\!Glc nn Report Evaluates Gov. Engler by Adam DeVore Engl er' s 1992 record specifically Michigan's first brush with widespread principle to which more elected officials University of Michigan students are earned the Center's praise in over a dozen school choice, but educational choice re- ought to pay heed: it urges "an enlight- not the only ones who just received their tains important support ened perspective across state government, grades in the mail. The Mackinac Center within the State Depart- one that seeks to eradicate anything that for Public Policy, a non-partisan research ment of Education and suffocates peaceful, productive activity." A and educational organization based in the Michigan Board of careful review of "needless or overly bur- Midland, this Monday released The Engler Education, as well as the densome licenSing requirements," dam- Administration: A Mid-term Review, a criti­ legislature and, increas- aging zoning laws, and related ills is cal yet positive and optimistic evaluation ingly,amongst public consequently in order. of Michigan's current state government. school teachers them- One area the report refrains from Wherea'l Governor John Engler's perfor­ selves. addressing is the likely effect of the mance in 1991 earned him but a "B" from The Mackinac Cen- Clinton administration on Engler's re-, the Center, his second effort deserves an ter also criticized form efforts. Lawrence W. Reed, presi- "A-," the report maintains. Engler's mental health dent of the Mackinac Center and the Unlike President George Bush, care reforms, which have primary author of the report, wished to whom millions of Americans have"come "not been put forth in a withhold definitive judgment until to view ... as a man without a vision, a way that educates the _ Clinton has spent some time in the role of man devoid of deep philosophical roots public or allays legifi-.- president. "It is too early to tell for sure," that could define his mission and keep it mate anxieties." Though said Reed. on a clear and consistent course," Engler laudable, his welfare re- Reed noted, however, that he is con- "is perceived by friend and foe alike as a forms should have been cemed about the way in which environ- forceful leader who knows where he mote significant, the re- mental policy might be pursued. "We wants to take the state - toward less !RQrt suggested. Engler's may see considerable intervention and government, lower taxes, and a revital­ , ~l(i>Warddiminish- non-market approaches." ized private sector," the Mackinac Cen­ iri~ ' ''the coercive power But Clinton's experience as gover- ter reported. Michigan Governor John Engler of the state's labor unions nor of Arkansas may also have sensitized A rare species of political animal, and their political dout" him to the need for states to retain con- Engler has 'i not insulated his thinking respects, including his handling of the have likewise remrunedwanting. siderable autonomy. "On the positive from the hardships that ordinary people budget deficit without increasing taxes, The brief report endson a prospec- side, Bill Clinton was a governor and must endure as they cope with intrusive his redirection of the Commerce Depart­ tive' rather than 'ret'rosp'ective note; how- understands [the effects of] federal im- government," the report declares; he ment away from an industrial paradigm ever. Given recent Republican gains ir positions on states," said Reed. understands, perhaps more clearly than of "endless and dubious subsidy 'pro­ the Michi'gan Hous~ of Representatives" any other state's chief executive, that the grams," and his welfare program reforms the Center wriie~, Engler ought to "take Adam DeVore is a senior in philosophy best government is not the one willing to (which the review termed "one of the advantage of the new legislative oppor­ and Spanish and the editor in chief of do the most for or to its citizens. On that boldest .. in the nation"). His stalwart tunities to employ innovative, market­ the Review. point the Mackinac Center is emphatic: opposition to increases in gasoline and based prescriptions for public policy. He cigarette taxes, like his (ultimately de­ should take risks, experiment, shake up [N]othing about government could feated) "cut and cap" proposal and his the status quo - because m~y of .; ,r be more" compassionate" than poli­ success in lessening the burden of the Mithlgan's long-standlngand'intractable cies which respect the rights of indi­ Single Business Tax, also won the problems are not amenable to,resolution viduals to enjoy the fruits of their Mackinac Center's praise. through mere tinkering at the edges." ·INSIDE' labor, to come to the aid of others The report also noted that "Engler While continuing to pursue prop­ with their own resources, to build haS put Michigan on the very cutting erty tax artd state pudget reductions, , enterprises, to develop free and edge of the national privatization' move­ Engler should also "move swiftly to . Serpent's Tooth 2 mutually beneficial relationships, to ment" while evincing !'a sensitivity to implement recomin~ 'nd~tions 9f the be a part of their children's educa­ privatizing sensibly and with apptopri- " Michigan Public/Private 'Partnership Letters 3 tion beyond merely paying the bill ate safeguards against abuse." Coll'l1TIission and to remove all existing ... Nothing about government could The report identified relatively few state barriers that inhibit privatization U-M'Computing 4 be more uncompassionate ... than areas of concern with Engler's mid-term by local government," according to the policies which repress the spirit of record. His pledge to "phase out" state report. Deregulation of the trucking in­ Even More Letters 5 inventiveness, dictate the minutiae funding for the arts "saw scant progress" dustry, as well as legal, auto insurance, of interpersonal rel~tions, deprive last year, just as Michigan's attempt to and labor reform also top the Mackinac Forrest Green III 6 workers of their earnings, or substi­ expand intradistrict public school choice Center's agenda for 1993. Educational tute the cold, indifferent hand of the manifested only the haziest and most choice is another area rife with potential Feminist Psych. S State for the nurture of family, ethereal signs of efficacy. Myriad politi­ for improvemen~. church, and community. cal, attitudinal, economic and logistical The report's final major recommen­ Cru~ty's Favorites 10 barriers detracted from the success of dation contains an essential statement of .''";. ___ _ ' _'- . ~.;.. 1- __ :;;o.=-_-':'.".~.-_' -:-: . 2 ';"7";;;"';::;~","=~'''':::::'"~= ~,","'''''';"","''O'""~'~:;;'~~~~:':':"7,,-;..v.;.'.;'';'';:';''~~:;;:;';'~ -".:.: ... ..:;.~:.:.:::::-- ::...~-.. -.:.:::..~. ctZi~. "'f" iteR & ..q:;:: 2 THE MICHIGAN REVIEW January 6, 1992 ·1' '\I. THE Serpent's Tooth ,,' MICIDGAN REVIEW The Campus Affairs Journal Back in reality? The National Review states is writing a paper on the Middle East for going to be <;:arter II, really. of the that Gary Sick, of October Surprise fame, the Clinton transition team. No, this isn't Michigan won. The 'Canes lost 1993 is University of Michigan st~ng out as a good year ... until inau­ OUR. I c>t' SluR\( guration day, at least. In the same issue, an article dealing with We are the Establishment the "Year of the Woman" noted that Su­ II Arrogant Maggot" Adam DeVore san Faludi's Backlash and Gloria Steinem's Rev?lution from Within "rode the bestseller Publisher Karen S. Brinkman list." Nice metaphor, guys. Executive Editors Andrew Bockelman In a related story, this one from USA Joe Coletti Today, AI Gore's Earth in 'the Balance was Tony Ghecea reported to have sold 250,000 copies, mak­ ing it the best-selling hardcover book on Cpntributing Editors Beth Martin the environment in history. Rush Jay D. McNeill . / / //;}7/ 7 /{/1; Tracy Robinson Limbaugh's book, by comparison, has Stacey L Walker sold a mere 8 million copies. Is it AI or his 0\-\, A~p i't1:1(£ subject that's lame? You be the judge. Music Editor Chris Peters Literary Editor Adam Garagiola Well, the recession ended almost two I Graphics Editor Will Ryan years ago, and Bill Clinton is still plan- . ning to help us recover from it. In a Asslstant Editors Ryan Boeskool .1 Brian Schefke related story, he was pondering sendip.g- ·~ troops to Somalia. " Copy Editor Shannon Pfent Speaking of Somalia, when asked by the ' MTS Meister DougThiese Wall Street Journal if the U.S. military Systems Analyst Mitch Rohde should disarm the Somali warlords (as Business Assistants Peter Daugavietis United Nations Secretary General ChetZarko Boutros Boutros-Ghali suggests), the SliOOter responded, '1 was disappointed to see that a question of that much mo­ Staff ment had apparently not been fully dis­ Eddie Arner, Eric Berg, Michele Brogley, Erica De San tis, James E, Elek, Joe Epstein, Frank PE:B~~, t UloN-r t \OlD w) A~9 t F cussed between ourselves and the United Grabowski, Nate Jamison, Ken Johnston, Eric Nations before the mission had been Lepard, Mary the Cat, Bud Muncher, Crusty BEL\81E l"i ~~D~ \"T \J.JeRE~"r ~ \W:6£ undertaken. And I'm not criticizing our Muncher, Dave Perczak, Drew Peters, Renee 1ti'E' J~~Up.,l2..'< Sth PES\L..'-( \LtC6. f\T l1tF government ... but that is a very signifi­ Rudnicki, TS Taylor, Perry Thompson, Corey VJAL.L- ~WE€'T ~d)~AL \ IIV t E:(,J , (tJe t,0?lJ t..:.e:> Tobin, Martin Vloet, Michelle Wietek, Matt cant question." Of course he's not criti­ Wilk, Tony Woodlief. ~ ~t4\\.cWa ~ cizing our government. He'd have to be ~~E.~, \A AVrz ~t\l?N ffi)P>H Wrn\ \T, ToO, . on foreign soil to do that. Editors Emeriti Brian Jendryka John J. Miller Last year on ABC's Prime Time Live, Magic Johnson reveaIed that he had once had The Michigan Review is an independent, stu­ ) dent-run journal at the University of Michi­ sex with six women simultaneously.
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