The Diocese of Ogdensburg Volume 73, Number 22 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Catholic Charities to host annual I PAGE 8 NORTH COUNTRY Caritas Dinner Vatican to conduct review into McCarrick case I PAGE 13 CATHOLIC OCT. 10, 2018 Celebrating 'Every Life: Cherished, Chosen, Sent' WASHINGTON (CNS)-Each year the U.S. clergy sex abuse crisis and other ture of life as missionary disci­ ing love to cultures gripped by Catholic Church observes Octo­ assaults on human dignity, New ples, the cardinal said. oppression and death," says the ber as Respect Life Month, which York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan This year's theme draws on the reflection. "Like St. juan Diego, calls Catholics "to cherish, de­ said. story of Our Lady of Guadalupe let us embrace our daily mission fend and protect those who are As the church remembers Re­ and St. juan Diego. Mary ap­ to help others encounter God's most vulnerable, from the begin­ spect Life Sunday, "our hearts are peared to him as a pregnant in­ transforming, life-giving love." ning of life to its end, and at heavy with revelations of how digenous woman. She "sent him Cardinal Dolan said: "We are every point in between," said the those who should be most trust­ with miraculous flowers in his called and sent to be messengers chairman of the bishops' pro-life worthy have not only failed in cloak to tell the bishop to build a of God's love, treating one an­ committee. this regard but have inflicted im­ church where people could re­ other as cherished and chosen For this year's pro-life obser­ mense evil," he said. ceive her Son and her loving, ten­ by him. In doing so, we help vance "we become even more The theme for this year's Re­ der care. " build a culture that respects all aware of the need for messen­ spect Life Month is "Every Life: "By embracing the mission en­ human life. The body of Christ gers of God's love and instru­ Cherished, Chosen, Sent," which trusted to him, St. juan Diego needs you. The world needs ments of his healing" due to the highlights "our call to build a cul- helped bring Christ's transform- you." Diocese THE FURRY FAITHFUL BLUE releases MASS IRCP report In March, the Diocese of Ogdensburg launched the Independent Reconcilia­ tion and Compensation Program (IRCP), part of an on-going effort to express contrition to those who suffered sexual abuse by diocesan clergy and to help them find a sense of healing. Bishop LaValley instituted this IRCP, moti­ vated in part by the suc­ cessful IRCP programs undertaken by other dio­ ceses. Victims who partic­ ipated in those programs expressed gratitude for the opportunity to be The Blue Mass, held Sept.30 in Platts­ heard. burgh, included participation from local, This report outlines the state and federal lawenforcement and IRCP's progress and re­ corrections staff,and representatives views the lessons we Alyza Symonds, Yana Kucipak, Samuel Scout Ellis, Heidi Ellis and French Bulldog, Arthur Ellis, attentively listen to Mass at 51. from Canadian agencies. learned in the process. Alphonsus Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Tupper Lake. Father Douglas A. Decker invited parishioners to bring their pets for a blessing to FULL STORY, PAGE S FULL STORY, PAGE 3 mark the Feast of 51. Francis of Assisi. II NOR TH e 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 LI e DIOCESAN LIFE OCT. 10 , 2018 NORTH COUNTRY EDITOR'S NOTE CATHOLIC Box 326 Respecting life in all its stages Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669 USPS0039 -3400 As a relatively young, rela­ Though I was in a signifi­ midst who are homebound Life is beautiful and valu­ BISHOP TERRY tively healthy woman, I can't cant amount of pain, it or dealing with prolonged ill­ able in all its stages - from R.LAVALLEY say that I spent much time struck me that the physical nesses. While these people conception until natural Presid ent reflecting on the impact of pain was not the hardest part obviously retain the dignity death. REV.JOSEPH A. MORGAN prolonged illness or aging. of the experience. The pain afforded to them as humans As Catholics, it's important Vice President Then I got hurt. and isolation combined to made in the image and like­ that we show love and re­ JAMES D. CROWLEY As part of my ongoing re­ wreak havoc with my emo­ ness of a loving God, I know spect to life and those who Secretary- Trea surer covery, there was about a 20- tional and spiritual wellbe­ I don't do enough to show live it. DARCY l. FARGO day period in which I was ing. That's been the hard them that they are also val­ May we all remember those Editor & largely confined to my part. ued and loved. who need us to fi ght on their Communications Director couch. I could walk only with That experience caused me I hope to do better in the behalf and those who need Publish 45 is- assistance. I couldn't drive. to reflect on those in our future. our kindness. ® sues per year: ." Wee kl y except skipping eve ry other Synod to focus on youth, young adults week begin­ ning July This month, the General those who attend church. The Catholic Church must Ithrough Aug. and skipping Synod of the Bishops of the 'Father Bil~ Say~' This is an evangelizing chal­ become relevant to the one week in Dec. by the Di o- Catholic Church is meeting. tipastor220)gntail:7:"om lenge. In recent times, the needs of young people. I cese of Ogdensburg. Since the Second Vatican church has developed what have found that many young 622 Washington Street, Og­ , Council, this General Synod ,; •.fl.~ we call a new evangelization. people are sensitive to injus­ densburg, N.Y. 13669. of Bishops has been an im­ ,-.' Pope Francis speaks of this tice and inequality. There are Editorial Office: portant part of the Catholic .. new evangelization with his many places in the world 622 Was hington Street, Church. This year's Synod Fr. \\,illiam G. :\Iucnch stress on God's love, mercy where young people are Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669. will be the fifteenth meeting Bishops in Synod will make and compassion, and our poor, exploited and live in of the General Synod. Hun­ need to respond to that love area of conflict. There are Telephone: strong statements and rec­ (315) 608-7556 dreds of Bishops from ommendations as advisors by loving our brothers and several other concerns that around the world will be to Pope Francis. May this sisters. This must be part of capture their attention. A E-mail: meeting with Pope Francis at Synod produce real chal­ our message to young peo­ good example would be the news@northcountry the Vatican. lenges for us all, the church ple. environment. catholic.org I hope that you remember throughout the world. I be­ Many young people have One thing Father Reese the last two sessions of the lieve this is an important turned to evangelical and others have mentioned Entered at the Synod. Both focused on the Synod. churches. They have devel­ for the Synod's attention is Post Office: Ogdensburg, NY family. Both these meetings A great deal is being writ­ oped the joy of reading and the clerical sex abuse crisis 13669 and were titled, 'The Vocation ten these days concerning studying the Bible. Our in our church. This sex additional mailing offices as and Mission of the Family in the Synod. Today, I would church needs to learn to abuse crisis has become a Periodi cal Postage. the Church and in the Con­ like to review with you some make the Bible come alive worldwide concern, for temporary World." Pope ideals that I picked up from for young people. The Sec­ young people also. This, of Subscription: Francis summarized the dis­ an article written by Father ond Vatican Council encour­ course, deserves the atten­ For oney ear: cussions of these sessions. Thomas Reese, S.]. He wrote aged the church to be more tion of the entire church. In-Diocese Rate: $27 He publicized this in a book of hi s hopes for the Synod. scripturally based. Person­ The Synod needs to support Outside of DioceseRat e: $30 entitled, "Amoris Laetitia: On The Bishops will be coming ally, I am saddened when I the programs that are being Mattersfor publication Love in the Family." I found from all over the world. Yet, think of this. developed to solve this cri­ should be this to be a very powerful their concerns are very sim­ Why have we failed to lead sis - demands like zero tol­ addressed to message for our church. ilar. ordinary Catholics more into erance. The Synod must call PO Box 326 This book renewed the Many young people are the Bible. Why can't we get upon the Bishops to deal Ogden sburg, NY 13669 teaching of Jesus as to the leaving our Catholic Church, young people to love the well with these concerns in and should be received by family and the challenges of some even in their teens. Bible? their own dioceses. Thursday prior to being a Christian family in They are finding the Young people have Finally, I want to make it publicati on. Paper isprinted eac h the Catholic Church. Catholic Church irrelevant to demonstrated a strong de­ clear that I believe that our Monday; This year, the 15th General their lives, even rather bor­ sire for community. Religion Catholic Church has a mean­ dateline isW edn esday.
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