Protocol JUNIOR GRAND PRIX OF FIGURE SKATING 2019 / 2020 August 28 – 31, 2019 – Lake Placid NY / USA Protocol of the ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating 2019 / 2020 Lake Placid organized by U.S. Figure Skating with the authorization of the International Skating Union held in Lake Placid, NY / USA August 28 – 31, 2019 The events of the ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating Lake Placid NY / USA took place at the “1980 Rink – Herb Brooks Arena” an artificial and heated indoor ice surface. JUNIOR GRAND PRIX OF FIGURE SKATING 2019 / 2020 August 28 – 31, 2019 – Lake Placid NY / USA International Skating Union (ISU) Council President: Jan Dijkema Netherlands 1st Vice President Figure Skating: Alexander Lakernik Russia 2nd Vice President Speed Skating: Tron Espeli Norway Members Figure Skating: Patricia St. Peter U.S.A. Tatsuro Matsumura Japan Maria Teresa Samaranch Spain Marie Lundmark Finland Benoit Lavoie Canada Speed Skating: Stoytcho G. Stoytchev Bulgaria Sergio Anesi Italy Yang Yang China Jae Youl Kim Republic of Korea Roland Etienne Maillard Switzerland Director General: Fredi Schmid Switzerland Treasurer: Ulrich Linder Switzerland Legal Advisors: Michael Geistlinger Austria Béatrice Pfister Switzerland Figure Skating Sports Director: Charles Z. Cyr U.S.A. Speed Skating Sports Director: Hugo Herrnhof Italy Technical Committees Single & Pair Skating Chairperson: Fabio Bianchetti Italy Members: Yukiko Okabe Japan Rita Zonnekeyn Belgium Leena Laaksonen Finland Susan Lynch Australia Appointed Skater: Fedor Klimov Russia Appointed Coach: Patrick Meier Switzerland Ice Dance Chairperson: Halina Gordon-Poltorak Poland Members: Shawn Rettstatt U.S.A. Hilary Selby Great Britain György Elek Hungary Appointed Skater: Alper Ucar Turkey Appointed Coach: Maurizio Margaglio Italy Synchronized Skating Chairperson: Philippe Maitrot France Members: Petra Tyrbo Sweden Lois Long U.S.A. Uliana Chirkova Russia Appointed Skater: Roberta Giuliani Italy Appointed Coach: Cathy Dalton Canada JUNIOR GRAND PRIX OF FIGURE SKATING 2019 / 2020 August 28 – 31, 2019 – Lake Placid NY / USA Time Schedule Wednesday, 10:00 Team Leader Meeting August 28, 2019 11:00 Medical Meeting 16:30 Referees & Technical Controllers Meeting 17:30 Judges Draw & Meeting Thursday, 15:00 JUNIOR MEN – Short Program August 29, 2019 18:20 JUNIOR PAIRS – Short Program Friday, 11:00 JUNIOR ICE DANCE – Rhythm Dance August 30, 2019 13:30 JUNIOR LADIES – Short Program 18:30 JUNIOR MEN – Free Skating Victory Ceremony – Junior Men Saturday, 10:00 JUNIOR ICE DANCE – Free Dance August 31, 2019 12:40 JUNIOR PAIRS – Free Skating 14:50 JUNIOR LADIES – Free Skating Victory Ceremonies – Junior Ladies Junior Ice Dance Junior Pairs JUNIOR GRAND PRIX OF FIGURE SKATING 2019 / 2020 August 28 – 31, 2019 – Lake Placid NY / USA ,68(YHQW2IILFLDOV ,68(YHQW&RRUGLQDWRU 0U :LHODQG/h'(56 ,68(YHQW&RRUGLQDWRU$VVLVWDQW 0U +LURKLNR6$62 0(1 5HIHUHH 0V /LVH5RVWR-(16(1 7HFKQLFDO&RQWUROOHU 0V $QMD5,67 7HFKQLFDO6SHFLDOLVW 0U &RUH\687+(5/$1' $VVLVWDQW7HFKQLFDO6SHFLDOLVW 0U 0DNRWR2.$=$., 'DWD2SHUDWRU 0V 6XQQD%M|UN02*(16(1 5HSOD\2SHUDWRU 0U (OOLRWW6&+:$57= /$',(6 5HIHUHH 0U (GG\:8 7HFKQLFDO&RQWUROOHU 0V &KLKHH5+(( 7HFKQLFDO6SHFLDOLVW 0U 'DYLG6$17(( $VVLVWDQW7HFKQLFDO6SHFLDOLVW 0V 1DWDOLD32120$5(9$ 'DWD2SHUDWRU 0U (OOLRWW6&+:$57= 5HSOD\2SHUDWRU 0V 6XQQD%M|UN02*(16(1 3$,56 5HIHUHH 0U 5RJHU*/(11 7HFKQLFDO&RQWUROOHU 0V 6XVDQ/<1&+ 7HFKQLFDO6SHFLDOLVW 0V 9HURQLTXH)/(85< $VVLVWDQW7HFKQLFDO6SHFLDOLVW 0V /DXUHQH&2//,1.12%/$8&+ 'DWD2SHUDWRU 0U (OOLRWW6&+:$57= 5HSOD\2SHUDWRU 0V 6XQQD%M|UN02*(16(1 ,&('$1&( 5HIHUHH 0V -DQHW&2721 7HFKQLFDO&RQWUROOHU 0U 'DYLG02/,1$ 7HFKQLFDO6SHFLDOLVW 0V .ULVWLQ)5$6(5/8.$1,1 $VVLVWDQW7HFKQLFDO6SHFLDOLVW 0V /DXUHQ6(1)7 'DWD2SHUDWRU 0V 6XQQD%M|UN02*(16(1 5HSOD\2SHUDWRU 0U (OOLRWW6&+:$57= JUNIOR GRAND PRIX OF FIGURE SKATING 2019 / 2020 August 28 – 31, 2019 – Lake Placid NY / USA ISU JGP Lake Placid 2019 Participating ISU Members and Entries Member Junior Men Junior Ladies Junior Pairs Junior Ice Dance Total Argentina ARG 0 1 0 0 1 Australia AUS 1 1 0 0 2 Azerbaijan AZE 0 1 0 0 1 Bulgaria BUL 0 1 0 0 1 Canada CAN 2 1 2 2 11 China CHN 0 0 2 0 4 Chinese Taipei TPE 1 1 0 0 2 Croatia CRO 0 1 0 0 1 Czech Republic CZE 1 0 0 1 3 France FRA 0 0 1 1 4 Great Britain GBR 0 1 0 1 3 Hong Kong / China HKG 1 1 0 0 2 Hungary HUN 0 1 0 1 3 Iceland ISL 0 1 0 0 1 India IND 1 1 0 1 4 Indonesia INA 1 1 0 0 2 Israel ISR 1 1 0 1 4 Italy ITA 0 1 0 1 3 Japan JPN 1 2 0 1 5 Malaysia MAS 1 1 0 0 2 Mexico MEX 0 1 0 0 1 New Zealand NZL 1 1 0 0 2 Peru PER 0 1 0 0 1 Philippines PHI 0 1 0 0 1 Republic of Korea KOR 1 2 0 0 3 Russia RUS 2 2 3 1 12 Singapore SGP 1 1 0 0 2 Sweden SWE 1 1 0 0 2 Switzerland SUI 0 1 0 0 1 Thailand THA 0 1 0 0 1 Ukraine UKR 1 0 0 0 1 United States of America USA 3 3 2 3 16 21 33 10 14 102 Nations 32 17 28 5 11 26.08.2019 17:05:02 JUNIOR GRAND PRIX OF FIGURE SKATING 2019 / 2020 August 28 – 31, 2019 – Lake Placid NY / USA ORGANIZING COMMITTEE U.S. Figure Skating Anne Cammett, President David Raith, Executive Director Bob Dunlop, Sr. Director of Events Kevin Leonardo, Director, Events Mia Corsini, Director, Events Megan Romeo, Coordinator, Competitions Jaimie Zimmerman, Coordinator, Event Services Michael Terry, Director, Communications Haley Maxwell, Coordinator, Digital Media and Fan Engagement OlympiC Regional Development Authority Jeff Potter Mary Elizabeth Wightman Jenna Lute Matt Yaniro Nick Zachara JUNIOR GRAND PRIX OF FIGURE SKATING 2019 / 2020 Page 1 / 1 / 1 Page Withdrawn WD Program Short SP Skating Free August 28 – 31, 2019 – Lake Placid NY / USA FS Legend: printed: 30.08.2019 9:35 PM 9:35 30.08.2019 printed: Referee Technical Controller Technical Ms. Lise Rosto JENSEN, ISU JENSEN, Rosto Lise Ms. Ms. Anja RIST, ISU RIST, Anja Ms. Vansh BHATIA Vansh IND Withdrawn 20 Muhammad Dwi Rizqy APOLIANTO Rizqy Dwi Muhammad 20 N 78 020 20 87.83 INA 19 Ze Zeng FANG Zeng Ze 19 A 20 919 19 92.04 MAS 18 Pagiel Yie Ken SNG Ken Yie Pagiel 18 G 2.21 17 18 120.22 SGP 17 Heung Lai ZHAO Lai Heung 17 K 2.31 18 16 121.93 HKG 16 Harrison BAIN Harrison 16 Z 2.51 16 17 124.45 NZL 15 Casper JOHANSSON Casper 15 W 3.11 14 15 130.01 SWE 14 Mykhailo RUDKOVSKYI Mykhailo 14 K 3.91 15 14 131.89 UKR 13 Nikita KOVALENKO Nikita 13 S 4.81 13 13 141.98 ISR 12 Darian KAPTICH Darian 12 U 4.41 12 11 145.74 AUS 11 Fang-Yi LIN Fang-Yi 11 P 4.61 11 12 148.46 TPE 10 Matvei VETLUGIN Matvei 10 U 7.997 9 176.09 RUS 9 Beres CLEMENTS Beres 9 A 7.7710 7 176.77 CAN 8 Jaeseok KYEONG Jaeseok 8 O 7.689 8 176.86 KOR 7 Joseph KLEIN Joseph 7 S 8.848 4 182.88 USA 6 Matyas BELOHRADSKY Matyas 6 Z 8.11 4 10 184.01 CZE 5 Ryan DUNK Ryan 5 S 8.966 6 188.39 USA 4 Ilia MALININ Ilia 4 S 0.233 3 201.72 USA 3 Gleb LUTFULLIN Gleb 3 U 0.052 5 203.50 RUS 2 Stephen GOGOLEV Stephen 2 A 0.025 2 203.70 CAN 1 Shun SATO Shun 1 P 1.211 1 217.12 JPN Score PFS SP Nation l Name Pl. Total JUNIOR MEN JUNIOR RESULTS ISU JGP Lake Placid 2019 Placid Lake JGP ISU JUNIOR GRAND PRIX OF FIGURE SKATING 2019 / 2020 Page 1 / 1 / 1 Page Withdrawn August 28 – 31, 2019 – Lake Placid NY / USA WD Legend: printed: 29.08.2019 5:43 PM 5:43 29.08.2019 printed: Referee Technical Controller Technical Ms. Lise Rosto JENSEN, ISU JENSEN, Rosto Lise Ms. Ms. Anja RIST, ISU RIST, Anja Ms. Vansh BHATIA Vansh WD IND Withdrawn 20 Muhammad Dwi Rizqy APOLIANTO Rizqy Dwi Muhammad 20 29.29 INA 19 Ze Zeng FANG Zeng Ze 19 31.17 MAS 18 Pagiel Yie Ken SNG Ken Yie Pagiel 18 39.68 SGP 17 Harrison BAIN Harrison 17 40.23 NZL 16 Heung Lai ZHAO Lai Heung 16 43.31 HKG 15 Casper JOHANSSON Casper 15 43.63 SWE 14 Mykhailo RUDKOVSKYI Mykhailo 14 46.39 UKR 13 Nikita KOVALENKO Nikita 13 51.95 ISR 12 Fang-Yi LIN Fang-Yi 12 52.78 TPE 11 Darian KAPTICH Darian 11 55.22 AUS 10 Matyas BELOHRADSKY Matyas 10 55.49 CZE 9 Matvei VETLUGIN Matvei 9 57.25 RUS 8 Jaeseok KYEONG Jaeseok 8 61.14 KOR 7 Beres CLEMENTS Beres 7 63.38 CAN 6 Ryan DUNK Ryan 6 63.89 USA 5 Gleb LUTFULLIN Gleb 5 66.27 RUS 4 Joseph KLEIN Joseph 4 66.52 USA 3 Ilia MALININ Ilia 3 71.34 USA 2 Stephen GOGOLEV Stephen 2 78.85 CAN 1 Shun SATO Shun 1 79.19 JPN Score Nation l Name Pl. Total Segment Total JUNIOR MEN SHORT PROGRAM SHORT MEN JUNIOR RESULTS ISU JGP Lake Placid 2019 Placid Lake JGP ISU JUNIOR GRAND PRIX OF FIGURE SKATING 2019 / 2020 Page 1 / 1 / 1 Page August 28 – 31, 2019 – Lake Placid NY / USA ISU SCHWARTZ Elliot Mr. Operator Replay ISU MOGENSEN Bjork Sunna Ms. Operator Data Data/Replay Operator Data/Replay RUS BABENKO Sviatoslav Mr.
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