. No assistance / transportation will be provided by cDM & pHo, Ganjam. permission to take out the disposed vehicles from respective premises will not be allowed on Govt. holidays/Saturdays and Sundays. 19)The successful bidder will also be responsible for getting the Registration certificate of the vehicle transferred in his name at his own iost expe-ditiotrsly. This office will not be responsible for any lapse on his part in this regard. 20)The bidder is required to reveal his full name /name of the authorizld signatory of the firm, full postal address, telephone number & mobile number. 2'l)Disputes, if any, shall be subject to jurisdiction in the court of Berhampur, Ganjam only. 22)lf the highest quoting firm fails to honour the bid fully or partially; the contract will be cancelled & its EMD forfeited. ln such an event, an opportunify shall be given to the next highest quoting eligible tenderer (H-2 quoting party) to complete the bid provided it is prepared to accept the prices offered by the H-1 party. ln case of any dispute, decision of CDM & PHO, Ganjam shall be final. 23)Tenderlng form should be ink signed by the authorized signatory only. photocopy or unsigned tender or tender not signed by authorized signatory shall be rejected. 24)Tendering firm shall alone be responsible for furnishing any false oi wrong information and the consequences or loss thereof. 25)ln case price offered by more than a party for any vehicle will be same, the vehicle will be disposed of by way of lottery or bidder amongst the party offering equal price. 26)Tender document can be downloaded from the Departmental website: https://geliqrn riic-in . 27)CDM & PHO, Ganjam reserves the right to reject all or any tender in whole without assigning any reasons thereof. Ll Ghief V* Heatth No. 1l*91 rzozt Dtd @6 th.August-2021 Copy forwarded to the Dist. Medl. Officer (Medl. Services)_cum- Superintendent, DHH, Ganjam, Berhampur / DPHO / ADPHO(FW) ADPHO (VBD) /ADPHO(DC)/ADPHO(TB) / DPM (NHM)-Ganjam for information with iequest to please attach the Notice in their Notice Board for wide publicity. Copy forwarded to the all the Super.intendent, SDH / CHC / PHC(New) o1 Ganjam district for information with request tr: please attach the Notjpg in their Notice Board for wide publicity.
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