COMPREHENSIVE. PLAN for BLAIR TOWNSHIP The preparation of the Blair Township Comprehensive Plan was financed in part through a comprehensive planning grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, under the provisions of Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended and as administered by the Bureau of Planning, Pennsylvania Department of Community Affairs. Contract Nos. 03-00-1113-22 July 77 - June 78 03-11-1092-22 July 76 - June 77 03-26-1083-20 July 75 - June 76 Blair County Planning Commission July, 1978 I i I BIBLIOGRAPHIC- DATA- .- 11* No- 12. 13. Recipient's Accession No. SHEET I BTCP 1303-01-78 I I 4. Title and Subtitle IS. Report Date 4Blair Township Comprehensive Plan U.S. Department of Housing 6 Urban Development Number Two, Allegheny Center Pittsburgh, PA 15212 of proposed development as well as the amount and location. 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 170. Descriptors 17b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms Comprehensive plan Land use plan Centers concept Policies, Goals and Objectives I Environmental Steep slope Flood lain 17c. COSATI E)irld/Group 18. Availability Statement 19. Security Class (This 21. No. of Pages Report) Copies available at the Blair UNCI-ASSIFIED 123 'I County Planning Commission,Highland Hall Annex, 20. Security Class (This 22. Price Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 Page UNCLASSIFIED a-4 c5p USCOMU-OC 14952-Pi FORM NTIS-35 (REV. 3-72) THIS FORM MAY BE REPRODUCED RESOLUTION NO. '7 8 - /O I I?ESOT,UTION OF TIIE BOAR0 OF SUPERVISOI<S OF BLA R TOWNSHIP REGARDING TIIE ADOPTION OF A COMPREHENSIVE PLA --FOR I'LAIR TO\VNSIIIP ; PREPARED TN ACCORDANCE WITli THE PENI,SYJAVAhIA I I\IUNICTPALITIES PLANNTNG CODE : WHEREAS, the E.oard of Supervisors of Blair Township, having ii,structed the I Blair Township Planning Commission to study the present developmerit: trends, I physical attrilmtes (soils, geology, topography, and other 3;'nitat ons), and needs of Rlair Town::hip; and to prepare a comprehensive plan %o gu de future I growth and developmcnt it. Blair Township, and WHEREAS, t.he RLair Township Planning Commission, having studic,d soils, ge- I ology, topography, present development patterns and needs , ar:3 pro. ected growth; I and having solicitec public opinion through two (2) pub1i.c input w' kshops, did prepare a comprehensive p'l.an, and I WEREAS, ti 2 Board of Supervisors of Blair Township did hold 2 mblic heal ing on A Comprehensive Plan for Blair Township on September 20. 1978, pursu: nt t to r tblic notice as required by Section 302 of the Pennsylvania Mu1 Jipalities I Plan ing Code (Act 247 as amended), and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Blair Township did study ie support,r.g E data, A Compit:hensi\e Plan for Blair Township, and the testimony rc :ived at the pub1 ic hearir- ., 1 NOW, the.-efore, the i3oard of Supervisor::, of B1.aj.r Township, by a vote of 1 3 .__. ad.?pt k,v resolution A Comprehensive Plan for B1.air Township, containing: :laps dei'icting location of Blair Township, Blair Township geology and geologic: interpetations, Blair Township soil , Blair Township topography, I x. Blair Township Exist ing Land Use , Blair Township Existing Facilities, Water , I Sewer, and Transportation. Blair Township Steep Slope and Flood Plain Map, Blair l Township Lanc? Use Plan (1985), Blair Township Land Use Plan (200O), Proposed I I ', . .a >\;Sher Service Areas, and Proposed lilater Ser -ice Areas; charts detailing gecl.ogica1 limitations, !'opulation nensity, Ilousing Un ts and Conditiov Land Use Compati- bility, Acrea,:e Projec t:i.c,ns by Land Use and other data; anci textu:~l.matter. includ- ing Physiogra:,hy, Land l!se Community Facil -:ties and Envirc:.mental Quality, I Transportatic 1, Economy/Economic Rase Population, Housing, Goals and Objectives, 1 Population PI ijecti.ms, J .md Use Plan, Cornmunit; Facilities and Environmental Quality Plan. Trans:)orta-'i.on Plan, Economic Plan, Housing r an, Human Services 1 Plan, and Imp ement ition. Thi.s resolution hall become a J ,rt of A Comprehensive I Plan for Rlaii- Town:;hip. Ordained this 30th day of October, 1978. I I I -- Date ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BLAIR TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS Robert A. Marshall, Chairman Arthur E. Taylor Francis Shaw G. Ray Cochran, Secretary, Blair Township BLAIR TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION Dr. Robert A. Hill, Chairman Arthur E. Taylor, Vice Chairman Roland F. Meyer, Secretary Richard Greubel Lantz Hoffman Terry Ventre Technical assistance in the preparation of this plan was provided by the Blair County Planning Commission BLAIR COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Cloyd F. Forsht, Chairman Cloyd E. Neely, Vice Chairman Mrs. William C. Bellamy, Secretary-Treasurer John R. Beyer J. Edward Biddle Harold E. Detwiler Robert A. DiVentura John M. Drake John L. Wike BLAIR COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF Richard T. Haines, Planning Director "Sheryl A. Stolzenberg, Planner I11 Patrick M. Miller, Planner I1 *Frank J. Burggraf, Planner I R. Michael McClain, Planner I Robert E. Madden, Planning Technician I1 Margaret C. Strueber, Secretary I11 Diane E. Schadenfroh, Secretary I11 Phyllis J. Grannas, Secretary I1 Thomas J. Haslett, Technician Intern Tawny L. Kehler, Secretary Intern Denise Morning, Secretary Intern *The primary authors of the Comprehensive Plan for Blair Township I are Sheryl A. Stolzenberg and Frank J. Burggraf. I ii Introduction The preparation of this comprehensive plan represents an important part of the overall planning efforts of the citizens of Blair Township, The Board of Supervisors, and The Blair Townships' Planning Commission to provide for orderly growth and development in Blair Township. The planning process is continuous; including the (1) establishment of basic goals, policies, and objectives, (2) the study of existing social, economic, and physical conditions, (3) the formulation of plans to affect anticipated problems and to serve as guidelines for future growth and development, (4) the formulation of land use regulations that reflect and implement proposals initiated in this comprehensive plan, (5) and the continuous review and updating of the planning process to reflect the changing needs and conditions of Blair Township. The Blair Township Planning Commission requested the technical assistance of the Blair County Planning Commission to document and study the existing conditions of Blair Township and to advise the Township on the development of the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan reflects the local goals, policies, and objectives established by the residents, tomship supervisors, and the planning commission of Blair Township. The Comprehensive Plan for Blair Township incorporates three major sections. The first section includes studies of existing Physiography, Land Use, Community Facilities and Environmental Quality, Transportation, Economy/Economic Base, Population and Housing. The second section outlines Blair Township's Goals, Policies, and Objectives. The third section includes Population Projections, Land Use Plan, Community Facilities and Environmental Quality Plan, Transportation Plan, Economic Plan, Housing Plan, Human Services Plan and Implementation. Documentation of the initial research data and public input is on file at the Blair County Planning Commission Office, Highland Hall Annex, Courthouse, Holli- daysburg, PA. TABLE OF CONTENTS Starts on page I Introduction iii 1 Chapter I - Physiography Geographical Setting I Geology Soil I Topography 1 Chapter I1 - Land Use 22 I Blair Township Land Use 22 Relationship to Adjacent Areas 28 1 Chapter I11 - Community Facilities and Environmental Quality 29 Historic Sites 29 Community Facilities 31 Recreation 33 Environmental Quality 3.3 Chapter IV - Transportation 41 Highway Systems 41 Railway Systems 42 Mass Transit 43 Air Transport and Taxi Service 44 Chapter V - Economy/Economic Base 47 Chapter VI - Population 49 Population Trends 49 Population Characteristics 50 Starts on page Chapter VI1 - Housing 53 Existing Housing Stock 53 Existing Housing Conditions 54 Analysis of Blair Township's Housing Market 55 Chapter VI11 - Draft Goals, Policies, and Objectives 59 Chapter IX - Population Projections 62 Chapter X - Land Use Plan 64 Purpose, Scope, and Goals 64 Land Use Suitability 64 Land Use Compatibility 65 Land Use Configurations 73 Acreage Projections by Land Use 76 Chapter XI - Community Facilities 6, Environmental Quality Plan 80 Chapter XI1 - Transportation Plan 85 Chapter XI11 - Economic Plan 87 Chapter XIV - Housing Plan 88 Housing Projections 88 1 Housing Needs 89 Chapter XV - Human Services Plan 90 I Chapter XVI - Implementation 92 1 Environmental Assessment 97 Historic Preservation Assessment 104 V LIST OF MAPS Plate E Number MaD Title -Page I . Location of Blair Township 1 1 I1 Geological Map 6 I I11 Geological Interpretive Map 9 IV Soil Map 20 1 V Topographic Map 21 VI4 Existing Land Use Map 26 I VI-B Adjacent Municipalities Map 27 D VI I Existing Facilities Map 36 VI11 Volunteer Fire Company Service Areas 37 1 IX Existing Public Utilities (other than sewer 38 and water) X Existing Water Service Areas 39 XI Existing Sewer Service Areas 40 XI1 Existing Transportation Systems 46 XI11 Steep Slope and Flood Plain Map 67 XIV Existing Centers of Development 77 xv Land Use Plan (1985) 78 XVI Land Use Plan (2000) 79 XVII Proposed Sewer Service Areas 83 Proposed Water Service Areas 84 I vi LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS Chart Starts Number Title On Page I Geological Formation of Blair Township 5 I1 Interpretation of Blair Township Geology 7 I11 Soil Limitations 10 IV General Existing Land Use Summary 25 V Population Density
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