| PAGE LABEL EVEN | TOP TIGER T Vol. 117HE No. 70 JOURNALFriday, April 9, 2021 $100 Uiagalelei T J ready for ‘REALLY GREAT THING’: Pandemic-weary chefs, cooks enjoy serving from home. B1 leadership ‘INTERNATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT’: Biden orders gun control actions. D1 position. C1 WALHALLA Man facing murder charge incidents with the victim in January. Warrant alleges man hit with bat before fire Burrell was denied bond on the murder charge, BY NORM CANNADA his home was set on fire. the Oconee County Deten- according to a jail official. THE JOURNAL Christo- tion Center, where he has The fire was reported pher Edward been held on unrelated just after 12:30 p.m. Feb. WALHALLA — A Burrell, 28, of charges since an arrest 11 on Adams Sullivan Walhalla man has been 129 Wolfers in March, according to Road near Rock Crusher charged with murder in Hollow Road, a news release from the and Coffee roads. Wal- connection with the Feb- was served Oconee County Sheriff’s halla Fire Chief Brandon ruary death of a 65-year- with a murder Office. The release said Burton called the fire old man who authorities warrant in Burrell was also served “suspicious” at the time FILE allege was intentionally Burrell the death of with three magistrate’s and said the victim — A Walhalla man has been charged with murder in con- hit in the head with a Marlan Frank bench warrants and three nection with a fire that killed a man in February. baseball bat just before Sparks on Wednesday at other warrants related to SEE MURDER, PAGE A6 WALHALLA CLEMSON New downtown ‘Every day is a different fight’ Walhalla series kicks off tonight BY LAUREN PIERCE director Libby Imbody THE JOURNAL said the “downtown af- ter hours” WALHALLA — Main event will Street Walhalla’s Sec- be “good for ond Shift event will kick the city’s off tonight with a goal to communi- bring more foot traffic ty.” to Main Street after nor- “Basical- mal working hours. ly, the idea The event is set to Imbody with Second run from 4-8 p.m. the Shift is to second Friday of each capture all of the people month at downtown who come to Walhalla businesses. Main Street Walhalla SEE SERIES, PAGE A6 CLEMSON McGuire disagrees Above: Protest- ers kneel behind Conservative figure draws a barrier at Clemson Uni- with more student versity’s Little- protest on Clemson campus john Coliseum in Clemson on housing in city BY LAUREN PIERCE Center to Littlejohn Col- Thursday evening THE JOURNAL iseum to accommodate a before a “Back larger crowd. the Blue” event BY GREG OLIVER it should be built by CLEMSON — Around Protest coordinator featuring conser- THE JOURNAL Clemson University,” 300 Clemson University Uchenna Ofoje said vative speaker said McGuire, a mem- students and the Upstate students were protesting Tomi Lahren. CLEMSON — Clem- ber the ClemsonNEXT chapter of the Original the “foundation” of the Left: Count- son City Councilman steering committee. Black Panther Party event. er-protester Na- Fran McGuire said The committee is gathered at Littlejohn She was the co-peti- than Stracener of demand for more stu- looking at the imple- Coliseum on Thursday tioner of an online peti- Greenville stands dent housing in the city mentation of a stra- evening to protest a con- tion to cancel the event, near a “blue means there has to be tegic plan for the city troversial conservative which received 4,000 sig- line” flag before more construction to presented in November speaker. natures when the event the event, which meet that need. by consultant Develop- Clemson University’s was first announced last was hosted by “I just want to be ment Strategies. Turning Point USA month. the university’s clear that I don’t agree “I understand if we hosted Tomi Lahren for “Just last year, we had Turning Point with any more student don’t build it, someone a “Back the Blue” event a Black Lives Matter USA chapter. housing in the city that was moved from PHOTOS BY JERRY BEARD | of Clemson — I think SEE MCGUIRE, PAGE A3 the Madren Conference SEE PROTEST, PAGE A5 THE JOURNAL CLEMSON Major project could land near Madren Center BY RILEY MORNINGSTAR ees’ Finance and Facilities located along S.C. Highway infrastructure and amenities THE JOURNAL Committee, executive vice 93, while the Alumni Associ- (of the surrounding area). It president of finance and ation is located at 109 Daniel creates those synergies we’re CLEMSON — While it operations Tony Wagner Drive. looking for.” could take years to come to touched on early plans to “This is really an exciting Wagner said the com- fruition, Clemson University build a Development, Alum- project,” Wagner said. “It plex would be located near officials are eyeing a major ni and Clemson University would provide additional the 18th green of the golf SPECIAL TO THE JOURNAL construction project near Foundation (CUF) complex. administrative space and course, near the Madren While it could take years to come to fruition, the Madren Center and the CUF was chartered in 1933 take those functions out of Center and Martin Center. Clemson University officials are eyeing a Walker Course. as an independent nonprofit the core campus. One of the He said it would include major construction project near the Madren In a recent meeting of the that promotes the future of things about this location is Center and the Walker Course. university board of trust- the school. CUF offices are that it really leverages the SEE PROJECT, PAGE A3 | INSIDE | | INFO | WILLIE SAYS: ARRESTS A6 COMICS B3 OPINION A4 DELIVERY (864) 882-2375 CALENDAR A2 ENTERTAINMENT B4 SPORTS C1 CLASSIFIEDS (864) 882-2375 CLASSIFIEDS D2 LIFESTYLE B1 STOCK REPORTS D4 ADVERTISING (864) 973-6305 It must be on COLUMNISTS B3 OBITUARIES B2 WORLD | NATION D1 your end. B5 | PAGE LABEL EVEN | A2 THE JOURNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2021 Change of plans at Lehotsky? Dated CU Thursday’s COVID-19 building could numbers at a glance Confirmed Confirmed Percent be demolished, cases deaths positive South Carolina 495 20 5.6% rebuilt instead Oconee County 13 0 1.5%* Pickens County 29 1 2.5%* of renovated * Seven-day moving average BY RILEY MORNINGSTAR Cumulative cases THE JOURNAL South Carolina: 469,467 cases, 8,138 deaths CLEMSON — A plan to Oconee County: 8,391 cases, 125 deaths renovate a dated building Pickens County: 16,327 cases, 248 deaths on the Clemson University campus has changed — as Oconee Memorial Hospital ICU occupancy well as the project’s price Beds available: 12 Beds taken: 6 tag. In a Finance and Facil- Beds occupied by COVID patients: 3 ities Committee meeting this week, a few school SOURCE: SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL trustees were told the proposed renovation to Lehotsky Hall will likely shift to the construction of PHOTOS BY JERRY BEARD | THE JOURNAL | CALENDAR | a new building and would Clemson University offi- cost up to $45 million — a cials are discussing a $45 SATURDAY bump up from $30 million. million plan to replace BLOOD DRIVE 10 a.m.-2p.m. at Eternal Shepherd Lutheran Church, The 45-year-old building Lehotsky Hall. 220 Carson Road, Seneca. All donors will receive a $20 gift card. is one of the most ener- gy-inefficient buildings on method of operations. OCONEE COUNTY Republican Party county convention will be held campus and doesn’t meet “You’re estimating $30 at 10 a.m. at Gignilliat Community Center, 621 N. Townville St., Sen- current building code million for 94,000 square eca. Registration begins at 9 a.m. with the convention call to order at requirements, according feet,” Smith said. “Would 10 a.m. For more information, email [email protected]. to executive vice president it make sense to tear it of finance and operations down and build a whole SUNDAY Tony Wagner. new building? That’s a THE WALHALLA VFW Post 6830, chartered on April 12, 1946, will The building that hous- lot of money for a reno- celebrates its milestone with an anniversary program at 2 p.m. All es the university’s Parks, vation of an old building. members and friends in the community are welcome to join and Recreation and Tourism … I don’t want to throw a have a piece of cake and/or beverage. Management program is wrench in it, but if we’re also home to the School of going to spend that much THURSDAY Agriculture, Forestry and money, let’s build some- OCPL FRIENDS of the Library book sale every Thursday in the Environmental Sciences. “Based on the feasibility to be recommending that thing brand new with the Walhalla Library basement from 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. No more than In the fall of 2018, a study at that time, a ren- we flip this to a new build- latest technology.” nine customers at a time. Masks will be required. former finance official ovation was recommend- ing, not a renovation,” Now, Wagner’s team said the renovation of the ed,” Wagner said. Wagner said. will return to trustees lat- APRIL 16 94,000-square-foot hall After the design team In the fall 2018 meeting er this year to restart the DEMENTIA SUPPORT group at 11:30 a.m. at the walking trail would include structural opened up part of the when the renovation was project from step one. picnic tables in front of Oconee Memorial Hospital, 298 Memorial reinforcements, replacing building to observe, discussed, trustee Bill Drive, Seneca. Email [email protected] for more the HVAC system, instal- Wagner said the “bones” Smith questioned the [email protected] | (864) 973-6685 information.
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