12_574345 bindex.qxd 12/13/04 10:14 PM Page 190 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurants indexes below. GENERAL INDEX The Aviary (Kuranda), 77 Avis car rentals, 47 A ARP, 40 Aboriginal culture, 71–72 Daintree National Park, 105 B ait Reef, 141, 143, 151, 154 Access America, 36 Bali Hai Island (Black Reef), 141, 143 Accommodations. See also Accommo- Barefoot Cruises, 145 dations Index Barolin Rocks, 171 choosing the right resort, 10–11 Barracuda, 58–60, 124 Adrenalin Dive, 125–127 Barracuda Pass, 96 Adrenalin Jet Ski Tours & Hire, 132 Barrier Reef Dive, Cruise & Travel, 125 Agincourt Reef, 96, 98, 100 Barron River, white-water rafting, 79 Air Canada, 43 Beaches Airfares, 43–45 Cairns, 57 Airlie Beach, 135, 148–150 Great Sandy National Park (Cooloola Airlines, 42–45 National Park), 184 Air New Zealand, 43 Port Douglas, 105–106 Air Whitsunday, 147 the Sunshine Coast, 183 A. J. Hackett Bungy, 78 Beaver Cay, 8, 115 American Express, 32, 48 Bedarra Island, 8, 112, 120–121 traveler’s checks, 33 Bed & Breakfast and Farmstay Associ- Aqua Soul Spa (Heron Island), ation of Far North Queensland, 26 166–167 Big Cat Green Island Reef Cruises, 70 Arlington Reef, 61 Big Pineapple (near Nambour), 185 Atlantic Clipper, 67 Bike ‘n’ Hike (Port Douglas), 106 ATMs (automated teller machines), Biking 31–32 Cairns, 78 ATS Tours, 42, 45 Port Douglas, 96, 106 Aussie Sea Kayak Company, 184 Bird-watching. See also Aviaries Australian Bureau of Meteorology, 26 Cairns and vicinity, 57, 60 Australian Butterfly Sanctuary cassowaries, 73, 77, 102, 104, (Kuranda), 77 113–115 Australian Embassy (Washington, Daintree National Park, 104 D.C.), 26 Birdworld (Kuranda), 77 Australian Tourist Commission Black marlin, 79 (ATC), 24 Black Reef (Bali Hai Island), 141, 143 AustralianCOPYRIGHTED Youth Hostels Blue Cross/Blue MATERIAL Shield, 37 Association, 41 Blue Pearl Bay, 140, 141 Australia Zoo (Beerwah), 185–186 Blue-ringed octopus, 20–21 Austravel, 41–42, 44 Boat trips and cruises Aviaries croc-spotting cruises, 103 near Cairns, 73 day trips to the Reef, 11, 13–15 Kuranda, 77 Bundaberg area, 170 Rainforest Habitat (Daintree National Cairns, 60–66 Park), 104 Dunk Island, 117–118 12_574345 bindex.qxd 12/13/04 10:14 PM Page 191 GENERAL INDEX 191 fly/cruise option, 14, 142–143 taxis, 58 Mission Beach, 115–116 transportation, 57–58 Port Douglas, 97–100 traveling to, 54–56 Townsville, 125 visitor information, 56–57 Whitsunday islands, 141–143, Cairns Dive Centre, 68 146 Cairns Online, 26 Great Sandy National Park, 184 Cairns Rainforest Dome, 72 Kuranda, 76–77 Cairns Tropical Zoo, 72–73 live-aboard excursions, 11 Cairns Underwater Camera Centre, 69 Bundaberg area, 171 Caloundra, 180, 183 Cairns, 66–67 Camping, Whitsunday islands, 156 Port Douglas, 100–101 Capricorn Reef Diving, 161 Townsville, 125–126 Captain Cook Cruises, 15 Whitsundays, 143–144 Car rentals, 47–48 multiday cruises, 15 Car travel, 46–48 Port Douglas, 96 Casinos, Cairns, 92 Books, recommended, 25 Cassowaries, 73, 77, 102, 104, 113–115 Boom-netting, 117, 162 Castle Rock, 96, 122 Box jellyfish (stingers), 9, 20, 96, Cathay Pacific, 43 115, 149 The Cathedrals, 96, 179 Bridge the World, 46 Central Queensland Coast and British Airways, 43 southern reef islands, 9–10, 34, BTS Tours, 103 157–174 Budget car rentals, 47 Champagne Pools, 179 Bundaberg, 10, 167–172 Children, families with Bungee jumping, 78 information and resources, 40 Bunker Group islands and reefs, 10, snorkel gear, 12 157, 162, 170–172 Cochrane artificial reef, 170, 171 Business hours, 48 Cod Hole, 8, 11, 59, 66, 67, 88, 101 Bus travel, 46 Collette Vacations, 42 Butterflies, 75, 77, 119 Columbus Direct, 36 Cone shells, 22 Consulates, 49 C airns, 53–92 Contact lenses, 12 accommodations, 79–90 Conway National Park, 148 average temperatures and rainfall, 34 Cooloola National Park (Great Sandy best time to visit, 33–34 National Park), 184–185 brief description of, 8 Coral, safety warnings, 23 car rentals, 57–58 Coral (coral polyps), 1 diving and snorkeling, 58–69 care needed with, 18 day-trip dive and snorkel boats, sex life of, 4 60–66 Coral Canyon, 172 island resorts, 67–68 Coral Sea, 59, 66, 67, 97, 124, 125 live-aboard excursions, 66–67 accommodations, 149 major reef sites, 58–60 Coral trout, 59, 147 schools and courses, 68–69 Creation Theatre (Smithfield), 71 useful dive-related businesses, 69 Credit cards, 32–33 exploring the islands, 69–71 Crocodiles, 22–23, 73, 96 Internet access, 56 Daintree River cruises, 103 nightlife, 92 freshwater, 73, 77, 104, 185 outdoor activities, 78–79 safety precautions, 72, 115 restaurants, 90–92 saltwater, 22–23, 104, 185, 186 sights and attractions, 71–79 12_574345 bindex.qxd 12/13/04 10:14 PM Page 192 192 INDEX Currency and currency exchange, The Entrance Bommie, 172 30–31 Entry requirements, 27–28 Customs regulations, 28–30 Environmental Management Charge (EMC), 14 Environmental Protection Agency, 26 D aintree Discovery Centre (Cow Expedia, 44–45 Bay), 102 Explorer Ventures, 66 Daintree National Park, 6, 93, 101–105 Extra Action Water Sports, 106 Dan Irby’s Mangrove Adventures, 103–104 Dan’s Mountain Biking, 78 F airfax Island, 172 Davis, Merrick, 183 Families with children Day trips to the Reef, 11, 13–15 information and resources, 40 Bundaberg area, 170 snorkel gear, 12 Cairns, 60–66 FantaSea Cruises, 140–143, 146, 153 Dunk Island, 117–118 Blue Ferries, 139 fly/cruise option, 14, 142–143 Far Northern Reefs, 59, 66, 67 Mission Beach, 115–116 Fine Feather Tours, 104 Port Douglas, 97–100 First aid, pressure, 22 Townsville, 125 Fishing Whitsunday islands, 141–143, 146 Cairns, 79 Deep Sea Divers Den, 64, 67–69 Port Douglas, 106 Department of Natural Resources, 46 Whitsunday islands, 147 Destination Cairns Marketing, 79 Fishing Port Douglas, 106 Disabilities, travelers with, 39 Fitzroy Island, 67–69 Dive Queensland, 24–25 exploring, 70–71 Divers’ Alert Network (DAN), 38 Flinders Reef, 124, 126 Diversion Dive Travel & Training, 25 Flotation devices, 18 Diversity, 100, 101 Food market, Port Douglas, 107 Diving and snorkeling. See Scuba 40-Mile Beach, 184 diving and snorkeling 4 Mile Beach, 105–106 Diving Dreams, 127 4WD rentals and safaris, 47, 57, 65, Downunder Direct, 42, 44 94, 101–103, 176, 177, 184 Down Under Dive, 64–65, 67, 68 Frankland Islands, 60 Drugstores, 48 Frankland Islands Cruise & Dive, 63 Dugongs (manatees), 60, 132 Fraser Island, 175–180 Dunk Island, 8, 112, 117–120 Fraser Island Great Walk, 178–179 Dunk Island Ferry & Cruises, 117 Fringe reef, 4 Dwarf minke whales, 5, 101 Dynamite Pass, 58 G asoline, 47 Gay and lesbian travelers, 39–40 E co tours and adventures Gladstone, 164–165 Fraser Island, 178–179 Golf Whitsunday islands, 147 Cairns, 79 Egg Rock, 161 Port Douglas, 106 Elderhostel, 40 Whitsunday Coast and Islands, Electricity, 48–49 147–148 Electronic Travel Authority (ETA), Goway, 42, 44–46 27–28 Great Adventures, 61–62, 70 Eli Creek, 178 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, 4 Embassies and consulates, 49 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Emergencies, 49 Authority, 25, 122, 128 12_574345 bindex.qxd 12/13/04 10:14 PM Page 193 GENERAL INDEX 193 Great Barrier Reef Visitors Bureau, 25 Indian Head, 179 Great Keppel Island, 9, 158–164 Insurance, 36–39 Great Sandy National Park (Cooloola Inta-Aussie South Pacific, 46 National Park), 184–185 International Gay & Lesbian Travel Green Island, 8, 60, 62, 66, 67, 69 Association (IGLTA), 39–40 accommodations, 87–88 International Rail, 45 exploring, 69–70 International Student Identity Card Green turtles, 58–60, 128, 152, (ISIC), 40 168–169, 173 International Youth Travel Card Greyhound Pioneer Australia, 46 (IYTC), 41 Internet access, 49 Cairns, 56 H 20 Sportz (Hamilton Island), 154 Island Camping Connections, 156 Hamilton Island Aviation, 143, 147 Island resorts Hammerhead sharks, 22, 60, 141 Cairns, 67–68 Handicrafts and fresh food market off Cairns, 10, 87–90 (Port Douglas), 107 off Mission Beach, 116 Hardy Reef, 141–142 off Townsville, 126 Harry’s Bommie, 97 Whitsunday islands, 144, 150–156 Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures (near Cairns), 73 Hastings Reef, 58, 60, 67 J et-skiing, Magnetic Island, 132 Hawksbill turtles, 5, 97 Health concerns, 35 Health insurance, 36–38 K angaroos, 73, 104, 185 Heart Reef, 143 Kayaking Helicopter and seaplane flights, 14 Dunk Island, 118 Port Douglas, 99 Fitzroy Island, 70–71 Whitsunday islands, 147 Great Sandy National Park, 184 Heritage & Interpretive Tours, 102–103 Mission Beach, 117 Heron Island, 9, 157, 164, 165–167 the Sunshine Coast, 184 Hertz car rentals, 48 Whitsunday islands, 146 Hervey Bay Tourism Bureau, 178 Keppel Island Dive Centre, 162 High travel season, 33–34 Keppel Reef Scuba Adventures, 162 Hiking and walking. See also Keppel Tourist Services, 162 Rainforests Koalas, 104, 185 Fraser Island, 178–179 Cairns, 72, 73 Mission Beach, 117 Kuranda, 77 Noosa National Park, 184 Noosa National Park, 184 Whitsundays, 148 Kookaburras, 72, 133 Hoffman’s Rocks, 171 KuKu-Yalanji Dreamtime Tours, 105 Holidays, 34 Kuranda, 8, 74–78 Horseback riding, Port Douglas, 106 Kuranda Arts Co-Operative, 76 Hoskyn Island, 172 Kuranda Koala Gardens, 77 Hostelling International, 41 Kuranda Riverboat Tours, 76–77 Hotel Sofitel Reef Casino (Cairns), 92 Kuranda Scenic Railway, 76 Humpback whales, 5, 134, 153, 157, 166, 179 L ady Elliot Island, 10, 167, 170, 173–174 I AHD (International Association Lady Musgrave (catamaran), 170 for Handicapped Divers), 39 Lady Musgrave Barrier Reef Cruises, The Inbox Café (Cairns), 56 170 12_574345 bindex.qxd 12/13/04 10:14 PM Page 194 194 INDEX Lady Musgrave Island, 157, 167, 170, Mission Beach, 8, 112–121
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